>How do you want your coffee?
>As black as the cocks I suck
Tropes you hate in movies
>sir, that's a highly inappropriate thing to say.
>haha same
>Yeah please add diabetes and obesity to my coffee so that the underage faggots on Yea Forums will approve of it please
>Paying for coffee instead of grinding your own
>Going to Starcucks ever
>ordering coffee
how do you go through life giving a shit what people put in their coffee
Is Starbucks really cheap in the US or how can anyone justify going there on a daily basis to buy coffee? Not talking about people who make good money, but the average joe. I think a single venti or whatever size coffee is like 5 euros in my country.
I grind on other men
I order black coffee because I’m too autistic to figure out the other shit
Same, I can buy a kg of meat for the price of one of their coffees what the fuck? I used to have a discount card because I worked in the same building so I tried it a few times and it sucked hard. Typical American nonsense
The reason why people choose black coffee is because if the quality is actually good, you don't need to add anything. Of course if you get it from Starbucks, you're dumb either way.
Cream is put into coffee because the fats in it bind convert more of the caffeine. It isn't just sugar and different flavors you add.
>ordering black coffee at starbucks
if I wanted to taste burning trash I'd go to China
4 cream, no sugar
My favourite coffee is black with some chocolate powder in it. It's really quite nice and peps me up.
it's mostly in cities or affluent neighborhoods where people don't mind dropping 3-10 dollars a day on coffee.
It's a subhuman way of living and signals the lack of a strong father figure in your early childhood.
>I don't like X
>Everyone who likes X is a cuck
I'm 6'5". There is no reaon for me to give a fuck about how other people drink their coffee.
>lack of a strong father figure
You're a browsing an anime website. I am sure that the vast majority of fathers had very negative opinions on anime. Hence why most males think it's a cuck hobby for incels. So if anything, a strong father figure results in unreasonable hate for certain things, simply because your father has always made you feel that it's bad.
It's a pure NPC mindset that drives this behavior. Almost no one would pay $1500 a year to drink Starbucks' shitty coffee if they had to pay one lump sum but if you break it up into $4 payments it's somehow more palatable. It costs like $50 on Amazon to buy everything you would need to make fresh, custom coffee which you can keep hot all day in a good thermos, and yet people wait in line every day to pay for Starbucks pisswater. I'll never understand it.
For me, it's cold brew black
this image doesn't even make sense. have you ever been to a coffee shop where they put sugar and cream in your coffee for you unless it's like dunkin donuts or mcdonalds or something? every normal coffee shop has a station where you put in your own shit.
I can't drink coffee anymore because it makes me anxious. Is there any hope for me lads?
t. american
Never visit Scandinavia, you'll be laughed at
people don’t have time for anything. They’ll pay an extreme premium for convenience since they usually have to wake up super early and immediately hop in their car to get to work. Then they get off work and shoot back home and have like a couple hours of free time where they want everything fast so they can watch something and fuck and go to bed
why would i care what a bunch of scandinavians think about my sugar filled coffee?
I grind minerals for my coffee
For me, it's instant coffee. I'm poor.
I work at Starbucks and homeless people often have rewards cards and sometimes will buy a drink before they shoot up in our bathroom.
As I remember, black coffee has the strongest caffeine effect, adding milk would slow the absorption, and sugar is just unwanted calories.
If you need some real caffeine burst, you should grind Robusta light roasted beans.
I know that feel, just switch to black and green tea and go for coffee only occasionally
The blonde roast is really good. Pike place is hilariously bad and it's ridiculous that it's the house coffee.
Or you could snort Wake-Ups
It takes far longer to wait for Starbucks than to push one button on an electric grinder and then one button on a coffee maker.
Same reason people pay for Corona when they could buy craft for the same price. It's better and sometimes cheaper.
People in general have shit taste.
But people like to mobile order frappes so that they can insist the barista remake it when they show up a half hour later and everything is melted
Not sure how good this is for coffee but I've recently purchased one of those Japanese rice cookers and I absolutely adore the timer. Wake up in the morning, fresh rice already done. Why don't people simply get a machine that has a timer? Then getting up early won't matter since the coffee is done the second they open thier eyes.
My mother set her coffee maker for a few minutes after she woke up so that coffee would be ready for her and my dad before they went to work. I assumed everyone did that.
Next time you order a coffee, just say "Uno mug of dark sippy sippy, extra easy hold the ham" and they'll know what you mean
Nobody who orders their coffee black goes to Starbucks. Anyone drinking at Starbucks is getting a mocha sprinkle frappelattecinno.
>drinking coffee
>even putting a single foot on Starbucks
>drinking brown bean juice
Yeah that's where I'm at. There's a lot of good teas out there, Twinings does a Camomile/Honey/Vanilla which is great for winding down in the evening.
Jesus christ I sound like a boomer.
>eat my anushole chunkies
Milk in coffee is fucking retarded
Enjoy your dairy farts, faggot
It's shit coffee that's far too expensive. If you see people willing buy it everyday it's a status thing, not because they like coffee or think it's cheap. Basically just basic white girls.
reminder that coffee is an arab and islamic drink
I never pay more than € 1 for an espresso.
t. people on the right side of the image
>Convert more of the caffeine
Imagine being this retarded.
GOAT order
Bunch of bullshit bro science. Adding milk only serves to make it taste slightly fuller if it's a dark roast, and make it palatable if it's burnt to shit.
>at uni
>new fancy coffee machine with big ass touchscreen
>"well fuck it let's try"
>it's literally dirty water
Far more common in latin america than middle east
Am burger, the only people I've ever met who went to starbucks by peference always picked the stuff on the menu that was basically a caffeinated milkshake
yeah digits are arab too
desu people don't go to starbucks for coffee.
It's basically ice cream/milkshake/fast food, it barely has anything to do with the coffee.
Just another american obesity/diabetes provider.
Quick guide to coffee:
>Caffeine content
Cold Brew>Light Roast>Dark Roast>Instant coffee
Milk and sugar don't do anything but change the flavor and add calories.
If it's super bitter and "Puts hair on your chest" (or any other bullshit TV trope), it means it's burnt to shit and awful quality coffee.
Light roast is more acidic, can taste more fruity/citrusy/sour. Dark roast has more muted, can taste nutty, chocolaty.
If it doesn't have a roasting date on the bag, it's a shitty quality coffee. Most should be used within 6 months of roasting. If possible, grind it yourself.
Never spend more than $50 on a machine to make your coffee. All big coffee chains are dog shit. Coffee spoils too easy to be mass marketed and retain quality.
What’s with the fat people? This meme doesn’t even make sense. Fat people would load there coffee with creamers and sugars. Whipped cream on top. No. I would have made the meme full of old people. Everyone I know including myself switches to black coffee after late 20’s early 30’s simply because your taste buds begin to change and creamers and sugars are too sweet anymore. I used to pig out on candy and soda all night when I was a kid now one candy bar is too much sweets at a time. Gotta break it in half.
>How do you want your coffee?
>Is Starbucks really cheap in the US
It's not too expensive. A venti is $2.45 (like 2 euros), so cheaper than you guys get it. You can get cheaper coffee, though. McDonalds is probably the cheapest coffee that's easily available and usually is pretty good (kind of depends if they're let the pot out). A large there is $1.49. But you're really better off going to Tim Hortons. They have the best coffee and it's fairly cheap ($2 for a large). Then again, a lot of Americans own a coffee machine and just buy beans or grounds, where the prices depend on what you want. Some grocery stores will even have a grinder in the store, so you buy the beans and grind them fresh (if you don't have a grinder at home).
Then you have the fact that the older generation isn't used to ordering "lattes" and such. They're used to ordering "coffee" with creamer and/or sugar (or just coffee, and that comes with a thing of creamer and a packet of sugar). Oh, and there's place like IHOP that do endless pots of coffee where they keep refilling you (or at least they used to do that), which is cool when you're a college student.
Also, it seems like every year coffee cup sizes shrink while soft drink cup sizes grow. Guess it has to do with costs.
I prefer a nice green tea or an unsweetened tea over coffee anyday.
>Cold Brew>Light Roast>Dark Roast>Instant coffee
Actually interesting and informative post. Thank you for the tips!
be a corporate retard slave.
thats 8/10 people. also 8/10 people live ind ebt as corporate slaves!
>getting addicted to a drug
Coffee drinkers are weak-willed untermensch.
It's a social thing, you wouldn't understand
thanks user
dark roast sounds like good drink for me
>Milk and sugar don't do anything
I think milk has mild effect on the caffeine. making it infuse slightly slower thus lasting longer but not as "intense"
but might've been just someone making shit up
Because they're everywhere and it's affordable. It's way more expensive in your country than in the US. Probably because your socialist government tariffs the shit out of coffee imports. Starbuck's only real competitor is McDonald's McCafe where the poor and blue-collar morons go. Hipsters go to some fruity mom-and-pop cafe ran by marijuana addicts.
Nah. Like he says, it just changes the taste plus lots of calories.
Honestly I just take it without milk and sugar because I'm lactose intolerant and the bitterness increases the effectiveness of the coffee.
diversity just because it's trendy and yuppie to do so