Why was Smithers previously black?
Why was Smithers previously black?
Formerly black*
Previously? There's another word that fits better.
Formerly Chuck's
Casual racism wasn't as acceptable back then as casual homophobia still was
Chuck's Fuck and Suck, subsequently Sneed's
He wasn't a slave to Burns, yet. The more of a slave, the lighter he became. Until finally, slavery became unrequited love, and the straight black Smithers became the homosexual yellow/white Smithers.
Actual answers? Animation error. Although they probably only corrected it because of the implications.
He was tan from going on vacation to that island resort where you can't take pictures.
What was racist or homophobic about the character of Smithers?
sneed was asian in the first episode
sneed jump gorg
currently yellow
is this the first instance of a race-swapped reboot character?
yo wattup players
dont have a cow man!
finna slaw
No the judge also alternated multiple times. They're just not particularly consistant with minor characters.
Formerly Gay
based moe
The actual canon answer is that Smithers was covered in fecal matter in those early episodes
If you post sneed your gay
many don't know this but in the first episode of the simpsons, dr hibbert was yellow
why was smithers formerly sneakers o'toole
You missed one
sneeders jump gorg
stonecutter monorail
I still think that the lack of good Simpsons episodes for almost 20 years has thrown us into a post-modernist hivemind.
It's scary to me.
I still think that there has to be at least one good episode per season in the new Simpsons, although I do not have the patience to sit and watch trough all of it
I don't suggest you even try to entertain that thought, user.
Him being black was just a coloring error.
smithers was just wearing blackface those first few years because it was the 80s and it was still acceptable then. then the 90s came and the PC police made him wash it off, damn SJWs ruined everything even back then!!!
sjws try to make sneakers o'toole take off his sneakers. they should go take a long jump off a short gorg
why are the simpsons characters almost all chinese yet it takes place in america with american voice actors?
Becauuse they decided later to turn him gay
Smithers (formerly black)
Because wypipo hates a successful black man so they changed him yello(Wh*te)