>In a post for Valentine's Day, Christopher Salgado (surgeon Jazz was going to go to before Dr Ting) fashioned a transgender woman's dissected penis into the shape of a heart
>Ahmir is still conflicted as to whether he's gay
>In a post for Valentine's Day, Christopher Salgado (surgeon Jazz was going to go to before Dr Ting) fashioned a transgender woman's dissected penis into the shape of a heart
>Ahmir is still conflicted as to whether he's gay
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it even possible to save children like Jazz from this fate? What kind of political action could you even take that wouldn't get you unpersoned for transphobia?
>Ahmir is still conflicted as to whether he's gay
so if he's gay he'll date jazz, or he has to be straight to date jazz or none of that matters because its 2019? its hard to keep up
You could try not being transphobic. That's always an option, you know.
Or I guess you can continue to be a hateful, bitter incel who spends his free time talking shit about a child. I guess that works too.
nope, honestly though almost everyone would be against this if asked in private, its just not worth sticking your neck out publicly
What's transphobic about wanting to keep children from being exploited by surgeons and attention-hungry parents?
Don't cut off your dick retard
Kill yourself tranny
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Try not being transphobic? Trannies are terrifying abominations, completely unnerving and always full throttle uncanny valley, ma'am.
Is that a Gogo?
August Derleth once wrote a piece about H. P. Lovecraft. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lovecraftian". Derleth described a Lovecraftian tone as "the indescribably horrific existing in a kind of refutation of the humanely rational." He described a husband beating his 1930s housewife to death because he was possessed by the Great Race of Yith in their astral wanderings. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lovecraftian.
I fear "I Am Jazz" enters into Lovecraftian territory. The .webm to the left shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average Anglo-Saxon mothers. They're relaxing on the chesterfield. One fancies they might be discussing the superiority of foregone British custom when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us in mounting reels of dread that in the parlour, with spectral expressions on their haggish, twisted faces, they're talking about the woman's frail son's descent into ancestral madness.
Despite the odious implication and the producers' forlorn hope to desperately conceal this unspeakable horror, the average person is driven through gales of feverish delirium. Nevertheless, the viewer is entranced. We're drawn further into the cyclopean edifice of this ruinous domain. The ethereal arabesque abhorrence of the abominable blasphemy they're uttering, the cantillate quality with which they're coldly reciting the long dead words, it summons this starry malevolence that almost unnameably couples with the viewer's basic sense of what is euclidean.
You must be 18+ to post here
This film is fucking hilarious. It's from the creator of Basket Case and Brain Damage.
Reminder these are discord trannie cryptonthread to push trans acceptance.
>continue to be a hateful, bitter incel
that's an awful lot of assumptions there.
What's a gogo?
and what is that thing?
Yea Forums has finally caught on to the discord tranny menace, they have been reported to the local and federal police
FACT: If you aren't attracted to Charlie you are literally gay.
Genderdysmorphia is trendy and profitable. Tell me, have we not reached peak decadence?
But that a teenage boy
post yfw you're a non-op tranny lesbian with a penis.
Hey look what i found
Sounds like it's a celebration then!
Fuck, that poor guy. Parents should be arrested.
Let the streets flow red
Fucking die, poolposter.
>Ahmir is still conflicted as to whether he's gay
He's a tranny too apparently. See pic.
>tfw convince anons to continue abusive relationship
What does one call this?
>tfw even in the event of world war, none of the trannies would get drafted anyway
>all it would do is kill all the remaining good men
I am the transgender
And I tried and I tried
I’m tired of using my shitty backside
I wanna turn my cock into a vagine
Now it’s a frightening hollow vagine
Tell me how good I look tonight
I am a transgender
Yes I may pass
I took off my dick so I might
Live my sex fetish every night
When I dilate my hollow vagine
My shit filled, ripped-out vagine
You know it looks so good tonight
>Another of those gods whose supposed death and resurrection struck such deep roots into the faith and ritual of Western Asia is Attis. He was to Phrygia what Adonis was to Syria. Like Adonis, he appears to have been a god of vegetation, and his death and resurrection were annually mourned and rejoiced over at a festival in spring. The legends and rites of the two gods were so much alike that the ancients themselves sometimes identified them. Attis was said to have been a fair young shepherd or herdsman beloved by Cybele, the Mother of the Gods, a great Asiatic goddess of fertility, who had her chief home in Phrygia. Some held that Attis was her son. According to legend he unmanned himself under a pine-tree, and bled to death on the spot.
>Stirred by the wild barbaric music of clashing cymbals, rumbling drums, droning horns, and screaming flutes, the inferior clergy whirled about in the dance with waggling heads and streaming hair, until, rapt into a frenzy of excitement and insensible to pain, they gashed their bodies with potsherds or slashed them with knives in order to bespatter the altar and the sacred tree with their flowing blood. The ghastly rite probably formed part of the mourning for Attis and may have been intended to strengthen him for the resurrection.
>Further, it was on the same Day of Blood and for the same purpose that the novices sacrificed their virility. Wrought up to the highest pitch of religious excitement they dashed the severed portions of themselves against the image of the cruel goddess. These broken instruments of fertility were afterwards reverently wrapt up and buried in the earth or in subterranean chambers sacred to Cybele, where, like the offering of blood, they may have been deemed instrumental in recalling Attis to life and hastening the general resurrection of nature, which was then bursting into leaf and blossom in the vernal sunshine.
> decide to lookup Dr Christopher Salgado since he has the same last name
> expect disgrace but find out he was pretty based
> would take photos of post op trannies mutilated genitals with captions like
> #realdicksmatter at a photo of a nu-vagina
> this wouldn’t have happened if he had a real phalloectomy at a photo of a tranny with a dildo deep in his fake vagin
> “gotta be a pussy to eat pussy” at a photo of a before and another after of a tranny getting surgery on their man jaw to look feminine
Pretty based, he got fired from U of Miami two days ago when this surfaced
Exquisite b8.
based Frazerposter
>"Attention Whore" is now a gender
crushin on red shirt girl desu
That's the problem, every single one of these things is designed to be able to sustain itself on pure fucking politically correct power. Who's gonna be on the side that's against something called "black lives matter" for example. You can't be against anything "progressive" or you're a biggot
>ari please move in with me you have the money
jazz is such an entitled cunt
this is why every moderately attractive girl is best friends with a few uggos
you can tell they are trying to hold back from smiling
>and then we could create art together
Why didn't they? Would have been more interesting than the lame 'dates' they went on.
>Yea Forums on the back
He was flaunting that he had more money than his sister in that scene, that's why Ari was pissed.
It's easy to turn around. With facts. How is it possible to counter a movement called "Black Lives Matter?" By pointing out that they're the only people suggesting that they don't and propping up their fake movement with statistics taken out of context and confirmation bias. You do it by pointing out the truth - that the media is no longer about reporting facts and objective truth, but instead about reporting on "reactions," controversies, and using that to manipulate the emotions of their viewers in a way that suits their own political agenda via narrative management.
They're supposed to be impartial, to report events, not orchestrate them.
>With facts.
You're being absolutely naive, of course your approach has been tried and it doesn't work because these people don't function on logic, just emotions. Facts are now harmful.
>its gonna scare people away
>why did you tell her when we said not to
jazz is trying to slightly redpill people
>(((Someone))) wants me to do drag
>leg lengthening
reminds me of that scene from tom goes to the mayor
I think the general consensus here is that Jazz is just a lost child and his mom his actually the antagonist. You could say Jazz is Jesus and the mother is Satan or more appropriately Mother Harlot.
And that's what you point out - that they're a frothing, insane fringe who is divorced from reality. Smollet could be their poster child. He *should* be. He epitomizes everything their movement is - a man so desperate to paint himself as a victim that he's willing to orchestrate an event just to be one.
If there was a shred of integrity to be found in a movement centered on police brutality, it would be pushing legislation for reforms to police training, funding research for effective non-lethal alternatives to guns, community outreach to improve relations between the communities and the officers who police them. They don't offer solutions, only outrage.
>When I see that they put every black man in the movies in a dress at some point in their career, I start connecting the dots.
ahmir is a tranny chaser lmao
What scene was this?
season 5 ep 9
pederastry. gays love bears.
What's a pederast?
It's okay, Jazz's family does too, it's why they made him transition. Ahmir will fit in just fine.
When he and Ari go "apartment-hunting." He reveals how uncaring and manipulative he is. The entire scene is a showcase of his lack of empathy and self-awareness. I mean, I know he's a teenager, but even with that in mind he still comes off as woefully immature. Who would have thought that fully enabling a child its whole life could produce a narcissistic, manipulative sociopath?
FACT: Not only are you a faggot, you're also a pedo. Get pozzed and die, you literal degenerate
what the fuck is dialation?
Saint Ari patron saint of lost causes and khazar brappers, deliver us from this suffering.
rubber peepee that goes into the wound to stop it from healing
Now that's something I can absolutely get behind
Don't post him or his wife's son again.
I am not reading any of that shit. I came here to laugh at trannies, not read shitty parody lyrics
He unironically looked better as a girl
probably gonna regret detransitioning
No, it's even worse than that. An user in another thread who is either a nurse, a doctor, or otherwise some kind of healthcare worker revealed the horrifying truth:
Fauxginas get bedsores.
That's why they can never stop dilating. If they do, the tissue of their former dicks, now inverted and in constant contact with itself, will develop sores that lead to things called adhesions. It's essentially the same horrible shit you hear about with fatties who have "grown" into the fabric of their couches. First they develop open sores on the opposing walls of their inverted penises, those then attempt to grow together. They spend the rest of their lives trying to stop this from happening. It's not healing, it's abnormal growth. At least if it was healing, it would just lead to scarring and eventual closure. All this shit can lead to is infection and abscesses.
I've got to say, that's fucking made my stomach churn. How in the FUCK has this madness not been stopped yet?
>Fauxginas get bedsores
what the fuck
Ive gotta wonder if people lile jazz are even made aware of how bad this shit will be before they do the surgery
Like i bet they hand you a 20 page document on how this procedure will make your life 100x worse and jazz just skips to the end and signs off to do the surgery
Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.
jazzs mom probably hid it
Now imagine the future of a fat, lazy fuck like Jazz who can't even ass himself to set an alarm clock.
There's no way to resolve these kind of issues in any reasonable way. Ultraviolence and the ensuing media shitstorm would be the only way, go to trial and go for the insanity plee while posting all of the shit that gets posted in this general. That should wake up the normies.
So if it isn't suicide it'll be a bad infection that will do him in?
>reddit spacing
every damn time
Can any medfags explain why the tissue doesn't just scar over?
So we can all agree that Jazz has lost hope right? I mean, after spending so much time, pain, money and effort into every aspect of transitioning he does fuck all with it. He makes zero attempt at presenting himself as a woman, he has gained massive amount of weight, he goes around wearing a walmart scooter-tier tie-dye muumuu for Christ sakes. Has it dawned on him that surgery wasn't a magical be-all, end-all solution to his problems? Is he getting wise to the fact that no-one will every view him as a woman, that no one considers his hodgepodge of repurposed tissue and intestines to be real vagina and even talking about it will always make people recoil in horror and disgust? Are we drawing close to a series finale?
Nah, Jazz is just extremely lazy.
also why the fuck is he always lying down in the clips people post? he's really leaning into the mumu lifestyle
Jazz definitely latched onto Amir because that that surgery wasn't the magic fix he hoped it would be
>tfw your friends gets 30 cents off his next order of wasabi fries but you get your dick chopped off
>It's just a sex change operation!
>Who are you?
>incels are the ones that don't want to fuck trannies!!!!!11
Not a medfag but the post you're responding to actually has the answer. Tissue needs to be in contact to begin the healing process. It's the reason why if you get a deep enough cut you need stitches, your skin will not heal (in a normal way) unless something holds it together for a long enough time. Imagine instead of stitching a wound together you spent hours every day actively pulling the wound apart. It would never ever heal up properly. This is the function dilation serves, constantly hampering the tissue healing process by keeping the wound separated.
I think it's also funny that Jazz has been groomed and medicated since he was a small child to be a woman and this is the best we got. Basically looks like a long-haired pudgy spic in a muumuu.
I'm phobic of trannies.
I just make fun of them because they're ridiculous.
An 18+ year old adult can do what ever they want with their body.
*not phobic
>>Murder them all
Why would someone write this on social media?
What about a four year old?
>Oh please no teratomas. It''s a waste of good suffering.
What 18yo is talking about getting 8 kids? I wonder if the hormone blockers not only stunted his growth but also his mental capacity, he seems to have an extremely childish and naive way of looking at things, like the deal with how he was going to get the kids.
>"oh ill just have ari have them for me!"
Like it was co-signing a car lease. I think Jazz is the victim of his mothers malice but by God it would be easier to sympathize with him if he wasn't so goddamn unlikeable.
i dont care what trannies do with their bodies, they just cant demand to be treated like real women in society
Nah don't change kids biologically because they said so.
The dumbest thing in the world is listening to a fucking 6 year old say they want to be a girl and then making it so they can NEVER AGAIN CHANGE THEIR MIND
I don't give a fuck about transsexuals or transgenders. What I hate is people who fuck kids up
I find it strange that trannies are so oblivious to the fact that they hold more attraction if they keep the dick. I guess they really think that people consider constructed necroginas to actually be the same as a real vagina. Me, I would never stick my dick in trannygina, I've heard too many horror stories.
When I was 6 I said I wanted to be a dog, it was blissful kino.
The hole itself is just skin with some peritoneal tissue at the end of it. That skin part won't heal, because it's literally just his dick skin pushed inward. It would be like putting your arm down by your side and expecting it to "heal" to your torso. Now imagine the horrible extreme where you had your arm *tied* to your side until it developed sores along the line of contact and the sores started stitching themselves together.
Literally me.
A parent can do whatever they want with a child at that age because they are non-sentient and thus property
This. I don't even think they should be allowed in the opposite bathroom's sex post-op. Their comfort shouldn't take precedence over everyone else's.
I wanted to be a ninja turtle.
>tfw used to dress up in girl clothes for three (3) years between the ages of three and six
>I was also drawing dresses all the time, looking at fashion magazines, and wanting to learn how to sew
>parents didn't freak out
>no beatings
>no shrinks
>no life altering drugs or operations
>naturally lost interest in it one day
Thank god I was born in the 90's.
>thank god im a zoomer
imagine getting laughed at by a teratomatranny in response to asking it out
have sex oh wait, you can't because you're a buttugly hon and you cut off your dick hahahaha
He already hit rock bottom when he seriously considered asking.
well yeah to you and me
but he just has no reason left to not slit his wrists now
save children from what fate?
Contact Child Protection Service.
Same with me, liked dolls,liked girly games, liked for girls to do make up on me , play dressup with me. Even did a drag show in a summer camp once. Was never bullied and parents didnt freak out since drag was comedic in russia and some very famous music artists did drag. If it were today id be put on hormones for sure.
And here why it's important in Trump's Amerikkka
Ive noticed something about this show.
Is Jazz always under a blanket?
It seems like I constantly see them under a blanket, then again I guess that has to do with being gutted like a turkey.
Nice work
Episode 10 QRD:
>2:00: Mom Jeanette commands Jazz to NOT dwell on the necrovaginal constructive surgery complications, lest she "turn off kids from having this particular procedure."
>21:30: Amir gets creeped out by the Cronenbergian details of Jazz's surgery. Jazz gets her soul crushed, BTFO.
>25:36: We meet The New Flesh slated to be castrated.
Just imagine the evil mind that made these things for first time
but you don't bring facts into an emotional fight, user
I bet they will
alien robot grandma is the weirdest of all
Thanks. OP is a fag for not putting that in his OP.
>Like i bet they hand you a 20 page document on how this procedure will make your life 100x worse and jazz just skips to the end and signs off to do the surgery
instead they gave him this
Why doesn't he just become a gay twink? As long as he still has his penis he looks pretty good.
>21:30: Amir gets creeped out by the Cronenbergian details of Jazz's surgery. Jazz gets her soul crushed, BTFO.
imagine being Amir right there and just wanting to run without looking back but still having to keep going with this clown world
But actual hamplanets' body parts don't grow together, they just start to develop mold and fungus in the areas that stick together.
>I-I don't know what to say... *nervous laughter*
>I-I'm kinda creeped out...
notice how he doesnt even have to kiss jazzm anymore, they just bro-hug when they part or meet
he probably still gets paid quite well
the fungus and shit grows on the sores/open wounds
>Anthony Sneed
why did he make such a funny expression
it's like reality hit him for the first time and realized that outside of his circle of enablers, people are grossed out by that shit
contract status: renegotiated
I'm really looking forward to this week's episode, but I'm also dreading it. This week, Jazz and Amir probably break up and that's the end of the Amir memes. It's going to be bittersweet. I kind of just want to stay in this limbo before the new episode for another week :(
so is there an open wound inside the fauxgina? it's an inverted dick as a whole, it's not sewn together from parts of dick skin, or am I wrong?
>Dr. Jess Ting
>Jess Ting
Should someone tell him?
Living Failures:
Venae horror oris (This horrible appearance)
A damnatis invenitus (Found by (((those))) who were damned)
Ave, ave stellar (Hail, hail the (((star))))
Orae requiem futurum (>His future lies at the coast[suicide])
Ave, Maria sanctus (Hail, holy Maria)
Hic tenere ivero sano sangua infans exnihilo (Now we will cure the blood of the void [as in gaping wound] child)
no user, the whole fauxgina is an open wound
And nobody helped you to follow your dreams ?
Fucking jews.
i really like how he just looks like an ugly penguin boy in that pic
>my libido's a 0 out of 10
Why are Russians such closet fags?
but technically it's also just outside skin
>be me
>wait 16 years to convert my penis (nicknamed caterpillar) to a vagina (nicknamed butterfly)
>finally have "experimental" surgery
>a few days later my butterfly falls off
>think that I've hit rock bottom
>get new flesh from my thigh to repair the ruins of my butterfly
>find out a few weeks later that my butterfly will need even more flesh
>think that I've hit rock bottom again
>meet a cute straight black boy from Philadelphia
>cute boys kisses me in the kino florida sunset
>I tell the cute boy the details of the surgery
>cute boy tells me "that's cute...I don't know what to say...I'm creeped out"
>"creeped out"
>I'm fighting back tears
>mfw I will never hit rock bottom because I'm in a bottomless pit
>that lip biting
I will never not feel bad for Jazz. His life was ruined by his parents and irresponsible doctors far before he had any say in the matter. And worse, the whole bloody affair is being aired as entertainment for the masses.
Why would I be afraid of delusional faggots who cut their dicks off and then commit suicide?
>Jazz gets into a car accident and is in a comma
>Some unfortunate nurse has to dialate him for hours a day
Maybe the producers will double down, have Jazz get rid of Amir and find some female to male tranny with a frankenstein penis for Jazz. Make this into a real freakshow.
Unironically I think it would be better for everyone if he killed himself. He has been such a pig proponent and spokesperson for trans that his suicide would red pill a shit load of people and maybe save some other poor kid from having the same thing happen to him.
They needed to cut up Jaron as fast as possible, before he comes to his senses, like this guy.
>his suicide would red pill a shit load of people and maybe save some other poor kid from having the same thing happen to him
You know that's not how it would play out. Jeanette would cry and prop herself up as a hero supermom, she, the TLC, and other usual suspects would blame cyberbullying, someone would find a way to namedrop Trump, a useless pro-tranny/anti-bully bill with Jazz's name would pass, and all the horrible medical complications would get memory hole'd. Best case scenario would be for Jazz to break the conditioning and speak out against this horror. But there's no way for that to happen now, he's in too deep.
>He has been such a pig
10/10 Freudian slip
Charlie makes Skylar look like a pile of puke
A man who is into little boys. A man who is into Charlie.
>You do it by pointing out the truth - that the media is no longer about reporting facts and objective truth, but instead about reporting on "reactions," controversies, and using that to manipulate the emotions of their viewers in a way that suits their own political agenda via narrative management.
I'm sure the media will be happy to give you a platform to explain your beliefs.
This cancer of the fauxgina has been documented already sixteen times that this research knows off, who knows how high the dark numbers are. Of course it wasn't just cancer, the cancer was marinating in a soup of STDs because these people are fucking degenerates and should be locked away for their own and the public's protection.
The craziest fucking thing about this show is how it exists, yet not many people know it does even though its on regular tv. I tell people about it and they think im crazy given the description
yeah, ironically he's in a perfect position to be a real advocate for "trans" kids in speaking out about what he's been through, but in all honestly he seems kind of dumb (though to be fair there's no knowing how much of that is due to real puberty and the brain development you get with that being out of the picture) and i don't expect this to ever happen
>almost 200 posts in
>no Lynchian pasta
Youre off your game. Come back when youre ready.0
> The patient already suffered from impaired general condition aside from the known comorbidities such as HIV infection. For this reason, the gynaecological tumour board discouraged a more aggressive chemotherapy usually applied in case of metastatic penile cancer.
He cut off his penis and his life ended because they couldn't do what they usually do for penis cancer - kek. Because what was happening inside his "totally real vagina, just like a real woman!" was cancer of the penis cancer used to make it.
why do trannies always have so thin hair? It looks really weird
>cancer of the penis cancer
*cancer of the penile skin. In any case: terminal, self-induced cancer.
Isn't that obvious? Because they're men.
I am looking forward to the future of this show. How will Jazz deal with the haters? Will Jazz an hero or slowly wither away on live TV? What insanity will be devised post Ahmir arc? This is honestly fascinating in a horrific way.
Sure you do. You do it by engaging the emotion that is the antidote to both fear and anger:
You ridicule them for their blindness and their unearned sense of superiority. You mock them for their lack of intelligence. Nobody, literally nobody likes to look stupid.
We need a shoop of this with the cast of IAJ.
It'll slowly become more and more irrelevant.
When he was a (somewhat) cute kid talking about being a mermaid and being who he truly was it was convincing propaganda.
Now that he's so depressed he has become a fat whale and is becoming uglier and uglier, all the while he can't stop talking about his botched up mutilated penis (((they))) have no more use for him.
Laughter is an emotional reaction though.
>The patient with the well-differentiated carcinoma died after 2 months due to sepsis and multiorgan failure.
They're talking about /pol/ user's patient! Or maybe optimistically there's more like that.
For the anons who ask what dialation is, DIALATION CAUSES CANCER, IT IS KNOWN! Another thing doctors didn't tell poor Jaron.
>The abnormal exposure of the neovaginal tissue therefore seems to be a risk factor for chronic irritation with subsequent inflammation and infection of the neovagina.
>The regular use of a prosthesis for neovaginal dilatation and the higher neovaginal pH compared to nontransgender women were found to be further risk factors.
>Consequently, the graft tissue may be susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well.
>the tissue used in vaginoplasty has considerable influence on the direction of pathogenesis and the resulting malignant manifestation
Positively teratomatastic. Jaron may get stomach AND ass cancer in his fauxgina.
Probably the correct answer. But I feel like they will try to spin this farce in a positive way regardless of the after math. Or it will become memory holed if things go absolutely awry.
>"Jeanette went crazy, user. She just hacked up JoJo's genitals with a challah knife and now she's after us. We're scared!"
>Sadly, there is only room for one passenger on your 1997 Honda CR-V
What do you do?
Look up pressure wounds. Look at what causes them. That is the default condition inside a fauxgina.
This shit is fascinating:
>100% of the HPV-positive transgender women had been infected with at least one oncogenic HPV genotype.
Translation: every HPV infected trans prostitute has the cancerous version, or several cancerous versions of the virus, kekeroni. We're going to see a lot more fauxgina cancer in the coming decades, hope that helps smash the tranny delusion.
Makes a great come-back too. Discord tranny tells you to have sex? Smugly tell it that it has cancer.
This babby is in for a bad time.
This would probably still happen provided your parents had some semblance of sanity, instead of going "little Billy likes to wear a dress, better put him on hormones and chop his fucking dick off"
why do they even bother going to the effort of making it "functional"? cut the dick off if you absolutely must but this is seriously absurd given that i refuse to imagine there are people willing to stick their dick in it over a pooper
leave all three behind
But I've seen plenty of men with full-bodied hair. I feel like the ones going through the transformation just have really shitty genes
They're crazy people user logic was never part of this conversation
>tfw born just in time to see discord trannys getting Ultra instinct cancer
kid does a “girly” thing:
>Americans: he’s probably gender fluid, better chop his dick off
>kid becomes a tranny and offs himself
>Russians: heh, good for him, let the kid have fun
>kid was just experimenting and eventually grows out of it
God i almost passed out reading this.
The Jews are the children of Satan, and this is hell!
ive been noticing that Russia and USA basically swapped culture in the 90s
And to think, Tod Browning's career got ruined over this shit
imagine killing every jew
i'd guess this is a mix of these bottom of the barrel loony tunes people not having such great genes (go figure) and adverse reactions from the devil's cocktail of drugs they take. look up support sites for lupron victims if you're curious about that part
I-it's too late for charlie?
>Vaginoplasty by penile and scrotal skin inversion is a well-established technique for male-to-female gender confirmation surgery.
>In this setting, chronic inflammation and lacerations associated with history of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection may induce a high risk of malignant degeneration in the long term.
I've never been this happy to read the words high risk. All those discord trannies who smugly look down on Jazz because they had a full grown ass man's penis to do their surgery better start digging for tumors.
can you guys atleast post tranny horror stories
They do. Ugly and batshit insane is never a good combination. At least good-looking crazy people can turn the crazy into charisma.
they're too mentally ill to have good hygiene, non-autistic people with long hair wash and condition it regularly
Most discord trannies don't actually do the surgery, they just pump themselves with hormones to trick people and keep their penis.
They're all batshit insane, but to do SRS you need to be both batshit insane and a fucking idiot.
and money, you need alot of money
Has anyone else noticed that men just aren't very good at seeing the difference between women and men? And that's why male trannies think they look like women?
jesus fucking christ...
now somebody send it to Jazz
What you’re looking at is what marginal self-awareness Jazz has asserting itself. He’s not sad at what Ahmir says, he’s not hurt by it. He’s angered by it, by what it means.
Real relationships are beyond Jazz’s stunted emotional development. He doesn’t feel sexual attraction for Ahmir any more than he does for a houseplant. He’s basically been chemically castrated out of having anything beyond the palest shade of a libido. This is all pure affectation for him. He doesn’t desire Ahmir in a sexual or a romantic way. He desires him as a prop, window-dressing for his illusions. He wanted a vagina, he got one. Now he wants a “boyfriend” to make the illusion complete, so he can sink further into his delusion of being a “real girl.” But all this “acting” is an effort for Jazz. He wants it over with so he can go back to being the complacent lazy fuck that’s received nothing but positive reinforcement for the bulk of his life.
What you’re seeing is him reacting in anger and frustration to being told “no,” in so many words, realizing what that means for him, then realizing this is all being recorded, then attempting to mask that anger with fake tears.
But he’s actually a dude, male brain and all, so he sucks at it.
One thing that many trannies ignore is that randomly taking female hormones for their mental illness may induce their definitely male bodies to go haywire, say, "wtf is going on? We need more testosterone!" and naturally, start overproducing testosterone to counter estrogen and shit, testosterone in amounts the body can't deal with and that can cause accelerated balding.
Meanwhile this tranny is chugging female hormones from the black market, has no idea what his levels are, and grows suicidal over its hairline.
Is reeking, slimy, terminal, cancer of the teratoma fronthole stink ditch not horror enough for you?
how many of them are hpv invected?
Russia was never like modern America. If you think Soviet communism and the modern American left are the same thing, you’re pretty clueless.
I mean it makes sense, the USA's current culture is primarily the result of 60-70s KGB subversion.
Not if he made it here. A couple of anons have messaged him. Hi Charlie! You can still be a real person instead of a forever freakshow if you stop the process now. No harm no foul. You'll probably grown into a good looking dude.
>Get me my wartime consigliere. Tonight Ahmir speedruns with the trannies.
he has a point though, modern day moscow is overlflowing with people brandishing their material goods in overly crass ways.
while modern day new york is overflowing with söys holding pro-communist signs
obviously this isnt to say that there isnt still massive poverty in russia or that there were söys holding yay stalin signs in soviet russia
>be toddler in a farm
>tell people that im a chicken boy and the other chickens are my brothers and sisters
>wake up in the morning and cluck around
good thing i didn't get injected with booster feed and get transplanted with feathers
>Tonight Ahmir speedruns with the trannies.
why is this such a tranny thing?
he's 15(?) and like 4 foot 5 his chance at a normal life is gone gone gone
what the fuck is wrong with this thing. Literally a demon is human flesh. I went on its livestream once and called it a tranny faggot.
Ari. The little ones are already fucked beyond repair due to blockers. At least Ari's fate of being Jazz's breeding sow can still be prevented.
there are milion things wrong with me but it will never be as bad as this
Narcissa and Brianna are legitimately terrifying in motion.
is john still pretending he's a real girl and posting transphobic shit with a sublime lack of irony?
Autism. The link between autism and tranny bullshit is undeniable at this point.
her mom must have looked at her when he said that because she responds with the furrowed brow. I wonder what face the mom was making. and why they cut it out.
He's 5'2. If he makes it past 5'7, he's tall enough to be a popular male if he likes Asn cuties. Besides, he's probably just extremely gay and many tops like cute smol twinks. He'll be fine.
Still, people were even harder and conservative during communism, so it’s not a great analogy
Early 20th century Europe as a whole was probably more like modern America, decadence and revolution in the air
there's absolutely no way he's taller than 5', he's absolutely dwarfed even by all the other "girls" who were on blockers
Transexualism has co-morbitity with autism.
>Charlie says he is delaying the surgery because of bullying
Why does this room like like a kindergarten classroom?
That one kid looks like he's ten or something. Have the puberty blockers stunted his growth entirely and he'll always look like a ten year old boy?
Imagine being a father.
And working a job, 5 days a week, doing thankless work.
But your family is comfortable and that's what matters. You have a middle class life, you're saving for your children's college.
And then imagine wasting your savings on horrific hormones and surgeries to mutilate your youngest son. And imagine having a camera crew bombarding your quiet suburban home so that millions of people can view the while, gross, embarrassing process. And imagine you can't speak out because you'll be labeled an insensitive bigot.
Imagine being the father of Jazz.
Are you saying the only way to save this boy's penis is to bully him?
I think so.
You know they'll just blame it on harrasing and hate, right?
I already have my platform. And more people read about my “beliefs”every day.
My mother used to put me in dresses when I was 5-6. She always wanted a girl but got 3 boys instead.
Still have my dick and I'm not gay. Thanks mom for not going jaronjewmode on me.
Based Mike Enoch
>three (3)
>Yea Forumsaggot
every time
She craves dick....as we all do.
take the ranchpill
This is why discord trannies are seething with hatred for Ian McShane.
Why the hell is she making that face? Can she see herself?
Over half, but! That's just the ones of the total that got tested. Most trannies don't go to the hospital after the frankengina surgery because they know they fucked up.
Good read
This. Why do you think there’s such a push from their camp to castrate comedy along with everything else? Laughter is the fanfare of reason’s triumph over illusory fear.
Possibly. This whole "support trans kids!" hysteria from the regressive left is a very dark conspiracy to provide pedophiles with childlike, mentally and physically forever immature, castrated victims. It's beyond disgusting.
And Jazz is a failed prototype, but they think they're getting somewhere with Charlie. Absolutely Cronenbergian with a whiff of A Serbian Movie.
>tumblr in the filename
bruh look at this dood
It sure is. A remarkably versatile one. People laugh in anger. They laugh in fear. In some cultures, they even laugh in sadness. But everyone always laughs strongest and most unreservedly in derision. Once you reach derision, they can no longer even touch you with their acerbic snark, because the crowd can no longer hear them over their own guffaws. Expose them to truth, then sit back and mock them for their refusal to accept it or even acknowledge it. Laugh at them.
Embrace that. Use it. Here endeth the lesson.
Go to bed Weird Al.
Guys, it's 10am and I just rocketed out my 4th turd of the day. 2 at home between 7:45 and 8:20, and 2 at work in the last hour. This is making me really nervous. Should I see a doctor?
but... it's not
I like to think I've been de-sensitized so much that nothing can break through then I read something like this.
Ari. Unlike the other two, she’s an actual woman. Let those young men fend for themselves.
It's just the beer shits. Shouldn't have day drank all day yesterday, my man.
Oh wait, that's me
I like how I got a car upgrade this time around.
most people don't really know what's going on in those operations
you'd be surprised if you knew how many normies think we have the medical technology to turn men into actual women
What sort of beater do you drive, user?
I am so unaccustomed to usernames after being on Yea Forums for so long that it took me a little bit to realize that the same person made both posts. Interesting.
Honda is a proud sponsor of this pasta.
God, poor Nico is already starting to resemble Jonathan Yaniv.
See this? This is the derision I’m talking about. It’s unassailable.
Hope that piece gains traction and goes viral. Of course, you risk getting called a bigot just for linking it.
Ahmir changed his instagram photo to pic related. Is he making fun of Jazzes teratoma now?
>mental health
all these years of pumping him full of estrogen and his face is still manlier than like third of male population...
The eye in the center of his forehead added in. You have to be fucking joking. I guess he really did stare into the abyss and it stared back into his soul.
Oh boy. I can't tell if he's a NEET fame-leech who took his woke performance too far, or if this whole thing was just a very weird way of coming out.
fuck I used to have a bunch of them as a child
What if some dumbfuck kid liked dolpfins n shiy, or saw a amputee herro.
>mom chop of me figgn legs, ima swim in ocean.
Yes dear! Doctor Weirdensien do it. Legs n arms chop.
>10years later, fuck my life i wish i had legs n arms n shit.
No dear you are beautiful and the whole world loves quadriplegicsexuals. Dont self discriminate. You were always quadriplegic and we support you
His HRT destroyed his peen and nutsack. The penile inversion thing couldn't be done..
It's an arcane symbol to the jews.
that eye is only the first of many
More dicks for the dick god.
>generation z
hes letting everyone know hes joined the kike cabal of hollywood
God has abandoned us, the Watchowski's knew this.
>dresses like a dude
>has facial hair like a dude
>presents as a dude
>is in a relationship with a dude
how exactly is this Brillo pad non binary
>>So did Cronenberg.
>why is this such a tranny thing?
It's a self-correcting issue. Narcissa had to quit speed running because the female hormones fuck your reaction time to that of a woman's.
Jazz's mother started him on hormones and puberty blockers at about 4 years old. (in the show and in interviews this has been established) because the one doctor that made the penis valentine was recorded on the show saying that Jazz could not physically have the penis inversion SRS technique because Jazz's dick was only 1 inch long by 1.5 inches in circumference and Jazz did not have enough material for the doctor to work with. He asked Jazz what quack said the penis inversion was an option and Jazz didn't have an answer. Jazz's mom then went on to doctor shop until they found a crazy tranny doctor that said they could do a gastric bypass on Jazz and take part of the stomach lining and make the vaginal lips. Jazz would still need the colon surgery to make the majority of the fake vagina and it would still need to be connected to the colon to keep the vagina and stomach lining alive. This adds the benefit of being unlike normal trannies- self lubricating with shit, but the downside would be he would need to wear a pad permanently because shit would be constantly leaking out of it, because he would have no control over it because no muscles. It would also smell like shit the rest of his life.
Do you think jazz comes here Yea Forums?
The Paid Negroe Companion simply follows verbal instructions from the director, showrunner, Mosssad operatives, ect.
>Do you think jazz comes
I just realized Jazz has probably never had any type of orgasm
kino gif
Not even a bum orgasm?
No. Jazz hides himself in his tranny echo chamber. Anytime anyone has an opposing opinion he runs away. Just like when Ahmirs mom started questioning him, he hung up the phone. Just like the interviews, the mom makes sure only soft ball questions are asked.
Yes. In a very specific way.
Who's that? I recognize the flag behind him as the flag of shitcongo. Is he the mayor?
he had rsi or arthritis or something that stopped him running, his reactions have got worse but that's just age, he's past retirement age for a pro player even if he wasn't poisoning himself. i'm honestly not even convinced he's taking any kind of hormones, he seems like too much of a pussy to commit to that degree and there isn't really so much of a physical difference to what he was like before that you can't explain it with just shitty diet and his living in gollum mode
Jazz's online activity is severely and strictly monitored from behind the scenes.
W-whats going on in there?
Any answer other than Ari is the wrong answer
There's no prostate so no
New [Patrician] Thread:
I think there's a correlation with being a massive introvert but probably due to it being a lot easier to talk yourself into it without extra input.
he hasn't, it was a plot point in the show when he had to try to masturbate and just got frustrated with it
He's incapable of feeling any sexual response period. That's what makes the mutilation even crazier. It's basically just a formality but now the mom feels guilty as shit so there's that.
You don’t have to deduce it. He’s utterly dumbfounded by even the description of it. He can’t wrap his stunted mind around the concept of “pleasurable sneeze.”
oh I wouldn't worry... he's a professional dick hunter. he craves dick, as we all do
>Just imagine the (((evil mind))) that made these things for first time
does the sex just feel like rubbing your arm really fast?