Less than three days it already made half of aquaman's total box office

>less than three days it already made half of aquaman's total box office
>I-It's gonna flop
Is Yea Forums ever right about anything?

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Based quads
Seething incels inbound

Eat the disc

Based Disney never loses

Just eat the disc already

>he thinks a bad movie can keep printing money




Eat the disc? what does this mean?

Start getting those bunnies ready

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incel destroying quads

The disc. Eat it.

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some user said he would eat an infinity war bluray if aquaman made a billion dollars

Most movies that have made over 1b are not actually good movies.

>this board was full of incels thinking it was going to be a flop
>anons took screenshots of their embarrassing claims
>movie KILLS it
>w-we were just pretending guys h-haha

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>he was terrified of being outed
>now he's trying to save face by pretending to be a "DC Fan"

lmao, what new lows will marvelcucks stoop to next?

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incels got btfod by captain toe fungus so hard they are just repeating the same shit kek

But no BAD movies

>he thinks he has power here

The only power you have is to eat discs, disc-man.

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Eat the DISK

>Yea Forums is so contrarian it likes Marvel now

Wew, nice get tho

Dude, quit stalling. Smash the disc and guzzle it down, I'm sure it will go down smoother in smaller chunks.

The fucking minions movie made over a billion worldwide

Dubs approves. When will marvel-drones eat their infinity war blu ray?

Eat disck

Have sex

Smells like samefaggery in here

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Eat disc

We're entering the worry stage boys

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Ead dhe fugging disk

Tick tock tick tock keep posting, rats... tick tock... your time is coming... post while you caaaan..

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I'm going to see this in theaters with my fiance when it comes out.

Yea Forums was right about br2049 being boring.


Most of that is from foreign box office. Seeing as they rarely see movies more than once, I wouldn't be surprised if it slowed down and grossed around 1.1 billion in the end.

Do you think Brie's mouth is large enough to eat an Infinity War blu ray?