What was his problem?

What was his problem?

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just sick of humanity's shit

I was just thinking today, this might have been the last kino superhero movie

Clothes are itchy.

blue benis :DDDD

he had autism and was an athiest

Yes, but are you going to list his problem or not?

dick on screen

He's blue (aba dee aba die)

>a man tricked me and I can no longer get pussy because every woman thinks I'll give them cancer
>he literally ruined my life
>doesn't get revenge and fix things with the snap of a finger
>instead willingly chooses to live in fear and be a pussy then kills one of his allies for not being a beta pussy like him

Is he the epitome of the beta cuck lifestyle?

No, sweaty. He saw stars and galaxies and that perspective made him not care about life on earth.

Based and chadpilled

Thought the Eiffel 65 song was mocking him, so he got mad and isolated himself from humanity.

This, Earth is a shithole, as soon you realize this you will understand why all those UFO stuff are lies because no intelligent beings would bother themselves by coming to this planet.

Would you like to go to Niger or Somalia? No, because it's not worth the trouble.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

Honestly the only weak part of the plot is when he cheat on his love with the young girl because "she's younger". One with the powers of Mr Manhattan should have a different vision of time that will make old/young completely irrelevant. Sad!

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I stopped caring about humanity long ago and I’m human
Imagine being a literal god with the ability to perceive the past, present and future simultaneously, manipulate matter and reality to such an extent you can exist in multiple forms and to top it all off you can create life itself.
I’d get pretty disassociated with human life too. Imagine changing so much while everything and everyone you knew at that moment stayed the same?
I’d have an identity crisis also.

BvS was

I walked on the sun n sheeeeiiit mayne

It was to show despite his better understanding of atoms and time and shit, he at his core he was still a man, not a god


Interesting, thanks.

But atleast he’s not green, he would die

Reminder that Moore is a hack and, what's far worse, a degenerate hippie.


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This, it literally made no sense. The dude can see the future and got cucked. How is this man not the most beta fucker in the universe.

He's upset that he's in such a shit movie.
The song selection in this film is fucking atrocious.
Long and fucking boring and try-hard.

>got cucked
Actually outsmarted, a thing he could not believe possible.

Have Sex

Even worse, that makes him maximum beta.
>can see the future
>man still oursmarts you and cucks you
>isolate yourself and cry like a beta
>lie and tell your teammates it's "for the best, the world would be better" because you're too much of a pussy to admit you got pranked
>kill friend for being alpha and not beta like you

Holy fuck was he beta as fuck

Rorschach is turboreddit, an idealist and the embodiment of retardation. Ozy blocked Mr Manhattan future vision with a tachions storm. Manhattan was so secure to be the ultimate being ("what is the smartest man to me? Like the smartest termite") Ozy managed to BTFO him.

>Rorschach is turboreddit
Lol at this opinion.
I disagree for obviois reasons that are self-evident in jis character. Like the fact that he didnt believe in sex work

>be better than someone in every way
>call them a termite
>get BTFO by them
>doesn't get revenge and fix things
1000000% beta


>normal Chad
>just doing what's right
>doesn't care about killing because he knows they don't deserve another chance
>finds out that he and his team was betrayed
>realizes that the strongest teammate he has is too big of a pussy to do what's right
>storms off like a boss to fix things
>beta friend cries and tells him no because he's too scared of being cucked again
>tells beta friend to grow a pair
>beta friend threatens him
>tells him to fuck off

True chad.

>o-oh yeah, I didn't really care about humans anyway. I didn't have to waste my time killing rorschach.
>its not like he called me out and made me look like a bitch or anything
>not that I care if he fixed something I could've done it too

Ultimate beta.

>aestethics > ethics
You can change your perspective on everything, but beauty is beauty and you like what you like.
Watchmen runs deep like that

He understands Ozy BTFO him for a greater noble reason. He showed intelligence. Someone who will think to get a (violent) revenge without analyzing the whole situation with rationality would be someone like Rorschach: a dumb, rage fueled, manlet.

Sorry I called you a pleb, user

Nice Funny. But Manhattan is still a pimp. Above chads and betas

Manhattan doesn't get btfo though since he agrees Ozy was right.

>"I don't care about humans"
>Owlman and Scrublord in the background: "holy shit bro Manhattan just got BTFO and spazzed out like a little bitch"; "ikr wtf lmfao what a beta cuck, I wouldn't want to get on his bad side lmao"; "shhhhh, I think he hears us" *pfft* *snicker*
>n-no rorschach is the beta

Lmfao, more like Dr. Beta Alanine


It was all so tiresome

>be brainlet
>is disintegrated
>unfathomable levels of autism let you bring yourself back to life
>is now omnipotent
>enter Ozymandias, a man so smart he use his own name as password on his computer
>brainlet is immediately bamboozled by him
They simply never learn.

Hes a capeshitter

Blue Man Group didn't let him join.

you know how when you cheat at a video game campaign and you completely lose interest in playing it? he got the cheat codes to existence and lost interest

More like
You know how someone gets hacks online and still manages to get BTFO? Well that is what happened to him.

He realized how pointless life was

Formerly chucked

I can't tell if it is sad or hilarious that the main point of The Watchmen being to point out how superhero comics are immature pulp rags for manchildren hasn't stopped DC from whoring out all the characters. Comics truly are one of the most emberassing things to read. Being into them is always a huge red flag in people I meet but it is usually just overshadowed by their more obvious asbergers syndrome and general social ineptness.

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pharoah is the password on the computer not ozymandias

this, and also it subtly implies that his senses still have some limits, because personal preference is ultimately based in sensory experiences, meaning he's still a man like you said, but more importantly, that he can still be deceived.

Yeah, he agrees with the genocidal lunatic like the fucking beta cuckold he is.

Haven't watched this movie in a while, does he ever truly show his power in this movie? All i remember was that vietnam attack scene with that terrible music choice playing over it

That's far too vulgar display of power

The password is Ramses II. Ozymandias is the Greek name for Ramses II.

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Alright lads, I think we can still all agree that The Comedian was the most chad out of all the characters.

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blue balls

I can't believe this isn't a first post

he was phasing into another reality.

i fapped to that scene of him raping the big titted woman

Too complicated to explain in detail because english is not my first language, but basically, due the fact tachyons travel faster than light, you can comunicate with the past (or from the future, from tachyons point of view) using them. So Ozy storm everything with tachions and Mr Blue cant clearly see his future anymore because he perceive all these particles as acting as a barrier. He see time as you can see a chair or an object, all at once, like he was a 5th dimensional creature. If i put a cardboard between you and a chair you cant see it anymore. Tachions are his cardboard.

>That scene where dr manhatten teleports all the reporters away

when he assembled himself back he forgot his soul because he couldnt find it

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It’s the opposite. The intrinsic field generator destroyed every bit of matter in his body. His soul/consciousness was the only thing that remained. Moore imagines that an immortal soul transcends time and is truly trapped in the human body.

Punched by superman.

Awwwww you guys

Sick of us. And I don't mean simple humanity, US. This website, this board


manhattan didn't kill rorschach becasue he was mad at him, he killed him because he asked him to, and because he was going to ruin ozy's plan.

rorschach says it right there: if he lets him live he will reveal the truth to everyone, and that he doesn't want to live in a world where what they've done is "the right thing"