
Overblown rumors edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after Kate Mulgrew crumbles to dust and Jeri Ryan obtains godhood.

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Has STD referenced anything from any of the movies? Or just the shows?

The movies all occur after STD, unlike ENT and TOS.

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=9JC7fyl7SzI

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What about the JJ movies? Would they be pre-STD or post?

>posing for a publicity photo means there was no animosity
imagine being this stupid

Do you remember a Klingon war as the backdrop of Eric Bana trying to blow up earth? Though technically the scenes of Kirk as a child are before STD.

>Do you remember a Klingon war as the backdrop of Eric Bana trying to blow up earth?
I don't.

Those braindead ephemera never happened in the universe of STD just like STD never happened in the universe of TOS.

The recent Klingon War was a plot device in the second JJ movie, not the one with Eric Bana.

I am aware, but they could (in theory) still reference things that do eventually come up in the movies. As an example (which I know has not occured), they could reference to the Deltans, which have only showed up in the movies, even though the most notable event involving one has yet to pass (Ilia being possessed by V'ger).

These guys are kind of STD-apologists but they have some interesting ideas as well.

Get past or skip the first half or so and let me know what you think on their theories.

>pic unrelated

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True. I havent noticed anything like that though.



Nor I, which is why I asked. Seems kind of interesting and potentially not-accidental. If that is indeed the pattern in their references, then that could be useful going forward as any fan-theories that involve "movie lore" could be discounted.

For instance, I'm a fan of the probe sent back from the future being related to the same people who sent back V'ger. But if there is a good chance the show isn't dealing with the material from the films than obviously the fan-theory will not hold.


You should watch They go over some thoughts on the future-probe.

if I want to listen to some people who are borderline shills I listen to youtube.com/channel/UCcDqGRALTdtPcRCUTHBblGQ

For me, it's Junkball Media

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hi /trek/, last year I polled you guys for ideas for a /trek/ soccer team. This year, I actually got off my ass and worked on it and it is starting to take shape. pic related


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yeah that's weird



Well one has to be Gul Dukat

The Trip vs Bratty Princess episode should be required viewing for men on how to handle women

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>gay man vs. lesbian

Devil trips confirm

An allegory for 2019 dating tbqh

That and the TOS episode where Bones smacks the fuck out of a pregnant Amazon woman

where's bash?

Prime universe Trek set after Voyager when?

it will have strong female lead and stupid men who are wrong

Cast it and it will happen

Who's the captain. What makes it different from other Trek. Pitch it to me.

Voyager and DS9 were airing when I was a kid but I never really watched them.

What's their deal, is it just more TNG with different crews, or is there some kind of gimmick/theme for each? I heard someone say Voyager had a 'distance' theme

>Flox's wife pushes up against Trip
>he then sticks a long thing into a hole straight after
>"Youre a very competent young man aren't you"

Man subtlety really didn't happen in the early 00's

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Watch them and see for yourself. They have different premises, DS9 mostly explores one point in space, Voyager is lost in a remote location. They're both Trek, and better than what's on now.


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Pretty Officer Haydon

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That's enough.

Belay that

talk normal


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I cry every night I realize we will never see jeri Ryan’s tots

she's got no boobs




It will soon

the machine race who wipes out all organic life in the galaxy 500 years in the future in STD is the same as the ones who sent back V’ger

This ENT episode about gays/aids is pretty ham-fisted

kys shill

That is not a novel idea, user. Its already been discussed before...in this very thread no less.

Nah, just thought some of the things that brought up but be could conversation starters for the thread as its been kind of light in that regard. If you don't like the vid then you're free to bring up your own prompts.

pls no buly an no nasties in /twek/
fank u

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this is not trek


very nice!

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I got all kindsa bitches, bro

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It was a different time. People wouldn't understand the consequences of playing with hippies unless they spelled it out for them.

Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was talking to a policeman.

Unlike today, when people are smart and get subtleties.


There is no discernible difference.

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Do you think Nog got a medal for getting shot and losing a leg? He sure as fuck deserves one.

The just regenerated his leg.

He still got hit in battle and (albeit temporarily), lost a limb. Even if they regenerate him, that sure should earn him at least one medal.

Riddle me this, user. How come Picard has no medals then'?

Apparently he has the "Grankite Order of Tactics" for inventing the Picard Maneuver.
But honestly, I think it is one of those things where he probably has a whole fucking bunch of medals, they just didn't bother to show it within the series. Just as nog probably got one (I fucking hope) but they never talk about it.

It's one of these "Nobody has to shit because you never see anyone take a dumb" certain stuff just happens off screen.

1. Picard is seen in gala uniform 7 times during the show/movies. You have to wear your medals in full dress.

2. Getting medals is a huge deal. They WOULD talk about it.

Like I said, I think it is one of these things that the show just "overlooked" but that must clearly be happening. There is no way they don't have all the fucking medals. It's kinda surprising they didn't. since TNG and DS9 went way more into the "military life" aspect during their respective later seasons than TOS ever did. Yet TOS showed how kirk had a buttload of medals: youtube.com/watch?v=W1Y-IpSj7q0
Makes me think Picard probably has too, the writers are just being dumb about it.

You're obsessed with medals, dude.

The apperance of awards and medals for bravery or combat was really pretty much limited to earlier periods (Ent and TOS). By TNG/DS9 almost all notable examples were for excellence in science/medicine or engineering. It wouldn't surprise me if this was a conscious decision (both in-universe and out-) to more greatly emphasize the exploratory aspects of Starfleet and downplay the para-military feel.

The one real exception to this is Picard's "Grankite Order of Tactics, Class of Excellence" which was from earlier in his career

>You have to wear your medals in full dress.
Where was this stated?

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>The one real exception to this is Picard's "Grankite Order of Tactics, Class of Excellence" which was from earlier in his career
link a pic of him wearing it then

Impressive, very nice!

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Sorry, the last bit of was supposed to be addressed to you.


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As far as I am aware, there isn't one. Its not even clear if there actually is a physical medal that goes along with this recognition. The only indication for it is in the Picard family album from the TNG movies. And just to get ahead of the trolling that I am sure is to follow: Its in the movies which makes it canon, even by the current CBS standards. Its even included in the special features of one of the dvds.

no prob with this guy

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Well, I'm not really obsessed, I just thought about it after seeing nog lose his leg, and since the other user mentioned it, I realized that he was right, weirdly, despite incredible valor and bravery, there are hardly any medals for anyone.
I don't think I agree. While the idea of promoting peace and science over war seems a good tru trek idea, I think this really is a case of "we didn't come up with an episode in which it is relevant so it never made it into the show. But he and many other must have a whole bunch of them, for sure.

It was planned for one of the movies but never made it on screen if I recall correctly.
But somewhat supporting my theory is pic related: Datas medals/awards.
Clearly they gave out medals for valor and such, So I think they just had no episode for much of the crew to get or show off medals.

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Are Star Trek fans even aware of the connection between "525,600" and Anthony Rapp (Stamets)?

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He was in "Rent". We know.

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>I don't think I agree.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming that what I stated is in fact what happened. Just that it seems a fairly likely explanation and matches up well with other changes made to the general "feel" of the series in between TOS and TNG. I actually really liked how in ENT that made an effort to "go back" to a more paramilitary atmosphere.
>"we didn't come up with an episode in which it is relevant so it never made it into the show.
This is just as likely, and frankly is the most obvious explanation (thus why I didn't feel it was productive of me to present it; perhaps an error on my part).

We are. Do you think most are? Or even those who that commercial/promo was aimed at?

It was meant to be a parody of a song from "Rent", and they pulled it off well. There is comedy to be found in STD.

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I think it is the most likely scenario, seeing how Data has a bunch of them, and I find it unlikely that Data earned tons of them in just a few years of Star Fleet service, while Picard has been there WAY longer and so have many other members, so I find it highly unlikely that they are actually undecorated.

It's one of these things where the show accidentally paints a weird picture. Like how the Enterprise is supposed to be one of the most advanced ships in the entire fleet, a marvel of modern technology, yet if you watch the show, every week something seems to be malfunctioning, overtaken, going rogue, threatening to blow up the ship or kill the crew or leave them stranded or otherwise dead, leaving the impression that it is in fact a flying piece of junk that Geordie had to keep together with duct tape more often than not.

>It's one of these things where the show accidentally paints a weird picture.
Yeah, kind of like Worf being a badass but perpetually in the middle of getting his ass handed to him.

Exactly! Worf IS the strongest warrior on the Enterprise. But precisely BECAUSE he is the strongest, every time they want to show that an enemy can't just be beaten by brute force, or generally when they want to show someone as really strong, they have them dick on Worf first. So Worf comes of as a pussy that spends most of his time knocked out, yet everyone still speaks of him like a mighty warrior.

Thank you for repeating my point. Simply brilliant insight.

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'ate em Federation
'ate em James T. Kirk
'ate em tribbles
'ate em Romulans
'ate em peace-talkers
'ate em Organians

Love me bird of prey
Love me swords
Love me empire
Love me slaughter
Love me mind scanner
Love me conquest
Love me slavery

Simple as

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mfw there will never be a ferengi on any future Star Trek series

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There should be a Dubsminion player.

Computer, generate three Klingon women armed with rubber Bat'leths. Remove clothing and program them with a penchant for raping human men they defeat in combat for hours on end. Increase lactation by a multitude of 200. Disable safety protocols.

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>no dicks

>The gay couple deserves to be happy!
Nobody says this.

Honestly, Sparks are a shit band. Christi Haydon is the best part of it, but she doesn't really save the rest of the band.

its a shame star trek disease has killed the true fanbase

humans are a heterosexual species, being 'gay' is a mental illness
the gay aliens are a homosexual species, being 'straight' is a mental illness

Don't you mean fandom disease has killed the true star trek?

>We want the TOS audience

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And they've got me.

>we want to reuse elements from an established fan favorite series that's iconic and well known, because we can't come up with good original ideas and stories.

dats deep bro.

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>literally made it one season before everyone hit the panic button and resorted to nostalgia

Yikes. I don't think any other Trek has been so desperate.

Nice keep us posted if they have a game.

How soon we forget.

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Pulaski was based

neither is STD nigha

>another day spent on /trek/
you faggots are losers lol

That's why many of us want mods to permaban /trek/ so we can be free.

>We want the TOS audience
So we can piss in their mouths while they thank us for the privilege to recieve it

Fuck you, I just got here.

>implying he wont be here all day
butthurt loser lol

Hol up, is that VPL I see? More importantly, is that a high-cut thong she's wearing?

>I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was

He got the 2nd one on the left for losing the Stargazer.

where's bash?

Oh no!
Morn is about to say the N word!

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Those are Data's, you pleb.

*ring riiiing, ring riiiing*
helo, fen hotline? someone is namecaling.

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It was good-natured, "fen." Stow your bleeding heart.

>It was good-natured
That's what they all say.


At least, at least it's content.


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How do you respond?

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I don't. I don't hold that rank.

At least you're honest. We don't welcome stolen valor in /trek/.

She doesn't have to know

Alexander Siddig nearly got fired during early ds9 because the producers thought he was on drugs when in reality he was staying up late most nights gaming.
Also he and Garrett Wang have both said they stopped learning their lines beforehand sometime around season 5.

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horseshit on both counts


Fuck, you got me, okay.


I pride myself on critical thinking. It gets me laid.

>actors telling the truth

Show me proof to the contrary faggot.

Confession: I don't actually read posts.

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Timestamp or get out.

Based images-only poster

It was confirmed in the latest Midnight's Edge video, you veruul!

>Irish barman refuses to serve him not because he’s black but because he’s English
fecking based.

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Right, because the Red Angel, Georgiou, Ash Tyler, Spore Drive, Mycelian Network, Saru and Lorca are all from which other Star Trek?

quiet you

I find it funny how Discovery gets shit for being "too unique" and then gets shit for being "too TOS." Which is it?

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it's both

>Red Angel
We don't know a lot about it yet, but so far it seems like Daniels.
Every fucking mirror universe episode.
Arne Darvin
>Spore Drive
>Mycelian Network
You're right, this is the one unique idea they have come up with...too bad they ran off the guy who came up with it.

>I can't believe what I'm seeing here
>I'm sorry Jonathan. I know it's disturbing to view but it's important that you understand exactly what's at stake here. If events unfold this way then the history of the entire galaxy will be irreparably damaged and that cannot be allowed to happen. I know that you said you didn't want to get involved in temporal mechanics again but-
>No, no, it's alright. I know what needs to happen
>Yes. It's distasteful to say the least but the alternatives are untenable
>Alright, so remind me exactly what it is that I need to do
>You'll be going undercover as a military officer assigned to a remote outpost. Security won't be especially critical of you so it should be relatively easy for you to move around. Once you start undertaking your mission then it will become easier as time progresses. Figuratively speaking, that is
>Something tells me that keeping my tenses straight is going to be the least of my worries
>Unfortunately you're right. I know that it'll be difficult for you to set aside your compassion so.......blatantly but remember that a significant portion of the fallout will occur outside of your remit. I know that doesn't make it any easier but at this point every small distinction helps
>And once the mission's over, you'll come and get me just like before in Detroit?
>Exactly. Simply activate your temporal beacon and it'll indicate to me that you're ready for retrieval
>How will I know for certain when it's done?
>Like I said before - when he's killed them all
>All of them. All of them, right.
>Attaboy Jonathan. And remember.......?
>Gul......Dukat was it?
>Dukat, that's right
>Gul Dukat does, I mean, will do nothing wrong

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Whyd they drive him off?

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They wanted the show out faster than he was willing to do it and he wanted different people to direct episodes (Edgar Wright would have been pretty sweet I bet). Irony being they still ending up premiering the show later than they wanted due to all the chaos his exit caused.
If they brought up the tardigrade I would have mentioned your pic but since they just said the spore drive and network, I refrained.

Lmao why?

I thought that was cool also did anyone actually like the new klingon design?

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>I thought that was cool
Agreed. Though felt pretty "Star Wars"-y which was unappreciated.
>like the new klingon design?
No. Not at all as klingons and not much more as a distinct alien race. I remember when we first got pics and people were thinking it was some sort of klingon-reman hybrid or something.

Hi Colin

>its that retard who thinks he's psychic

Isnt that the Picard series?

How did you know that?

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"user" doth protest too much

why are you so cringe

It gets shit on for raping TOS lore

So STD s01 is mirror universe?? Help me understand friends

Did you watch the season?

Whqt do you think Siddig was playing? I bet Chronotrigger.

First yes, no second yet. It is something about Lorca being a mirror universe guy?

Picard, you troglodyte.

They just should not have done that time period at all. Far future would have been better.


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Did Bashirfaggot serve it to you?

>Jett Reno

from a bottle?

Wouldn’t want to waste a fresh pot that costs 25 cents. Better to buy 6 oz of pure sugar.

If you watched the season, how can you not understand? Its pretty straightforward and blatantly presented.

I drink my coffee black so I really like flavored beans.

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>mfw after that first cup
Coffee is tasty

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Coffee is bad mkay

the cardassians would be a more suitable ally to the federation than the klingons

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Just bought 5 bags of this and I’m still worried I don’t have enough

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How so?

>that first sip

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The animosity wasn't between them, it was between Mulgrew and some of the writers. They kept promissing her good shit for her character and didn't deliver. They kept using The Doctor and Seven instead. Same thing with Chakotay.

compter gib cawfey

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They kept promising Mulgrew that gourmet shit but all thet got her was freeze dried coffee crystals

This is my shit right here.

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I like coughy in the morning *sparks bluntz*
Dat good shit breh

mfw every alien character acting in a stereotypical manner is now required to have an episode where the plot revolves around them overcoming the stereotype

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coffee and weed is a kino combo.

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I like the bottles. They're just so much more convenient.

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>relying on coffee to function
Do yourself a favor. Wake up. Stretch. Do a light workout. Eat a good breakfast. Do not drink the Jew bean.

That looks tasty.

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>46 grams of sugar
That’s a lot

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How much sugar?

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If you post in /trek/ and do not partake in our morning coffee ritual then you are a giant loser faggot that does not belong here.

first cup of coffee before or after the morning /trek/ check?

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After, I check /trek/ during my morning duece

JJ movies are from a Alternative Universe

Go to a mirror and look at your body. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Stop that.

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I can't deuce until I've had my coffee and checked /trek/

>it tries to body shame because of its insecurities
t. giant loser faggot that does not belong here

>gay alien gets mindwiped after falling in love with Riker

If the cure for homosexuality existed, would it be morally wrong to force them all to take it? Really makes you think.

>mfw "how many cups of coffee did youbdrink so far?"

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>if you tell me I'm destroying my health and body with bad habits, then you are evil
You're in a Star Trek thread. Coffee is cured by the 24th century. It's bad sugar water that creates an unhealthy dependence and wrecks your body. Having it moderately is okay, but if it is habit forming then you are in trouble. Be healthy, my friend.

If the cure for stupid existed I would force you to take it for sure.

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I didnt even bother with finishing to read this autistic retardation.

After, I don't drink any until I'm out the door.

stop trying to get between me and my bottled s'mores and mocha coconut coffees

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Can't focus after your cup of coffee?

Be honest. How many of you have little to no breakfast after drinking coffee in the morning?

Stop replying to my posts you tea drinking faggot.

coffee makes you better if you don't eat

>mfw some star trek fag says it doesn't like coffee

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Imagine being triggered by coffee lol

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I never eat breakfast. Just coffee and water until dinner.

only based ones can relate

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STD happens before TOS. The latest episode melded all the Canon together. STD is now cannon.

*tips cup* m'bean

Damn thats hardcore

Sparks were fantastic during their prime in the 70s and 80s. Your waifu is far from being the best part of them. She only played for them for a brief period in the 90s. Get a clue.

Discovery was always canon. Fucking retard.

>STD is now cannon
Yeah, I certainly would like to stuff it with gunpowder and light it off.

Coffee doesnt make me shit but that first cigarette after some coffee does it.


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You're going too far back. Discovery is


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>I ALREADY brewed YOU!

Yes it was. If it’s on screen, it’s canon.

Show your tits.

No sweaty :b

I know you have them. Only women bring up lack of relationships as an insult.

>needs coffee to shit
You're gearing up for ass cancer



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would you like us to tell you how we know it's your weak spot?

they are less orthogonal to federation ideals

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Don’t deflect away from the fact that your only insult is one used by women. Nothing you can say will bother me. I just know that you’re a fat bitch.

>getting triggered by fat bitches and coffee in a star trek thread
calm down lol

Computer end program

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That is mostly caused by nitrates you stupid idiot. Coffee doesnt cause cancer, its the breakfast foods and cigarettes people consume with the coffee that does it. Correlation is not causation, wouldnt expect a retard like you to understand though LOL.

Underrated character

Is bashirfaggot fat now? I remember bashirfaggot mentioning that the photos that have been spammed are from like 8 years ago so...?

Fat bitches, coffee, and Star Trek are like three of my favorite things.

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>Coffee doesnt cause cancer
I never said that, retard. Your reading comprehension is bad. If you can't shit without coffee, you're gearing up for ass cancer.

answer the question: are you a fatty chonker mclardtits?

He should have made more appearances. He would have been great on DS9 or VOY.

>cant into reading comp.
Thats still a pretty stupid thing to say though because nobody said that either you moron lol

Now this is a Julianpoof I can get behind

It's a tranny

>lard tits
i hav boiner
show bobs

question still stands

Stop blatantly shitposting, Valley Forge.

The actor, James Horan makes an appearance on the Orville as High Priest Sazeron

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not me you paranoid crazy lmfao busy drinking coffee

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Fuck off Orshill

Based coffee user

lol youre not psychic you retarded faggot loser

I believe you.

nah vf is just some fsg who piggy backs on my posts because he has no personality

Here's hoping he makes more appearances, then.

No. They're as old as 8 years, but some pictures are only from 1-2 years ago. She also posted a new picture on Valentine's Day.

The STD people don't have the movie rights nor the true rights to TOS. Everything they reference must legally be 25% off from the original.

Ghost of Midnight’s Past

Post proof she isn't a fat fat fatty now

I still can't beliefe he fucking died

rip morn

Spock was flying his shuttle somewhere near the Mutara Nebula while his perception of time was fucked-up.

almost time for lunch

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>12:01 p.m.
Coffee time is over.

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I drink my last cup around 2:30 PM.

Are you certain about that? Its not on the MA page which is pretty surprising (assuming you are accurate in your recollection).

>Americans measuring their day by what they're eating

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>the loser with no life outside of /trek/ is a foreigner. Cool...

Attached: 6dBt2Oj.jpg (251x242, 15K)

>he also drinks coffee and posts about it

>In 2257, Spock's shuttle disappeared in the Mutara sector after leaving Starbase 5. (DIS: "Light and Shadows")

>Burnham mentions that Spock's shuttle disappeared in the Mutara sector. The sector's Mutara Nebula is where Spock died in 2285, twenty-eight years after the events of this episode, in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

>he also gets triggered by coffee
go make some more elaborate /trek/ related memes, you no-life tea drinking loser lol

you forgot your trip

I dont use a trip you arrogant autistic loser LOL


Oh, "sector" not "nebula," cool. Thanks.

>there will never be another capitalistic republican strawman on star trek

Before she was fat.

Attached: 1543349890674.jpg (1215x1620, 1.72M)

Before, she was flat.

mk nu bred

>However, Burnham's claim that the shuttle disappeared seems at odds with "Saints of Imperfection", where the Mirror Universe Philippa Georgiou is claimed to have tracked Spock's shuttle, only to find it adrift and abandoned after catching up with it.

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mk nu STD-free bred


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post games when games faggot

>Anthony Rapp (Stamets)
thats the guy who was one of those child sex slaves in hollywood, his parents took him as a child actor and left him at all those hollywood parties with drugs and alcohol.

Why is there a new thread when this one hasn't even hit the bump limit yet?

You already adopt a dumb gimmick for all your posts so that everyone can recognize you. Why not just use a trip so we can at least filter you?

Because some faggot wants to give /trek/ an STD

>go out for lunch
>stare at phone so everyone else thinks I'm doing something important like business stuff
>actually just checking to see if anyone interesting has posted in /trek/
>disappointedly look up and glance out the window with a thousand post stare while chewing

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nice blog fag

make new thread


New thread

No one wants to post in your STD shill thread, janny


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