Ywn have a girlfriend that helps you poop and dresses you

>Ywn have a girlfriend that helps you poop and dresses you

Why live?

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Every zoomer should be executed

It's amazing to me how compassionate women are in comparison to males. No man would ever put up with this for any woman, yet she's doing it just because she's *that* in love with him. Really makes you think...


a movie where that couple gets home-invaded would be pure kino

How come it’s almost exclusively white people that get these riduculous diseases and stupid ass allergies to shit like grass and water?

just hit him

my girl broke her hip and I had to help her dress and bathe

ever thought she could possibly be doing it for attention?

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Did you ever kiss her busy knowing she couldn't fight back

because niggers are just left to die if they get them or bashed over the head with a rock and eaten.

AIDS came from Africa and blacks die if they drink milk.

His family has money and she most likely cucks him.
That's nice. When I was in the hospital for a long time, my girlfriend only visited me once. I was in there over three weeks. When I was released, she never came until I was well enough to get a boner.

no, just (you)

>the whitoid cope

Did you lose your inhaler?

Totally normal dude stuck in a completely abnormal body. I feel pretty bad for him.

She has a really weird fetish.

She probably sets him up in the corner the bedroom while she fucks black guys

He's been rewarded with a qt caregiver gf with nice milkers so it clearly isn't all bad.

>nigger cope: the post


Better than losing your father.

Hmmm, are you sure you were going out? she might be your girlfriend but I don't think you are her boyfriend



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>t. never seen an episode of My 600lb Life

Can't count the number of husbands I've seen on that show wiping their 700lb wife's ass after she takes a giant shit and can't reach back there herself

I mean, she brought it up and said she wanted to be boyfriend-girlfriend. After the hospital thing, though, I kinda just treated her as a booty call. She never complained and was always down to fuck.

kino vid but why's he shitting himself? sounds like a nasally tard

You can’t count them because it doesn’t happen. Go ahead and just TRY to provide one example you lying faggot

man imagine how much those people shit

Why hahaha

You see Scarlet Its quite simple. The girl suffers from abandoment issues. Most likely stemming from a parental figure like her father walking out on her when she was very young. Her mother was never quite strong or aware of the too long glances or subtoe touches of her stream of boyfriends directed towards her daughter. This pathological and physical abuse manifested to her subconcious the need for a physically weak mate that she could dominate in all forms. Furthermore, this handicapped specimen would never be able to "walk out" on her, like her father all those years ago.

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Him and his bizarre girlfriend are willing to attempt having biological offspring, who have at minimum a 25% chance of ending up like him.
Someone willing to do that to their own kids has no sympathy from me.
Literal fucking monsters in body and soul

she did a video with both her parents and they seemed extremely normal and happy

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That's really probably not far off. The way she looks at him, very strange.

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>people trying to rationalize this with cuckolding or some other shit

Know all those fucked up stories you've read? Those incredibly shitty life situations that just happen to people and are utter fucking shit. They aren't the norm and the complete opposite isn't the norm but doesn't mean it they don't exist.

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>this is what gets post on a board where using psychology or social science to interpret a film is considered "cultural marxism"

even if i was as fucked up like him, i wouldnt deserve a girl like that.

she's hamming it up for the camera, pretending to be entirely interested in his speech.

You just murdered that man.

looking into a film on a level deeper than the pretty colors and story at the surface level is pretty retarded

Whites do tend to have more allergies and shit but they have more retards in general because "muh every life is sacred". Instead of aborting them or letting them die, they waste resources keeping them alive. Not just their own resources, but everybody else's time and resources as well. Take fat people for example, instead of ridiculing them and shaming them into losing weight, they're glorified in the west. Meanwhile, they can't work and relies on welfare and raises your health insurance. They're fat and everybody pays for it.

and yet interpreting a woman being nice as some sort of absent father syndrome isn't retarded? That's almost straight out of Freud

This is all true. Logically, the next step would be for whites to lose the dead weight, so that includes most of the black community. I'll happily be shipped back so white people learn these lessons.