It's up
It's up
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>they both loved it
Of course.
more like up your anus
Why do you Reddit faggots like these guys again?
Why do you Yea Forums faggots like these guys again?
they're mouse shills. they even said so themselves (with super hyperbole to make it look like a joke)
>Jay likes Cthulhu cat
you don't say
I loved it when they started showing the figures of Captain Marvel, because they did it ironically, pretending they didn't like it, while exposing them to hundreds of thousands of people who now will know of them and probably buy them!
I liked the part where comedy fatman Rich Evans came in and acted ironic
Is it true Jack is gone?
wow, do they still pretend for half an hour that they will be critical and in the end say things from the list they required to say by contract? Like "its fun, i loved it, i didn't hate it"
Yes. Mike offended him.
FYI their next Half in the Bag will be Episode 159, not 154.
How many times they compared it to DCs Aquaman?
>Jay: Brie Larson is charismatic as Captain Marvel!
omg look at this nerd
The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yea Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?
Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.
They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.
They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.
Please, Yea Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.
I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.
>inb4 some retard (incorrectly) goes hurrr reddit spacing, as though RLM threads weren't as reddit as they come.
How many flat jokes you counted where they just say them and make a long pause, thinking we will laugh at it because of how bad it is?
>rich brings out a mushroom
>fellates it
>Though it symbolized sucking brie larson's cock
>was just regular homoeroticism with Mike
Do they call out incels and Yea Forums for the hatred to Brie on the internet?
Ten minutes in and quite a few. They're generally mocking DC for being less fun than Marvel.
Fuck off retard.
*jay's incel voice*
What happened
He made fun of his son.
I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.
Come at me.
That's 15 minutes in.
they are just overweight white knights. they hated aquachad because he is everything that they are not. they love CM because they feel the need to shield her from critique
>He made fun of his wife's son.
pathetic incel
never stop, based keatonposter
>Brie Larson is charismatic as hell!
>This movie had gravitas and sets the gold standard for films going forward.
No. He's just taking on more freelance work now that pre-rec is gone so he can't do as much RLM stuff.
Lol Brie Larson’s acting was probably the only thing wrong with the movie too. Even her damn running was weak.
>Ya know, it's by no means a great movie, it's kinda MCU formula, but the thing with that is, is that the formula is airtight and makes fundamentally enjoyable movies.
Yeah you and every other negative review on IMDb and RT.
>Went to check
>its not actually up
My day is ruined and my dissapointment is immeasureable.
>It's up
NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER Do you need a poopy break yet
I dont know if true, but i would not be surprised lol
>Jay's childish strawman voice.
Whenever Jay does this you know he really loves the movie and is going to any lengths to defend it from critics.
That picture needs an user psoting pasted under it saying "His hope and optimism, gone" or "If only you knew how bad things really are"
If we were ever to see a mass shooting on Youtube it would be tyhis sad sack of ambulatory shit finally snapping and shooting Jay in the head with a .50cal Desert Eagle
this is what BASED looks like
Wasn't that originally Mike's voice?
>they both seem super unenthused to review yet an other typical marvel movie
>mike will say it was boring and he almost fell asleep
>jay will say it was servicable but nothing special at all. he'll even say "at least BP had some kinda cool stuff going on with the the secret country and wakandan culture stuff but CM has nothing"
>they'll both complain about the state of movies
>they'll both recommend it to fanboys but not to the average movie person who hasn't seen all the other movies
That's if they actually review it all. I wouldn't be surprised if they skipped it.
jay will say captain fungus is charming and the best actress in the world. mike will say if you like mcu go see it. rich will fart and shit himself
>rich will fart and shit himself
lol I love rich, he's such a character
>That's if they actually review it all. I wouldn't be surprised if they skipped it.
Most recent Patreon update mentions they're doing a HitB on Captain Marvel.
Does Captain marvel has any action scene on that level?
Why do you know so much about Reddit?
Lol, what a fucking joke.
I'm not even a hater, but the movie was so fucking mediocre, even for the MCU.
It was like another Antman just with better actors that were made a disservice by the weak material...also Brie Larson was there too.
No, the choro, action scenes and FX in CM were terrible beyond the usual.
The only thing that looked ok was the facelift in Sam Jackson, thou Coulson looked like absolute shit.
Are they even going to review it? They ignored Antman and Wasp, didn't they?
Critics in a nutshell really, and for some reason we seem to think critics who can't actually do anything should hold sway over what does happen.
>an entire thread of retards pretending to be retarded for a review that isn't actually up yet
Yeah but everyone ignored antman and the wasp
the shitposting generated by this movie is the most entertaining Yea Forums has been in a long time desu
it made profit. so lots of people cared enough
you have to go back
>marvel formula
>star trek reference
>rich got beaten up again
>mike likes it, jay don't but then he changes opinion
>they make fun of marvel fanboys
>act like they got a letter or a call from disney to shill this movie
>charismatic as hell!
fuck, I fell for it
>Skipped Alita
>Reviewed Captain Toejam superhero movie #63
I'm starting to not like these guys
>I'm starting to not like these guys
where were you during force awakens video?
>its everything I wanted in star wars!
>daisy ridley is charismatic as hell!
Fake and gay
>jay gotten amish again
burn the evidence
He's slippin.
>none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood
They regularly post reviews of older movies they genuinely enjoy so there goes your entire essay
>Jay's gotten fat again
>RLM cancelled!
Why did this comment randomly get deleted??
They all do that voice. Has Jay even ever done it more than once?
I knew it wasn't up because I didn't get a notification ;)
he got super butthurt when people pointed out that netflix is not free.
anyone with a functioning brain would know what he meant
hi jay
Remember when superhero movies had good action?
Now everything looks like a damn videogame, even when they don't use CGI.
What episode was that?
birdbox or latest netflix flick video
So basically Jay is a jani, is what we've found out from this thread.
Jay's a butthurt browses these threads defends RLM/himself because of his overwhelming insecurity.
So basically, everyone that posts about RLM is pathetic and autistic, is what we’ve found out from this thread
Well no shit, sherlock. Don't worry, Jay, we just get you on the treadmill and then I'll suck your dick again.
I would have more respect for jerry if he was out and proud
Fuck off cringy e-celeb faggots
>They both liked it.
Well, fuck it, I'm going to go see it. It's already made a ton of cash. Might as well.
Absolute unit on this guy
I expect this sort of nonsense from Jay, but it just cuts deeper and deeper when Mike does it.
art criticism is good though, that post you agreed with is a critique of a web series.
this whole board is a film criticism board. it's fun, and a good review will make me want to see something. people who are good at criticism have avenues to earn money from it. criticism is still an enthusiasts medium though, even the negative reviews are advertising in essence.
if you get all your opinions from them though, you're a fuckin loser
they seem to have enough conviction to make film reviews professionally and get money doing it
It's up alright.
haha... whata loser...
I don't think he's ever been on Yea Forums. He's definitely aware of us though thanks to the early PreRec streams.
>net worth 15 million
>living in milwaukee
Now do Jay.
I like this pasta. Perfect levels to enrage me
Stale pasta
That's right Jay.
>Remember when superhero movies had good action?
Not really. Can you show some examples?
He will come out as soon as his parents died. He shows that kind of internalized shame that comes from a dysfunctional parent-child relationship.
Well put user. If this post was stickied it'd help a lot of anons out of their insecure, delusional nightmare.
Also obligatory "reddit spacing" meme correction.
>mfw still call it autosage
>moot was a reddit spacer
This legitimately looks awful, but now I understand why China loved it.
Scene by scene spoilers, it was a train-wreck.
Part 2
I hate Wan's security camera vantage point here. I get that he's trying to make it dynamic and kinetic but it just looks like a weird commercial for floor soap or something. I expect her to pull out a roll of paper towels to show that she can clean up the mess she made with them.
Did you notice, not a single cut during whole fight.
This scene truly fucked Marvel permanently, just like how TLJ permanently fucked Star Wars...
Towards the end of the movie, looking through Carol Danver’s case files, Fury sees that her Air Force call sign was "Avenger"
So, to honor her, he renames his new project “The Avenger Initiative"
Thus the Avengers were named after Brie Larson, the TRUE first Avenger
Ant-Man and Wasp wasn’t “important” aka clickbait material enough. With the agendas going at each other, Captain Marvel is perfect material for Red Letter Media to draw in its viewers.
Wait do people here watch people talking about movies
So much of it is CGI that I don't think it even matters.That trident borders on "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" shit in some frames.
I honestly thought I was watching one of those early cuts before they polish the special effects. To be honest, that might still be true, I'm just not sure.
>That trident borders on "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" shit in some frames.
To be fair most of the movie happening under water, plus it has many massive action scenes.
So it was cost of it. Still better than Marvel flicks.
If you watch movies by screencaps with memespeak, hang yourself
>Tfw you realise jacks son is literally name Jackson