Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
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the niggers
It was a different time
he let niggers get to him. his only weakness.
He insulted them a little bit. He got a little out of order himself.
He was just ahead of his time. Ahead of our time infact.
>be famous comedian
>whole job is to be funny and make art out of words
>get interrupted and immediately loses sense of humor and rant about how we should hang people
yeah I wonder who handled this situation wrong
Kramer dindo nuffin wrong! those afro americans were being very rude!
Did jews used to put forks in black people's asses?
Yes. They were slavers after all.
The jews
>loses sense of humor
No he didn't, the audience did.
How hard was he trying to control his nigger hate in this clip?
He was being edgy and dealing with nog's. Joke didn't land big whoop.
Goddamn man, it was just a fucking joke. Why does everyone have to be such a fucking nigger about it?
Alright, alright, fine. You take the monkey's side, alright, go ahead.
Idk why niggers cant take a joke. The joke was that they are niggers. That's literally what they are. Heh...
so you two replied to say nigger
and you replied to say "nuh uh"
nice argument guys
>Niggers can't take a joke
All jokes aside, this is the actual real truth.
>Stop laughing, it's not funny
whoever let the niggers in, or i suppose ultimately society itself
not really considering he became a pariah
ok alex
michael richards had anger issues, watch the seinfeld outtakes. he's a genuine prick under the guise of a perfectionist
it was comedy gold tho
felt really bad for him here. you can tell he regretted it and everyone was taking it as a joke as if he is still kramer
You should leave 4channel if nigger upsets you so much
it doesn't bother me in any major way but it isn't an argument or anyway relative to my post so those replies are worthless
Oh, only the poor monkey's important. Everything has to be done for the monkey!
niggers totally started it and kramer just happened to smack 'em with the old n word right when obama had ordered the kaibosh on it
this was a watershed moment and i still can't believe he cucked and apologised, it didn't make one lick of difference for him and pissed off everybody
should have transitioned into shock comedy and done every race, he would kill on the casino circuit
still no argument besides slur
why doesn't kramer do this bit anymore?
Is this the worst comedian bomb ever?
Imagine if the jokes her made against them legit landed and left with even the hecklers laughing. He would have made more in a day than Martin Luther King did in his lifetime.
I don't think even Neil Hamburger says 'nigger' in his act. But I don't think of it as a bomb. He retired quite a while before that, he was slowly becoming less relevant, hadn't had a big movie in years (his biggest movie role was as a janitor in UHF), what was left? Just become more pathetic and irrelevant. He lost his star quality but regained all of it and more that day.
This was also near the start of the trend of everybody having a camera phone on them at all times which I think has damaged society incredibly.
Well, he pushed my buttons, I couldn't help it.
Yes. We should all just tolerate low IQ niggers being loud as fuck and ruining everyone's evening.
Cussing them out doesn't work. Calling the cops does. We pay public servants to haul niggers away in some capacity anyway as part of their duties of keeping the peace.
>at bus stop
>nigger comes to sit
>see some guy with a walgreens nametag following him
>"Really? So I have to call the cops?"
>'I don't know whatchu' talkin' bout, dude.'
>Notice the black guy opening up a soda
>"Alright. Cops are coming."
>'Sheeit, whatever.'
>Actually tell him cops in this part of town don't fuck around because it's so boring and they're always happy to bother people over small shit
>Tell him he ought to run into the liquor store next door, get a cup and pour his drink in it
>'I'm coo, bruh.'
>30 seconds later the cops show up and arrest him for stealing a pepsi
>recording starts AFTER he has been riled up
Convenient. I hate the Kikes, but Kramer did nothing wrong.
You have to wonder how he would have been treated by the media had they been shouting 'kike' at him.