Empty theaters general

>go to your local Kinoplex homepage
>get to the Captain Marvel evening screening
>screencap how many seats are taken

Attached: 89676575.png (825x903, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


excuse me incels, but your anecdotal accounts of empty theaters didnt stop it from earning almost half a billion dollars

Give it up already, incel. The film did well.

Wtf why isn’t the Monday evening showing sold out 18 hours in advance

Counter-terror honeypot general

>couples only seats

you can't make this shit up

Stupid incel lmao the movie already made too much to fail

captain marvel is the biggest hollywood money laundering operation of all time, all these "sold out" theaters are devoid of actual souls

>shills working this late

>norwegians don't watch capeshit
What's your point and why do you think it's relevant at all?

what the fuck is it with the love seats?

oh you poor little incel
its over sweaty, we won

it's just two seats combined to one big seat. there is no separation in between the two.

Monday night session starting in an hour

Attached: monday2130.png (1302x1196, 190K)

t. Discord tranny

>N-nobody saw it!
One of the biggest opening weekends of any movie ever.
>T-the sales are fake!
Disney wouldn't report (and pay taxes on) fake revenue just to spite you. /pol/cels claimed the same thing about Black Panther and nobody ever found evidence of "muh fake sales" on Disney's financial statements.
>A fat neckbeard on Youtube said it was bad so it's bad!
Actual movie critics and audience members who have actually seen the movie enjoy it.

Attached: pol annihilated.png (1673x814, 498K)

You mean a marvel movie did well riding off the hype train of endgame just a month prior to its release and after infinity war left off with a massive cliffhanger?

There’s no way a 2 hour continuous shot of a steaming pile of dog shit wouldn’t of done the exact same in the same predicament right?

Smdh, fucking sheep

I'm ready for kino

Attached: _TSf4PiCMz8.jpg (810x1080, 206K)

Saturday - mine was empty

Attached: 09187.jpg (704x402, 28K)

Says the incel /pol/tard that’s shape his entire belief based on whatever his shitty containment board approves


starting right now, VMAX local time 6.45pm.

Attached: CapMarv6_45Vmax.jpg (697x533, 61K)

It’ll never be full and nobody loves you because you watch movies on your pc

I don't know if I would say empty theaters but this is the latest showing at my closest theater for tonight. I don't know maybe Monday is just really slow?

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Kek I appreciate you effort

Bold of you to assume I need 2 seats, VUE.

Attached: VUE-cinema.jpg (1495x1113, 185K)

listen up, incels.
you failed. the movie is a success. go jerk off to trump again

have sex

Thankfully, I don't live in a place that has assigned theater seating. The only place I've ever seen seating images like this is on this website.

don't you mean sould out?

>tfw you're forced to sit in the ESC seat

Only who hates the movie sees the theatres empty, it's the power of the skrull technology.

bend over and i will.

Specifically, this is all that buying a ticket here involves.
I'm going to meet two other friends at the theater. Imagine if I had to coordinate with them before hand on which seats we're buying. Or do you just have one person buy the tickets and just give your ticket money to them?

Attached: buying a movie ticket in Florida.png (1920x747, 309K)

8:30pm showing, starts in 15 minutes
note: seats next to wheelchair spots are automatically reserved

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leftyfags will never be popular with women no matter how much you try, faggot

Jesus cunting Christ. There are one single seat at the back that is bordered by 6 love seats. Imagine the smell.

Ahah no I fucked girls just for wearing some palestinian scarf and a che guevara button lol

>Disney wouldn't report (and pay taxes on) fake revenue just to spite you.
I don't think the numbers are fake either but that's literally how money laundering works

>implying a massive corporation pays taxes anyways

showing as booked out here but these are the currently booked seats, wtf?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 10.05.04 pm.png (1128x1204, 146K)

Based 1 seat taken for the 12:20 lunch showing

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The obsession of this board with Captain Marvel is really unsettling. You guys should be thrown in an asylum.

>this board
>you guys
Kindly fuck off Reddit

Yes you are a sheep.
You don’t matter.
Seethe harder at my will.

Attached: seats.png (1902x806, 663K)

Attached: PedshitEra.jpg (988x1059, 181K)

That's German, not Norwegian.

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Looks like someone needs some minesweeper lessons.


This was my theater.

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disney buys their own tickets, so the movie does well domestically almost every time.

we'll see if they're eating shit when international numbers come back.

Laffed irl at this

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Something fishy is going on. For all showings, all balcony seats are occupied, though the rest of theatre is almost empty.
Maybe they are just renovating or something. That, or all balcony seats are "sold".

Attached: seats.png (1350x521, 169K)

Back seat fits Ben Swolo or Kingpin

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>Disney had it put in way more theaters than needed
>ant-man and the wasp had the same done with it
>nobody bitched about ant-man and the wasp having empty theaters
>niggers literally cherry picking only the empty theaters

Attached: huh.png (782x942, 49K)

One simple question

America has no journalists who can investigate this?

If the box office numbers are false, why is not there a single journalist to investigate?

[laughter stops]

Attached: huh.png (1158x869, 117K)

Thats fucking literally empty, HOW?

This one started a few minutes ago.
Mondays aren't very popular days to visit the cinema.
Especially not on sunny days.
It's still sad to see that they choose the biggest auditorium availabl here only to not even have enough visitors to fill a row.

Attached: Captain Marvel 14.30.png (877x661, 17K)

wtf is this even? Who'd buy three solid rows?

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Everyone knows NO RULES TUESDAY is the best day to watch Alita.

4 sold for the 18:45 screening today
it's a rainy day here so you'd expect more

Attached: cap marvel.jpg (713x404, 180K)

For comparison.
I expect this one to be sold out soon.

Attached: Bohemian rhapsody sing along wednesday 20.00.png (1007x769, 26K)

Judging by the language in your screenshot, an exceptionally autistic person.

Perhaps a school, because this movie is IMPORTANT and part of the OBLIGATORY CURRICULUM.

it's doing very well in india desu

do you poo in the cinema seats, too?

> All these controversy
> Film did well
Sure thing, user.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 8.52.37 PM.png (1136x456, 259K)

>theaters empty on a monday morning

seething marvel shill trying to cover up a conspiracy

>my timezone is the only one on earth
back to india rajeesh

Are people even preordering tickets anymore?

Ha ha ha

>89 million from China
>300 million international
surely Disney is buying theaters worldwide right?

Obvious larp is obvious

People aren't going to the movies on a Monday night? Shocking.

it's even easier to do that overseas, there are proven cases in China and Brazil

Movie starts in 30 minutes. Green is empty.

Attached: screencapture-sr3-cinemacity-hu-ReservationsHU_res-SelectSeatPageRes-aspx-2019-03-11-15_05_56.png (1920x1818, 540K)

In what time zone is it friday/saturday night when most people go see movies?

yeah good luck buying theaters in china and influencing their culture

holy shit, this confirms it, there is no way it made that much money

why isn't any journalist on this?

It's not morning right now in India

7:15 pm showing, tonight lol

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-11-10-12-20.png (1280x720, 55K)

black = reserved

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Me Ruski
Movie's in 2 hours
This bitch empty
Don't know/care if you need this for stats or no

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Attached: jh.png (479x556, 176K)

only domestic, that's why Black Panther was such a domestic """"hit""""

That's why I told you to go back there

>screencaps of empty theaters on a monday
it's all a conspiracy by the mouse we finally got them

Attached: splashd-larson_0.jpg (768x433, 45K)

much more than I expected for a monday night, 7 hours beforehand, actually

Attached: kinepolis.png (587x385, 35K)

Lmao you need suicide, delusional mongoloid.

>keys spell YUM

>it's MA'AM!
the gloves come off

starting in 50 minutes

Attached: 16-40.jpg (1047x615, 155K)

ITT mental illness
The movie has made the money already , give up, it's monday, wait for the weekend to get btfo

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don't worry, they got the whole worldwide sunday numbers when it was sunday 1 a.m here.

4 hours left

smells like deepest cuckhole of western germany to me

Who reserves the very front left seat, ffs?

Have sex

Not the same anymore.

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It just makes since really. Why NOT spend 300 million to turn your flop into a hit? You'll get 2/3rds of if right back?

This begins in an hour

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-11 um 15.52.15.png (681x568, 43K)

Tomorrow when tickest are 50% off and popcorn is also cheaper.

Attached: Captain Marvel Tuesday 20.10.png (971x775, 29K)

>disney buys their own tickets

Attached: brie-larson-uk-estreno-de-scott-pilgrim-vs-el-mundo-celebrado-en-el-empire-leicester-squarearrivals- (821x1390, 158K)

Probably yeah

America no longer has journalists.

...no sane journalist will touch this story when he wants to stay in buisness.

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It could be people don't give a shit about reserving seats and just go to the theater

Attached: s4dTtBy.jpg (384x313, 83K)

Oh yeah, makes a lot of sense

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It does. It's relatively cheap marketing. Just buy your opening weekend at the box office, you immediately get most of your money back, and hopefully drive legit sales based on pepple going "well apparently a lot of people like it!"

The fuck IKEA terms are those on the bottom? I get loveseat, but the others? What?

some cast members from Crazy Rich Asians tweeted that they wanted a golden opening for the movie and that's why they bought theaters and gave the tickets to fans

oh no no no

Attached: FLOPPED.png (995x723, 96K)

Loveseats are for those who want to bring their bull along for the cinema experience.

You have to reserve at my local kinoplex. You can't just go memeing in off the street because >troublemakers.
It's being shown across 11 (eleven) different screens where I live (starting in 15 minutes), and not a single one is close to being fully booked.
They only ever reserve screens like that for the big movies. For example, back in November Bohemian Rhapsody was fully booked across the same number of screens for at least three days and this was AFTER it had already been out for at least a week.

Attached: data mining.jpg (494x792, 58K)

Bullshit. Fox News does stories about all sorts of dumb bullshit like this, and that's not even mentioning the less high profile news outlets.

>X seats free of Y total

Attached: rBfJDYk.png (1030x230, 16K)

>11 (eleven) different screens
Jesus. The big main stream cinema where I live has 7 screens total, the little arthouse one has 3 spread over 2 locations.

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only four (4) seats taken at an 8PM showing today

Attached: fourseats.png (964x792, 104K)

I'm not sure how many screens my place has in total, but it's being shown 18 times across 12 hours tomorrow.
I don't expect any of those to be a sellout desu.

>Disney wouldn't report (and pay taxes on) fake revenue just to spite you. /pol/cels claimed the same thing about Black Panther and nobody ever found evidence of "muh fake sales" on Disney's financial statements.
Honestly, buying up tickets to boost sales numbers is an old tactic.
It may just be used to bump stock prices or clout, but it could also be used as a money laundering technique, to push dirty money into the legitimate banking industry.
It’s been rumoured this is one of the reasons why and how a lot of films get financed.
Money gets “borrowed from an “investor”, to finance a film. The production people and producers on the film work for a criminal enterprise. The production people recieve a legitimate paycheck thru the film production, with appropriate taxes etc. taken out. The film later gets licensed to a corporation in some Asian country were nobody can easily determine actual earnings. Taxes get taken out from those licensing agreements paid to the film producers.
The IRS and US gov get their cut, and the DOJ can’t prove shit even if they know the production is money laundering, so the producers go on to make other films.

About to start in less than 10 minutes

Attached: Captain Marvel Monday 18.40.png (971x733, 22K)

>Disney wouldn't report (and pay taxes on) fake revenue just to spite you.
Yeah no shit, they'd do it for marketing.

Even a shitty dutch chickflick that is in the cinema since february is doing better.
Same cinema, just a few hours later.

Attached: Verliefd op Cuba monday 20.00.png (963x699, 17K)

But Disney bought tickets in China and some theaters had only Captain Marvel. Parts of Australia too.

tbf monday nights, especially at around dinner time is guaranteed low ticket sale

What a time to be alive. We are getting huge successful films that nobody actually ever see.

It's doing better than early afternoon.
People don't mind eating dinner earlier of later than usual to see a movie.
Seeing a movie right after school or work is what most don't want to do,

>Disney's financial statements

Call me a Nazi, but I stopped trusting Hollywood (((accountants))) when things like pic related started to pop up.

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Another dinner-time movie.

Attached: The front runner monday 18.50.png (983x693, 16K)

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Not terrible here in Reno NV

Attached: Screenshot_20190311-105921_Cinemark Theatres.jpg (1080x2220, 481K)

Looks like a bird

A theater shooter.

hope somebody murders that asshole

Interestingly the church of Scientology does this kind of thing with L Ron Hubbards books to keep them on bestseller lists. They tried to do something like this back when Battlefield Earth came out, for all the good it did them.