Any kinos about the future?
Any kinos about the future?
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infinity chamber is good
Where's the attachment for his penis?
Future Man
Falling Down.
What is all that stuff on him and is any of it real now?
Its all real
>its all real
YangGang will save us from wageslavery
not gonna lie, looks comfy
What's the blox vox and humanyze do?
what is that?
global average temp anomaly vs the last 5000 year average
>tfw utopian future where robot do everything and we can all just chill with free money
God, I love based capitalism!
what a nightmare
thank god for my inheritence. Everytime i think i'm fucked i stumble into money to keep me going, its pretty based
kikes are so fucking evil
so you're the main character in this mutual kino we're all trapped in
What is it so I can research it
just like, consume more lmao
Why was it so cold in 1905?
Becomes more obvious every day.
Russia, China, the British Empire, and the US all passed anti-brapping legislation that year but it was quickly repealed after we were nearly plunged into a new ice age.
feels like it. drop out of college? dad has a job lined up. smash my car into a curb drunk driving and fuck the steering? lie to my parents and say i was dodging a deer. getting free money from a family business that my ex stepdad ran then drank away rent money? oh wow heres 50k from my dead grandma. shits pretty good, gonna try to coast as a neet as long as possible. Got a free house too. In genuine amazement I've gotten along this far. Surely my luck will run out but not yet lmao
>going to "ride it out"
>not making money work for you
cringe and bluepilled
how's your sex life?
me on the top
based but I think i'm a communist now
probably 95% of that gramma money is going into a roth, the rest i plan on using to fund miscellaneous little small businesses, im not a total retard
nonexistant, tommy
The real answer is that several volcanoes erupted globally in a relatively short timespan from 1901-1905 having a cumulative, cooling effect.
>That sinking feeling knowing that if you get anything more than the flu you the risk of being in debt slavery for the rest of your life
>La Soufrière eruption, Caribbean
>1,680 dead
>Mount Pelée eruption, France
>33,000 dead
>Santa María eruption, Guatemala >6,000 dead
Grímsvötn eruption, Iceland
>Mount Lolobau eruption, Indonesia
thanks boomers!
why does this coincide with the stock market lol. humans are stupid.
>tfw corporations legalize weed and shrooms to try to capitalize off of medical benefits, but it backfires when everyones gets woke and realizes money is a stupid made up thing that means nothing and trillions of their tax dollars are spent on a "war"
The ENTIRE reason this shit is happening is central banking and government intervention.
Useful idiots like to pretend this is somehow capitalisms fault when the government is to blame.
If we had a free market with no central bank, prices for these things would be going down as wages increased.
Fuck socialism and fuck corporatism.
Government intervention is the only reason healthcare is so expensive.
We need a free market so prices come down.
It's early, but is Yang already the best thing that's happened to this country in a long time? Something in BETWEEN capitalism and socialism?! get the fuck out of here!
Are we fucked?
its impossible to fix without causing tons of death and riots and shit. fucking mericunts dug themselves into a hole. the worlds economy is just one big bubble now. based off a lie.
>wanting to fine gun manufacturers for the misuse of their products
Why are there so many Yang shills?
If something drastic doesnt happen before ~2030, yes we are beyond fucked.
Nigger that’s a meaningless graph and you know it. Artistic standards and “muh modern art is so bad” is such a fucking cop out statement that it instantly reveals how much of a brainlet you are.
You don’t know shit about art
its true. 90's really were the best. get fucked zoomers.
Stop it, I’m scared
Trannies. They love free gibs, with no understanding of the how and why behind UBI
>they sold themselves out for 12k a year
Avengers: Infinity War
yeah man the government shouldn't regulate anything I believe giant corporations won't artificially manipulate the market anyway to benefit themselves, maybe take it easy on the phrase 'useful idiot'
revolution soon
trannies are like 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the population. Yang is popular. We gettin that bag
Neck yourself faggot
Imagine living in such a shitty country that even though you pay taxes out the ass you still don't have universal health care. What's your excuse Amerimutts? Don't have the guns for a revolution?
brazil + zero theorem
Do something about it then cuck.
I bet you think Steven Universe is a masterpiece
I pay for my own health insurance and don’t want to pay for some other faggot.
Blame the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies that take advantage of the current healthcare system and raise prices to Jew people into debt slavery.
Anyone with a brain knows that massive violence and suffering is on the horizon.
That's okay. We'll still get you that 1000k a month.
your tax dollars are already paying for lots of other faggots, prisoners, soldiers, etc. health care.
Same ahah, love seeing all these poor liberal college kids crying about not being able to afford a home. Just inherit a $3m home like I did its pretty fucking easy guys.
I get to rent out rooms and make money off people who are NEVER going to own their own house.
>a graph on the standards of art
literally makes no fucking sense whatsoever
gotta drop 7 million dollar bombs on 3rd world countries so a few families can buy yachts.
Enjoy it while it lasts. If you think this society is staying this way until we are all old you are utterly delusional.
t. rich kid thats traveling while its still viable in much of the world
I never implied that you brainwashed cumdrinking central bank supporting moron.
I think that you’re a retard who sees Paul Jospeh Watson talking about “muh modern art” and blindly agrees with him like the NPC you are.
Art becoming less restrictive is unironically a good thing. Back in Davinci’s time painting using only certain techniques was considered the only true art, now his sketches are almost as widely appreciated as his finished paintings.
I’m sure people complained about declining standards with every new change to art from abstract to post-modernism.
user you replied to, this but absolutely unironically. My parents are boomers but were actually smart with their finances. Feels pretty good knowing I'll end up inheriting a half a dozen buildings or so plus all the cash they have stashed lmao. And if the collapse comes before that I have a pretty nice armory put together
>not an argument at all
Lol imagine being happy that your living standards get reduced all of the time.
Kill yourself
yeah you sound like a pussy bitch, id fuck your ass if i ever met you
>If we let corporations do whatever they want, they'll choose to take less money for themselves and give a larger share to us, in a complete reversal of corporate practice going back literally forever.
Jesus fucking Christ, you might as well start praying to Dagon, user.
lol during a collapse any "amory" you have at home will last a month tops.
>tfw stockpiling ammo for common weapons
That's the actual money.
Its only gonna get better for me. Not like all these limp-wristed marxists are every going to actually get violent, which is the only thing that would bring change. I'll keep making 120k a year just being a landlord.
Fuck all the stupid hippie boomers who had the opportunities to own multiple homes for dirt cheap but instead fucked around and wasted their time with drugs. Glad my parents were smart and invested in property.
Too much, outed yourself LARPing.
>all of these rich faggots
I dislike exploitative assholes whether they’re rich or not. You’ll get the rope along with the rest of the financial elite when the time comes
It's real.
t. /biz/
>Not like all these limp-wristed marxists are every going to actually get violent
he said with increasing nervousness
Whatever makes you feel better.
>rich people are exploiting me because I'm poor
Kill yourself
Imagine how fucking dumb you are.
You literally support creating trillions of dollars or of thin air and giving it to bankers and corporations yet you call me the corporatist because I want to stop this lol
>he doesn't know about the wage cage
Are you a marxist?
go back to watching Steven Universe, tranny
this probably doesn't apply to you, though. You don't sound that rich, unlike me.
The only salvation is nuclear destruction of society.
I'm not exploiting anyone. I lease at a fair rate for the area, the jews and chinks driving up housing rates aren't any consequence of mine.
>implying business owners wouldn’t use literal slave labor i they could
Kill yourself leftypol.
not an argument.
I’m glad you’ve accepted that you’re just another mouth breather drone who has their opinions spoonfed to them.
They can't because the free market forbids it.
Yet you are somehow against a free market.
Fuck the rich, the poor, and the middle class.
I mean my understanding of the non-fear of "marxists" is that they're all urban college liberals. Once their ideas spread to rural people and gun-owners the situation may change
This but unironically. Throw in a bit of Kessler Syndrome for a global communications blackout and life might be better.
Humans weren’t meant to live longer than 50-60 years, we’d be better off living like the settlers did.
I'm third position, actually.
>The most effective system is one where a significant portion of the sum of all insurance payments goes towards A) Passive stockholders B) Massive marketing campaigns from multiple competing players C) Massive administrative costs for all the middle-management required in the private system
>Bbbb-because the owners said that they're charging us so much because of the gubment and not as a necessity of operating a bloated organization legally obligated to orient itself not towards insuring the health of the nation, but to generating profit for passive shareholders.
They still do, they just have to use it in other countries.
I'm not old money rich, but I'm secured in investments that will keep me going till I die. Even if there was a massive housing market crash like 2008 I have enough saved to float for long enough for things to stabilize. My biggest property is in a beach city, seriously doubt people will ever stop wanting to live there and there isn't really any space to build more homes.
you just exposed yourself as a tranny LMFAO
I fucking knew it
new do me a favor and join the 40%
>he thinks rural people will EVER fall for the elite's commie bullshit
Stay poor and keep dreaming.
Even more context
>and not as a necessity of operating a bloated organization legally obligated to orient itself not towards insuring the health of the nation, but to generating profit for passive shareholders
Holy shit you're stupid.
What do you think created this bloated system?
Health insurance companies would be like 10% of the size they are today in a free market and most people would pay out of pocket for most things because it would cost so little.
This is literally the way it used to work in the 50s and 60s.
>he thinks rural people aren’t just as gullible
>he thinks rural people matter at all when urban population centers will control the country in another few years
Ahh you're a snowflake that thinks you're somehow different from an the other socialists.
Enjoy your central banks.
well then keep believing rural people can never be radicalized against the rich elite and you have nothing to worry about I guess.
Ooof bootlicker general. Onions and yikespilled.
the only future kino you will need, friend
Question is who is the bootlickers?
You seriously overestimate the amount of people that will ever be radicals. Most people are fine living within their means and don't have delusions of eating the rich.
Spend some time outside, the sun is good for you.
Was this based on the stalkers from Half Life?
If the rurals were ever radiczalized, antifa fuckstains like you would be the first to get killed.
No it's based on near future Amazon workers in real life.
Zero Theorem fits that feel perfectly user
Bloxvox looks like a retarded idea, i pity you call center workers who are going to have to wear that all day
again, you sound nervous. The beauty of socialism is that it crosses the racial divide that has been used to keep rural and urban poor people fighting each other instead of the rich
It's literally one of the primary things jews are hated for, retard.
OK now you are actually sweating.
>You literally support creating trillions of dollars or of thin air and giving it to bankers and corporations
I literally do not. The way the 2008 crisis was handled was profoundly disturbing and one of the clearest examples of the incestuous relationship of capital and the state. U.S. taxpayers have been directly paying for capital interest for decades, arguably forever. Trillions on "defense" to threaten and control the world and pry open countries for capitalist exploitation. Trillions on scientific research which is then handed over to private capital to profit from. If you think the people who would control an unregulated market are in any way opposed to the continued domination of the U.S. Govt. you're deluded.
Are you a marxist or socialist of some kind?
hey brainlet if you overlay the wealth gap on that you'd have your answer, and the answer isn't to let the rich control the economy
social services are actually a good thing, except for the fact women are easily manipulated and voted for it to all be paid by the middle class and not corporations or the rich
you seem to think slave labor doesn't exist anymore.
it literally does in classical form and it does in its modernized and far more nasty form in which third worlders are forced to work under savage conditions because they can't afford not to.
why do you think the term wage slave exists returd
No just a normal guy who can tell the breaking point will happen in our lifetimes
>artistic standards begin to decline once slavery is abolished
ok prager
>writes all of this but still somehow blames the free market on this
A free market means the absence of central banking and regulatory capture type government policies that caused this bullshit.
Why would you be against a free market?
Lmao you guys probably also believe Trump is getting impeached.
The wealth gap is extremely irrelevant information.
If you took all of the wealth from the top 1% and gave it to the working class it would just cause massive price increases.
The working class would gain nothing.
start your runnin city boy
Not everyone who hates the extremely wealthy and bourgeois is a Marxist
Thread perfectly sums up why revolution will never happen. You plebs are far too content fighting amongst yourselves to ever threaten any of the systems of control in place over you.
>social services are good
Yay I love being dependant on the government and living in poverty.
No they're just brainwashed.
Aren't liberals the ones who are supposed to bring up Trump in unrelated discussions?
Craft and technique are out the window.
Keep kicking the boots of the rich and corporate owners and I’m sure one day you will be where they are
Mr. Bill shirt
The useless eater masses will be culled in our lifetime.
The fact that after all this you retard blames socialism is just pathetic. Stuck in a loop. Enjoy your boomerdom endlessly complaining about culture war shit while you get cucked by corporations.
Top kek
How is leaving them alone to mass produce resources for me "licking their boots"?
Oh wait, you're one of those retards that thinks taking their money would somehow magically benefit the working class and not cause massive price increases for us.
i'm gonna do that thing where you walk behind the bourgeoise and tap the back of their shoe when they take a step and they dramatically grab at air to catch themselves.
your professors are lying to you
"Free market" is a buzzword for retards who think there can be equal access to the fruit of productivity in a system that enforces private ownership of the means of production. I'm against the unrestricted accumulation and exercise of power based on the ability to leverage iniquity to best exploit a system for profit.
You're the brainlet that still supports central banks after realizing they're that number one thing raping him.
the rich don't produce anything, and the mega rich feed off the deliberate dismantling off society.
your feelings and infographics are lying to you.
>Everything the government has a hand in goes up in price
>Things without government interference go down in price.
Hmmm I wonder what the solution is
but what about muh venezuela?
>he unironically thinks taking over the means of production will actually benefit the working class in any way whatsoever
>he ignores the fact the working class receives 99% of the end product of all production in the economy
You're fucking lost buddy, there's no breaking you out of this religious cult.
I don’t know about you but a 7 62 nato round does incredible things to a face
Just joking guys
>It's real
typical socialist
>dude the free market will fix it lmao
Might as well chase that socialist utopia while you're at it, you'll have the same chance of achieving that as making a completely free market economy with perfect competition.
Lay off the YouTube videos for a while and go read a book or two.
That's literally what Maoism is you tard
>money doesn't give you happiness
Is there a bigger lie?
This is like something out of a fucked up 70's sci fi novel. What the hell
It gives you satisfaction not happiness
Their firms produce almost everything.
>hurrrr no the workers do
No shit and the workers receive 99% of what they produce while the capitalists only receive 1%
I'm talking about consumer goods here, not money.
Money is irrelevant.
>absolutely no argument whatsoever
wtf I love central banks and corporate enslavement now
This seems like the obvious question. But what's the right climate?
Over the millions of years of life on this planet there was different climates with temperatures and wild life.
Maybe the Norean climate is most ideal. In the mid Triassic period. Maybe something else. What's the right climate we are trying to go back to. And where was the discussion as to what the right answer was?
>money is irrelevant
Many would call the satisfaction of not going hungry or living one slip away from a financial catastrophe that will irrevocably alter their and their families lives a kind of happiness.
>what is the right climate
This is entirely determined by where you are in the global class system
maybe we could cut back on the pollution and then start discussing that?
i Have had food in 1600 years
Doesn't universal healthcare undermine Freedom because it gives you a legitimate argument as to how to tell others to live their lives?
>Stop smoking because I don't like the smell of it
Is a very different argument than
>Stop smoking because it's lowering your health, and I'm paying your medical bills through taxes so you better stop
That's why every country with socialized medicine has regulations on smoking and other personal liberties restricted
>CEO's only need one slave-made iphone just like the rest of us!
>We're all benefiting equally!
Ah Stephan, he was part of the wave of libertarians that couldn't stop connecting the dots.
I actually hate my parents for teaching me such worthless lies growing up.
>Have you considered that rising sea levels putting billions of lives and the structure of the world as we know it at risk might be kinda pleasant? Lets not be so hasty!
>>If we let corporations do whatever they want, they'll choose to take less money for themselves and give a larger share to us, in a complete reversal of corporate practice going back literally forever.
Okay. This seems obvious
Why don't they charge 10* the rate for gasoline at the gas station?
Why don't they charge 100*?
You need to get to work either way. There's no regulation saying they can't.
So why don't they?
prison undermines freedom bro
actual shills organizing on some discord to "ebin troll le nazis" the funny bit is that yang isn't even a contender and he's gonna get fucked harder by the DNC than bernie in 2016.
The very nature of taxes already does that.
the idea behind climate preservation policies is to reduce the changing climate so as to mitigate disasters such as short-term coastline flooding, extinctions due to acidity/temperature/pollution, etc.
change will always happen in earth's climate, and this has always driven evolution and where animals live. However, the idea is that change within the last century has been exponential, unnatural, and that Earth's biomass does not have the collective ability to adapt within such short time. The idea is not to make earth like humans were never there, or to micromanage things, but to work to prevent drastic swings and pollution that would reduce Earth's biodiversity without giving it the opportunity to adapt.
the most ambitious actual plans out there among governments is to just keep on doing what we're doing but have the temperature rise only a couple degrees instead of 5 or 10. its a little early to have a terraforming-tier discussion
When I am working, it is a voluntary transaction.
Work is voluntary. Both parties are made better off through the process. That's the foundation of capitalism. When I get a cup of coffee, the cafe isn't being exploited, nor am I. That's why I say thank you, and the Barista says thank you. I want the coffee more than the change in my pocket, and the business would rather have the change in my coffee than the coffee in their pot.
When I am working, I would rather have my paycheck, then my free time to myself.
Not exploitation
Government gets their power from the point of gun. It's not voluntary.
It's exploitation
i havent eaten in 7200 years
>Work is voluntary
Are you really sure about that
Who's life is at risk as a result of rising sea levels?
Explain to me the mechanics of how rising sea levels would kill someone
If I could live in my perfect fantasy world I wouldn't mind.
I can quit my job any day I want
Work for someone else. Work for myself. Take a vacation.
what kind of job do you work where you can take a vacation any time you want? Can you do it for more than 2 weeks a year?
>Once their ideas spread to rural people and gun-owners the situation may change
good luck with that you keep trying to take their guns
in all honesty the leftist will get violent before the right does and the right will use the opportunity to go balls to the wall on them, that assuming of course that something does happen most likely we'll just end up in a massive passive decline like when the ussr collapsed.
Modern art is mostly a money laundering scheme.
>The global economy is as simple as two competing gas stations (who would never ever collude with each other to keep prices from lowering, no sir)
I don't know what's worse, talking to an educated economist who believes in perfect competition and the like, or talking to a retard like you who believes their simpleton explanations for why Enron exercising unlimited power is the same as letting your local buttplug store set it's own prices.
If we don't have a consensus on what the right climate is, a higher carbon concentration could be a good thing.
We need to measure the costs and benefits.
disparaging term both sides use to insult the other. Implying that they mindlessly follow the rules of authority.
i don't care about modern art, you just cant quantify the 'standards' of art
We have been, and we're 99% sure that the costs are fucking bonkers, mate. What is wrong with you?
does a leopard have the freedom to choose when or where it can hunt? Yes. Does a leopard have the ability to stop hunting until it feels like hunting again? No. To not hunt is against its nature, and to complain that the leopard cannot find a source of food to tide it over until it wishes to hunt again, is to misunderstand the basic principles of life, and to reveal a deep ignorance of the concept of freedom, and what voluntary actions are.
>you keep trying to take their guns
who are you referring to?
>infinity chamber
Why must you lie, user?
The main actor isn't good and the ending/twist is obvious.
absolutely B A S E D Friedmanposting
You ain’t getting any money if the robots do all the job
The robot’s owner will get the money
Sorry. I guess that wasn't clear
I can quit my job and take a vacation tomorrow if I want.
Anyways I'll cut to the chase. I need to work to eat, because food does not fall from the sky like mana from heaven. The government cannot make food. It has no hands. It can only take money from one area and redirect it to another. If I want to eat, I have to work, because food doesn't fall from the sky. It's not something I'm entitled to from the farmer, and the countries who said I was during the 19th and 20th century had massive starvation.
How I make that money is up to me. I can rent out a house to tenants or on airbnb, make dumb online videos, work a traditional 9-5 job or work for myself. Don't need anyone's permission
yeah because rich people have all their money in a giant gold pit in their basement like Scrooge McDuck.
grow. the. fuck. up.
Rich people have the majority of their assets invested therefore it's distributed, now if you weren't retarded marxist you'd be financially literate enough to understand how this all works and you wouldn't be a dumb debt slave consumer perpetuating the very system you complain endlessly about
Based, wheres a modern day Andrew Jackson when you need him?
Imagine defending being a wagecuck lmao
I didn't say it was that simple.
I just wanted you to explain why they wouldn't as an introduction for a Socratic dialogue.
I have 75k that I havent touched yet - I'm 24 and a loser beyond anything. I could do anything with that money but I'm afraid to touch it because I know I would fuck it up within two years. Get me out of this hell that millions would kill to have
give it to me then
When you say "we have been" what do you mean by that?
Because I would bring up France. The UN and celebrities say hey the world is behind you we need to cut carbon emissions. Then Macron introduced a carbon tax and Paris burned for 2 months.
That doesn't sound like there's been a consensus achieved
Oh shit guys, all those academic cocksuckers with 150k dollar degrees will get angry, whatever we will do? First they will kill all those fucking white males, and then they will storm the golden vaults of Facebook, where Zuckerberg stores his 60 billion dollars to redistribute.
You can have a single flat tax on income or consumption to reduce that effect
stop trying to gaslight, the left is anti gun outliers don't matter
oh fuck was he right all along? should I start learning about edible wild plants?
>I can quit my job and take a vacation tomorrow if I want.
nigga thats called being unemployed.
food doesnt just fall from the sky, but you could work less than 9-5 in a society where everyone gets guaranteed food, instead of one where you work 9-5 to hoard things for yourself while 80% of the money you produce goes to someone else with nicer and better food that you paid for and don't get to eat. This isn't rocket science.
who's gaslighting? You said "the left will get violent first" but also they don't want to have gun even though all the right-wingers do? that doesn't even make sense. Pick one narrative or the other they can't both be true.
There was a series on Discovery about a guy surviving in the wild by drinking piss. Now I know a thing or two.
Paris didn't burn because Macron taxed the rich, it burned because he implemented tax policies that shifted burden off of corporations and onto citizens.
"We" includes 99% of climate scientists (notably excluding those on the payroll of energy companies)
Starting off a dialogue with such a pernicious false equivalence doesn't speak highly of your tactics
this is why arguing with a leftists is like arguing with flat earthers, you can't even understand that your arguments are in bad faith. You don't need guns to be violent they just help.
History, in fact, shows all too many instances of governments trying to keep food affordable, usually with disastrous consequences.
Whether in France during the 1790s, the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik revolution, or in newly independent African nations during the past generation, governments have imposed artificially low prices on food. In each case, this led to artificially low supplies of food and artificially high levels of hunger.
Food is already subsidized through farm subsidies
This wasn't something that government came up with. It was the free market.
And it's obvious that the government heavily subsidizes food.
Poor people are fat! For the first time in human history, the poor instead of being skinny and gaunt with hunger, are fat.
>hey man ill trade you some shrooms for some weed
Boom you just reestablished money.
>You don't need guns to be violent they just help.
so are the left going to "get violent first" with guns or not? The reason my argument seems "in bad faith" to you is that you have never had your argument challenged by an actual leftist. because you probably get them straight from right-wing media that interprets for you what a "leftist" thinks or does on a certain topic.
generally that has been my experience hearing what conservatives don't like or are afraid of, its that they don't know what the left is, only what a friendly, pro-conservative person's interpretation of leftism is
You've just outed yourself as an underage zoomer. kek
>Paris didn't burn because Macron taxed the rich, it burned because he implemented tax policies that shifted burden off of corporations and onto citizens.
You're just using "the rich" and "corporations" as a boogieman.
A majority of the rich and corporations don't emit much carbon. It's accurately capturing reality. The truck driver emits more carbon than the rich elite making clothing in France, or the tech company like Airbnb that operates in the city.
You have a solution
>Tax the rich and corporations
You're just looking for a problem
Erosion in coastal towns. Flooding can cause a lot of damage. Weaken a structure enough and it could collapse. Youd have to be kind of dumb but there are a lot of dumb people.
>History, in fact, shows all too many instances of governments trying to keep food affordable, usually with disastrous consequences.
you gave three examples out of 2000ish years of history. I would not say that's many, nor would I say that any of those examples were caused solely by an otherwise functional nation setting artificial food prices. All 3 are much more complicated.
further, poor people are fat because for the first time in history, low quality, very calorie dense food is actually cheaper to produce than a traditional diet. And as we can see from heart disease being the number one cause of death in America, and childhood obesity far above most of the west, there are still health risks. And this immense growth of childhood obesity only started after Reagan removed the FCC's ability to regulate corporate advertising to children in the 80s. So these health risks are in fact a direct result of the "free market"
The interface series
Really makes you think.
I'm a former leftist, I get your arguments because I used to make them. just because marx said that the proletariat must be armed doesn't mean that the majority of leftists subscribe to that idea, especially because individual empowerment is inimical to collectivism.
Do instill a sense of urgency while maintaining the sense of superiority, the enemies of fascists are portrayed oxymoronically as both existentially threatening and unquestionably inferior and defeatable. This fundamental inability to fairly evaluate opposition power is not a strength, I assure you.
How do I join up with those guys in the pic?
asking for a friend
The real problem is all the non-whites. Get rid of them and be shocked how much better EVERYTHING will be.
They disbanded last year.
How much skin in the game is there?
I remember all kinds of academics, that were talking about peak oil, the neo-malthusians like Paul Ehrlich, and the climate alarmists.
Are they ever held accountable?
Because it seems like they're proven wrong time and time again, we don't reach peak oil, we invent Fracking, and instead of all those professor getting fired, they double down.
Why are we supposed to trust people who never face the downside of when they are wrong, never get fired for being wrong?
All the journalists who were working before trump got elected, and said that trump getting elected had less of a chance of happening, then a meteor hitting the planet and wiping out life, how many are still here?
How many journalists who got the narrative wrong for an entire year, saying that Trump was the side show, and Hillary was the main attraction, how many of those journalists are still there?
It seems to me like all of them.
okay but if the majority of leftists don't subscribe to the idea of being armed, I fail to see how they will "get violent first" against the right which has the police, military and rural gun owners on their side? Im not claiming any specific political solution as much as I am questioning how exactly your statement is logical.
What are they going to do, throw rocks at you? And then the right responds with overwhelming force and shoots them all? And that's going to be some long, drawn out civil war in your mind?
Shit, death by erosion.
Billions will die.
Okay. So then I have another consideration. Talk to any family member who was alive during the 1970s. Ask them how effective artificial prices on gasoline were. It's an inelastic good. You need to drive to get to work, to buy food to eat.
They will tell you, it was not great. They will give you stories of waiting in massive lines to get gasoline.
Price controls never work. They never have, never will.
Prices are not levers that set value. They are metric, that respond to value
re read my original post i said the most likely outcome is that we end up in some prolonged decline where people don't even notice how far they have fallen.
and yes the left imagines the "romantic" idea of revolution where molotovs are thrown at cops and not understanding that the actuality is Iraq in the late 2000s. The deal is that a second American civil war doesn't have front lines it's more like cartel violence in Mexico
And if they don't, we'll have billions of refugees.
I'm sure that'll be fun.
>The inevitable consequences of oil dependence were slightly delayed by a cleaner (depending on what you're measuring) method of energy production
>BBBut there's no need to get any more sustainable! This rate of heating that will undeniably lead to global disasters is fine now because of fracking!
>Expecting me to defend Liberal journos
I'll pass
You're doubling down again
>any day now I'll be proven right.
>Iraq in the late 2000s
Brutalized by the U.S. govt. and punished for all the world to see what happens when you don't toe the line of American economic interest? I think you might have let slip a little too much when you revealed your civil war fantasy.
Oh shit, flood and death in leftshit bay areas, a tragedy I say. I am off to burn more old tires in that case.
I'm proven right year after year by rising global temperatures
I think you're projecting a bit too much, because you keep ignoring my assertion that a civil war isn't likely in the first place. What i'm saying is that if civil war does happen it's going to be a nightmare of decentralized daily violence.
>poor people are fat because for the first time in history, low quality, very calorie dense food is actually cheaper to produce than a traditional diet.
Oh look, a case of absolute blabbering retard. Poor people are fat because, just like you, they don't know shit about cooking and long time planning.Salt, pepper, basic spices, literally a couple of bucks, you can grow your own herbs (or is water for plants too expensive for you), LOCAL vegetables, root vegetables. There is no canned food that is cheaper than homemade meal, you just have to do research into it.
This fucking argument that healthy food is more expensive is made by dumbshit LA hipster. You can look into any vegetarian cookbook and in 99% of cases they use dumbshit ingredients like Himalayan salt or Tahini paste, instead of focusing on local stuff.
Round and round we go with you people.
What in my post was contesting "rising global temperatures"?
The question I had was
"What is the right climate"?
Maybe it really is the Albian period
I find it hard to believe that the ideal climate for humans is "whatever it was 200 years ago"
we are trying to belittle each others political points of view shut the fuck up.
looks pretty based to me
How do you make healthcare affordable?
Doesn't matter if it makes sense, leftists nowadays are now fully lock and step behind islam - far right, ultra conservative, theocratical political system.Does that make sense?
It doesn't have to, and it is nothing new, when Stalin was pushing for international hate speech laws after WW2 to protect marginalized groups, he did so with the backing of islamic nations.
Pay 100-300€ depending on your income for the rest of your life. That's how Germany does it.
I find that realtively affordable. It's ~1500€ a year, a fraction of what you pay for housing.
Alternatively, enforce low caps on all medical equipment and products provided by the pharma industry so they only make 100% profit on any given product instead of 1000%
Look at how every other wealthy Western country except the US does it.
>Because it seems like they're proven wrong time and time again, we don't reach peak oil, we invent Fracking, and instead of all those professor getting fired, they double down.
Where do you go after Fracking? Eventually we will reach peak oil because the Earth has limited resources. Civilization will have to adapt to another energy source and how painful that process is depends on how prepared we are.
Through government rationing?
Lol, did you see their demographics? Germany will be gone in a generation. That beautiful healthcare system won't last a decade.
You can also take a note about their renewable energy programs, another stunning succes - selling their solar for negative prices, and buying up around 90% of all nuclear energy from Czechs and Slovaks, while Germans are closing their nuclears.
A country on its way to ass, shitting on muh drumpf for pulling out of Paris agreement, and then pulling out too a month later very silently.
>tfw watching Joe Rogan
>the guest just talks about how the earth will keep heating unless we do something
>more war, murder, rape
>less crops, less land
>more disasters, even SIX AT THE SAME TIME
>Russia will some be in the prime temp for production same with fucking Canada
>our fucking gut biome will change due to the heat
>one answer is sulfur in the atmosphere, fucking SULUR
Beats me. I don't work with Petroluem.
Probably an organism like plankton that we artificially increase the population of, that shits out a byproduct that we can end up turning into fuel.
Maybe something like this. Look, I'm telling you. These types of crises are false. A slow moving problem isn't going to be the problem.
Climate Change has become a sceular religion. It has the original sin of carbon, it has penances, self flagellation, and all the other methods of worship.
1984 (1984)
Oh yeah, ten million countries with homogeneous population against 400 million continent spanning federation. Very big brain comparison, Rick and Morty tier even.
But don't get me wrong, I wish, PRAY even for the tax rates they have in that rest of the western countries on the Berniebros and muh Scandinavia faggots, that would be beautiful.
I love retards defend the broken status quo with these complaints about "homogenous population". Do you people don't notice the racism? Do you think if you can browbeat people into agreeing it becomes no longer racist?
I don't get the enjoyment of shitting on people who look different than you. We all know and can see plainly that racism simply arises at times of cultural stress, when those in power can no longer justify their failure and must push the idea that the success or failure of certain groups is "natural". It has never, not once in history, been proven correct. The regime always makes an ass of themselves, tripping to become as hateful as possible, and in the end still fails.
This idea that you can now just use racism in place of an argument is not a sign of strength, its a sign that the power structure is weakening and grasping at straws to defend its own incompetence. I would prefer for America, the "greatest country on Earth" to actuall do something great rather than just trying to divide people in hateful ways as an excuse to not progress socially or economically
I came down with double pneumonia a couple years ago and was in the ICU for 7 weeks. I was in a coma for most of it. I lost my job during that time and my insurance with it.
I owe $350,000 in hospital bills.
So, why haven't you just declared bankruptcy?
>uses words like bourgeois
>not a marxist
sure thing senpai
Fuck off, USA is western liberal democracy, rest of americas are low trust socialist shitholes. Bring people from low trust socialist shitholes into the USA, you'll turn America into low trust socialist shithole. You have no argument or example to the contrary. Your culture isn't celebrating liberal democratic figures and their principles that make the West the best it ever was, your culture is tearing their statues down.
And don't give me muh socioeconomic bullshit, east Europe is poor, was under iron boot of foreign power and was plagued by slave raids, and yet it is safest place on Earth to live.
We're doomed. There's no saving us. We have destroyed our beautiful planet for too long and now she is taking her righteous vengeance against our blight of a species.
That would be kino
This is what's so hilarious. We know that climate has fluctuated since always, there is no standard temp, but yet windowlickers that haven't taken a science class since middle school are convinced we are going through a rare and special event.
Yes there is no doubt the USA will fall from grace in the 21st century.