Let her son sleep with Michael Jackson behind closed doors

>let her son sleep with Michael Jackson behind closed doors.

When will charges be brought against her and the other parents? Nobody can be that fucking stupid. They had to be pimping the kids out.

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NEver because he didn’t do anything.

She can be charged for fraud and defamation because of her complicity in her son's lies: she wasn't supposed to know about MJ being a child molester until 2013 when Wade told her, but she fucked up the timeline by saying she celebrated MJ's 2009 death.

Watch the documentary, this is addressed.

literally this
This movie is a sad cashgrab defaming the name of a dead man

>When will charges be brought against her and the other parents?
Never because he was found innocent in two investigations. It never happened.

This, the only crime that was ever committed was extortion.


if Dante supports Michael Jackson then he can't be a bad guy

I watched it. Where is it addressed?

It was real and addressed in his mind.

for what? mj didnt rape anybody

It's adressed in his headcanon reality user
People who believe this are fucking retarded

>it's a /pol/ insists there's a jewish cabal of pedophiles controlling everything and they still end up blaming white people episode

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when James told the mom not to testify the second time and she asked about it, he said enough to imply that the abuse happened

I think if it did happen it is on the parents.

Victim blaming is a meme, these are parents exploiting their kids for fame and money.
Even in the 90s Michael Jackson had his fair share of late night jokes targeted at him.

>my child has been molested?
>I want 20 million dollars!
Is this a normal response?
People were either making shit up or they were doing it in the hope of getting hush money.

Also according to Carrie Fisher the man would supply people with morphine

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I mean if your kid or you got molested by someone who was filthy rich would you not want money?

James had told his mother that Michael wasn't a good person and that he was an abuser. He just didn't tell her at the time that he himself was sexually abused. Remember, he refused to testify in the 2005 trial. If he thought Michael was innocent, then why didn't he defend him at the 2005 trial?

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Watch the doc again dumbass. She told jimmy to testify, jimmy refused, saying that michael was evil, and didn't want to talk about it anymore. Anyone with two brain cells could tell that jimmy was molested by michael if they heard that

Fair enough. I shouldn't have listened to that Razorfist guy. He mixed up Safechuck and Robson's moms.

Is it just me or was it funny seeing Jackson get an award from the NAACP?

He looks and sounds as white as I do.

anyone else think she was a total GILF when watching this? Had to pause a few times to rub one out

Check these trips out . Just imagine, if she’s still hot now. She would have been smokin in 80s


Right after all those parents that let their kids move in with old men for a career in Hollywood get charged.

I totally believe MJ diddled kids. He would never be able to create his music without it.

Same thing with Tiger Woods. The sweet honey of constant women-fucking gave him 18 Majors.

The price of inspiration is steep and only the strongest are willing to do it.

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The Swedish wife was pretty bangin

But after seeing a baby come out of there I can understand losing interest .women go poopy when they give birth

Sean Lennon (yes John Lennon's son) was one of Michael Jackson's 'special friends' that he often invited to Neverland. In 2016 Sean released a very creepy music video that you can't watch without feeling disturbed.


This is an extremely disturbing video if you know nything about the evidence against MJ. The song is set up in a way that it's from the viewpoint of Bubbles (MJ's pet primate) whilst also being an allegory for kids becoming one of MJ's special friends.

Here are some interesting things in the video.

00:11 - There are five 'friendship' bracelets on the crib. Five of Michael's special friends have come forward to speak of sexual abuse.

00:12 - a bookshelf with books about Boys. Michael Jackson had several soft core pornographic books about little boys that were found at the raid in Neverland.

1:00 - Bubbles the monkey (who is dressed and acting like a scared child) is hiding under the blanket from MJ. He continues to be terrafied of MJ until he is given candy (groomed) and lowers his guard.

2:00 - up until this point we can see more grooming tactics by the MJ character. Teaching bubbles how to dance (Same way he taught Wade).

2:45 - MJ and Bubbles are in a bathtub, again MJ is acting weird and grooming the kid. Also the bathtub is where former Neverand Maid, Adrian McManus, claims she saw lots of inappropriate behaviour by MJ. She also claims to have found children's underwear there constantly.

3:20 - MJ and bubbles fly on their bathtub over to 'forever land' (clearly a joke on Neverland). MJ points to the attic of the house. The attic is where Safechuck claims MJ would molest him. Noting that the steep climb up there and the noise the steps made would give MJ plenty of warning should anyone 'walk in on them'.

3:40 - while trying to get closer to the attic, MJ and bubbles are surrounded by the media and the DA. Which prompts MJ to run away with bubbles into the solitude of space still in their bathtub

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>when the other kid said he felt nothing towards her

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Fuck this evil bitch.

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Daily reminder that the Jews are only gunning for MJ's head because he owns the rights to the Beatles's music and they want in on his legacy.

She actually looks better now imo. Still an evil cunt, fuck her. MJ for life!!!

i don't understand how this doc isn't considered slander.

Slander is a tort, not a crime.
Generally, the estates of the dead cannot sue for defamation.
In the USA, you have to prove, more likely than not, that what was said about the plaintiff was untrue. Good luck proving that Jackson didn't diddle these boys.

shouldn't the plaintiff have to prove their statements?

Do you mean the defendant? Jackson's estate would be the plaintiff.
And no, not under American law. The plaintiff has to prove untruth.
In fact, in my jurisdiction, it's basically impossible to win a defamation case.

so i can say whatever i want as long as the person can't totally prove it didn't happen?

Let's take the classic Yea Forums example: "OP Is a faggot"
If OP wanted to sue the person who made that statement, they would need to prove the untruth of it.

Note that they only need to prove it more likely than not. That's the burden in civil court. So if I call someone a horsefucker and they sue me, and can show it's more likely than not that they've never fucked a horse, I will be on the hook.

Yeah, I was getting some Celine Dion vibes and managed to crank one out

>So if I call someone a horsefucker and they sue me, and can show it's more likely than not that they've never fucked a horse, I will be on the hook.
how would they prove that though?

Many ways.
Suppose the person could show that they lived in a big city and had never seen a horse. Or perhaps they had a strong allergy to hay.

This documentary is fucking trash. I don't need some hucksters to tell me Jackson was a pedo/possible child molester. These people are fucking money grabbers. Who is convinced by these soap opera actors?

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what if thy live in a rural area, own a horse, and are not allergic to hay?

Then that person could attempt to establish the case any number of ways.
But the burden of proof is still on them.
English law (and I say English and not British law because Scottish law is different) has the roles reversed.

Our system, I think, is better

It's funny how almost everyone being interviewed was talking about MJ nostalgically and sometimes even smiling but at the end they were all bawling. Seemed artificial to me.

All of it seemed forced, really

>Who is convinced by these soap opera actors?
considering they managed to get anything by MJ or even had MJ in it pulled from broadcast, I'd say a lot of people

>"hurrr durr he didn't do anything durr!!!"

>He slept alone with little boys hundreds and hundreds of nights.

>"you don't understand! he didn't have a childhood! he was abused!"

>there have been thousands upon thousands of children who were completely robbed of their childhood and sexually abused. how come Michael Jackson is the only recorded person in history to cope with all that by having completely platonic sleepovers with little boys every night?

Imagine being so fucking stupid that you can't see this guy is a child molester.

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It’s a coping mechanism by those who were sexually abused like a few itt I bet