3 > 2 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 1 > Rogue 1 > poo poo > Holiday Special > [power gap] > Solo > The Last Jedi
The Final Ranking
6 > 5 > 8 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 7> Rogue One > II > Solo
It's actually this:
5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > R1 > 1 > 2 > 7 > 8
Didn't watch Solo
4=6>5>3=7>8>1>Solo>Rogue One>2
bold ranking.
I was gonna give u kudos, but i just can't emotionally support someone who ranks 2 that high
Not bad, but it’s more like 6>5>3>1>4>2>>>>Rogue 1>Solo>>>dogshit>>8
I'd put r1 over 3 but not bad, I also haven't seen solo
RoS has the best lightsaber action in the series, for that alone it belongs in the top 3 or 4.
5 > 4 = 6 > 7 > R1 > 3 > 2 > Solo = 1 > 8
The absolute state of this board.
I'm a sound man, and 2 had incredible sound
have sex
Actual high quality bait, congrats
marry and reproduce
5 > 4 > 6 > 1 > 3 > 2
I don't care enough about the newer films to bother ranking them. I think the prequels are mostly shit, mind you, but they don't irritate me in the same way as the new films. They were made to supplement a preexisting story, and still honored and understood where that story ending. A clear conclusion is worth a lot, even if it's ambiguous (not that RotJ's ending is all that open). The sequels ruined that, and Rogue One and Solo are just lazy milking of details we didn't need (like the prequels, but somehow even more fanwanky).
we literaly live in a society
I fucking love the camerawork during the CGI shots.
>the way the camera lingers on the planet at the start of the first video
>that sense of height at 1:43 in the execution arena as the ships lift them to safety
>they had "reproduce" billboards in the 60's
I never see those signs anymore. maybe thats why we have incels nowadays.
This is now a KotOR thread.
Why did he shill for TFA?
Didn't bother with Solo. The animated Clone Wars movie was shit but the series is pretty good, as well as the 2003 one before it.
how can anyone say george lucas is a bad director when he makes such great looking shit like this
a bit too much cg yeah but the aesthetic is still incredible. he only really sucks at writing and directing dialogue desu, he even admits that himself.
>best lightsaber action in the series
>if I keep posting it, maybe one day it will be true
I see you know your judo well.
rating 7 any higher than dogshit is absolute star wars themed haram
brainlet detected
But user, he's right. He's only asking why
Not him but TFA was better than the sequels and you know it.
Patrician ranking:
3 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 7 > Solo > Rogue 1 > Holiday Special > 8
>TFA was better than the sequels
Is this a way of saying TLJ is in the negatives, that TFA + TLJ < TFA?
No other Star Wars films are even worth mentioning.
KOTOR + KOTOR 2 > All else
Absolute shit taste.
Now this I can get on board with
Although I would switch Solo and R1
The only non meme answer.
5>4>3>Rogue One>6>1>Solo>2>7>8
ESB > ANH > ROTJ > R1 > Solo > ROTS > TFA > TLJ > TPM > AOTC
The amount of cancer......
Real ranking coming through
R1 and Solo aren't real and dont count
This is the first time I've ever seen the correct list. Great job, OP.
are you just randomly typing numbers?
jesus christ user have some self respect
>TFA was better than the sequels
TFA was a sequel