Cast him. And would a movie like Berserk ever work?
Cast him. And would a movie like Berserk ever work?
The Rock.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Jason Momoa
1. Not saying that he wouldn't look good, it just doesn't fit. Like casting Nathalie Emmanuel as Lois Lane.
I unironically support this choice.
I think you would need some idea of how a story can viably conclude before thinking of making a movie work. And not even the author has it right now 2bh
>not just making the movie a one off that is a journey in the grand scheme of things that fits in
Also fucking cute and spot on with that choice for Caska.
I don't know what this means.
If he was 40 years younger
Dwayne Johnson would be perfect as Zodd.
Idris Elba
I fucking hate anime but you guys are hyping this shit up a lot
I understand I need to read the manga but is it really that good? Does it have a lot of the shitty typical anime moments in it?
Nah, he's to expressive and wholesome-looking. You'll need to cast some old wrestler or someone who looks dead-eyed and barely human
Nah man it's not worth it. By all means just keep watching silly made up stories that are NOT drawn and made in Japan
>typical anime moments
None at all. It's in many ways the anti-anime in that it doesn't feel like it's being conveyed as one.
I think there's 2 ways to do it. Either tone back the over the top nature like the absurd size of his sword and try and create a gritty and grounded fantasy film focusing on the band of the hawk stuff and the relationship between Guts and Griffith.
OR, you embrace the ridiculous nature of it and shoot it like Riki-Oh, where reality is completely abandoned in favour of absurd gory spectacle.
As for who plays Guts, I feel all the best candidates are just a bit too old now.
>I understand I need to read the manga but is it really that good?
The Golden age arc is. The rest of the time you have to put up with some gay ass elf making Star Wars references and stupid faces
The reason I say this is because every suggested anime, every google I've literally typed in "most western anime" has resulted in fucking shit
Hey, Puck ain't bad.
Well, you've got the multichapter battles that seem endless. What do you specifically dislike about anime? Telling you wether you'd like it would be easier knowing that
It's basically the archetypal Dark Fantasy series, it codifies the genre. It borrows heavily from western series like Conan, the Godhand are all named after old classic sci-fi novels. The author is a reverse weeb, he's a westaboo.
It takes a bit of a dive after they get on the boat though because the author is old and he's pretty much already worked through all the issues he had when he was younger. Plus his eyes are going and he started to use digital art instead of doing it all with pen and ink like he used to.
But the multichapter battles are fucking cool and awesome and well done.
Berserk is like a handful of other animes like Legend of the Galactic Heroes where a huge chunk of the audience aren't anime fans. I got my 50 year old father who has never watched an anime in his life into the 90s show, after the cliffhanger he ended up reading the fucking manga. Definitely isn't a typical anime tropes story.
I swear to God nuPuck and the jRPG witch have managed to ruin this series for me
Some are; some are just the author haggling for time and just get in the way of proper pacing, like the rapist monkey apostle just before the Eclipse
I think Miura actually doesn't want to continue to series, but feels obligated to. The other stuff he's been publishing on the side (like Gigantomachia) is fucking fantastic.
Skip all anime until your current with the manga. Disregard everything that isn’t the 97 run
Dude how funny would it be to see black Gutz get cucked by whiteboi Caska/Femto?
Can we all just admit that white bois cannot play Guts? We clearly need a giant black bull to portray Guts' imposing stature and big dick energy.
Chances are that he has no idea to advance the plot with things like how Guts will defeat Griffith or how the neo band of the hawk can stand a chance against berserk armor Guts
>Gets cucked by a white man
>Doesn't even fit the jew interracial garbage because Casca is a darkie
Imagine all the nig butthurt.
Berserk is fantastic for about 150 chapters. The last good arc is Tower of Conviction. Then the whole thing collapses into shonenshit with lolis and digital art
The Yea Forums shitposting would be legendary.
So like every other Manga ever made then?
Guts is the one who cucked Griffith first, considering that Casca was in love with Grif but gave up the pusy to him. It's not like Griffith ever gave half a fuck about Casca in the first place.
>Implying Griffith would't also be black
How Guts is going to kill Griffith is already heavily foreshadowed though. People who are branded are on the interstice are halfway between the physical and ideal realms, in the Ideal realm, recognition defines reality. Literally Clap your Hands if you Believe. Guts is super humanly strong because he and the people around him believe he is.
The hard part is getting Guts from the Island, which took TEN FUCKING YEARS OF PUBLICATION TO GET TO, to Midland, and trigger the conflict.
By his own admission, most of what people considered great continuity and buildup (like the evil fetus and so forth) was serendipity and general shonen improvisation. Obviously he has no clue on how to finish the story now and he's just stalling
>It's not like Griffith ever gave half a fuck about Casca in the first place
that always amuses me, Griffith is her oneitis and he literally makes her get naked and sleep on top of guts
Derek Theler
Tell me how good my choice is
If I had an extra hundred pounds of muscle plus acting lessons and hair gel, I’d be perfect. My face is remarkably similar to Guts’.
I'm 6'6 so no, he ain't a good choice.
Not talking width here son
He does (did) care about people, but not in the way a normal person cares about another one -like Guts and Casca learn to care about each other-. Griffith "collected" people and did care about their well-being; he just acknowledged (correctly) that he was a superior sort of person
Guts is 6'3
show it
>Casca has had her mind back for over 1 year and she still hasn't talked to Guts yet
>hard cut to Rickerts middle eastern adventures next chapter
>no new Guts content until 2021
I’m too shy
Worst thing is we dont even have the artwork to look forward to anymore since everything looks like shit after Miura went digital
Here's your Griffith bro
>wholesome looking
Do you mean he looks like a faggot you fucking faggot?
Nah bro HERES your Griffith
Bjorn Andresen is a qt
>You'll need to cast some old wrestler
You mean like the Rock?
I think he means the rock looks like a nice guy because he’s a nice guy in real life, and would be miscast as zodd. Also his face looks nothing like the drawings.
Berserk movie series or tv series would never work. The actors would age and characters like Shierke would become adults. Guts is only like 23.
Nah, your mom looks like Hulk Hogan and wouldnt fit either. It's a subtle window
It could definitely work. I would have said Del Toro would have been the perfect guy for it, but he's probably too "big" for it, after Shape of Water.
The third movie is pretty good too.
The show is the perfect ad for the anime. I don't know of a single person (myself included) who hasn't made it to the end, and then immediately marathoned the manga.
*ad for the manga
Skip the manga because it's extremely overrated. Watch the 1997 anime because it adapted the only good Berserk arc and the 90s art style and soundtrack are pure kino
>only good Berserk arc
You're a silly guy. Lost Children, Conviction, Hill of Swords, troll village, and Griffith vs Ganishka are all great.
I ask myself if you are a massive cuck subhuman or a massive cuck subhuman
>Shitpost xD
Golden Age > Lost Children/Conviction > Black Swordsman > Qlippoth and Escape From Vritannis > Nu-Band of the Hawk > Everything else in the Millenium Falcon arc > Guts and Friends Wacky Ship Adventures > Guts and Friends Wacky Kawaii Elf Island Adventures
I think a Berserk film trilogy might work. First film would be Black Swordsman and Lost Children combined, along with some Golden Age flashbacks. Second would be the rest of Golden Age. Third would be Tower of Conviction. It’d end with Griffith being reborn. I’d also cut Isidro.
Guts is not the one hardest to cast, Griffith is.
You’re right, forgot about those. I was only thinking the new(awful) run. Movies are p good for a different flavor then the 97
A film trology yes, but out of order shot in the style of a Western
>Lost Children first, Guts goes essentially unnamed until the end, starts as an enigma, ends as an enigma riding into the sunset (sunrise, actually)
>Second is Golden Age, revealing who he is, ending in the Eclipse
>Third is a revised Black Swordsman, which irons out all the plot holes caused by the fact Miura was making it up as he went, ends with a confrontation with Griffith while also being a relatively satisfactory ending to a trilogy
The problem with ending on Conviction is you're ending the trilogy with multiple massive cliffhangers. Not just Griffith, but the Kusharn invasion and Ganeshka.
I’d cut the Kushan from the trilogy, obviously. I think Guts seeing his greatest enemy reborn, but choosing to instead protect Casca, is a satisfying enough ending, and Tower of Conviction is pretty much the “climax” of that part of Berserk anyway (all the major players coming together, the rebirth being a “second eclipse” of sorts as the Skull Knight said). It wouldn’t make sense for Guts to be able to stand toe to toe with Griffith at the end of a revised Black Swordsman arc, unless you plan on giving him the Berserker Armor early and making it OP enough to fight a member of the Godhand.
No I meant going with the exact ending of Black Swordsman. He doesn't got toe to toe with anyone, he get basically ignored, and tries, in his own way, to give the little girl a chance to survive.
The thing is in Black Swordsman we’re seeing Guts at his edgiest and most hopeless. He actually develops as a character from that to Lost Children, as exemplified by the speech he gives Rosine at the end. I think ending a trilogy with him encountering Griffith, not being able to do anything, and leaving the castle after killing a random demon would be akin to ending the Lord of the Rings with Sam driving Shelob away.
Ahahahahaha are you serious user? What a fucking manlet. AHHHHHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Fucking this!
Juneau is barely 5 feet and he’s the best character in Berserk
Its very western inspired so your cliche jap shit isn't there other than the opening which has been memed constantly and is not representative of the show. In fact it goes beyond a lot of typical western shit because it holds no punches, I would read the manga since the anime skips some important shit but you can do either, its pretty much the same experience
Dwyane Johnson literally translated Berserk. Go on, go check if you don't believe me.
>best character not the 7fts tall unit that is Pippin
He's a cringy beta orbiter
Pippin is just a big tough guy with barely any personality
Meanwhile Judeau:
>taught Guts how to throw knives
>dual wields short swords without looking like a retarded monkey like Isidro
>has a cool helmet that looks like Boba Fett’s when the flaps are closed
>intelligent and knowledgeable without constantly giving exposition like Schierke, everything he says is insightful and relevant, or interesting lore like the legend of the Skull King
>plays the lute, self-described “jack of all trades” so he could probably be a one man band if he wanted
>not a superhuman fighter like Guts but fearless nonetheless and not prone to freezing or crying under stress like Casca, manages to take down Apostles during the Eclipse
>laidback and mellow guy who is the first to befriend Guts and is friendly towards everybody, good sense of humor too
>loyal enough that he is willing to spend the rest of his life as a thief to support Griffith
>loves Casca, but recognizes he has no chance and so helps his best bro Guts hook up with her instead while supporting her all the way to the end, gives his life protecting her
A cringy beta orbiter would have sat by the side sulking and resentful of Guts or Griffith. Judeau could have been off slaying pussy with his good looks and lute skills if he wanted. Instead he acted in the interests of his friends and oneitis.
>gives his life protecting her
I don't know if that's how tropers see it but Judeau really was TooGoodToLive.
Seeing Guts travel around with a dumb comic relief pop culture elf, an annoying kid who never shuts up or learns, fanservice mermaid, exposition witch who can do everything, retard Casca, and a former religious nut who slowly lost all her interesting characterization makes me wish Judeau had survived so that the post-eclipse story would just be him and Guts tearing shit up together.
No and no, now read the manga, watch the Golden Age anime and fuck off.
If I wanted to watch retarded looking CG spoiling every shot I'd just watch an MCU movie thanks
Are you saying Serpico is ok? Because I think so too
all of the golden age characters had a fuckload of personality
>acknowledged (correctly) that he was a superior sort of person
He isn't though. He got BTFO by Guts so badly he fucked his entire plan and gr*ffith had to cuck himself and the world to his demonic masters. Causality fated him to be a cuckold, meanwhile Guts escaped the stream of causality through sheer big dick energy.
My mistake, I meant the 90's anime. I don't know what the fuck went through my head.
schierke a cute! CUTE!
>former religious nut who slowly lost all her interesting characterization
This. Whatever happened to Farny getting horny at the thought of burning people at the stake. Now she's a glorified babysitter and the most vanilla one out of the main cast.
Also, I loathe Shierke. I don't know why but she seems like hax: the character. Every time the main cast comes across a hurdle, loli witch materializes a new powerup or some shit to solve it. Ugh.
Mate, he's not the one who had his girlfriend raped by a demonic bird right in front of him whilst said girlfriend moaned with pleasure. Don't you dare insult the rightful kang of all the world.
I can barely muster a Yike
>he's not the one who had his girlfriend raped by a demonic bird right in front of him
Yeah he's the one who sacrificed his very essence and legacy to a bunch of faggot ass monsters and a gayheart made by bad thoughts. because he was not strong enough to escape his fate, unlike Guts.
He found out he was inferior to Guts in literally one respect; he was still more ambitious, intelligent and charismatic. But you're right, a truly superior person wouldn't have been bummed out for just one dude escaping from under his thumb
Fucking kill me.
>But you're right, a truly superior person wouldn't have been bummed out for just one dude escaping from under his thumb
This. He might as well have sacrificed his dream kingdom to get his husbando back.
>dumb comic relief pop culture elf,
You mean the one who was there from the very beginning?
That's the point. Puck is basically a 100% different character when Miura reintroduced it
How else would he escape his fate apart from the demonic ritual thing during the eclipse? Sure his fate was sealed the moment he received the red Beheilt and everything that was destined to happen to him (his fall from grace and consequent mutilation and crippling) was meant to happen within the rules of causality. I don't even consider Griff to be a villain because he sacrificed his friends since that would mean his character was villainous from the start as he's described to consider extreme measures as a means to an end. His comrades have been laying their lives on the line for him from the start. Only difference is, during the eclipse he sacrificed his humanity and no longer had any qualms with that fact because believe it or not he did care about his comrades pre eclipse.
In any case, I see Guts as having an end game similar to SK as an immortal entity fighting against the Godhand. You can't say he's completely escaped the causality effect as his own fate was sealed from the moment he received the brand of sacrifice. If he were to die he wouldn't even have the choice between heaven/hell or any of that bullshit but will rather be sucked in by that massive nightmarish vortex with all the ex apostles.
>but will rather be sucked in by that massive nightmarish vortex with all the ex apostles.
That's where everyone goes. The Vortex is the destination of every living thing that dies. You see the Mayor in the Black Swordsman arc for example, a regular old human, in it.
Karl Urban
it could if it was rated R and someone committed to it completely
get anyone who could do a dolph lundgren biopic
During Black Swordsman, Puck was a lot more serious, was hardly drawn in chibi mode, and served as a genuine foil to Guts. He had his own personality and moral compass.
Up till the Tower of Conviction, pop culture references, chestnut-style Puck, and silly humor became more prevalent, but Puck still serves the same purpose he did before, he still had serious moments.
Since then, he’s been completely useless and irrelevant - hanging around Isidro (as if monkey boy wasn’t annoying enough on his own), making jokes in chibi mode, and displaying no hints of a personality beyond whatever one-off joke Miura wants to make. You could ignore him completely and nothing else about the manga would change. Hell, they arrived at his fucking homeland and he’s still yet to do anything beyond provide an absurd backstory for his exile, fuck around in the background, and try to usurp the throne (for some reason)in yet another pointless joke. His IQ has taken a nosedive since the Conviction arc.
>Whatever happened to Farny getting horny at the thought of burning people at the stake.
She went through what's known in writing circles as an "arc".
An arc would be if she came to terms with her past behavior and gradually overcame her weaknesses to become a more open-minded and courageous person in a believable and natural way.
Instead she goes from “crazy sadomasochist” to “cowering pushover”, remains there bemoaning her uselessness for several volumes, then decides to become a mage, remains incompetent for another few volumes, and suddenly becomes capable of defending the ship from evil sea slugs. And she falls in love with Guts along the way. All the religious S&M stuff completely forgotten once she joined Guts’ little party of toddlers.