Milks captain marvel outrage for 2 months

>milks captain marvel outrage for 2 months
>panders to /pol/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums to get views and shekels
You retards are sheep getting "red pilled" by the most beta faggot I've seen in my life. Congrats on this.

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Why do you keep posting this guy
Stop it, discord tranny

unironically he looks like someone who has no soul

Who is that guy? I want to subsbribe to him

Literally have no idea who this is, dont care, glad you didnt post his name, and sage


literally who

Literally nobody talks about him except discord trannies

He's The Quartering

>discord trannies keep promoting this guy
Are they doing it ironically?

>Stap showing middlefinger to feminist crappy movie

>is literally the only person on this board who knows who the fuck this is
>wtf why do you guys watch him

This. I see this guy on Yea Forums only when some Marveltard is angry at him.

>IMAGINE wasting your time watching vids of a genetic mistake that has that many toys and comicbooks on display, a doopey mug with full on neckbeard, the dead eyes of a zombie that died of new strand of aids that makes you fat and a fucking gaymer chair of all things...

Imagine taking any sort of lead or opinion on anything from a dude that looks like that, with all that shit behind him
He may as well tattoo 'loser' onto his massive fucking 5head

>white is visible under the iris
do not trust anyone who was this feature

The champion of the gamers rights movement.

And yet here you are shilling for the soinigger by being obsessed with him.

And here you are posting him here. You are just as stupid as the retards who are subbed to him

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>Getting redpilled by a fat neck beard with pop toys and magic card decks in the background

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That disgusting beard. I want to rape him, pull out, cum all over it so he'll be forced to shave.-

I'm pretty sure the majority of political posts, no matter their topic ir what's sides they take, are /pol/ agitprop threads and the tranny commies are just playing along making their own shitposts layered in falseflags and irony.

funniest thing is in one of the last few videos hes released he said something along the lines of "and to everyone saying anyone who dont likes captain marvel is an incel, i make sure to feel the touch of a woman at least once a year on my birthday" hahahaha ahh admitting to using prostitutes

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Every tranny post is agitprop. /pol/ is generally too stupid for more than 1 layer of irony.

OP is right, this man is a beta pandering faggot. I subbed to him for a week because I liked a few of his videos examining visual, but then my feed was filling with him whining about the SJ-dubyas, and although he doesn’t care for “x” game or movie, he finds the “censorship” disgusting. Example being the Witcher Live action maybe possibly casting a white character as black. It didn’t even happen, but there he is, saying he’s not a fan and never played the games or read the books but boy o boy, making a character black really grinds his gears.

prostitute usage is redpilled, /pol/ sex work threads are always positive.

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I don't think believing that the retards that turned this board into their political shitpost central are subscribed to the landwhale in OP is a false flag

Who the fuck is that guy
>inb4 HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW (insert shitty eceleb)

I never even knew about this guy until you discorders started spamming him for a month. Cheers!

I’m subbing to this guy just bc you made this post

this desu senpai baka.

the absolute state of op

He's making reference to his wife and the famous birthday BJ.

It is only just today from reading this thread that I realize this guy isn't part of the Chapo Trap House podcast.

His name is Soigon of Akkad, i kid you not.

I've literally never once watched one of his vids and know nothing about him, other than that he's a huge nerd.

>imagine fearing him so bad that you have to run counter shilling operation on Yea Forums.
I see Disney's employed 40 shills are hard at work.

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>What is a joke?

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>imagine making daily youtube uploads about how much you don't care about whatever shit manchildren are raging about
The interweb was a mistake

Discord tranny, no one here cares about that faggot.
Not even you.

>Don't care
>Make threads about him and when one lapses the other pops up.
Doesn't compute.

Go for. it. I think captain marvel is shit and that its the nail in the coffin for capeshit. I just hate it how fat sweaty low test faggots are trying to become the face of the anti sjw movement. I want an alpha aryan chad to be the one red pilling the masses not some fat incel with kids toys in the background

>/pol/ wrecked once again
>get btfo so hard quartering becomes persona non grata
>continues to pretend they never cared about a fucking capefag flick so hard they spammed the board relentlessly for weeks and weeks as a fagop
This is peak damage control to be honest with you family.

He's making a joke, he has a pretty hot wife

No one that is gonna step in your retarded culture war is an alpha, you delusional faggot.

>>/pol/ wrecked once again
Yea, all those threads on /pol/ about Captain tears in the rain

Sure...he looks like he has a hot wif-hahahahahahahahahahahha

Upon closer inspection to your pic I now know the real point of this thread.

The only people posting him are the ones who are angry that he doesnt like SJWs though.

Oh yeah I left out
>/pol/ pretends it wasn't obsessed with this movie
>/pol/ already has its damage control queued up
top lel m80s

He does have a wife but she looks like an old kike

Right, we are totally not loling at the state of this infantilized manchild, we are totally a bunch of antifa supersoldiers having a cope session about this alpha aryan god that talks about fucking CHILDREN CARTOONS in FUCKING YOUTUBE TO SELL YOU MERCH and BEG FOR PATREON BUCKS

Da joos posters are actually leftypol, specifically an australian.

I already can tell he probably worships Israel.

>we are totally not loling at the state of this infantilized manchild

Oh is that what you are doing? In what way exactly? Because all you do is post him without ever even addressing anything more complex than the fact he seems to own toys.

That seems to be a general problem with you people, while everybody laughs at your agenda all you can do is throw around ad-hominems. IU mean in what way is this guys existence gonna convince me about the evils of patriarchy and the benefits of a diversity agenda? are defending this dude, on fucking 4chin.
The fuck is wrong with you?
Is this your first week here?
Are you from reddit?

Theres no way you are anything but a false-flagging from the Discord.
I'm not gonna accept that Yea Forums is now shilling for a youtubefaggot.

Free speech is weird

>gets his ass handed to him by some guy in a princess dress

cute but i think we both know who the tourist is.

Just tell me why you think its an efficient use of your time to post some Youtuber nobody gives 2 fucks about in an effort to push an ideology you cant mention without being laughed off the board.

I mean at one point you just gotta cope with your loss.

The COPE of his fans was hilarious, thats why they started to shill for him in our board, they literally want to have le ebin user legion to use as their personal army.

>op, amidst his never post ending sucking of cock like a silly fag, thinks their opinion matters
My sides you stupid fuck.

No, you don't get to fucking pull the 'lol you are the redditor' card here, we never fucking shilled for a youtuber.ever.
kys you embarrasing tranny and stop making threads about this fucking loser.

you seem awfully invested in this

Yeah, i like for Yea Forums to be a little less shit instead of being just capeshit and youtube drama.
But keep at it, keep shitting up the place.

>we never fucking shilled for a youtuber.ever.
Except for ReviewBra, even if it makes him a target for trolling. And to some extent guys like Eric Bugenhagen, Steve1989MREInfo and Hickok45. Calm down, dude. You look pathetic sperging out like this.

no idea who he is and based on his appearance i don't want to

>we never fucking shilled for a youtuber.ever.

No you just keep making these threads in hope to lighten the absurdity of your own beliefs.

And those beliefs include castrating little boys, killing babies after birth and opening nations borders indiscriminately.

You just cant win with that. A guy with toys wont help you.

I don't care who wins the lawsuit, either way it's going to be hilarious

Yeah, He's pretty much just pandering and clickbaiting at this point.

You are so fucking cartonish that only a mentally ill retard would believe this is the way to fit in.
You and your Discord friends are a joke.

I liked that video where he made funny faces to the wii theme

this isnt gonna make me love Netflix either, got any better strategies?


bam margera is looking even worse than I thought...

>all these faggots who think we never have eceleb threads
it's really easy to spot the tourists without giving them (You)s

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>thinking e celeb trash hasn’t always been shit on
Next you’ll say capeshit has always been welcome, rather than a subject of mockery to shit on “people” who think it’s worthwhile.

who. is. this. fat. guy.

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The whole outrage culture benefits the companies that produce movies and retards don't realise that.
Before the shitstorms became a norm, movies were seen for only two reasons
>I'm expecting to be entertained
>I'm watching some big franchise thing to be a part of a cultural event
Now, the corporations injected an activity as simple as moviegoing into political and personal aspects of our lives, thus giving people more reasons to see a film they otherwise wouldn't care about.
>I'm seeing it to stick it to DRUMPF
>I'm seeing it to spite the libtards
>I'm seeing it because it cateres to my liberal/conservative values
>I'm seeing it because it's a important or something
>I'm seeing it because it features a character with the same skin color/genitalia!
>I'm seeing it because it's diverse
>I'm seeing it because I want this movie to make a shitload of money
>I'm seeing it because I want my outrage to be informed, I hope it fails in boxoffice though

This is true for literally every board on Yea Forums.

don't be so rude

I only know of this guy because an acquaintance of mine was studying to become a top-tier Magic the Gathering judge and so I looked up why in the fuck you had to study to be a judge for a children's card game and went down a rabbit hole that lead me to this guy. He made some good points, I thought, while he crapped on the people who make Magic and banning people for no good reason like that morbidly obese dude who took pics with tournament attendees' butt cracks.

Guess he found a niche and is exploiting it. Good for him.

I swear to god.

doesnt look asian to me

>apex's popularity shows gamers don't mind minority driven games
>now that that's proven it was wrong to put them in and I'm mad

>movie threads they dont like gets deleted and 3 day ban
>leftist politic threads they like stays up

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Wall Street user here. Lets play a little game. Starting tomorrow, everytime one of you discord faggots spams this fat, balding onions-filled genetic failure, I'm gonna drop 5k superchats on his livestream (assuming he streams).

Let the fun begin

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What the fuck is a superchat

Its how these parasites make money

You're cancer. Don't have sex

I hope another disgruntled liberal tranny punches him at a convention!