Who will play xer in the inevitable biopic?

who will play xer in the inevitable biopic?

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Where did it all go so wrong

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The moment we let gays get married, parade around the streets, and force the bible out of schools while letting gays simultaneously implement their propaganda in.

I voted in favor of gay marriage but I've gotta admit that the conservatives were right when they said it was a slippery slope.

WW2 was the event that ruined all of mankind

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>online drag club for kids


Someone should start a trans dating service but they get catfished by death squad bent on purging this degeneracy

>force the bible out of schools
that had to happen eventually the problem was not replacing it with good moral values that prevent degeneracy.

It's only going to get worse, "if you wouldn't date a trans person then you're transphobic, you're the same as being sexist or racist!" Does any of that sound familiar? I heard that more times than I can count and they weren't being funny or ironic.

I remember when they said "No one is going to force you to be gay just because we let them get married." Boy were we wrong.

>i voted in favor of gay marriage
You really went and fucked it up big time user

This is seriously why all lefties need to be round up


not murrican, when was that?

I've been trying to pinpoint the moment. I think the main cause is regular people's accessibility to the Internet, especially by means of smart phone. So mid 2000's?

hes retarded. There was never a national "vote" for gay marriage, rather it was left to the states. Then niggerbama came into office and made it federally illegal for you not to allow fags to marry

I don't believe so, it wasn't until Obama won in 2012 that things went extremely fast down the hill. Even the race baiting bullshit and BLM wasn't a thing by that point.

stop being so intolerant, bigot

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Brazilian here. I have seen once a GAY man being the target of an angry mob of lefties because he refused to have sex with a FtM transexual on a dating app. He replied with a "sorry but I like dicks" and the delusional dyke posted it on social media, and then the mad harpies went after him calling him transphobic. The "progressives" were mad because a gay man refused to shove his dick into a vagina.

Shit is really out of control. But I am a 25yo kissless virgin, so whatever. All that shit is not my fucking problem. They are as distant as the ghost threat of DST's or unwanted fatherhood.

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Roughly in the 1950s. That's when intellectuals started writing books about the destruction of the family and accurately predicting social trends up to today.
They started to notice that even the nuclear family was kind of too small a unit to maintain social cohesion on, since humans rely on strong, hard-to-break connections with each other and an attachment to their immediate community to function. Basically, they need a tribe.

When even the nuclear family started breaking up, society was fucked, it was only a matter of time.

Notice how the elites have avoided all of this, by the way. They still get married more than anybody else and maintain strong ties to their families and blood-related people. None more so than the jews, famously overrepresented in pretty much every prestigious institution as a result. Family matters.

Sadly, the masses have bought the lie that marriage is for suckers (though again, conspicuously, it's the rich who are still marrying and doing well, while the poor marry less and do worse), or that it's some evil oppressive patriarchy/religion/whatever-bullshit to be avoided.
Just up and bail on your family, bro. Move to a city on the other side of the country for a higher-paying job. Live as a lonely individual in a sea of lonely individuals, a life so hollow and pointless you can't even find excuses not to kill yourself so you're forced to dull reality with alcohol and drugs.

I always wonder, what happened to BLM? They sort of disappeared after 2016.

60s/70s - It's all because of the hippies and their children

wa here, i did the same along with legalizing weed. it was all a big mistake. the faggotry tripled since then and only getting worse. nuke seattle.

despite what leftyfags from discord will spam on this site, Trumps approval has only gained, even among blacks. That Jussie Swollet or whatever case pretty much sealed the deal in a last ditch effort to try and rile up blacks.

Just let gays marry they said
It's totally normal they said

The gays took my August Ames away. I can never forgive them for that.

Jaron Jennings, a stunning and brave woman (Male)

Full Faith & Credit invalidates any attempt at making it a States' Issue. It inevitably would require a SCOTUS decision.

Yeah same pretty much. I became a "homophobe" and a "racist" "sexist" etc. These are nu-words though to make us kill ourselves.

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>I voted in favor of gay marriage
Kill yourself

Neither can I

>started seeing hints of this shit years and years ago
>tried talking about it, warning people
>"muh slippery slope"
>"fuck off back to /pol/, it'll never happen retard"
I don't take any pleasure in being right.
I can only hope that something truly horrible happens to this world so it'll stop.

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Marriage itself isn't normal.
The entire marital system should have been done away with 30 years ago.

Kill yourself

This. I remember being ridiculed on Yea Forums for even mentioning this stuff.

There are five conservatives on the supreme court. The supreme court made gay marriage the law of the land. So it was actually a conservative who gave you gay marriage.

>Touchdown! Do I need to go for the extra point?

Comedy is basically redundant at best in today's world.

>dating site
>online club
even the headline and sub title can't be consistent. what site is this?
Oh it's an outrage factory. He's actually starting a forum for kids to play dressup. He's not gay or transgender.

>"Desmond is the founder of the first ever drag house exclusively for youth, called the Haus of Amazing. His goal is to bring young drag kids, bio queens, drag kings, and anyone else who loves drag together in a safe, positive, worldwide online community. As the community grows, there are opportunities for potential meet-ups and events. Because the drag house is restricted to members age twenty and younger, members can communicate freely and candidly with their peers without the often judgmental interference of adults."



It will be as much of a dating site as Yea Forums is.

>inb4 people get mad I actually looked shit up instead of just seeing a picture and being mad like an NPC.

Dis nigga gets it

Huxley was right.

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Its kinda like the global warming thing.
Once upon a time, even mentioning it would get you laughed at and ridiculed from every corner of the internet.
Now, however, they've renamed it 'climate change', and you're mocked and shit on for not believing.
I want to punch all of them in the fucking throat. Its eternally frustrating.

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>He's not gay or transgender.
If you want pepes, just ask nicely.

Wow Brazil has incels? Why don’t you just go to one of the poorer areas and get hot brazil girls who wanna bang anyone richer than them

I'll take the gays over the Christians. No change in the amount of children being raped and gays wont force their gayness on me like Christian's would.

Do you actually move in groups where you cant be sexist or racist?

How does this affect me as a straight man that doesn't use social media or dating apps?

We were never going to make it user.

this is so bizarrely stupid and open to exploitation it'll never actually happen

>No change in the amount of children being raped and gays wont force their gayness on me like Christian's would.
You keep telling yourself that. Have you dated a trans yet? Transphobe. How do you know you aren't gay? Homophobe.

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>how do you know God isn't real!
None of that affects me. I dont interact with spastics IRL and I just laugh at that nonsense on Yea Forums.

What did Joseph Goebbels say to his five children right before killing them?

"Hurry Children, Goebbel down these pills!'


If you're ever in a situation where you want to troll transgenders but have to be PC about it, this is some 4d level trolling from the famous Norm McDonald. Pure gold.

No it really doesn't.

well wild animals belong in national geographic i guess

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Mental illness.

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Monkey here too I would enlist me in a militia just to exterminate these subhumans

Fuck this gay earth

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There are 5 NOW with Kavanaugh recently, the decision was 5-4 moron.

>its basically like Yea Forums for trans kids

how fucking retarded are you jesus

The correct pronoun is XIM not XER.

>Dad doing the soi face

That's his lover.

im sorry but I dont want some mentally ill faggots telling my 6 year old that he can be the opposite sex if he feels liek it

Jacob Tremblay

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Your mum

Based and redpilled.


When the South lost the war

>no actual women on the front page

It hasn't yet, but it will. You do realize that this sort of nonsense affects the society around you, which in turn will affect you also, right? Or are you really going to stick your head in the sand and pretend it won't?

Maybe dont have faggot children and also be a real parent. I'll be telling my kids that trannies are sub human and to hide their power levels.

They would have been killed anyway by the shabos goyim and their (((humanity))) masters.