So what's the deal with Scientology?

So what's the deal with Scientology?

why are so many actors, celebrities and people with money drawn to it?

from what I have read and seen in documentaries even the manlets leader has a psycho tempter where he flips out at its members and supposedly his wife hasn't been seen in public in years

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it has a ton of shit that's actually correct. it was also one of the first western philosophies that incorporated reincarnation.

back in the day, it was genuinely a very fresh perspective on life.

>created by a sci-fi writer while living in a Laurel Canyon magick cult
>LRH admitted it was only to have Scientology registered as a religion to make $$
>Xenu... volcanoes... Thetans...
Sounds legit!

Tax evasion

LRH stole the incarnation of the goddess Babalon from Jack Parsons and still just decided to write shitty books. What an asshole!

>why are so many actors, celebrities and people with money drawn to it?
The church intentionally goes out to recruit celebrities by offering them many shiny things, many perks and luxuries.
If they have celebrities then normies will follow.

>why are so many actors, celebrities and people with money drawn to it?

Over a decade ago (yeah I'm an old faggot), I ended up working for one of their production studios, the big one in Hemet, California. It goes by the name Golden Age Productions, that's how they recruit you, they never tell you they're a production company for the church until you get there.

The studio works out of the huge resort outside of hemet, but it's only a shack off to the main entrance. The main complex is a giant resort reserved just for celebrities and their families and the highest level OT members. All of the employees except contractors are Scientologists.
They have to hire and bring contractors to do the work they aren't able to do, like producing effects for their videos or training their members to learn how to do those visuals.

To get to the point, while working their I heard a lot of things about how they work with celebrities. They act as sort of an additional agent to them, they have developed a deep network of celebrities and agents, and other lucrative resources in Hollywood. They then use this network to promote actors as long as those actors in turn promote Scientology internally and at centers all over the world. Once a celebrity gets big enough they treat them like gods at this resort.

So, if you want to make it in Hollywood, either suck and fuck your way up the chain chuck, OR become a Scientologist. Meme jokes aside this is 100% true, I did work there, I did hear these things, and it was the creepiest fucking contract job I ever had. I made a lot of money but I was so glad to get out.

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Did you have to paint a set with a toothbrush?
What did they subject you to?

they have members in high places. if you join them, those people can give you opportunities and take you places. it's a nepotism network, like the freemasons and jews
plus this

How can the Jews allow this to persist? I know they do the same thing but they're like competitors.

Wrong. The harvester queen is in charge behind the scenes. She always has been.

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Jews are on a huge PR attack campaign of the church, making movies and media hit pieces to attack Scientology, and painting anyone involved as a crazy closeted gay person, etc.

I miss Project Chanolgy and all the shenanigans.

California leftist lunacy and targeted recruiting among celebrities. Perks like providing SeaOrg members as slave labor to celebrities pet projects also helps.

They don't mention the Xenu, volcanoes, nukes, spacefaring DC-8's and thetans on first meet. By the point those come up, Scilons have already been part of the cult for years and have been isolated effectively from the world outside of the cult. Only social connections scilons at that point have are within the cult. Leaving the cult means cutting the ties to everyone you know.

They paid me 80 bucks an hour to make stupid motion graphics for their tech packages. Whenever somebody refers to tips and mechanics as "tech" I can't help but think of that shit. "Tech" for those that don't know in Scientology terms are video bundles they sell to members, they're self help guides all going over Dianetics. Every few years they "update" their tech or release "new" tech. My job was to do the title effects, or the visual guides that followed the dialog, and some times visual touch ups to people being interviewed in a video. I remember one time my co-worker was tasked to fix the teeth of this ugly ass woman who had lots of missing teeth. He spent a month trying to make it look like she didn't have missing teeth, all for a 30s interview she was doing.

Probably because Scientologists wouldn't be afraid to fight them, plus they know all of their secrets.

That's been going on for 30 years. Maybe someone finally beat the kikes ar their own game.

Supressive people spread lies about the church. Clearly they are jealous of the clarity of kind people like Tom Cruise have. They make up things and call the church a cult. You should ignore the media lies and see it for yourself. They can truely help people and shame on people bashing them. LRH has really paved a shining path for his followers. Sign up for an audit today. It can be a load off your mind.

When will they learn?


Not really, their flock had dropped significantly over those 30 years.
Everything they have is supported by their rights as Americans.
Kikes can subvert the public's opinion, but they can't subvert your rights.

jews and other subversives habitually use the 1st amendment to subvert america. that's the double edged sword of free speech

In their opening interviews they use high school level psychology combined with a home depot level polygraph, and people who don't have any experience with either are shocked, stunned and amazed by the fact that when someone asks them uncomfortable questions the needle starts jumping, but the further the interview goes and they start to relax and the needle starts calming down. They put 1+1 together in their gullible brains and go "hey, there must be something to this."

That is literally it, it's insanely basic psychotherapy (talk about what's bothering you) with a clear and understandable scoreboard attached (polygraph goes quiet as you process what's bothering you). This is what draws people in.

What keeps them in, especially celebrities and people with money, is the fact that the church carefully records every session :DDDDD

from what i can see

its either tax evasion or they use gullible celebrities and make them feel awesome. there are a lot of stupid people who hero worship celebrities, so they see them in scientology and join up, thinking it is key to success. Unless you're a millionaire who ploughs a ton of money into it, you'll end up a slave.

>How can the Jews allow this to persist?

I've always wondered this. For now it seems hollywood is big enough, but how long is that gonna last. If the xenu's start really pushing into politics, or start their own bank to take control over their own financial power, well.

>Probably because Scientologists wouldn't be afraid to fight them

Absolutely this, the way they go after people who cross them clearly shows they give no fucks

Maybe they are on borrowed time, unless they get another Tom Cruise. I've seen them with tables in the open markets though. They dont have anything that says scientology but they have the dianetics books. They didn't have trouble getting people to sit down and take a "stress test". Some people catch on and walk away, others stay and talk.