Hamill was tricked by Disney:

Hamill was tricked by Disney:

Hamill will only be appearing as a short force ghost cameo in Episode 9:

>JJ Abrams calling anyone who did not like the Last Jedi to be sexist racists:

>JJ Abrams saying the Last Jedi complaints will not affect Episode 9. He also praised Episode 8's script saying he wishes he had directed it therefore he is following in Rian Johnson's vision:


>Oscar Isaac stating that Episode 9 is very improvised. JJ has given the actors their own decisions on how they want scenes to progress and he doesn't care about pleasing the fans and just wants to make a "fun" movie that isn't stressful with the lore:


Attached: Episode_IX_announcement_logo.png (421x236, 38K)

Why are you getting mad user? Just don't watch the movie. There's plenty of other films and television shows you can spend your energy enjoying or hating. Star Wars doesn't matter.

Thank god they're doubling down on their retarded agenda.

I hope the franchise finally dies.

No one cares about what the white old dude has to say.

>we now resume our regularly scheduled program: daily Star Wars Hate

Has a company ever killed a billion dollar golden goose quicker than Lucasfilm? It's remarkable.

I'm starting to think the Disney shills are the ones creating the outrage about muh politics on either end of the spectrum.

I don't care

Fuck off Brie Larson.

kill yourself pol cuck

Attached: REEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg (365x502, 14K)

Murder yourself and spare the gene pool.

>not the first post from this IP

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>kill yourself pol cuck
But I'm the one who wishes Finn was the Jedi...

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I hope it subverts more expectations. I want Rey to beat everybody easily and the movie just ends with her leaving to go find a worthy challenge.

They turned Finn into a joke and a janitor. How anyone on the left can defend that blows my mind.

No one is defending it. They are laughing at Finn.

Have sex.

Are you hosting?

>doubling down


neck yourself /pol/ jannie cuck

The prequels dug the grave and the sequels are the bullet to the brain. Star Wars is dead, all we can do is lay it to rest and move on.

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>just eat the shit that's given to you goyim

For me, TLJ was the iceberg that sunk this ship. Now all that's left to do is dive into torrents to see the wreckage.

I haven't seen any leftist who does, the ones who wake up from their megacorp induced stupor usually start bitching about he's a black guy who gets the shit beaten out of him on a regular basis by the 'good' guys for no reason until the mouse puts them back into their happy place

For me, TLJ was the iceberg that sunk this ship. Now they will be expecting one of us in the wreckage, brother.


>Titanic was sunk by an iceberg
/pol/ was right

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KYS /pol/

They're not wasting their time waiting in line or seeing star wars movies, so they actually might.

The fire rises.

Did that poster's brain just snap?

Fuck Jews and fuck trannies

Every time.

They're both disgusting, why would you do that?

I think they just realized how bad it really is.