And it just keeps getting more and more surreal

And it just keeps getting more and more surreal...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing is more unbelievable than how incredibly butthurt this all makes you.

Imagine changing how your website works just to please The Mouse? Fuck this gay earth.

>leftists are getting increasingly desperate, to the point of self-parody
Yeah, I'm quite butthurt about that, mouse.

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You got what you deserve faggot. And you know what? You'll cope by seething all over this board. Brie Larson will live in your head, rent free, and she'll never ever leave. Have sex, incel. There's nothing you can do about it. Nothing. Your great war, your existential struggle, is literally a woman in a toy commercial. You're fighting for 2/21 (9.5%) of a toy commercial franchise. You're dying on a hill for 10% of something you don't even care about anyways. How pathetic is that?

anyone else sick to death of this bitch and hearing about marvel? God I hate comic book movies so much

Why doesn't she get jaw surgery? She'd look 10x better

>I noticed that your ticket sales are very good, despite theaters being empty...

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 63K)

You forgot to call us incels and tell us to have sex. Programming error or just getting tired after a long shift shilling for The Mouse's PR damage control firm?

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It has nothing to do with "the mouse" and everything to do with combating active manipulation of search results

whether he is butthurt or not, this is kind of weird dude. why is the digital universe turning itself inside out for a shitty marvel movie?

The irony in this always makes me giggle. The left loves to play antifa and fight the oppressive authorities. Except when it comes to propoganda, now we need authorities again.

Shut up don’t speak for me you nigger faggot

Have sex

Imagine projecting this hard over a movie simply because your ideology demands you do? This right here is why we should never consider Communists human beings, but flesh automatons driven by bad programming and poor impulse control. We are not hurt, we are not incels, we are just anons laughing at you and your newest PR disaster after trying to forcefeed your ideology with the lastest capeshit movie. I hope you are getting shekels for posting your drivel here. It would be so sad to think you do it for free, shilling for a Disney movie, a capeshit one at that. We do it simply to laugh at you, nothing more.

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This is about algorithms for one of the largest corporations on earth being changed because of what an actress is saying. This isn't small brainlet shit like wanting sex.

I wasn't speaking for you, us was in a generalized form, faggot, and was adressed to the shill. Now take your impotent rage and kys

Yeah I am mad, but in five minutes I won’t be, and you’ll still be retarded.

It's not you idiot, you're being sold a narrative by a bunch of people who got mad because Brie said she wanted more PoC and women to review her movie. If Yea Forums ignored this shit from the beginning and not went to raid "want to see" scores and spread it all over social media then there wouldn't be an issue. Nothing would have changed. But now RT and Youtube realized an organized group of idiots on the internet can push narratives by raiding polls and spamming views to the right videos. It's not organic views and not how those systems were supposed to work. 200 people aren't supposed to manipulate what millions see. That's why these things are changing now. RT's "want to see" is changed for ALL movies going forward. YT's search is changed for everything, not just movie reviews. But ultimately it's you people who caused this. Learn what the Streisand Effect is.

You shouldn't need to ask this. There's a tiny, international clique of culture and democracy makers that runs the world. Your entertainment, your government, your money. It all falls into the hands of a tiny population.

It boggles my fucking mind that people get confused as to how/why this level of collusion exists when it's so horrifically obvious. Maybe the average IQ being 100 was a mistake since apparently it doesn't allow for even simple pattern recognition.

Youtube, rottentomatoes, google, twitter and probably facebook changed how they did things to protect this movie.

Quit being conspiracy theorists though goys.

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>supporting a large megacorporation
You can just fill out the name field to say "Fucking retard" instead of saying dumb shit like this.

Yeah, nice way of making women look like strong individuals, even companies are babysitting them now.

It's almost as if Disney is a massive corporation with a lot of clout and collusion with other massive corporations.

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Not enough to make us change the search algorithm, remove Rt "want to see feature" nor removing 40,000 reviews of the movie.

>You'll cope by seething all over this board. Brie Larson will live in your head, rent free, and she'll never ever leave. Have sex, incel.
>cope, seething, have sex, incel, rent free
It's so dense, every frame has so much going on

rt just bumped it to 80%

>abuse search results / online polls to manipulate results
>get up in arms when these platforms change the way things work to correct these vulnerabilities

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>anyone else sick to death of this bitch and hearing about marvel?
Got to market it somehow.
>God I hate comic book movies so much
I do too user,I do too.

That poor billion dollar franchise and movie which will make hundreds of millions, just give them a chance.

In light of recent events concerning the surging popularity of Captain Marvel, some of you guys are alright don’t go to 4channel tomorrow

You will consume what we tell you to consume, goy.

That's not surreal. That's common sense. It's a war against trolls.

>buzzword shill term
>buzzword shill term
>buzzword shill term
>buzzword shill term
>muh just a woman in a toy commercial
Trying this hard to gaslight... wew lad. Your kind has goofed, my friend. We all know by now it's not "just a kids movie" (the latest damage control gaslight being pushed). If it were, you wouldn't have fucking billion dollar websites like YouTube down to even RT literally cheating their own systems to try to tamper down the changing tides of thought and opinion.

All this shit does is wake people up more, your kind have fallen for the most basic of traps again and again.

Enjoy your CNN results when you search for the next "kids movie". I will ;)

oh no did we collude with russia too?

They werent mad when we did it to the hundreds of other topics and media formats

They're probably American or Australian.

>Marketing baits the fuck out of a known retarded fanbase (comics manchildren)
>Major megacorporations that run the entire fucking world use this as an excuse to censor and control more information than previously
Huh, weird. Weird. Huh. Strange. Hm. Might need to think about this. It's awful convenient that all these companies that have direct monetary and ownership ties to each other and very similar goals (making as much money as possible while being challenged as little as possible) so often happen to act in the best interests of each other. Weird.

There will come a time that all we will know is the boot, and you people will just be happy it's at least kept shiny by your spit.

maybe you finally picked a high enough profile fight to get noticed?

>Your great war, your existential struggle, is literally a woman in a toy commercial.

this is pretty funny in how completely true it is considering how people on this site will post their pictures about "hard times breeding good men" and shit like that, yet their modern war is about comic book movies. Truly lynchian.

this. THIS. SO much this. preach it, queen


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If YouTube has proven anything it is that people can't be trusted to be fair and impartial. They will pander to a specific audience and, because they lack any integrity, fall back on the excuse that they're an opinion channel not a journalist. Time to stop rewarding clickbait.

>trump supporters = russians
>dissenting opinions = trolls
>individual opinions to be replaced with CNN and other official leftist propaganda outlets
What's next, comrade?

I think the left is losing the culture war to a far larger degree than is let on... these are utterly desperate measures.

I bet Russia had something to do with this...

this is some Arsenal Gear shit.

>rent free
>have sex
You cannot convince me this isnt an AI trained to shitpost 4channel


>200 people
>rt had 50k users saying if they cared or not

Lmao whoops wrong post

Have sex.

>caring about cape shit in the first place
you're as bad as them faggots

But I thought it was just a kids movie, bro? And the ones pointing out that it was in reality political propaganda aimed at children were Russians?

>200 people aren't supposed to manipulate what millions see
This desu. Kill ever fucking journalist

>angry white males actually made the Disney Empire concerned enough to raise a pinkie finger

I'd consider it a victory

>not being able to bot and reviewbomb a movie you havent seen is CENSORSHIP
how bout dont act like an internet mob if you dont want platforms to shut you down. you are responsible for your own actions.


>"more vaginas should review movies"
You're the morons who chose to be outraged by that. There's nothing really insanely liberal about "more vaginas, dark ones too, should review movies" It's not the fall of Western Civilization. It's not a reason to spend the last month running disinformation campaigns and organizing raids. You weren't baited, you overreacted to some typical feminist talking point and that's why we're at this point. If "dark vaginas need to review movies" is some kind of massive international issue on which the future of mankind rests, you deserve whatever imaginary slights that are coming to you. This is what the past 3 years of outrage culture and reddit/pol/ has done to you. Making every tiny thing such a huge issue that you're upset and overreact. Literally poetic justice.

Nice projection, reddit

Have sex.

The movie was a massive success you stupid fucking incel. You don't get to claim victory here.

you're a fucking moron. the script was already written for this. We didn't and didn't have to do anything.

Have sex

You don't say.

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That's my line.

Journalists are fine people who do a necessary job.
Pundits are the scummiest form of simulated reality entertainers in existence.
They only thrive because stupid people of all walks find their "newstainment" more interesting that actual events.

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I wish there was a Duke Nukem movie.

I can't even tell Yea Forums from /pol/ these days.
They both are hiveminds that get everything wrong.

>you don't get to
why do lefties always type like this? i get to do whatever i want, commie scum

nigger we can go read the fucking Yea Forums archives to see what you didn't do. we can go to youtube and find 1000s of videos mad this month over this fucking movie. at some point you have to take responsibility for your ideology and stop calling every negative thing fake. you're literally brainwashing yourself into psychosis.

>"You recognise that these corporations are all mysteriously acting in a way that grants them more and more power over what you can say, do and think on the internet! YOU MUST BE ONE OF THE OUTRAGED MANBABIES!"

My hate for you "people" grows every fucking day. I don't give a nigger's shit about this piece of shit retard superhero movie for obese women and ugly men with small cocks, I give a fuck about the fact that the internet is being centralised and controlled more and more with every passing year. Fuck me, you animals can never see the bigger picture and only understand events in the most myopic, controlled way possible. You deserve this world, but I don't.

have sex

>you did this
These “trolls” are a completely manufactured astroturfing campaign. It’s inorganic and Disney is 100% behind it.

They wanted exactly what you outlined, and so they took it for themselves.

bend over

2*16 fucked this board and most of the site
>inb4 (You)s from 2016 /pol/edditors


Disney did this and they will pay.

It's the new marketing strategy because they know what they produce is either total shit, or mediocre shit. Gotta produce a buzz somehow, and everything's so fucking political these days.

>shills for the mouse
>gets unironically mad at b8 on board entirely dedicated to b8
>not retarded
Ok buddy

Mmmm, so it's the arabs now?

>this is some Arsenal Gear shit.

MGS2 is just about marketing, government surveillance and psyops.

>Fuck me, you animals can never see the bigger picture and only understand events in the most myopic, controlled way possible
They do though, they are just spiteful cunts. Fuck you suffer with me.

>spend a month saying the movie will bomb and reviewers will hate it
>the opposite happens
>"that was all fake we never said that"
man it's scary you guys are all wringing your hands over internet companies brainwashing you but you already are. We already went through this at least once and it just keeps happening. You're incapable of thinking you're wrong. Every claim is unfalsifiable. There's no critical thinking here. You just project and gaslight and keep pushing forward, getting more extreme in your views.

#theresistance fights for companies like Disney and Google.

It's anyone with enough money to influence the political system through legalized bribery and media influence.

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You know they won’t leave this strategy alone right? Disney will kill people to perpetuate a narrative, it’s going to happen in a year or so. The elite have the public consciousness by the balls, they can do whatever they want.

There are some things I will absolutely never, ever understand.

And uncritically, unironically writing:
>A giant mega-corporation, at the behest of another giant mega-corporation, changed its secret machine-code to banish the content and opinions of individual creators and users who have managed to use the platform to elevate their own voice in the cultural discourse, and replaced them with the paid marketing blogs and articles written by faceless bloggers paid exorbitant amounts of money as astroturf for failing corporate consumerism...

We need to get those Russian Nazis too, comrade.

I'm glad to see we are coming to the defense of the common man like Disney and jewtube. Keep up the good fight, brothers.

>These “trolls” are a completely manufactured astroturfing campaign. It’s inorganic and Disney is 100% behind it.
Even you don't believe this.

I'm so glad Youtube changed their algorithm to get back at trolls. This is totally not a staged event to normalize censorship to the public.

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I want to fuck hot arab thot with long dark hair reaching down her ass.

RT removing the "want to see" score is not centralization. It's their fucking right to change their platform. Your'e not entitled by any law on earth to fucking weigh in on their site. You're not worried about control you're worried that your stupid opinions won't be front and center. You're worried that niggers and roasties will be listened to more than you. Get over it.

These mega-corps have the means and motive to do exactly what is happening before our eyes, and you are part of it.

Keep gaslighting forever, all it does is make people want to kill employees we Disney.

>falls for obvious shoop

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As much as i hate lefty sjw shit this guy is right. Why do you retards do this to yourselves? You've literally fed the media machine everything it needed to spin the oppressive patriarchal internet menace yarn to cohorts of gullible retards. Every. Single. Time.

Learn to pick and choose your battles. This movie is a nonissue, it's fucking capeshit. But now you've lent further credibility to the left's narrative that there are evil internet nazis just waiting to e-rape women.

Just don't watch it.

Do you think these creatures actually consider things logically or think for more than a few seconds about what makes them feel righteous? Of course they fucking don't. Ignore them, ignore this culture death and focus on being a good human being in the world you can change. Let these animals bathe in their own shit and swallow the slop they are fed.

Astroturf more you corporate subhuman

>200 people aren't supposed to manipulate what millions see
Which is why we need to restrict reviews to the verified few?

I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.

Come at me.

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The left doesn't use those tactics, that's the modus operandi of neocons like Steve Bannon.

I wasn't being ironic. I really really want someone to shot a Twitter office.

Go to bed ArchiveAnon


>Inch by inch, multi-nationals control more and more of what you can say, where you can say it, and how you can say it
>"Dude lol ur just paranoid u just want people to pay attention to you."
Man, fuck this, I am gonna do something productive. You subhumans will never understand.

can anyone stop this legend?

We all do, we all do.

All technocrats deserve the bullet
Once again, they DO understand. They are just horrible people.

fuck off, kike

>You know they won’t leave this strategy alone right?
They can't, unless they suddenly decided to make decent movies again with some creativity or depth. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on that. So it looks like we're stuck with this last ditch attempt to remain relevant, wherein the total value of the movie comes externally by manufactured controversies.

Why do you want to restrict what private companies can do with their own platforms? Sounds like commie shit to me.

This is your brain in liberalism.
Fuck Americans, you're ruining fucking everything.

Have sex incel.

? I wouldn't call "surreal" to corporations protecting corporations interest. Just business.

Where is the evidence for this. Not saying they are above it but it's purely conjecture at this point.

Enjoy your capeshit and corporate controlled internet you faggot retard

Didn't Laura Loomer handcuffed herself to the twitter offices?

>wherein the total value of the movie comes externally by manufactured controversies.
Exactly why they’ll kill an early showing or some shit. They’d love to anyways, you know for a fact they have contempt for their consumers like any rational human would.

Disney created this "controversy". That was always going to be the narrative regardless of anything else.

Have sex discord tranny

>why does an entity act in its own self interest

Based sex haver

Why do you dumb liberals always push for more regulations on businesses? Just let the free market decide who has the best algorithms.

No one wants to restrict anything. No one is saying Rotten Tomatoes NEEDS to have that "Want to See" button so that normal people can voice their opinion. They're allowed to remove it. That's not the point.

The point is WHY. WHY do they want to remove it? WHY do they decide now, specifically because of this one particular movie, out of ALL OF THE FUCKING MOVIES THAT HAVE EVER EXISTED ON THE PLANET, does it matter? Why is this a pattern, of companies tightening the belt, clamping down on opinions and voices of people trying to be involved in cultural discussion? Why does it only ever flow in one direction? Why is it only ever in response to the media conglolerates maligning specific parts of the demographic? Why does it always happen on multiple platforms simultaneously?

If you literally refuse to ask any questions and just say "lol dats the way it is guess I'll just be silent and consume cuz they said I had to" then why are you even fucking alive?

Is "Just turn your brain off and enjoy it" your entire life?

If your only argument in favour of something is that it's technically legal, you have no argument.

Why do you not have an ideology besides subservience and spite for your fellow man?

On one side you have people who want to make billions of dollars with their movies, on the other side you got a bunch angry nerds. All RT needs is giant bag of money, that's all. Angry reviewers offer it nothing, Disney offers it millions.

That's not evidence though.

>Just let the free market decide who has the best algorithms.

You mean just let the algorithms decide who the free market thinks has the best algorithms, right?

>Just let the free market decide

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>The point is WHY. WHY do they want to remove it? WHY do they decide now, specifically because of this one particular movie, out of ALL OF THE FUCKING MOVIES THAT HAVE EVER EXISTED ON THE PLANET, does it matter?
Because there was a concerted effort to manipulate multiple platforms by an internet mob. And now that mob is crying about what victims they are because it didn't work and they can't do the same things again.

>an Internet mob

First paragraph makes no sense - 'If you looked at this the other day, you saw X...with one small change'. NO, BECAUSE THE CHANGE HAD NOT HAPPENED THEN.

Fuck off tranny commie

This guy FUCKS.

Disney is laughing though


>he can't read
The change is referring to the next sentence.

>I wouldn't call "surreal" to corporations protecting corporations interest. Just business.
This. Waves of drones defending those corporations is what is surreal.

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This is never gonna work user, we were fucking here all week, we saw what happened.

>Because there was a concerted effort to manipulate multiple platforms by an internet mob.
That was the astroturf, sure. But didn't they also say this for Ghostbusters? And Get Out? And a shitload of other movies? The big bad boogeyman of "internet trolls review-bombing out franchise we need to make a billions of dollars" pops up all the time, and yet somehow now is the last straw? Somehow this time it was too much? This was over the line, shut down opinions, Disney can't lose money?

>And now that mob is crying about what victims they are because it didn't work and they can't do the same things again.
What mob? Nigga, you're saying two completely different things. Is it a mob, or are these people's opinions? If it's a mob, then what you have to inherently believe is that ALL opinion, from everyone everywhere, is equally bad.

Otherwise, how do you assert that every single opinion that isn't praise and support is "a mob effort to manipulate"? Also how do you establish that the POSITIVE opinions aren't a mob effort to manipulate? Just because someone is saying good things, they can't be faking it or doing it with malicious intent?

Your assertions aren't sound, they follow no logic. You're literally defending a company that is making billions of dollars by putting a muzzle on you.

Let me guess, you're not an incel rage mob, so you don't need an opinion or a voice, right? You're fine without one?

commence rape

>concerted effort to manipulate multiple platforms by an internet mob

It was more like a fringe group of people handcuffing herself to twitter offices while pretending to be relevant.

“we” were telling you shills to kill your self.

Kill yourself

Kill your family

Kill your co-workers

Ok first of all: we all know autists exists that reeeee about everything, but that’s a very small minority. We also know that marvel movies are very popular and even if they released a PG rated version of 2 girls 1 cup it would be a box office smash hit.
So why the hell are they bothering with trolls? Sigh... I know the answer already to this, but anyway. It saddens me they are stirring up trouble where there is really not that much. It can backfire extremely hard that they are throwing a group of fans under the bus for the sake of publicity.
It worries me this is the future we are getting, one controlled by hate and you feel like you are not ALLOWED to like the things you have always used to like.

>thinks he can defeat the trap commie master race

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It’s not surreal, you’ll come to understand these “people” are fundamentally not human

>WHY do they want to remove it?

Maybe because incel keyboard warriors began explicitly abusing it in order to attack every movie that triggered them.

>Why does it always happen on multiple platforms simultaneously?

There's a thing called synchronicity. Platforms see one entity doing it and think it's actually a pretty good idea and adopt it themselves, especially when they don't want to give Internet trolls anymore leeway because it hurts their profit margin.

Nothing wrong with deplatforming trolls and haters.

I've never been more embarrassed for a group of people than the shame I feel for the people on this site who are genuinely mad about a corporate superhero blockbuster that happens to feature a woman? the fuck is wrong with you virgins?

No one gives a shit about the movie itself, corporate cocksucker

But the trolls are just a smaller group of people. Heck it could be a script kiddie most of the times.

>but that’s a very small minority.
Apparently not. It's not only a majority, there's trillions of them. Trillions of REEEEing autists with computers who are mass-downvoting the movie with thousands of fake accounts each, in an effort to ruin Captain Marvel's opening weekend.

But we know that brave corporations like Youtube and Rotten Tomatoes are bravely standing up to them by not letting anyone voice any opinions anymore.

That's good though because if you're not an autist with a computer, you have nothing to say. Just consume product and smile.

Then the 2nd paragraph should start with This week, you'll see (something with a similar description) with one small change.
Or any of a number of different ways of making the point.

Why was I never invited to these organized raids Yea Forums?

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>incel keyboard warriors

>retards pump out video after video of hours long boring, sexist, inept triggered content using someone else's platform
>complain when platform switches to ensure their quality content is being seen instead of crying manchildren

>Somehow this time it was too much? This was over the line, shut down opinions, Disney can't lose money?

It's more like the movie industry just got tired of all this petty nonsense and decided to fuck over the reactionaries trying to do perception management with stupid internet outrage shit.

The controversy this time was too weak and Disney and Marvel had much more clout than Sony, Blumhouse or Lucasfilm. They also probably learned from The Last Jedi debacle.

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>authoritative sources

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RT removed just a few thousand fake review. It wasn't millions. And a single script kiddie could produce million of fake votes anyway, especially if there are no protections for fake voting in place.

>Maybe because incel keyboard warriors began explicitly abusing it in order to attack every movie that triggered them.

What I think is more funny than this corporate line, is the idea that no one who isn't an "incel keyboard warrior" has the ability to abuse the system to upvote something because social justice.

Or is the assertion that people who support Captain Marvel are just idiots?

explain the argument to me then

you're mad that a superhero movie has a woman talking bullshit about what a step forward for feminism it is? who cares

>A bunch of retards try to own the libs by trolling capeshit
>Accidentally get woke on google manipulating algorithms to favor corporate sources with vested interests

This is a weird episode

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Buzzword, and referring to Disney marketers as reactionaries makes no sense anyways.

lol fuck off we're full

>Your assertions aren't sound, they follow no logic. You're literally defending a company that is making billions of dollars by putting a muzzle on you.
I'm not defending anyone. You're in cringey hysterics because you wasted 2 weeks trying to tank a movie and it didn't work. You aren't going to convince me that companies cracking down on this kind of abuse is some kind of dystopian overreach. Get a grip.

I actually added the word reactionary at the last minute before posting the post, and I wondered if it was going to trigger someone.

And it did.

>this whole fight, all this outrage, is because Yea Forums feels some movies got more praise than they should because of politics
>people aren't allowed to like bad movies
>people aren't allowed to appreciate movies for reasons outside of traditional film appreciation
>even though Yea Forums spent years praising Snyder and David S Goyer movies
Sorry nobody is going to make it illegal for Rotten Tomatoes to change their software to counter a bunch of people who organize and downvote everything to 0% because politics. And yes, that means politics you don't like will get upvoted but that's your fault. You want the other side to be rational and all about quality while your side gets to like Birth of a Nation because it btfos niggers.

>explain the argument but wait let me make this conversation meaningless by immediately starting conversation with this strawman
You are a moron. Good luck living this way.

>RT removed just a few thousand fake review. It wasn't millions.

Um excuse me, it's literally quadrillions of autist keyboard warrior incel ragebabies creating a billion fake accounts each to mass-downvote and fake review Captain Marvel because they're mad she said she likes black people. The corporations are obviously just BTFOing racist, mysoginistic, transphobic, islamophobic shits so we can all enjoy our movie in peace and not have to hear things we don't agree with.

Hesitant to call yourself your own word for heretic?

It IS manipulating search results though.

Most writers for sites like that don’t really have any education to support the basis of their employment. So mostly their wiriting skills are sub-par.

Attached: Anime-Right-News-Ira-Greenstein-Bakabart.png (680x680, 338K)

>I’m not defending anyone
And no one will defend you for licking boots.

>You aren't going to convince me that companies cracking down on this kind of abuse is some kind of dystopian overreach.

And there it is.

Just consume product. Never think. Thoughts are bad, thoughts enable racism. Corporations are your friend. If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide.

I semi-ironically self-identity as nazbol so I don't really care.

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>Just consume product. Never think. Thoughts are bad, thoughts enable racism. Corporations are your friend. If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide.
>he and 100s of other unique, free-thinking, individualists chanted in unison

gotta love the circular logic of it all though:
>we need to delete these negative reviews
>well, they're from evil womanhating nazis trying to tank the reviews
how do you know that
>well they downvoted it, so we need to delete it!

Have sex, because we haven’t invented soma yet

>What's a bot?

Disney and megacorps manipulating search results is kosher though

>Corporations are your friend

Corporations are your friends you bloodstained god-hating freedom-destroyer commie .

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Have sex yuropoor codemonkey

You’re a brainlet if you believe in the false dichotomy of the collective and the individual and something even worse if you believe this petty snark isn’t what’s killing you inside

>because we haven’t invented soma yet
What fucking planet are you on?

>there are actually people who think Yea Forums " raided" anything and didn't just shitpost the move exclusively on Yea Forums and nowhere else.

If you needed evidence half of Yea Forums are tourists, this is it. This is only a few levels down the "the infamous Yea Forums"

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No. Megacorporations are actually communists

The arrogance of the meek, they serve no ideology but subservience, no matter how much it hurts them.

I don't see the incentive in people intentionally manufacturing a positive score if they are already in favor of the movie before its release. Unless you're trying to assert that they were so insecure about its success that they had to fake it, which doesn't really pass the smell test. The same can't be said for a bunch of assholes who have been spreading hate and negative comments about the movie for months and keep concocting conspiracy theories to justify their delusions by making themselves be the REAL victim of oppression when the rest of the world doesn't agree with their opinion.

Have slaw

Right, that's what is so ridiculous. Not that RT or a big corp would do damage control + astroturf like that, of course they would.

It's more hilarious that the shills don't see it that way.

Clearly to them, the ONLY people voicing opinions & reviewing were trolls/abusers. So deleting them all so only positive reviews can exist, obviously is justified because no negative reviews could possibly exist. And no one who isn't a troll or abuser needs to have an opinion, so removing that avenue of discussion is a good thing.

The message is literally "If you want to discuss this film on our site, you have to give it a 4 star review." and they see nothing wrong with that.

based anti-celibate

>The same can't be said for a bunch of assholes who have been spreading hate and negative comments about the movie for months

Hard times breed strong men. No one said anything about 'good.' These aren't hard times.

I like your spunk though, keep reading.

Based incel fighting the good fight

Unironicall have sex. You're paranoid

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But you're not thinking. You're just mindlessly consuming an alternate narrative because it's the alternative. You're patting yourself on the back for not supporting Coke while shilling for Pepsi. Shut the fuck up. Not jumping on the /pol/ outrage bandwagon doesn't make you a mindless consumer.

I sure hope there are more than 100s of people who see it for the shit it is.

But there are plenty of audience and verified reviewers that gave it negatives, so your narrative is a complete lie. When you have tens of thousands of reviews that have the same paragraph submitted within an hour or less, those are usually bots.

>I don't see the incentive in people intentionally manufacturing a positive score

>Unless you're trying to assert that they were so insecure about its success that they had to fake it,

>which doesn't really pass the smell test
Are you fucking shitting me? You're really sitting there and saying that if a corporation had the choice between letting the public perception of their movie be mixed to potentially poor, or JUST STRAIGHT UP CONTROLING ALL OPINION AND NARRATIVE AROUND THEIR PRODUCT, that doesn't "pass the smell test" you fucking microbrain?

>The same can't be said


I don’t think this non-sequitor was appropriate here if I’m going to be honest with you

>I sure hope there are more than 100s of people who believe everything they hear on Yea Forums and get mad because Yea Forums said so.

>When you have tens of thousands of reviews that have the same paragraph submitted within an hour or less, those are usually bots.

Except that the positive ones that are copy-paste spam don't get deleted.

Could a real comic nerd tell me how close they are to running out of material for these fucking things? I know they've monetized decades of long-popular story arcs, so how long until Batman is just punching Nazis?

Again user, they know exactly what they are doing. It’s all disingenuous, they don’t give a fuck and just want to spite you because they lack an individual will.

>Could a real comic nerd tell me how close they are to running out of material for these fucking things?

The Infinity War comic event happened in 1992.

It's not a non-sequitur. Or a straw-man. Or a red-herring. Wikipedia's list of cognitive biases and logical fallacies can't really help you out here. You're stupid and far from a free-thinker if you take anything on Yea Forums as fact. Once again, there is no critical thinking going on in this thread.

And what product would "not supporting them" be? You actually believe people who dont like capeshit and identity politics are poltards?

Why is everybody so concerned with protecting Brie Larson?

Is that what you "feel"? You must be god almighty because whatever you feel becomes truth.

The bot spam gets elminated negative or positive.

I hope Captain Marvel wins best picture next year

But its from CNN

I REALLY don’t think a second non-sequitor was needed, the only thing that really seems needed is your daily medicine

>If Yea Forums ignored this shit from the beginning and not went to raid "want to see" scores and spread it all over social media then there wouldn't be an issue.
We didn't do that

Damn it.

I actually don't give two shits about rotten tomatoes scores and have never ever used it because only sheep let other people's opinions dictate what they see. That's why this is so hilarious to me.



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>must be god almighty because whatever you feel becomes truth.
Big corporate at the moment

I don’t think Disney’s plan was retarded though, it clearly worked

No there is no law that does, but I want to weigh in, because I do what I want. I live by my own rules, instead of merely existing like you, insect. Just die already, you have literally no reason to live.

>Isn't actually literally
>Doesn't know what literally means.

Like literally.

Based and the replies just prove your point. /pol/ is so fucking embarrassing and they literally can't even see it lol

Based cooperate overlords protecting the individual.

the /pol/ types that dove face first into this bait are just as much into identity politics as sjws, user

I believe people who think that "more women and women of color should review movies" is some kind of radical and untenable idea to be idiots. And yeah, they're likely to be /pol/tards. You're foolish if you think this discussion is actually about internet freedom. The old /pol/ narrative didn't work and now they're pivoting to "muh corporations" because it's all they got left. Just like how gamergate was supposedly about journalism and not that some feminist made a feminist game that wasn't a FPS and it got positive reviews. When everyone realizes what the agenda is, just switch to a more agreeable one and conflate the two. It's a play we've seen over and over on Yea Forums and in real life too. This isn't about corporate overreach it's about /pol/tv/ getting buttblasted that a feminist movie didn't crash and burn according to the metrics they laid out for the past year. Now it's damage control. Goalposts are being shifted, narratives are pivoting. In a couple years there will be another one and we'll do it all over again.

I love how people here call each other incels and discord trannies when both shouldn't be here in the first place

based retard gettin that boissi

>damage control
Nice astroturfing campaign

Ikr. censorship is like, totally sick, fuck those bigots

Why are leftists supporting a multi billion dollar media conglomerate making even more money while at the same introducing Orwellian media manipulation systems?

can I buy you a thesaurus, holy fuck my dude

>A bloo bloo the left is silencing me on private platforms a bloo bloo

Hey whatever happened to all those rightwing friendly social media sites you guys were building back in 2016? I sure hope you weren't just talking out your ass because you're a bunch of stupid lazy cum stains L I T E R A L L Y crying over not getting to bash some capeshit movie on a corporate website because it dares to show gurl power. That would just be embarrassing.

I'm liberal as FUCK but how can anyone see this as a good thing?

>my dude
We know who you are.

Because it’s not politics, they have no ideology beyond spiting their fellow men

I need to know, I really really need to know man; Just drop the act for like a single second and tell me if you honestly believe this.

Because I have never seen a more perfectly crafted shitpost in my whole life, you're like a fucking professional. So chill with me for a sec and then you can go back to whatever it is you're doing at 3AM on a Monday morning.

Yep you never even thought about Captain Marvel before last Thursday


We've always been at war with Europa. Yea Forums never cared about Captain Marvel. And if they did then it was fake replies. And if they weren't, it was just trolling. And if it wasn't, it was a vocal minority. And if it wasn't, then it was justified in some other way. Reality is actually unfalsifiable. There's no world where Captain Marvel succeeds in any way that isn't some conspiracy or corporate manipulation. Even if RT released all their evidence for poll manipulation, you'd just say it was fabricated evidence. Even if some how we could magically show sworn statements of every troll you'd just say they were crisis actors. Reality is unfalsifiable.

>have sex, incel
So if I were to have sex, it would magically turn me into an onionman? Isn't the very basis of this "meme" the further objectification of wimmenz in that they're sex objects or something? I think the falseflaggers aren't falseflaggers anymore.

Got to love them dumb fucks. He even threw in gamergate while leaving out some dumb bitch sucking dick for reviews. Incestual relationships aren't just bad for chromosomes. Disney had decades of practice and research on their cult followers, this shit is just getting started.

Oh don't worry. Marvels comics have been complete shit since the 2000's

Have sex

>this shit is just getting started.
Oh I know, like I said Disney will end up killing them.

Shills pretending to be of the people is the literal definition of astroturf, fruitcake.

I don't get why she upset people enough to actually have so many people calling for a boycott over hurt feelings what a fuckin joke
I mean she's pretty annoying but really? Fucking christ when did the right start crying about our feelings and how offensive shit is too?


A.) Having sex makes your opinions, whatever they be, inherently valid


B.) Having sex changes your opinions into the palatable, corporate-friendly, SJW-lefty approved talking points.

One of the two.

Nice astroturfing campaign. It’s a catch-22 though, because your entire narrative is built on lies you have to constantly perpetuate it. It’s pretty easy when you have empathy and can simply trust the judgement of others.

Your inability to argue in good faith is just proof that I'm right. Continue doing the same thing you've always done and we'll keep ending up right back here. I can handle you being wrong more than you can handle being wrong.

>Your inability to argue in good faith is just proof that I'm right
You do realize this is bad faith right, or are you really that desparate

The irony is, I don't care about Captain Marvel. I wouldn't go see it anyway because it holds no interest for me. I'm more interested in the idea that the people supporting it are doing so by petitioning big media conglomerates to clamp down and restrict people's ability to speak & share ideas with eachother, specifically so they can make more money.

That's what I have an issue with. I don't give a fuck about Brie Larsen.

If you trusted the judgement of others you wouldn't feel a need to fix an online poll. If you had empathy you wouldn't have a problem with what an actress said. Good job cutting off the branch on which you were sitting.

>Fucking christ when did the right start crying about our feelings and how offensive shit is too?
where have you been for the last 2 years? internet right wing people are literally just reverse sjws now

holy fuck bots can't detect sarcasm

Have sex, incel.

>resorting to "no u"

I'm not arguing, I asked you to drop the facade for a second and tell me whether you're trolling, or just really this dug in to these weird beliefs that are literally perfectly crafted to trigger all of Yea Forums.

You're arguing with some other dude.

Just like, blink twice or something if you're just shitposting for fun.

Your actually a /pol/tard if you think that this is in any way a bad thing.
Nazis getting silenced is ALWAYS a good thing

What if silencing Nazis also silences anti-Nazis?

Most of the right doesn't give a fuck, they are either boomers or out not on Yea Forums. The ones that do are the pol basedboy neckbeards that sick their botnets to "fight" those liberal Jews. Those are the fragile ones.

That's a pretty decent bot answer.

all of these comicsgate dorks unironically need to be put to death

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>getting silenced is ALWAYS a good thing

Its really not.

Allow me to explain you why the bugman is so proficient at this user, you’ll notice this behavior more and more.

It’s because it’s meaningless. There’s no discourse, no conversation, it’s like talking to a wall, they’ll go around in circles committing all sorts of fallacies; it simply doesn’t matter. There is no meaning. To talk with someone, to actually convey an idea, has meaning behind it.

Get it? They are attuned to this behavior so to speak. They are hollow creatures, all their interactions are hollow, not a hint of honesty to be found.

>I'm more interested in the idea that the people supporting it are doing so by petitioning big media conglomerates to clamp down and restrict people's ability to speak & share ideas with eachother, specifically so they can make more money.
I don't think anyone on Yea Forums actually supports Disney or the movie, although I only speak for myself. I just enjoyed watching a brigade of tards who made this board unreadable for 2 weeks get completely btfo. Is that so wrong?

Who the fuck even did that? Stop believing some cooperate narrative.

With that, a little hope is restored. Thanks comic book guy.

Disney did that though, nice astroturfing campaign.

>american education

Nazis don't deserve a platform to spread they're hate. As long as the anti-Nazis are also white guys then its not a big deal but if they are women, PoC, LGBTQIA+, or any other group of opressed people than its an extremely bad thing. Some time the best way to silence a Nazi is to yell loud enough and thats wgat youtube did.

>Is that so wrong?
Not inherently, no.

But if you're literally cheering the erosion of public discourse and opinion all so you can lol for a minute? I'd say you're probably too brainlet to really realize what you're doing.

>than its an extremely bad thing.
So how do you silence Nazis but not silence gays? Also what about the gay Nazis?

>But if you're literally cheering the erosion of public discourse and opinion
Yeah that’s how it works, the sad part is that he isn’t actually laughing

>it's trolls fault that they weaponized downvoting , them doing that got big mega corps to learn how to do it and deploy it on a mass scale!
Just drink rat poison, fucking hell, if I could jump on Soros's payroll to drown you fuckers while I secured my family's future I''d take it in a heartbeat, nothing but disdain for the general population.

>corporate PR gaslights by directly insulting/attacking white male capeshit moviegoer and by extension their existence

>corporate media immediately reports the public fallout to this as male fear and misogyny

>corporate social media preemptively changes algorithms to minimize negative public opinions, refers to any negative response to aforementioned offensive statements as trolling

Commies are joyriding corporations into the ground.

Different user here, but the denial of identity as a factor in access to justice is a very dangerous assertion when extrapolated to a policy level. Justice requires the knowledge of injustice, injustice is not acknowledged if the means of injustice are not recognized. Whatever you think about angry sjws, if they've got you fighting against the concept of prejudice, you've been baited.

>major media corporations are pressuring youtube to push their shit into the forefront and silence anyone who might threaten their monopoly
How is this news?

Stop masturbating

>But if you're literally cheering the erosion of public discourse and opinion all so you can lol for a minute?
Of course I'm not, but I think the "erosion of public discourse" is a way deeper issue than the way that youtube handles search results, and you're confusing the downstream symptoms with the actual problems.

>So how do you silence Nazis but not silence gays? Also what about the gay Nazis?
Its complicated because gay people (such as myself) some times internalise homophobia.
If your gay and your a Nazi than your not really part of the LGBTQIA+ and there for you are an enemy to LGBTQIA+ rights and SHOULD be SILENCED.

Plot twist


How can one man be so based?

>a "insignificant" amount of "trolls" voice their opinion and say they don't like something
>that's enough to make several megacorporations shit their pants and do their utmost to remove dissent while their propaganda machines work overtime

So they stop the manipulation of search results by manipulating search results?

You thought /pol/ was wrong about certain groups controlling media and technology?

Based alternate reality poster

hows chopping your dick off tranny?

I'm a founding member of antifa in Chicago so i'm actually the opposate of fascist but whatevs
It really is tho

Spotted the incel, no way a megacorp would want more power

>Lol incels and trolls mean nothing, no one cares about your silly little wars
>Multi billion dollar corporations in full damage control mode changing fundemental aspects of their businesses and engaging in gestapo like surpression tactics

Well which is it, do we mean nothing, or are you that afraid of us "nobodies"

Both because they aren’t real

Welcome to cyberpunk.

have sex

having sex may cure you from your deep-rooted hate towards women that is the whole base of your pathetic ""boycott"""

Also, sex in general is a weak point for all the incels crying about this movie

/pol/ supported and keeps supporting an incompetent retard as a president to "totally trigger the liberuls", you are hardly in any position to act self-rightous

Sounds like you just don't like the taste of your own medicine

I bet all this shit with Captain Marvel costs A LOT for disney. You can't win corporation, but still a great job

>we're goign to remove what you can and can't say on our platform!
>don't like it go to your won platform!
>well except we won't let you do that because the algorythms will make sure nobody ever finds your platform
>if by some miracle it even does get noticed, liek that patreon alternative we'll just pull funding from it because we own most of the banks!
I wish I was on Soros's side so I could make you dance for me before I cut your strings.

it looks just as bad.

Truly a big loss that we'll lose the brigade of retards bombing a movie with 1/10s before the movie comes out

Yes the 455 million this movie made sure put a dent in their wallet

It's not opportunistic, not reactionary. You're really giving "angry movie-goers" a lot of credit here when the end result is a "justified" power grab by megacorps. This mirrors post-WW2 U.S. involvement in South America you've been Chomsky'd

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>but I think the "erosion of public discourse" is a way deeper issue than the way that youtube handles search results
What do you mean by that?
Part of the discourse happens on youtube, and the search algorithm steers that part of the discourse.
The search algorithm isn't a separate issue, it affects the issue, or do you not understand that it affects the discourse?

>lose the brigade of retards bombing a movie with 1/10s before the movie comes out
Stop insulting disney or I will shit my pants

Does your little pissbaby brain really believe that they didn't know how to do this all along and were waiting for the perfect scapegoat to normalize it? You people are fucking cowards.

> You're mental if you think there is a large conspiracy to silence voices that dissent from the political left and their point of view

If the fact that YouTube, Google, Twitter and Facebook all do this doesn't bother you, you're a fucking moron, because one day it will be people just like you that fail their purity test and then you'll want people to care, and they won't, just like you don't now.

Disney may had this in store all along, but in the end it was incel brigade that fell for the outrage marketing hook, line and sinker

Of course they know, and you know that they know you just don’t want to believe it, because it has some real bad implications

>incels BTFO again

Being a drone in the outrage brigade isn't exactly life's highest calling, user. You're an impotent squawker at best and controlled opposition at worst

Or maybe its just a shit movie

You proved the feminism of the movie correct by being a nunch of toxic males in the internet screaming and trying to make the movie fail

It's almost surreal how well played you all like a fiddle

>this unseen enemy we designed ourselves attacked us, therefore we're completely in the right to restrict your freedoms and tell you what you can think and do so using a clear cut singular entity.
The only silver lining to this for everyone who is against you is that eventually you and your ilk will be put up against the wall and killed, or forced into camps when we're all dead.

>Maybe this capeshit is different in any way from other capeshit
Sure, friend. Maybe.

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You're surprised that major tech companies that rely on advertising revenues don't want to be associated with allowing content where people like you who spout women hating shit left and right and regularly promote and hate and lies? This is exactly the same thing as when Youtube started heavily demonetize videos viewed controversial after advertises started to pull out after hearing that their ads were being played on racist Nazi videos and they didn't want to be associated with hate speech.

Ah yes, the basis of the western civilization was truly the freedom to go to a private-owned website and review bomb before it comes out

It's all downhill from here

So willingly shuffle into the internment camps and if you don't you're an npc?

Dilation Nation is in full force to whiteknight for megacorporations, wew.

cry more


>Ah yes, the basis of the western civilization was truly the freedom to go to a [public place] and [voice your opinion]
kind of

(of, relating to, or affecting a population or a community as a whole)

Patrice O Neil, the most red pilled black motherfucker out there who had sex with a ton of quality women still hated them and realized what he was sayign was right. Wikipedia incels might've classed him as a "cringe comedian" but he was 100% right, and no matter what woman debated him he'd have em trying to impress him by the end of the night. He famously had a female "sex doctor" by the name of doctor .Z strip naked by the end of the night, completely proving him right.

All holes could do is insult the women he slept with, and then him later, no matter what qualifier you subhumans slap on you'll just make the hoops harder to jump through. You could be proved wrong daily for years straight and you still wouldn't accept reality and still cry incel.

(((Communists))) are the supporters of the (((owners))) of the megacorporations.
Try again, kike.

It wasn't just that, the fact is that people can no longer express their opinion unless it hits a certain threshold qualifier for their group think. Keep alughing about it thoguh, eventually you'll be stuck in a forced work camp of some fashioning because you signed away our freedom for your feelings.

My solace is that you and your family if you can even have families, will be put to the most grueling soulless labor anyone can imagine and you'll do it with a smile.

Don't let this groups conflict with a system orient you towards defending that system.

Captain Marvel sits at 80% which mean 1 in 5 critics gave it a rotten review. Shifting through user scores still reveals negative reviews. The only thing that changed was tha it's now more difficult to make le epic Yea Forums raids, and you'll have a hard time rallying support to bring back the ability to review bomb before they come out

Also interesting to note, how you're still using the same old alt-right tactic of promising ultimate consequences for anything that happens ever. You fucks can't even argue without starwmaning and fear-mongering everywhere

well since you're a retard I'll spell it out for you, just this once
> 1. Move the public discourse to private locations
> 2. controll the opposition there since you cannot do it as efficiently in real life
> 3. freely manipulate the global narrative without recourse and pass laws as you see fit guiding public opinion where you want it
> 4. if anyone calls you out for doing this, fall back on the "private corporations can do as they please" rhetoric even though they have the money and power to steer anything where they choose, privately

This is exactly what China is doing, except in a much more subtle way that I suppose your pissbabybrain can't comprehend. Essentially we already have social credit scores in place, there's just no numbers attatched. It's okay if your job fired you for wrong think and ruined your business opportunities, you said a bad thing that offended me! Private corporations can fire you if they feel you're a bigot after all, so what if you can't work anywhere or make money because you don't hold a popular opinion, guess you should've kept your mouth shut huh?

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>Saying Disney and Google will cheat and lie to achieve nefarious goals
>Licking boots

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yes straw manning and fear mongering, yet you can't prove at all anyone on Yea Forums was bashing your shitty movie or co ordinating an effort to attack your soulless trash, yet you can absolutely prove that marketeers and discord trannies astroturf here all the time. You can also prove that there was a concerted effort to change public opinion and censor opinions via many articles liek the op, but faceless nobodies and an ambiguous enemy that doesn't exist are clearly the bad guys.

Drink motor oil then set yourself on fire, paid shill, troll, retarded marxist, or astroturf employee, you deserve to die for being such a shit eating maggot on the face of this earth.

It's fucked up, and it feels like shit. You know some people even get treated like that for things they can't hide or change...

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I'm not even going to entertain a serious response. You know you're just throwing a gigantic tantrum, and you know Yea Forums and certains corners of reddit talked for months about review-bombing the movie. And it's not like Disne couldn't prove it either, I'm sure Hiro could provide a list of IPs and when crossed, it would have many matches with IPs belonging to accounts that were just open to leave a 1/10

You lost, and in the name of everyone that wanted to use this board recently but was met eith 50 threads of you retards organizing your epic raids, I'm enjoying all those tears

Stay seething, this is my last (You)

Persecution for ideas and for physical attributes are the same thing, you'd think the entirety of recorded human civilization would've taught people that.

Seems like people like bringing up the holocost to guilt trip people, but they don't actually understand it was the same thing.

>shills still live in the "anonymous hacker know as Yea Forums" world


kill yourself nigger, I'm not reading any of that. You can't prove Yea Forums did a thing, you've only got the bias of your own diseased brain to tell you otherwise. While tehre's a mountain of evidence showing coporations manipulating things in their favor, you and your obedient family ought to serve out your lives as slaves since that's what you're good at, eating shit and licking boots.

You deserve the gentile life.

People needs to stop trolling with bad reviews.

>Yea Forums and certains corners of reddit talked for months about review-bombing the movie

post links to the archived threads where this is discussed

Who said holocaust? God damn, dude. And I didn't say you weren't persecuted, I'm saying people right now in this country are experiencing exactly what you described for a variety of reasons, and it is in your best interest to find ways to work together.

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