Doom Patrol

Doom Patrol. Good or just more capeshit?

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furthest from capeshit. Hell, they actively hate on capeshit


1 more good episode and it's better than Daredevil

it's very bad but i'm watching it. problems include frasers voice not matching the actor's performance whatsoever, cringey dialog (they literally said 'toxic masculinity' in the last episode), and the robonigger actor (about the same acting ability as j. lee with less charisma)

It's literally capeshit.

It's great desu

>weird concepts that isnt just superpowered dude punches another superpowered dude
>have to deal with not only the weird enemies they must also deal with personal conflict
>literally capeshit

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Do you even know what the fuck capeshit even means? It's literally based on a comic book, dumbass.


Capeshit doesn't even have an official definition letting users of this board change it until it becomes another word that means "something I dont like"
But Capeshit is mostly used for big budgeted Marvelflicks loser

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Best capeshit I've seen. Better than DD season 1.

It's basically watchmen meets Deadpool 1 with horror elements

What makes it good? Someone sell me on it.

Is this better or worse than umbrella academy, I liked that despite it's obvious flaws.

U.A was 6.5 Doom Patrol would be a 10/10

Heard great thing about it.

The comic is fucking is one of the greatest since the 1960s the original run is amazing and predates the x-men (stan a hack).

This run is some of Morrison best work.

Now I read it with with Brendan voice, nice, yeah I'm gonna read Morrison's run again.


I told you.

That's a pretty shit sell. Surely you can do better.

Lmao. For starters Doom patrol is still yet to get boring

not really. It has the deconstructionist bent of watchmen with kind of a 40s/50s meets today tone. It has the meta/raunchy humor of deadpool. And it has some violent horror elements.

It's not my fault you're a fucking brainlet and don't know what those movies mean, and can't translate.

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Sounds pretty gay.

I only watched the first episode. Does the racist woman get properly BLACKED?

really enjoyed the last episode with magic guy

Brendan Fraser

dont be a nigger, shit is shit. and 99% of the time capeshit is shit

is that turk?

this guy looks cool

his tv version looks lame but idk what else they'd do

It has the humor of Deadpool, if Deadpool was funny

It's great.

Its capekino

Well over 30 posts ITT and one one post calling it trash on FUCKING Yea Forums must mean its good.

NPC thread

It's really good. I was afraid episode 4 was going into "Issue of the week" type shit but I'm glad it's atleast a 2 episode arc. Hopefully that's consistent throughout the show.
I only wish that characters would stop being so melodramatic. A lot of the interplay is good, but sometimes it's Arrowverse tier and I don't know why. Also needs more Nobody

Felt incredibly tryhard and desperate. The show throws everything in the mix - meta 4th wall breaks, self-deprecating humor, cynicism, wacky gore, all along with cringy drama about struggling gays and minorities.

Have sex.

And it does it really well. A show like that could easily tip over the edge but it always feels genuine. Cyborg sucks ass though, easily the worst part of the show

Crazy Jane needs to be killed off and never come back again.

It's still capeshit, you fucking retard. Steve Gerber's run on the Defenders for Marvel is just as weird and its still capeshit.

defenders is also complete dogshit

Cyborg is actually a cool guy.

Those Marvel Netflix shows are all cheap dogshit.

I don't know her 60+ power suite is interesting. Kill of cyborg

He's undoubtedly the worst actor and usually has the worst character interactions. Literally everything without him is good, but if he's in the scene you know he's gonna bitch about something for no reason

You mean Vic

no it doesnt. You're just a zoomer piece of shit.

I love that the show is narrated by Mr. Nobody. His brief origin story pales in comparison to the comic's absurdity. Are they trying to avoid completely copying Morrison's work? Because they could have done his rapid descent into madness in the white room on a show with a much smaller budget. It's the only thing that makes sense to me on why they would make such a watered down version. The show veers violently between great campy and awfully tacky. It's a good attempt at trying to capture Morrison's take on Doom patrol but it falls flat in a few places with a strange inconsistency. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined a Doom Patrol series even if the media was running out of super heroes and I'm content with what we got considering the track record.

it's not hilarious, but it makes you smile/snicker sometimes. I laughed out loud maybe 2 or 3 times in the 4 episodes of Doom Patrol.

>It's not hilarious
>I laughed out loud
I pretty much laugh whenever Jane says fuck. Rita is also funny as hell

No I mean the character needs to fucking go. She serves no purpose outside of being a histrionic cunt.

That's the tone of the comic. Grant Morrison made the comic popular again in the 90s and he was basically the guy that created the matrix and ideas like that in comics about 10 years before the matrix was made. As in - he pretty much was the most interesting writer of comics in the 90s bar none. Basically the new Grant morrison on acid.

You're just so used to shitty imitations and know so little you don't know that that's what Doom Patrol is. AND yes Grant had socially progressive themes but cloaked in an air of mysticism. He is very much a commie hippie goth so... no wonder.

I don't agree with his politicals at all now as a boomer, but as a kid it was fucking brilliant when you feel rebellious and you're tired of superheros.

He was doing it before any of these faggots thought to make money off it so at least he had balls.

It's insane. The trailers looked so damn bad, I never thought it would be as good as it is

For some reason I compared him to the fire storm nigger from the CW show. Cybrog is such a better actor and it's criminal nobody will ever see it.

When will Rita go giantess? cause she damn useless right now

He is not bad but I dunno why he thinks he is boss of the team. Hopefully they bring that up

People laugh at different things.

Exploding donkeys with interdimentional portals in the mouths makes it 10/10

Did you watch last episode? She's motherfucking elastigirl now and that's a cool power

t. Cyborg

Everything teased up to its release was hot garbage in how it was presented, it's shocking how decent it is.

I don't get the rita hate. Yes she is very progressive and women power.. but that's the point. She's suppose to be an obnoxious cunt who just want to harm Robotman. Robotman can't be hurt, and just want somebody to fix to make up for his daughter. So they fit perfectly.

It's basically a spin on a will they or won't they romance - which is why they threw in the music queue and framing for when they met and specifically mentioned them being a couple.

Robotman is this alpha 80s male chad, and she is a art slut crazy cunt. That's what makes it work.

Yes it's cringe when she throw the word nazi in the air and says "toxic masculinity" but it's suppose to be cringe.

I'm very traditional and don't agree with any of that shit.. but I still fucking laughed when they played Nazi Punks Fuck off by Dead Kennedys when Robotman is literally imploding these strudel boys into hamburger. It was surreal and hilarious.

The fucking Nazi Puppets were so kino.

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You mean Jane and it's because she said toxic masculinity in recent episode. And I think she meant it unironically

Her name is Jane, not Rita
She isn't even all that progressive, your just programmed to cringe when someone says "toxic masculinity"me too It's not like the show is left leaning because of a couple lines

What the fuck was that shit? She also killed a room full of Nazi's

Jane, - not sure why I was thinking Rita. Yes that's the point. She's meant to be a cunt. I'm not saying it's ironic. Its just the parlance of our times. That's how dumb bitches talk.

I mean they haven't made a single issue out of race on the show. Or women being weak. That's how you know the core idea isn't progressive. The characters are driven by their arcs and traits, not proving a point. Yes, I know negative man had a gay bent but that shit was in comics in the 90s and it just makes sense for the character.

It's certainly in the topical flavour of Morrison's run. Reminds me of Mr. Nobody's line from the comic "I'm afraid I can't understand a word you're saying. I don't speak fascist." Mr. Nobody appealed to the rebellious political nature of the 90s.

Also in the same episode she was cuddling up to cliff. Don't know if there is a connection but I'm saying it

To be fair, Jane was abused and mindbreaked that's why her cuntiness is a bit justified.

capeshit means literally any comic book film or show. saying its big budget marvel movies only is you using it to describe something you dont like

capeshit is literally a made up word you mong

Appealed to the political climate of the 90s while also mocking it in the same breath is what I should have said.

Why was cliff shocked after fucking up everyone?

Yeah I mean.. the thing is I was a super lefty punk protestor in the 90s. It was all around then, and I grew the fuck out of it and I'm pretty much a racist . I think a lot of what is going on in culture is scary and bad. Especially drugging kids and cutting off their dicks...but it's always been there and it was a small minority with a big voice.

Grant Morrison is kind of a douche to me now, but I still admire his intelligence and creativity. He writes good stories and it shines through and that's all I care about because I know my feelings and politics now and nothing is going to change that like when I was an impressionable kid.

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I imagine this is the first time he's been in a fight since he became a robot. Probably got lost in his rage and didn't realize what what he did or how strong he actually was.

>Cliff feels pain
I know it's a small thing, but this bothers the shit out of me

I don't think that's a small thing considering a big part of his character is his desire to feel anything at all.

Grant Morrison reveals the absurdity of life in a colorful way and I think the most important lesson any human can learn is that the asylum doesn't end at the walls. It instills a strange sense of empathy and humbleness while also keeping a person detached yet entertained by life.

Cyborg better keep his hands off Rita too.

>brutally kills random girl for literally no reason
>shitty 2001 youtube tier bloodsplatter

great discussion video. He is kind of onions but not annoyingly so. He actually makes good points and analysis based off real film study instead of politics or shilling.

He brings up a great point about how each episode feels like a story, instead of a flabby crappy overly long movie. the fucking cliff hanger issue with all capeshit tv.

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Who's the floating hotie?

The DC app unironically looks good. Doom patrol does make me want to read the comics

Detachment is so important lol.

Its crazy Jane in the comics with one of her powers.

She was kind of a goth doll alterna chick. but her style changed a lot from like art chick to goth chick to doll girl.

I think the girl they chose for the show is smoking hot. And she does a great job. I wouldn't have died at some real goth eye candy but oh well.

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Woah, Vinceborg?

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The ability to step back and examine a moment of your life from a broader perspective and understand why it makes you feel the way it does is vital. It's like a similar process to appreciating art. The trick is balancing between that and living in the moment without detracting from your own experience and growth from life. It's important to stop and smell the flowers but also look at them.

>capeshit means literally any comic book film or show.
I'm happy to learn that The Walking Dead is now capeshit

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No, it means "term only Yea Forums people use".

what does that even mean
didnt she kill equally as many people in brutal ways?

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I love how it mocks capeshit. Something deadpool really never did. He makes jokes about like fox movies being bad.. kind of the reddit version, but this show just comes out and says "this is really getting fucking old".

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he may be...

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what do?

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Doom Patrol.

it's from Doom Patrol. In the flashbacks he is this 80s race car driver banging his maid and being a pig. Its full of glory.


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Jesus christ user, try and lurk more, it'll hide your stupidity and emotional vulnerability.


That humping and smiling behind is my favorite expression, because it reminds me of some gay japanese memes

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First episode was kino. 2-3 were okay. The latest, 4, was absolute dogshit though.

worse than Umbrella Academy.


I would stop watching any kind of thing that had that line

>show with modern ellen page
>vs show without her
I think theres a clear winner here user

Unfunny jokes make me cringe. Umbrella Academy is more serious tho.

whats mr nobodys powers in the show?

Yes, I really love the Reddit aspects of umbrella academy

>you must be robot-man
>hurr don't state the obvious
>this must be the painting

>Negative Man's energy isn't black

>>Laugh at your peril.

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it's hipster capeshit, its still capeshit just trying hard to not look like it.

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Fund all Grant Morrison and Grant Morrison Adjacent projects.

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>One of Crazy Jane's personalities is a full blown misandrist

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Misandrists doesn't cry about toxic masculinity, cuck.

what did he mean by this

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Let me guess. You're american and think misandrist and misanthropist mean the same thing.

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Too much about the gay romance and Jane is an awful, unlikable character who is basically all sjw/feminist/antifa bullshit wrapped up into a single person who can do anything the plot requires and acts like a piece of shit but is somehow never wrong because of the ideas she's representing.

Complete dog shit, embarrassing plot, boring dull characters, cheap laughs and SJW pandering

But it has Brendan Frazer so it is Kino and I will support it forever and shill it at any chance I get


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I don’t see what donating money has to do with anything

I liked it. Would have been better with actual Brendan Frasier instead of just a few flashbacks here and there and his voice for the robot. As far as "dysfunctional super hero families" go I liked Umbrella Academy a lot more 2bqhwys

Umbrella academy is better but this show has Brendan, replace that faggot teleporting kid in Umbrella Academy with Brendan Frazer and it would be the best capeshit ever

Its still has this issue sometimes when the show quotes things that have never been shown or characters acting like you have missed 1 or 2 eps but its great .
fuck nazis :)

It's sad that they cannot go full Grant, but gods it is close enough.

I just watched this and I spent the entire episode repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 3 minutes it was so painful.

>Ayy quirky farting donkey lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place

Yet you write like a redditor

Why was the last episode like a supernatural episode?

I knew there were a few umbrella fans but yikes

I'm not american, but keep obsessing.

Toxic masculinity is a way for feminists and assorted cucks to try to "heal" the male.
Misandrists want males to be gone, period.

Does the nazi scientist guy go on to become the Brain? It kind of seemed like they were setting his character up for something more than a one off

Me too not-constantine was great

Yeah, pretend like that's her personality and not just SJW leaking out from hollywood again. Toxic Masculinity? Lmao get a grip weebfaggot. Also kill yourself while you're at it

I'm gonna sound like a have sex incel but this show was actually pretty good untill Niggborg showed up.

Maybe read the comic you retarded secondary

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If I wanted to consume comic books, I would.
I want to consume tv shows, that's why I'm posting on Yea Forums, instead of Yea Forums.

lurk moar

yea, and all those bitter incel virgins are just screeching about "roasties" because they want to "heal" the female lmao

>Cry about Hollywood pushing feminist bullshit
>Get told the misandrist part has been in the source material for 30 years
Then don't read the comics, and don't spew your retarded theories if you have no idea what you are talking about.

>problems include frasers voice not matching the actor's performance whatsoever,

what performance? the actor is wearing a robot suit that allows him no facial expression at all
I don't understand

Yea that's a really strange criticism

>everyone with big asses and dainty little legs

What is this art.

No. That's why we're being called misogynists :^)

Who hurt you, user?

>Are they trying to avoid completely copying Morrison's work?
They are trying to avoid paying royalties. Geoff Johns is there to make sure of that

thoroughly meh

Rita's boobs desu.

Wait? does she show them???

umbrella academy is more girl friendly and is legit for reddit

>hey look it's constantine
>hello I am not constantine

legion is better and legion isnt really that good
first episode was interesting but now its soap opera tier
cyborg cant act
mr nobody effects are painful to look at

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Cyborg wasn't even a member of the doom patrol in the first place

Jews must be really scared lol, they put "nazis" in everything now. scary robot man kills attractive white people - who am I really supposed to root for here?


They straight up said grant morrisons name when mr nobody was talking to timothy dalton. They actively acknowledge his contribution to the doom patrol

Cliff literally calls her out on this a few minutes later.
Did you even watch the show or are you just skimming threads for clickbait?

Sure, but saying his name doesn't mean he will get paid.

Because Crowley was in it.

I always figured that capeshit referred to superhero stuff in general.

This is definitely better then legion

The guy playing him is a bad actor and physically doesn't match the role either. How hard is it to find a tall buff black guy? My wife does it every weekend.

Now you've got it, last thread some fag was complaining about cyborg killing Nazis, they haven't even seen the show

Tons of SJW feminist anti-trump propaganda

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No, but they look very perky in the tight tops that seem to be all she wears.

Once upon a time Grant Morrison wanted to use Constantine in Doom Patrol. Editorial said no for reasons best known to themselves so Morrison made up a knockoff inspired by Richard E. Grant in Withnail & I.

you have to be absolutely retarded to use the authors name in an adaptation of his work and not pay the guy

Cyborg should be a giant badass dude, but this one here is a skinny beta cuck nigs. Jesus

Geoff Johns is a retard.

So you literally haven't seen the show?

>and he was basically the guy that created the matrix

No, he didn't. I know it's in vogue to hate on the Fagchowskis but The Invisibles is pretty fucking far from having inspired The Matrix. For one, The Matrix has a coherent A to B plotline.

you got me there

You're missing the fact that she is called "Crazy" Jane and not "Reasonable and Intelligent" Jane

>The Matrix has a coherent A to B plotline.
Does it?

>love wearing my diapies and shitting all over my dick and balls bro wtf are you insecure or something i'm not ashamed bitch
>can't will to wake up early on saturday to watch spiderman and play bideo games in my favorite batman underwear bro

I'm sad they're painting Mr. Nobody as a villain rather than an antagonist. He seems more chaotic evil than the chaotic neutral prankster he was in the graphic novel. The Doom Patrol has fought alongside Mr. Nobody as much as they've fought against his ideals and shenanigans.

Nah, superheros are for children.

>Are they trying to avoid completely copying Morrison's work?
They basically did The Paris That Ate Paris, except with a donkey. However the latest episode is doing a very faithful adaptation of The Book of The Unwritten story.

Try a little harder to contain your seething, user. Not all of us are autistic adults that watch superhero flicks for pleasure.

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Nice blog nobody cares

>my favowite thuper hewo isn't exactly how i woike him!!!! fuck!!

yeah well, you're not wrong

Lol so you haven't

I think there's still room for him to develop into something more depending on how the rest of the season plays out.
Only time will tell.

I'm not even the guy you were talking to. I don't watch any shows. I don't have TV or any streaming services. You sound extremely pathetic and nerdy getting all huffy puffy about some larper fantasy roleplaying shit.
It's a show about people with superpowers, user. Settle down.

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Cool story bro

Clearly haven't seen the show. That episode revealed a little bit of her backstory. She got her ability when she was experimented on by mad scientists. The villain in that episode was an old Nazi living in South America that was running a facility that could give people superpowers for money.

her and the blob girl are gross whole team sucks desu they should rehall the cast in season 2 this team fucking sucks the only character i like is the super villain.

The show never mentions Trump. The thing she writes on that window is a good description of fascism.

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i dont like latinas

jeanne calment

Fuck no it isn't. Legion has a very personal take on it from the director and if you like his approach you'll love it. Doom Patrol feels more like Legends of Tomorrow with a higher budget and less colors. It ain't bad but it ain't super either.

>Cliff literally calls her out on this a few minutes later.

Except the writers are quick to defend her stupidity by letting her get the last word with "I have an excuse for being an hyper agressive murder machine you're just a male pig" Like Cliff just woke one day, discovered he's a man and thus he must rapermurder everything with his fists. It was groan inducing really.

The only reason I don't mind is the original Morrison's run was full of preachy liberal stuff anyway you take the good crazy with the bad crazy or move on and stop reading/watching.

Personal take doesn't mean better, I like legion too but it's far from perfect

And then cliff stands their boggled by her hypocrisy

>Cyborg should be

Not in there in the first place, he's just a redundant token nigger. If they needed to fill their minority quota they already had Clay and Beastboy for the teen titans cross promotion. Complete waste of a character.

Feminists are hypocrites that are more interested in having more power and being corrupted/abusive due to said power. Human nature doesn’t exclude females, people are shitty in general regardless of gender

Basically, they’re cunts that don’t want equality

>they put "nazis" in everything now

I'm sorry Franz but nazis have been everyone favorite punchingbag since foerever. Or do you believe Castle Wolfestein is zionist propaganda?

The new games are zionist propaganda.

It's not watchmen level kino, goy.

April bowlby is hot


just more cringe capeshit. i watched the first two episodes for brendan but its too painful

>April bowlby
holy shit she is Alans bimbo from 2.5men
you're not wrong

What if they cut the guys pinky off and burnt it? wouldn't that suffice?