Here's your waifu bro

Attached: Alita Gommie Angel.png (1170x766, 420K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How is this someon's waifu? She is horrid

She's supposed to be yours. Someone is shilling one movie as "bad" and another as "good". They're both garbage from the same source.

How can one paragraph be so long and filled with $10 words yet say nothing?

If Alita wants me to be a Marxist, then so be it.

Welcome to leftist anything.

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>He's never fucked a qt leftist chick before
I couldn't care about her movie but she is definitely a waifu. Why are people so obsessed over it? Idk, but if she is some leftist chick who hates feminism then I want to bang her more , maybe talk about Anarcho Syndicalism or some shit afterwards.

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already dropped for the "wall" comment
this is just icing

That's pretty based

>walls of text accompanying your attention whoring

Just fucking act bitch that's what the public pays for. Fucking hell.

back to facebook, mavis

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Because the reader is ignorant and proud. What was the big word is there that confused you? "contemporary"?

Oh fuck off Rosa

learn to read retard

A smart and man loving women who hates neo-feminism. How can Captain Fungus compete?

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>When the White Hispanics realize nobody takes them seriously

But seriously, do Iberian tier spics side with whites or browns in the race war?

Better than most of the completely ideologically bankrupt retards that claim to be feminists. /pol/ is also ideologically bankrupt.

I literally cannot wait for Americans to go to Civil War 2. I'll be watching closely from my corrupt eastern European shithole, but at least not as insane.

Learn to write, retard.


>Ideologically bankrupt
Yeah because you nigger faggot leddit tourists flooded it. I still remember the good old days of happening threads and neoreactionary shitposting

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Someone is failing to distinguish between characters and the actors who portray them again, I see.

For that matter, you should also know that it's possible to find a woman physically attractive while at the same time not thinking much of her personality or life choices, and even while vehemently disagreeing with her expressed opinions.

I'm trying to understand this block of text, so let me try and break it down so maybe it'll make sense

>However radical the demands of feminists appear to be
>Do not lose sight of the fact that feminists can't...
>...because of their class position...
>...fight for what they want in society and economy
>without which the liberation of women cannot be complete?
This double negative confuses me, and it makes no sense in it's place in the sentence.

>If sometimes the needs of two classes of women are coincide
>Their goal, which determines the direction of the movement and it's tactics
>differ sharply?
Wait, what? What "two camps" are we talking about here? And what does this mean? In situations where the goals of ALL women coincide, the tactics as determined by the goals, differ? What does this mean?

>While for feminists, achieving equal rights with men in the capitalist world is one concrete goal in itself
>Equal rights are actually only a means for the working-class women to advance against the economic slavery of...

This is literally unintelligible drivel.

Not a ledditor or even a /pol/tard. I'm as against nu/pol/ as you are.

she's not wrong

Never going to happen, things were worse in the 60's and 70's under a far less centralized government. We're too obese, addicted, and distracted by consumerism for anything to happen. It would take numerous independent terrorists cells that have infiltrated state governmens, an economic collapse, and an entire generation of alienated youths for anything like a revolt or secession to happen, let alone a civil war.

>unironically being a commie
>while being a rich actress that stars in schlock

You should read more of that text instead of looking at the screen cap. Basically, despite the common goal of liberating woman, she argues against feminists who saw it as a struggle against men.

I mean, she didn't write that obviously, it's copy-pasted from some garbage feminist-socialist text somewhere.

Based actual radical Marxist BTFOing neoliberal Disney scum and neocon boomers in one blow


Plus Drumph is too fun, people actually love rage tweeting about him, he has created more twitter celebs, businesses, and community from his feed alone than any other person in history.

>/pol/ is also ideologically bankrupt.

it isn't ideologically bankrupt, its core ideology has just been coopted by those who lack the self reflection necessary to not sound like a total moron.

/pol/ unironically used to be far left, until leftism meant support trannies and shiiet.

now /pol/s liberalism is now far right which shows how far the overton window can slide.

She's probably just a socialist m8, communism entails the total abolition of private property. That's edgier than most leftists are allowed to be, Marxist Leninists and Ancoms are just as controversial as Natsocs are

liberation of women requires a transformation from capitalism to communism, wow how profound thank you Rosa

>fucked a qt leftist chick

based. banged a few in college.
why do die hard feminists insist on sucking dick so good. this one girl shaved her head and grew her pubes, but good lord she sucked me dry.



/pol/ is now neocon in its new state. The shortlived Venezuela General and boomer-tier ranting about non-existent "commies" is proof of that.

>thank you Rosa
You're welcome

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>pol/ unironically used to be far left,
Where the fuck did you get that idea? It was created because moot was tired of stormfags shitposting all over /news/. /pol/ had leftists on it , sure, but there is a reason why the swastika is the emblem of /pol/. It doesn't have consistent ideology and never has, it's just the politics board of Yea Forums that was flooded with people who were banned everywhere else on the internet

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Based Chink.

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*shoots you*

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Based tard

For the retards who don´t understand what she posted, the text basically say that feminism is wrong for creating a divide between the sexes, when the true divide is between the classes.

This but unironically.

>Where the fuck did you get that idea

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I guess all that constant CGI broke her brain somehow

>thinks only redditors use single space
>ironically only a redditor would know that

wtf is this reddit spacing meme even? hurr durr you space your statements, therefore you're from reddit?
sounds like newfag garbage trying to impose social norms and identifiers where none exist.


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just chuckle and call the person pretentious, you will get it right 90% of the time.

Yea Forums was pretty far left in it´s earlier years, but that was way before /pol/ existed.

By the later days of Bush, Yea Forums was on Ron Paul´s train and only jumped on the Trump train as a backlash against PC culture.



hello twitter.

>Newfag took the internet hate machine memes seriously
Yeah thats treated as a joke for a reason. Pretty sure /pol/ was created after this anyways, I think /pol/ was made in like 2010 or 2011 after stormfront discovered Yea Forums. Pedoshit was cracked down on way before that

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>Where the fuck did you get that idea?

I was there when /pol/ literally was contrarian retards who had many threads of why gay marriage should be legal and endless DOODWEED threads and meme of support for obama in motivational poster format. /pol/ started shifting right with Ron Paul.

Carl Sagan was a patron saint on Yea Forums for the longest time and his atheism was the flavour of the site

Attached: The+most+saddest+words+pol+was+right+again_753b9c_6213201.jpg (680x278, 57K)

Home run!

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>Pretty far left in it's early years
There wasn't much politics on Yea Forums at all until chanology m8, before that it was just Ancapistan filled with trolls , shitposters, and general deviants that wanted to hang out somewhere and be able to express themselves freely without having to deal with faggot mods. Moot used to not be as much of a faggot desu

>people from twitter and reddit come to Yea Forums and mock people from twitter and Yea Forums with identifiers only theyd know about.

She's pretty pretty.

>quoting a communist kike who helped redpill Hitler on judeo-bolshevism

is there anything more sexy on a woman than a thigh gap?

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>capitalist are so powerful they can trick rubes into thinking "marxists" and "neoliberals" are different in any tangible way

paying attention to the neverending yapping of a woman lmao
the only thing that matters is that they and their feet are cute

/new/sman here, you can fuck off with that revisionism

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Not him, but I had trouble with the words after "the economic slavery of"

I guess only Americans can get behind that

>I think /pol/ was made in like 2010 or 2011 after stormfront discovered Yea Forums.

no, it was brought back.

the jew question started as a south park reference on Yea Forums, then it grew into "oh shit hitler was right."

the nigger hate threads started on /r9k/ during the trayvon martin case.

>Pedoshit was cracked down on way before that

it was bannable, but it would pop up on Yea Forums well into 2012. I remember seing an image of a guy patting hi junk on a babies vag, and it disturbed me so much I left Yea Forums for a few months.

/pol/ was created in 2010 m8, Obama was elected in 2008, and Doom Paul posting was a thing in 2012. You don't remember the stormfag sperging at all? Nrx posting started in 2011 around the time of Dorner if I remember correctly, the drift away from the regular libertarian shit started way earlier than Doom Paul posting.
>People were in favor of gay marriage then
Because most Yea Forums users were libertarians or anarchists of some kind then. Complaining about prison systems, muh federal reserve, and dudeweed.
>Carl Sagan was the patron saint
>Posts a pic of Buckley , a hard conservative and founder of National Review
What? I mean Sagan was a thing sure but not that much

A pal of mine is a neo nazi. He went to an antifa demonstration to harass them and talk shit. Ended up picking up one of their blue hairs and they dated for five months.

the JQ has no political alignment. but I was there in 2009 with giga nigga get threads. Yea Forums was leftist as fuck

I miss /new/ and old /pol/

>did it when he was 15
so he's out in what, 2 years on good boy probation?

Women have a masochistic savior complex lmao

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>I remember seing an image of a guy patting hi junk on a babies vag, and it disturbed me so much I left Yea Forums for a few months.
I mean yeah but it wasn't as prevalent, all the pedofags got v& or just fucked off somewhere else. Now people just post cp to be edgy. Last time shit like that was on Yea Forums a year ago in some pinned thread

Women never stop bitching. They attend college at higher % than men and get handed jobs by HR liberals but they still bitch. They don't do any physical jobs or dangerous or gross jobs. Women sit on their fat asses and gossip in offices for a living. They are handed everything and still complain. This bullshit is almost over.

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>the JQ has no political alignment
Neither does the Jew desu

>the JQ has no political alignment

Find me a leftist who can openly discuss the JQ and I'll find you a smooth IPA.

>tfw I have 3 cp roll thread images with models 1 to 99 and trips bonus
That shit was so normal desu

>/pol/ was created in 2010 m8,

/pol/ wasnt as popular then, it took a while to pick up. Stormfagging was eternal, but it wasn't standard Yea Forums yet as it is now.

>Obama was elected in 2008

I mean his reelection in 2012, around the same time as habbening

but I digress I could remember things incorrectly, I just remember alot of gay marriage threads, dood weed, and atheism

She doesn't really expect me to read all this, right?

retard. when posting on reddit, the site formats single spaced text as a single line.
a faget.'' is formatted as ''you. are. a faget.'' thus you need to double space your sentences to have them formatted as separate lines. only a subhuman that frequents that site would consciously double space in their posts.

>I'll find you a smooth IPA.

this made me laugh harder than you intended

>Leave /pol/cancer to me

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She looks like she fucks white guys

>when posting on reddit, the site formats single spaced text as a single line.

I wouldn't know , I dont use reddit.

clearly you do though. so whos the candy ass here.

>Starting a sentence with a preposition

Remember: Moner is Alita

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>Stormfagging was eternal, but it wasn't standard Yea Forums yet as it is now.
Was it really? I guess I only started posting here in 2010 ish and I pretty much only remember that being on /pol/ and sometimes Yea Forums for a bit and hear it wasn't really a thing until people started shitposting hard in /new/

>but I digress I could remember things incorrectly,
Same desu, its been 9 years already. I can't be bothered to remember everything about this place in perfect detail

Alger Hiss should've been publicly hung and the Venona Project prove you right completely.

>Women never stop bitching

men can stop listening at anytime though.

I just turned 26 and its like I care what maybe 3-4 women in the entire world think. The rest are just noise...there was a time I was willing to actually debate or share ideas with women. All that changed at 25. Now I just don't give a shit because theyre visibly starting to hit the wall, and the really hot ones are too young for me to care what they think anyway.

nobody cares about your kike propaganda, spic
do your little dance, monkey

All strains of the humanities want to obfuscate the fact that the ideas that they're putting down on paper are brainlet tier nonsense that can be summed up in a couple of sentences. They think that if they ape the academic prose and technical jargon of the sciences (which, ironically is used to make research easier to read), they can trick people into thinking that their output is on a similar level of prestige and rigorousness as the science, even though it's quite literally just a not-very-smart person's opinion.

Lemmi translate it for you, friends.

>Captialism is bad and needs to be smashed. However, rich feminists benefit from capitalism and therefore they are not invested in smashing capitalism, while poor feminists wish to smash capitalism eventually, but must focus on sexual equality first. Therefore, while the feminist movement might seem united due to the short term goal of achieving status for women within society, there is actually a class divide within the movement that pulls the long term goals and methods of the movement in different directions.

Got it?

could someone translate what shes trying to say. Im seeing alot of words but very little in actual context or clear statements. I didnt know someone could type in rambling.

Desu that's a fantasy of mine, God I just want to bang the leftism out of some antifa chick, unfortunately most of them don't shave or shower unless they're rich girls and don't do any hard drugs like heroin

Still better than Captain Mousecunt.

>I'm not a redditor I swear

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They were better times for sure.


>focus on sexual equality first.

so in short capitalism is here to stay. because sexual equality is nonsensical on so many levels.

> there is actually a class divide within the movement that pulls the long term goals and methods of the movement in different directions.

left eat their own, more news at 10

> the short term goal of achieving status for women within society

women have always had status in took them a century to get what they already had. many ,many privileges

Don't be sad that it's over be glad that it ever happened to begin with

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>a better society
>cheaper than you'd think
>a mountain of it.

>is actually a redditor yet thinks he gets some kind of brownee points for accusing others of being redditors also. as if it matters in the slightest

you need to go back.

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Honestly when will this shit all blow over
When will people just shut the fuck up and keep their retarded thoughts to themselves? Surely this is just a trend that is going to die right?

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>says the actual redditor

you need to cry more

>When will people just shut the fuck up and keep their retarded thoughts to themselves?

social media ended that possibility

That's the modern Left senpai. It's all about image and not substance. Glad I'm not the only one who picked up on this. People who like this shit are pseudo intellectuals, they want to posture as intellectuals, but have no substance or thought process required, so they just dress it up nice

smells like leftypol in here

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based rosa, makes me like her even more. seethe more on the wrong side of history /poltv/

>non-existent "commies"

>pseudo intellectuals,

this is my least favorite phrase... it literally means nothing and it but an ad hominem. however in this context I see what you mean. that was literally just words and no real statements

Correct, yes. There are no communists in positions of power in America (or any Western country). Some blue haired retard on twitter has no actual power and is not oppressing you.

Based, makes her all the more attractive

Dat thigh gap tho

all these trannies and alt-left roasties ITT

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wtf is that chris chan

>There are no communists in positions of power in America (or any Western country)
there are hundreds or thousands of wealth redistributionists, pro-immigrationists, antinationalists and gungrabbers in places of power across the world. these people are communists whether you agree or not, leftypol. and those freaks on twitter do have power in a democracy, and they vote. go back

that is one of the ugliest creatures I've ever seen

>wealth redistributionists
You mean DemSocs and Champagne socialists? Yeah, nah.

Didn't realise that Bush and Reagan were communists.

Not exclusive to communists

Communists are pro-gun. Marx himself even addressed the issue.

>these people are communists
Nah, you should go back to /r/the_donald, you dumb boomer.

Yup, leftist alright

DemSocs are communists. Check any DemSoc twitter, it’s just a convenient title to move within society pretending to be (((European style socialists)))
Commies are everywhere. Many of them don’t care about economic Marxism but socially they do. You’ll find economic Marxists in media and college professor positions where they ARE oppressing us.

I knew Yea Forums had gone to shit but goddamn

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>Marxist Leninists and Ancoms are just as controversial as Natsocs are
Literally noone in this entire fucking world is as controversial as natsoc

Literal pedophiles even get defended in the media a lot more often

>Here's your waifu
No, but she is very good.
And apparently smart.

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>Utopian dreaming
>Get a job, hippie

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Reminds me of that derailed thread screencap about a bombs lmao


>DemSocs are communists. Check any DemSoc twitter, it’s just a convenient title
Nah, they just wish they were. Same how you /pol/ guys pretend to be Nazis but are too gutless to actually go the whole way.

>Many of them don’t care about economic Marxism but socially they do
Marxism is an economic theory, so if you don't care about economic Marxism, then you aren't a Marxist or a communist.

>>Get a job, hippie
Check your prostate, boomer.

communism is wealth redistribution by force, i.e. theft. deny it all you want, that's what it boils down to and how it works in practice
>Didn't realise that Bush and Reagan were communists.
anyone who pursues pro-immigration policy is pursuing a communist goal, whether they know it or not
>Not exclusive to communists
it's exclusive to leftists
>Communists are pro-gun
that explains the rich history of gun rights in russia, china, cuba, north korea, venezuela, etc. "what marx said" doesn't mean anything in practice. leftists hate guns and want the state to disarm the populace by force, i.e. theft

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This. So much this.

>espouses feminist ideals while wearing a tight fitting body suit and fishnets
This is a good way to get a message across.

>This. So much this.

Attached: fuck off retard.png (1200x800, 126K)

> robot waifu is perfect
> 3d roastie isn’t

>Communists are pro-gun.
>actually being this historically illiterate
Show me all those free gun commie states, please

I'll wait




>communism is wealth redistribution by force, i.e. theft. deny it all you want, that's what it boils down to and how it works in practice
Didn't Hitler redistribute Jewish wealth by force?

>anyone who pursues pro-immigration policy is pursuing a communist goal, whether they know it or not

>it's exclusive to leftists
Ancaps are anti-nationalist too, whether they know it or not (the free market is inherently borderless)

>that explains the rich history of gun rights in russia, china, cuba, north korea, venezuela, etc
Most of those countries had very relaxed gun laws though.

Yea Forums is and always will be /pol/ lite

Discrod trannies out

There are no commie states and never have been thus far. Still, read about Anarchist Catalonia and their attitudes to guns.

>There are no commie states and never have been thus far

he literally goes for it
Say the line, cuck

There are hundreds of millions of people who have no issues with natsocs or fascists internationally. If by "world" you mean the more liberals parts of Europe and the United States (plus whatever remaining spheres of influence they have) then sure, natsocs are not liked. Same with Marxist Leninists and Ancoms, although Ancoms are far less famous.