I'm banking on not only these reported numbers being bullshit, but also an unprecedented dropoff of ticket sales next week. The reviews for this shit are overwhelming mediocre, and most of the people who were seeing it to spite incels won't be going again. Anyone who wanted to see it has already seen it.
>Inb4 cope
>inb4 delusional
Watch the drop-off.
>No Disney fudging the numbers
>No white allies rushing to the theater in droves in search of good boy points
>No white dudes that are already boycotting
>No black dudes (why the fuck would I wanna see some blonde flawless white woman fly around and do no wrong for two hours?)
Screencap this.
I'm banking on not only these reported numbers being bullshit...
you had sex
>retard doesn't understand that the first numbers that come out aren't from fucking disney
"You is the most fierce woman I have ever known, even before you could shoot lasers from yo fists."
You didn't understand my post. Try again.
Does she really have a magical negro best friend?
Is this really in the movie?
A friend of mine saw it today, and he said the best part of the whole experience was the Dark Phoenix preview he'd not yet seen.
I will screen cap it, and I’ll post it next Monday to laugh at you because this whole god damn board is just panicked backpedaling
all this coping
Thank god my girlfriend is half Puerto Rican. I think I'd kill myself if I were hitched to a full-blooded cavewoman like Brie.
Tranny shills
Keep sticking your head in the sand incel
people are sheep, what can you do. you tell them that lots of people went to the movie and they will follow, you tell them that seats are empty, and they will stay home
Keep dilating tranny. Wouldnt want that wound to close.
I can't understand why you care so much. The people surrounding this shit will always be obnoxious and nothing you do will improve the situation. If anything, you only make it worse because it just gives them a reason to double down.
If shrieking "tranny" is helping you cope go ahead user, let it all out. Everything is gonna be okay.
>t-the reported n-numbers are b-bullshit!
unprecedented level of cope
Yes user, it's all part of a grand
Notice how trannies always resort to their buzzwords once they've been found out
>people are sheep
>2D girl poster
opinion discarded
Disney doesn't report the numbers, theater chains do.
lmao delusion
the reality is that your irrelevant culture war amounted to jack shit
If there are people who saw those trailers and were intrigued enough to see the movie anyways, I wouldn't put it past them to keep watching that movie over and over again. They obviously aren't using standard criteria to curb their hype for the movie.
This just might end up being one of the most popular shitty movies ever.
haha wow did I really make that post
my life is so exciting I had already begun something new and forgotten about it entirely
I bet people mostly watched it for completionist sake.
Stop coping loser
>actually being this mad and invested
>the cope posting from retards that, because of their hatred of women, actually deluded themselves into thinking a fucking MARVEL MOVIE would flop
“Discord tranny” is literally the buzzword du jour for when you get BTFO and can’t cope
>This just might end up being one of the most popular shitty movies ever.
We've already been through 21 of those
Literally by the book. Amazing.
Incels: How can you know the estimates are real? It's not even Sunday yet!
You are an NPC
wojak with a mask.jpg
I just saw it, ask me anything.
Or don't.
It's okay, man. Just relish in the fact that trannies go to hell when this is all over and while they're alive no one thinks they look like women.
>still going at it after getting BTFO
I know trannies have mental illnesses but this is just sad.
>I'm not angry guize I swear
>makes another thread coping
>every single MCU movie makes bank
>people actually think it’s some feminist plot against them when this one does well
By the numbers shown this is making a lot more money than a lot of those though.
aren't you sort of being BTFO by reality dude
This exact same thing got brought up for Wonder Woman. It was proven that a lot of the numbers were fudged, but it was quickly forgotten
You did this for BP and kept getting blown out every week. You even got BTFO by China.
>It was proven that a lot of the numbers were fudged
ell oh fucking ell
Did you like Talos? I heard he's actually a good guy, which I think is cool cus I like Ben mendelson but he always plays villains who dies.
He's the funniest character in the film for sure. Good performance and makes it emotional when it matters. Probably left the biggest impression on me as a character walking out.
t. discord tranny
I'll never understand this. Why do you do this to yourself? For whatever reason, people like you get so invested in these movies before they even come out, and you create weird little headcanons about what will happen when they do come out, about what the movie will be like, how it will do at the box office, and you invent logic to support this, to explain why your headcanon will definitely happen, and then when of course - the movie actually doesn't flop, you have to justify this to yourself with these hilarious and bizarre mental gymnastics. It's essentially a form of mental illness.
99% of movies drop off,
Define your parameters
No, then I can't be BTFO
>seeing a movie twice
wtf, i dont even do that at home with my dvds. I literally go years before i rewatch a movie.
what is wrong with you people
They'll do anything to maintain the narrative that white men are oppressed.
It's okay, both times I saw it I paid for ALITA instead
It will make money because it's marvel capeshit which will never bomb. All the movies are garbage and no matter how much you rage against this particular one, it'll still be lapped up by the infantile audiences and Chinese.
Avatar is the highest grossing movie ever an I can't even sit through that. I'm used to big movies sucking.
They might go with different friends, they might have enjoyed it so much the first time that it warrants seeing it a second time, they might be critically analysing the film and see it multiple times to do so - there are so many reasons why you'd watch a film more than once. Especially in the case of someone doing any kind of film analysis, multiple viewings are basically essential.
Why do incels seem to think movies should cater to them? You realize this is capitalism, that the industry responds to what sells right? Why should they cater to people who habitually and openly brag about not paying to see these products? Who proudly shout THANKS YIFY as they torrent and watch cams, or pay to see alt-right fantasy films like ALITA then sneak in to see this instead? Why should they cater to you at all when you're not a part of their bottom line?
You wanna see real cringe, pop into one of those Alita generals. They are posting photos of their ticket stubs and bragging about who's seen it the most.
didn't see it because anime never works in meatspace
It's the only movie with a female lead that's un-cucked and not SJW. Hell, it's probably the only non-cucked major hollywood tentpole release in over a decade if I really think about it.
Wow, the cringe is coming from inside the house.
It's a marvel movie
take a guess
waiting for proof retard