Nothing's wrong with this picture, goy
Nothing's wrong with this picture, goy
another obsessed incel posting a captain marvel thread
if you dont like it so much why not forget about it?
>have sex
Disney marketing department is being really lazy
more like 11/10
I bet its 100% incel that voted 1
How it's supposed to be
No, op is right. They a buying bots.
It seems like an algorythm designed to keep the movie at 7.0 and it does it by increasing 7s and 8s.
Man... just imagine the mind of someone who would legit rate this a 10/10 without being a shill or a reverse-troll. Just imagine being that person. Having that brain. Every day.
>It's a conspiracy
>the 12k (1)'s are real
>but the 17k (10)'s are fake
>the 50k people saying they don't want to see it on RT real
>but the 20k saying they do are fake
>because I said so
Nigger theyre both fake
kek about what?
Because they increase synchronously.
The amount of downvotes on 1 star reviews is jarring
1 and 10 are both faked just as much. Fuck off faggo.
Since when is 11.5% just as much as 19%?
Are you autistic?
We did see this with every new cape shit movie.
It’s like Black Panther all over again on this site.
>Predicting the movie will flop massively.
Massive opening weekend
>Denial, conspiracies, and mental gymnastics
>It’s going to have a massive drop week two
>More mental gymnastic “DISNEY SHILLS” “THE BOX OFFICE IS LYING!!”
Movie continues doing good breaking record
>muh black pandering makes feminist agenda ok
>mega corp that just a few days ago was bragging about expanding their propaganda department to "fight downvoting trolls" (and that's a good thing) cannot possibly be artificially pumping in good reviews
>Just imagine being that person. Having that brain. Every day.
Shouldn't have reviewbombed it so hard faggot.
But those 1's we spammed are totes real ^___^
>Our thousands of fake accounts, removing reviews, blocking votes is all your fault!
>fake accounts
>removing reviews
*removing spam
>blocking votes
*blocking spam
>Your opinion is spam
>That amount of damage control
>your opinion is spam
>reviewbombing is spam
>brigade to bring down the rating
>get brigaded back
>baaaw muh jews
get fucked
>your opinion is reviewbombing
>can't read
>all the triggered incel cucks rating 1 star
Seems reasonable. My understanding is that the score is based on a weighted average. Imdb counts 1s and 10s less than other ratings, because it's common for people to vote 1 or 10 on all kinds of movies just to manipulate the score. If someone were seriously trying to manipulate it without attracting too much attention, controlling 7s and 8s would be the way to do it.
>bragging about expanding their propaganda department to "fight downvoting trolls"
Got any source ? I might use that.
>sex incelll, triggered
>lol I'm a 33 year old blockhead with a voice like squidward :)))
based brie
I genuinely believe a tasteless faggot would see CM and go "OH GOD 10/10 SO GOOD." I don't genuinely believe anyone would watch this and go "WOW, 1/10, LOWEST POSSIBLE RATING." Not in any sizeable quantity. How would I know that? No mega corporation would dump money into a product like this after that much test marketing and refinement, not in this reality. The worst corporate schlock you'll see is about a 3/10 compared to the absolute shithole that is a 1/10 movie. But deluded fans thinking it's a 10/10? Yeah, that's believable.
People think The Big Bang Theory is funny, for fuck's sake, but even though I hate it, it is not a 1/10 sitcom. "My Mother the Car" is a fucking 1/10 sitcom.
>I ever trusted corporations.
You can't be serious.
Trump is a corporation too
these scores are legit because me and 5 of my 21yr old frat bros went to see it opening night and there was hardly any girls in there at all
Yeah, and you'd be an idiot to trust a word he says.
Anyone who voted a 1 or a 10 should be considered on outlier. Only pay attention to 2-9
looks like your (((shnose)))
To get a real look at the film's rating just knock 10K off each of the 1s and 10s.
There is, if it was counting all those votes the rating would be 6.8 rather than 7
Its you know weighted on this site. On any review site I think votes are weighted. I wonder why it is not used in government. Why all votes are equal during elections?
Next they're gonna start rumors that women are beating up men at screenings.
>you arent allowed to have an opinion if i dont like it
stupid nigger detected
The movie sucks ass.
Sorry this gets to you.
This unironically
It's those damn russians, amirite?