Can someone explain how Captain Marvel made $450M worldwide in 3 days when most of the theaters are empty? Just what is going on here?

In the US and in China as well it's rated one of the worst superhero movies. With all those empty theater seats, just how in the world did it make over $450M in just 3 days? Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

Attached: empty.png (1366x768, 1.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

marxists care about their pushing ideology more than about money

you are witnessing first signs of real communism, just like in soviet union no one had sex, in hollywood captain marvel was overwhelming success.

Have been laid more times then you ever will with that fake vagina.

Disney kikes bought their own tickets to hand out and they'll file it under marketing.

why? women are disgusting

Attached: 1551826392068.gif (255x235, 498K)

8th was a holiday.

>believing some literal who on twatter
He doesn't even have a blue check

Disgusting degenerate.

I can't wait for the have sex wordfilter

looks odd doesn't it?
well, this is what social engineering looks like

A movie in Brazil had 4 million tickets bought by the Church that produced it in advance, which roughly means 20 million dollars, a bigger number than Infinity War had in Brazil.
There are also known cases of this happening in China.
Pretty easy to do it in 3rd world countries and Disney wouldn't even need to buy THAT much because a certain amount of people would in fact go see it.

when I went to see it at noon today the theater was packed, all the black people stayed quiet the entire show too


>it's rated one of the worst superhero movies.

You sure?

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>all the black people stayed quiet the entire show too


>buy tickets and give money back to yourself marketing for basically free.

I ain't even mad. That's fucking brilliant and I hope whoever thought of it got a huge bonus.

It's funny I never been to a theater that kept the lights on turning the film.

that means they hated it.

Incel didn't have one, yet soiboy did. Hmmm.

Does this mean the jews lied to us.

Then how do you see the screen?

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They're not marxists, you fucking idiot. They're the rich, lazy children of capitalists who are so insulated from reality by generational wealth that they pull stunts like this to occupy themselves.

What? Why would they lie to you? Trust them.

Also, buy 10 Captain Marvel tickets.

Nice pic of an Alita showing.

top kek

So Marxists then.

>all the black people stayed quiet

Now I know you’re lying

What the fuck is going on here?

Attached: empty.png (1366x768, 717K)

Wait, only 2 seats filled?


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There's a whole lotta C O P E in ere.

This, the hordes of feminists this kind of shit will create far outweights any monetary loss

This is a huge hoax. Disney is panicking. Expect people to be quietly let go.

>trusting Hollywood numbers when so many movies magically turn no profit
Yikes! Also...
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

Alita showings

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i love it when Yea Forums is dead wrong and ends up having a meltdown.

>Doesn't know about Money Laundering schemes

No. Capitalists. Try to get them to agree to a 100% inheritance tax and watch how much of marxists they are.

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>Just check theater for showings in 20 minutes
>3 seat taken the rest are empty

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except cinemas take like 60% of ticket sales revenue you dumb cunt

Even if Disney bought their own tickets they still win because they get a discount

Stay mad and have sex

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>The campaign to ruin captain marvel backfired so hard that neckbeards are resorting to conspiracy to make themselves feel better.


Where is everyone?

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Free tickets and shady accounting practices. Same with Black Panther.

remember that article about Disney employing "troll hunters" all over the internet? this is one of them

Weird that they're giving this to people seeing Alita

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Black Panther actually made money, though.

based comedian

Is this Cinemark? Reminds me of my local one.

I think a lot of it may have to do with theaters doubling the amount of showtimes as normal. I counted 22 normal 2D showtimes for Friday, and on Monday it will be 11. That means all of the crowds were distributed out by screen. This I guess can only happen when it's been a really slow month and a big movie comes out with zero competition, otherwise they'd never have devoted that much to one film.

>1 of 1000


>screen isn’t even on
>implying you didn’t just walk into a random empty theater and smirk to yourself knowing you could cause fake drama on Yea Forums

Nice try.

yeah, I guess it was the only person to show up

I just love seeing all of the auditoriums and comparing to my theaters to see if the layouts or screen to distance ratio is better or worse.

Know the tools and trade of the enemy

The Frankfurt school used the term "Cultural Hegemony" and "the Culture Industries"
Lukacs and Gramsci both argued that the reason that the Marxist class theory didn’t play out was because Western values were too deeply entrenched, notably the emphasis on the individual over the collective, and Christianity. These had to be destroyed in order for the communist utopia to be achieved. In 1919, Lukacs was declared the “Minister of Culture” in the short lived Hungarian Soviet Republic. As someone in charge of education, he introduced some of the first sex education classes, designed to undermine the traditional sexual views of the West which he believed was a step closer to accomplishing his goal. Gramsci worked on his “prison notebooks”, which outlined his chief insight which is called “cultural hegemony”.
Cultural hegemony stated the various factors that made Western civilization what it was, and was thus preventing the communist revolution. The key was to continue the “class war” but at the same, undermine these factors from within. These factors were:
Sexual restraint
Personal responsibility
Patriotism and national unity Community
Gramsci believed that the media and academia had to issue a “counter-hegemony” message, which would help undermine these planks of Western culture.

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Remember when Black Panther had a 100% fresh rating? Remember that? Remember how legitimate that is? Because Black Panther is the best movie of all time, despite being some retarded throw-away marvel capeshit with LAUGHABLY bad CGI? Remember? Remember how big of a fucking tantrum all the retards threw when it got its first negative review? HOW DARE THEY!?!? I remember. And it was fucking stupid.

He was kek

That's called fraud.

So nice of Disney to keep the theaters empty to maximize your experience

Almost all movies make money. It is exceptionally hard to make a movie lose money these days. You almost have to actually be trying. And even then I wouldn't guarantee it.


In 1937, Horkheimer wrote about what is today known as “Critical Theory”.
Critical theory is a social theory which is about criticizing the way a culture and “society as a whole” function, in order to change it.
Contrast this with other social theories, which are more just about understanding and interpreting why things are as they are.
Herbert Marcuse uses "critical theory" to push an agenda.
He said that niggers, fags, feminists and other sorts of degenerates would lead the charge for change and is called "the father of the new left"
Marcuse's search for a form radical subjectivity that could serve as an impetus for revolution or social transformation led him down a path not traveled by his Frankfurt School colleagues. Indeed, one of the criticisms of Marcuse is that he gave in to pessimism and gave up on the working class as revolutionary subject. For Marcuse, we must look to “the substratum of the outcasts and outsiders, etc,” for any social change (MacIntyre 1970: 87).
"Cultural Marxism" was coined by American sociology professor Trent Schroyer in 1973.
Who saw all the tools of the Frankfurt school (The Culture Industries, Cultural Hegemony and Critical Theory) and summed it up for what it really was

Archived for the links
>(not archivable)

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Box offices are fraud
Critic scores are fraud
Awards shows are fraud

Protip: just enjoy any movie you like

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Your brain was literally set to deep-fry by Fox.

>Go to the cinema on friday night
>Large country town
>Captain Marvel opened just 48 hours ago
>Got my tickets to and waited
>Captain Marvel is called
>No one moves
>5 mins later a guy and girl in Marvel t-shirts appear and go in
>5 mins after that Alita is called
>Myself and about 10 other people make our move
>Another 10 or so people join us after we're in the theater
>Captain Marvel was being showed in their second smallest (of 5) theaters
>Alita was being shown in the largest of their theaters
>It was international women's day

>a few people post pictures of empty theaters

checked and bluepilled

I believe it

Attached: Captain Marvel will never be Wonder Woman.jpg (879x643, 136K)

An industry that makes things up for a living would never make things up.

They buy their own tickets.

Beyond based and profoundly redpilled.

When does the movie start? Why 1/1000? Are you the first person they handed these out to? And why the fuck does CM get all of this gnarly shit when literally no other MCU movie got this kind of marketing? They're selling collectable popcorn tins FFS.

I dont watch Fox and your kneejerk pithy response in the face of historical facts is just your psychological response to protect your cognitive dissonance because if it falls apart so will your identity.

captain marvel is a literal who character

And yet its box office is relatively strong. This anecdotal evidence doesn't mean shit. Just don't see the movie and let's see how this goes.

So they're guaranteed to make back AT LEAST double? How the fuck has no other studio figured this out yet?

How do people not know this? Companies like Disney and other big production conglomerates buy up millions of dollars in tickets to their own movies to make them seem better in market reports by outside agencies & reporting.

The theaters are empty but the tickets are sold out because Disney is buying them all up to make it seem like a success. This isn't new, it happens with every movie that doesn't do well, but the execs need to push to the top of the "trending" list to make it seem like people care.

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Real Talk, I think a lot of it is that theaters are having a showing literally every half hour.

They expected a Infinity War-esqe Billion dollar mega opening, but only got a movie that, while still a success, isn't doing too much better then your average summer blockbuster.

Not the other guy, but just an FYI, you using a ton of words just to call a guy a moron makes you look and sound like a pretentious asshole.


A lot of you are getting tricked by the fact that this movie opened EVERYWHERE but Japan at the same time, which is inflating the numbers to look better than they are.

No dude, they file away a few million dollars as a marketing expense, and buy up the tickets. Sure, they technically get a little bit back eventually from sales cut, but they're happy to eat the cost if it helps market the idea that the movie is making money and selling out.

Except Alita sells out, lol.

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she cute

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>show up early to movie
>take pic of empty theatre
>post online
>”woh I knew it! No one is ACTUALLY seeing this movie despite the positive critic and audience reviews and multi-hundred million dollar opening weekend gross. It was as I suspected all along. The jews are just funneling their money into this movie to push their agenda again. I hate to be right about this, I really do but it’s so obvious I mean just look at that picture!”

>sold out in the morning because of all the neets

Nigger, if you're going to start blathering on about some fucking 1950s boomer tier bullshit, you can get ignored. Didn't even read any of your posts, including this one.

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Zero counter-argument because you only argue with feelings instead of facts as every Marxist is ingrained to do.

Believe everything you see on the internet.

>all empty theaters are fake

lol imagine being a shill

I mean, if a theater full of NEETs can sell out a theater in the morning, surely the population of normal, well-adjusted, non-incels can sell out a single showing at 8PM, right?

I didnt call him a moron or state anything about his intelligence at all. You however seem dumb or at least lack reading comprehension.

He didn't even respond to the macro. He started blathering on about "cultural marxism conspiracy" and didn't even link to the fucking wikipedia article on MARXISM and pretend like he'd read it.

Implying people have nothing better to do than lie on the internet

Yeah, Euros love it.

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>rationalizing its success
Yea Forums has officially entered the bargaining phase

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You've got nothing, nigger. You're just blathering on about half century old conspiracy theories about jews. That's not marxism. The argument is you're a fucking retard. You're probably one of those idiots who think taxes are socialism.

Yes, willfull ignorance is necessary to sustain cognitive dissonance.

"mom I called people incel again. Come look!"

>every half hour

Try every 10 minutes. Somebody posted pic of their theater's 20+ screens showing it.


Yeah, hundreds of MCU fans just taking pictures of empty theaters for fun.


>calls other's ignorant
>ACTUALLY America's problem is all this socialism! You see, if we had REAL CAPITALISM...somehow none of this would be happening, even though I support everything that's happening...
Lemme guess, "real" capitalism has never been tried, right fag?

I'm not the one who posted it but you're just a seething commietard with zero argument throwing around the word nigger to try to hide the fact you're a Marxist.

Samefagging is so pathetic

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If you missed it, I was using the term incel ironically. The general implication is "People who go to see Alita in the morning = Incel NEETs" and thus "People who go see Captain Marvel = Normal non-incels".

So obviously if so many more people love Marvel and want to see Captain Feminism, they should be able to at least sell out one single showing, yeah? Meanwhile the "incel NEETs" can sell out a fucking morning showing of a movie that came out a month ago?

Doesn't add up.

I didnt even mention capitalism. Uust posted cited facts and real quotes.

Where are the pictures of a packed Captain Toe Fungus theater?

is that real?

Disney is littererly buying tickets

Of course not, why would Captain Marvel be rated 4.5/5 stars?

This is basic knowledge

Disney is above the law and everybody knows it

Yeah, at my theater you can show up at any time and be within 20 minutes of a new showing. Meanwhile, Every other movie save How to train your dragon is only getting three showings a day.

A dumb nigger AND a dumb marxist, do you get autism bux for being this stupid?






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why the church now buys capeshit tickets?

Facts, published works, and quotes blatantly stating their thoughts and intents is not a conspiracy theory.

>Post retard rightwing libertarian propaganda
>Oh uh this isn't even about capitalism
No more replies for you. You've gotten your allotted number under the glorious socialist system.

This can't be true. I worked in a theatre 10 years ago and like 90% of our profit came from concession sales. The studios took the vast majority of ticket sale revenue.




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in their most seething and desperate cope yet /pol/ attempts to argue that the jews don't care about money

>male and female numbers add up to 100%
i feel like someone should be complaining about this

Its not libtertarian rightwing propaganda. It is literally published works, letters, and quotes.

only reason it's turning a profit is because it's got marvel in the title

I agree. I have been saying this in almost all threads and I'm surprised you haven't been insulted or told to go procreate yet.

Everyone with enough money is. That's how the legal system in America works. If you're a billionaire you can literally run a child sex ring and get off scott free. There are no laws for the rich in America. Because we're so socialist, you see. /s - because I know Yea Forums is too retarded to get sarcasm.

It's a huge church and the movie is a biopic about their leader, produced by himself obviously.
They did the same thing to a movie about the Ten Commandments a year before.

Money is a means to an end, allowing the exercise of power aka political control amd cultural hegemony.

It's almost impressive how stupid you are. Fake or otherwise, you should kill yourself.


>$450M worldwide in 3 days

That number is as fake as the "redneck republicans of downtown Chicago".

Attached: fake and gay, lying hollywood lynching hoax.jpg (1064x1280, 443K)


Goddamn this post is redddit as fuck

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I don't get it. If movies are making this much money all the time, why don't the governments of the world just start making movies to raise taxes?

This. The movie might be big, it might have a bump from Avengers 4 hype...


Disney overdid it

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Is it false?

Thanos "Snaps fingers" Captain Marvel viewers disappear before it even starts.

>Bobble Iger

Attached: bob iger.jpg (1000x563, 323K)

not really a surprise since they opened it in all major markets at the same time instead of staggering them

Yeah its to create buzz and crowd psychology.



You understand that BO numbers come from theaters, not from Disney? Do you understand the scale of the conspiracy it would take to completely fabricate those numbers?

What the fuck is wrong with white people? Don't see any other race doing this kind of shit except whites.

bob the rat iger, the weatherman

>make a deal for higher % of ticket sales with a clause that you'll buy enough tickets yourselves to make good the difference
honestly smart as fuck, actual net comes out the same but you report a way higher box office to buoy the share price and make your films seem more desirable

pregnant tranny, or hipster with no protein because dumb vegan.

Money laundering

Yeah oh my God could you imagine theaters, like why would they want to seem successful and popular? That's crazy besides like 90% of theaters are owned by THREE corporations! I can barely even count that high!

What billionaire ran a child sex ring and got off scot free? Epstein? He didn't get off scot free and any leniency was from his deep connections to the Democratic Party powermongers, and his potential blackmail of President Clinton / extortion of the machine that had annointed Hillary. Thats more than a bank account.

>Do you understand the scale of the conspiracy it would take to completely fabricate those numbers?

Yes. Do you?

it comes from disney, they have to "call" the number
but that doesn't matter, if Disney buys the tickets to give away, the theaters have nothing to do with it

and there are real cases of that happening in other countries it wasn't even considered a crime

Yeah definitely seems way more likely that thousands of theaters all across the country all reported false numbers to make Disney look good, even though they have no actual incentive to do so.

Trannies occur at highest rates in American black populations. They just dont post online for virtue signal points.

So there's no lolita island huh? All just an illusion?

faggot, delete that image and your entire folder - i know you have one you weird cunt. dont ever fucking post that shit again retard

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Oh boy here we go with the "for a conspiracy to occur, literally everyone on Earth must be in on it" meme, when conspiracy has been the norm for humans for literally millennia.

>with a clause that you'll buy enough tickets yourselves to make good the difference
Nice headcanon.

>set $150M "marketing costs" aside
>buy 10M tickets
Wow so hard

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yeah you caught me, i dont actually sit in on disney's board room, how did you know though?

>Actually, it's just the democrats
Trump's on the manifest too. But you're not getting more replies for it. So twist and suffer.

Your incel-like seething gave you away.

Remember when every black church, school, community org, even walmart were throwing around free Black Panther tickets by the boatload?

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I'm not saying its impossible, im saying its a lot less likely than the simple explanation that the movie just did pretty well. The fact that you retreat to magical, conspiratorial thinking to avoid accepting this says a lot about you and the way you approach the world.

Why are you kikes so obsessed with this fucking movie? No one talks about shit like Avatar despite it making 1203912312 billion dollars. Most of the consensus top 100 films of all time aren't even huge box office draws. This is pathetic

I know what you're saying. You're saying "anything I don't already believe requires a level of proof that I will never except even if you meet my arbitrarily impossibly high standards". No. Shut the fuck up. Disney needs broken up. We need to start enforcing our fucking anti-trust laws already.

I dont recall massive free ticket giveaways for Avatar

No, actually, I don't recall that happening.

What is $460M - $60K?

>anti-trust laws
Both parties are corporatist and will never enforce anti-trust laws.

Old record industry tactic. Company buys the bulk of first weekend tickets to give it an artificial buzz.

>anything I don't already believe requires a level of proof that I will never except even if you meet my arbitrarily impossibly high standards
How about like any proof at all? Because all I've seen is a few pictures of empty theaters which doesn't quite cut it for obvious reasons.

Ah i listen to a lot of leftwing radio and the pan-african shows were talking about it. They were mad about walmart getting free tickets too.

can someone explain why you're a grown man but youre still a virgin

Just bought 5 non consecutive seats for tomorrows matinee showing just to break up a family that wants to sit together

Everything surrounding the last 4 days of Captain Marvel have been HIGHLY suspicious.

Success is being measured by how they decide at that time to measure it.. Box office numbers are fine and dandy but everything else you mentioned is fucking nuts.. Those are crazy lengths.

I know. That's why the current order needs to collapse.

No. Go eat a dick. If there's one thing I've learned about humans and truth it's that almost every human has already made up their mind about what they want to believe, regardless of how objective they consider themselves. So you get a suggestion or whatever I feel like dropping on you and no more. If you're interested in truth, you'll seek it out, but my time on Earth isn't infinite. And I'm sure as fuck not wasting it screaming into an empty void (in your head).

I don't recall Avatar at all.

yes, sonny
now take your lithium

Many such cases

Sex isn't everything. Apparently incel boogeyman live in your head rent free

He has all the time in the world to use his dick. It doesn't have an expiration date on it like your rotting frankenpussy.

Fuck off, greasy tard.

That and a screening every 10-30 minutes over the weekend. My Cinemark had like 32 showtimes on Friday across all the various screens and formats, 26 for Monday thru Thursday. That spreads out any potential crowd by a massive factor.

Anything to preserve cultural hegemony.

disney is probably buying the tickets to make it look like its doing well

>I have plenty of proof but you wouldnt believe me anyways so im not posting it!
Peak cringe

>t. successful record industry executive who just happens to be 43 and still lives with his mother

See, the great thing about conspiracy is, the truth eventually will always get out, regardless of how badly the interests involved want to cover it up. The truth will be known about Disney in time. Whether they pulled serious shenanigans or just mild ones. Don't worry. Either way, disney is a shit country that needs tore down.

Really gets the noggin joggin.

Imagine how big of a kike you have to be to get mad over free tickets.


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>triggering incls left and right

Ummm, hmm.

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I still have my original sex.

So you see, I had the sex all along.

>he doesn't know about old record companies buying their own records in bulk
>he doesn't think Disney does this too
Please have sex

Opening weekend is also the period of time when the companies get the biggest cut. It's almost 100% opening weekend and the theatre cut gradually goes up as time goes on. So it'd be almost free to do.

>when schizophrenia goes untreated



>the truth eventually will always get out
Yeah, the billion dollar mark is gonna hit in a couple of days or so. And you're gonna be here crying.


>N-nobody saw it!
One of the biggest opening weekends of any movie ever.
>T-the sales are fake!
Disney wouldn't report (and pay taxes on) fake revenue just to spite you. /pol/cels claimed the same thing about Black Panther and nobody ever found evidence of "muh fake sales" on Disney's financial statements.
>A fat neckbeard on Youtube said it was bad so it's bad!
Actual movie critics and audience members who have actually seen the movie enjoy it.

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>There are unironically Captain Marvel truthers now
Where does the humiliation end for you guys? What's the line?

Not for the first weeks.

makes you think

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If it's true then it's true. It's guaranteed manipulated because that's what powerful monopolies do with their power. This "conspiracy" is a minor distraction. Whatever the case, disney needs to end as a company.

Based Egyptians

went to see "they shall not grow old" not long ago with my dad, we were among ~10 people in the theater I reckon.

Does disney even pay taxes? A lot of corporations don't even bother. They already control everything and can do whatever the hell they want.

This post is just depressing

>It's guaranteed manipulated
Show me a single piece of evidence, redpilled male.

One (1) clue leading to this schizo conclusion of yours.

How big is that XD screen? I've been pleased with XD for a LieMAX format.

its weird how cretins migrate here from /pol to spread their town-lunatic stories which no one on /pol wants to listen to; then these idiots hang what's left of their credibility promoting some women-hate agenda focused on a comic-book movie, of all things; and then when the normies show these creeps that they're fucked in the head, they go nuclear and start compulsively lying to piece together the remains of their torn up psyches

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Already did. Revenues for movies continue to rise over time regardless of quality. That's not normal. There are also all the mergers and behind the scenes power plays. The fact that MONOPOLIES ARE FUCKING ILLEGAL but we haven't bothered to enforce the laws against them ON THE FUCKING BOOKS for decades. Paid shills. There's really no bottom.

Could be why they booked so many fucking theatres and showings for it too. Obviously if they were buying out all the tickets with a reasonable number of screenings people would notice. But when it's showing every 10 minutes you can just pad the numbers a bit on each one and its fine.

>talking to yourself this long

if it keeps them occupied then Yea Forums has a social benefit

Money laundering.

Well, movies and tv sure as hell aren't. We need to entertain ourselves somehow.

At least I'm not chasing some roastie and wasting my money.

Because it was finna ta slaw.

sure, nut job, sure

this is more of golberg talking to goldstein and diamondberg saying something along the lines of:
>oy vey schlongberg did you hear those dirty chinks were buying out theaters for their flops so that their stock prices wouldn't drop and they wouldn't lose nearly as much money as buying out theaters
>GOLDBERG THAT'S GENIUS those crafty cheating chinks know how to cheat at everything they do
>Iger (real last name probably goldsilversteinstein) why aren't we doing this?

if people didn't give attention here, you'd just sit alone in your moms basement jacking off

When did this place become reddit? What the fuck

>when most of the theaters are empty

Here's the 3D showing for Monday afternoon. Better order fast.

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lel nobody cares about that site, if it ain’t on RT it’s irrelevant gramps

Well, now you've got everything figured out. You're a real genius, not like what your teachers thought about you in school. If only Jews would stop holding you back, you'd be successful, wealthy and popular.

>They're the rich, lazy children of capitalists who are so insulated from reality by generational wealth that they pull stunts like this to occupy themselves
That just sounds like you're describing Marxism with extra steps.

i live in a small rural town and any theatre is lucky to have 10 people a showing

never once mentioned jews holding me back, my success, or my popularity
thanks for the heads up though


go get more mental help you freak

>Revenues for movies continue to rise over time regardless of quality
>regardless of quality
Your taste might be shit though.

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Not that I don't think there was manipulation of the numbers this weekend, but who would buy advance tickets for a movie after the opening weekend. Wouldn't you just show up?

You're welcome, loser.

>Not that I don't think there was

Meant wasn't

Yeah, nobody preorders tickets for weekday afternoons. That's the time people like my parents go to movies so they don't have to deal with crowds or kids.

what the hell do you care, you psycho
why don't you spend more time looking for work

What a brainlet. It's never about money, it's about control. That's how jews can be both bolsheviks and capitalists.

But not one single seat?

Please elaborate on how published, well-documented facts constitute a conspiracy theory?

good thing you have them figured out since you're batshit crazy

More like describing fascists

>well documented
Source or stfu

>the JDF come piling in at the exact same time after being linked the thread
this honestly happens every time and you know when you can just leave a thread cause all discussion at this point is trying to pretend that jews don't exist guys really they don't don't worry don't think about it guys wow you guys are loser incels

>hurr bolshevicks, marxists, children of capitalists want to prevent me from viewing the world in a simplistic categorical manner which matches my pathological autism

This is a person who couldn't possibly understand how fast Yea Forums moved back in 2016 and a slow night is messing with their brain.

>the JDF

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like clockwork

>h-heh got em xD

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I absolutely believe they are lying about how many tickets were sold for this movie this weekend and how many people watched the Oscars and the Superbowl.

Are there right wing people on Yea Forums who arent full retard conspiracy fags? I feel like there must be but they're very quiet

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What he said is true tho. Hollywood has always had a ton of commies.

Whoa look how fast they replied they must have flagged your post in their coordination system

Thankfully, they will most likely die out on their own. The next generation backlash against them and this retarded ideology is inevitable.

Ah, you remember back to when you could do that, huh? Good times.

>Disney wouldn't report (and pay taxes on) fake revenue just to spite you
Of course not. But they would if the next 10 years of the MCU depends on Captain Marvel looking like a juggernaut everyone likes

Yes, tardnon, I'm sure the best movies ever made all came out within the past 10 years. And the same was true the decade before that. Everything just keeps getting better!

>most theaters
anecdotal evidence

that is true according to critics
we're living in the golden age of cinema, every diversity movie gets a 97% recommendation

>literally everything that's the opposite of communism is communism
God damn I'm tired of stupid "people".

>I'm sure the best movies ever made all came out within the past 10 years
How would you know, shitposting about an industry you know nothing about?

Ever notice how jew apologists don't have any arguments?

>letting kids dance around on tables and chairs
>buying their classrooms iPads and letting the kids dance over the iPads

The theaters cut will vary according to contracts made for different films.
The recent Star Wars films only let the theaters keep a small percentage, and ghe theaters had to agree to show the film in a certain number of the screening theaters, including the largest ones, with a certain numbers of showings etc.
Since Marvel is currently one of the main profit generating movie franchises at the moment, Disney/Marvel could have demanded a much higher percentage of ticket fees, leaving the theaters to make most of their profits on concessions, and I’m not sure if the studios get a cut of that.




Yeah except we have the words, writings and actions of the Frankfurt school while all you have is denialism. Fuck I can't wait to take you on a helicopter ride, commiefag

>Fuck I can't wait to take you on a helicopter ride, commiefag

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NGOs mass buying tickets online and it's a tax write off.

Huh, kinda surprised Captain Marvel is doing so well despite empty theaters.


Attached: empty.png (1366x768, 337K)

>he doesnt even have the blue check
Glowing rat shill

Tranny. You'll kill yourself before you're 30.

See Disney gets the usual suspects to mass buy tickets online.

/pol/ is having an accelerationist yanggang versus IGApede war right now. You are a faggot, nothing you believe is real and your tastes are pedestrian in both art, film and media. I would say kys but your feebleminded flailings are amusing

Yea Forums in absolute shambles

Over the line.

Marvel put Capt. Marvel on way more movie screens than was necessary
I guarantee you Ant-Man and the Wasp had plenty of "empty theaters" seeing as they screened that in just about 100 less theaters than did captain marvel
But nobody made a fuss about it then
The only difference this time is for some reason people think this is a new and unique thing

Yeah, but EVERY movie is empty as well! Sure, every theater is for Captain Marvel is empty, but I SWEAR there were lines for the NEXT screening!

Attached: empty.png (1366x768, 526K)

because all they have is feelings. Feelings of inferiority. Feelings of envy. Feelings of resentment.

If the Jew apologist could form a logic based argument and formulate the problem properly they would start building Auschwitz 2.0 when their simian brains was finally able to cognitively understand the Jewish Question.

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Because I'm not a stupid zoomer. I remember when movie theaters had good movies. It's been a long fucking time. Almost everything after 2000 has been shit. Jurassic Park has better CGI than most marlel movies now.

Hope the people white knighting for Disney are getting paid well. What a soul crushing job it must be.

Downfall has been since 2007 imo. 2007 was a great year for movies.

I just want shilling to start getting legislated so they actually have to ledger the expenses and will have to stop lying about how much they're hemorrhaging on it.

pathetic post

Name one. Capeshit doesn't count. Obviously.

Have sex with me

not sure if we're relevant in the grand scheme of things, but br here. went to see day 1, same with a few buddies who live in other states, and we all had the same experience: the theaters were mostly empty.

From 2007?
There Will Be Blood
No Country for Old Men
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
The Assassination of Jesse James..
Michael Clayton
and prob more

>Country under the threat of religious terrorism, Orwellian politics and conservative loons.
Wow, it's like going to see a controversial movie might get you killed or something so people don't really show up in big numbers.

That all sounds like pleb shit. Where's the Sci-Fi and Fantasy?

No goy they were full

You're forgetting the institutional role academia, law, and media played in creating this "cultural revolution for equality and freedom" (discrimination against whites)

use google nigger

ya you belong here for sure

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Even normies are finding this shit weird.

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Many are marxists. And to their credit they are masters of propaganda.

You gotta be a fucking fool to say it's inconceivable that Disney is colluding with theaters to pull a hoax. 2019 is the year of the hoax and gaslighting the general public. Wake the fuck up.

Who just happen to be making fuckloads of money from the labors of others while they own the means of production. You know, I think I've heard a word for that somewhere...

Saw it out in Portland. Showing I went to initially on Saturday was sold out so I bought tickets for the next showing about an hour later and it sold out too. Luckily I already bought my tickets but there was a line around the block to get in.

Probably one of the weakest Marvel movies but it wasn’t awful. Entertaining enough. 2 1/2 out of 5. But it’s been sold out all weekend out here so I’m not really buying these emtpy theaters. People clapped at the Stan Lee tribute, the end of the movie and at the end of both post credit scenes. I personally didn’t think it was great but the crowd in general were definitely positive.

Exactly. We're being lied to constantly from every angle but hollywood is being transparent and honest.

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jesus is the original capeshit

Wife and I went to see it this morning 10:30 @ a cinema cafe in VA Beach and it was completely full, admittedly the cinema cafes have about half the seating as a normal theater but yeah. It didn't come off anywhere near as feminist and we'd thought. Wife and I were both pleasantly surprised. Seemed to be about 50/50 male/female. A lot of people at work have already seen it and I haven't heard a bad thing about it yet, everyone loves it. My father in law and brother in law did stay home when they usually go to MCU movies with us because of the Brie thing, they skipped WW too though for whatever reason, don't really remember.
t. normie

>Also 80 year old Russian: and it all started when we produced feminist action movies

Sort of this. But the only reason they have the luxury of doing this is because they're totally insulated by so much fucking cash acquired via capitalism that they can literally get away with anything they want now. And because capitalists are such shills for the rich and won't tax them or put a stop to massive kleptocratic inheritance schemes it metastasizes. The rich have always fucked with "the little people" for their own entertainment. That's the dark nature of capitalism. It's not fucking socialism if someone is able to do this because the very system makes that literally impossible by definition.

As you can see many theaters were bought out only to be empty

Attached: 3wr.jpg (1600x1300, 304K)

That's not what russians say at all though. Most of them regret capitalism and miss the soviet union.

kill yourself larper retard

just in time for waifus tho

Attached: Russia - MP Poklonskaya receives anime-themed gifts from Japanese TV station-yriTofvhy5s.f248-[00.00 (1920x1080, 2.58M)

>It's not fucking socialism if someone is able to do this because the very system makes that literally impossible by definition.
>don't worry goys we'll be the ones in charge of doing the distribution

>Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union and the Socialist Bloc, annual polling by the Levada Center has shown that over 50 percent of Russia's population lamented its collapse, with the only exception to this being in the year 2012 when support for the Soviet Union dipped below 50 percent. A 2018 poll showed that 66% of Russians regretted the fall of the Soviet Union, setting a 15-year record. The majority were people older than 55.

Capitalism has been a failure every time it's been tried.

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Yeah, maybe you should regulate and tax monopolies, corporations and the rich EVEN LESS. Have you tried that?

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Movies been packed all weekend out in Oregon. Guarantee all these empty theaters are not legit showings. Probably taking pictures of empty theaters claiming it was Captain Marvel. I know for a fact I there were 12 seats left for the first showing I tried going into 30 minutes before it started and it was so packed I traded my tickets for the next showing because I was with three other people and didn’t want to sit in the front row. Showed up early for the next showing and got solid seats but that theater was completely full.

>the literal owned fake news shill paper claims people are pining after communism
wow people of color me surprised

Cope harder faggot. Capitalism is a massive failure and always has been. That's why it has to be forced on people at gunpoint.

nice try shill, nobody believes you

>Guarantee all these empty theaters are not legit showings
They are Legit.

Attached: 25.png (588x811, 474K)

Attached: socialism is fucking evil.jpg (1092x840, 269K)

>Capitalism has never killed anyone
Just wait til the black book of capitalism is released. Poor Mao will be a speck.

>just wait until the latest in a serious of a hundred year damage control campaign for the worst ideology ever invented in human history is released this one will totally own you!!!!

Attached: your and idiot.gif (320x180, 465K)

Problem with that is that is presale tickets. Most people, including myself don’t generally buy tickets ahead of time especially if it’s not a movie I’m super hype about. They just show up before the movie starts. There were ridiculous lines to get tickets and the theaters were packed for Captain Marvel out here. I personally thought it was one of the weakest movies in the MCU but most people seemed to like it and it was definitely packed.

look atIts not presale tickets people are just not watching it

>the film is a box office success? But I hated it, how could that possibly be the case?
>Jews and communists buying movie tickets

>hundred year damage control campaign for the worst ideology ever invented in human history i
You were talking about capitalism here, right? I love how this is even being debated. Look where the hell you are, you complete fucking faggot. You're in a thread debating the fact that a monopoly has enough power to just get away with raping the shit out of all visual media and you're STILL trying to blame some fictitious incidence of communism you think is active in Hollywood. You are literally terminally insane.

Nice try shill, nobody believes you.

>autistic screeching

Attached: socialism.jpg (473x479, 31K)

Yeah notice how there isn’t a single thing on any of the screens in any of those pictures minus one that has an advertisement on. They are clearly theaters that were not playing anything. The one with the advertisement is likely a worker at the theater or someone who showed up super early. Or in countries that don’t give a fuck. I’ve never walked into a theater and had absolutely nothing on the screens. Those pictures are complete bullshit. I went to two showings out here because the first one was so packed I didn’t want to sit in the front row. The next showing I went to was completely full too.

That's a lot of fucking strawmen for one post. Go look up what the most common majors are. Getting real fucking tire of these 100% pure uncut lies Fox """"news"""" keeps melting moron brains with.

Last Tuesday I walked into Spiderverse with a blank screen. The projector didn't even turn on until like a minute until show time. It was weird.

>I’ve never walked into a theater and had absolutely nothing on the screens.
Do you always arrive late?

kill yourself discord tranny

>conspiracy theories about jews

yup kikel shill detected

No I show up early. I was thirty minutes early for the first showing that I didn’t end up seeing because it was fucking packed. Theaters play advertisements before previews start. Every single theater I have ever been to had advertisements running silently before the movies start. Regal, AMC, Cinetopia, Century, even small theaters have something playing when you get in. It’s always silent advertisements and shit and then the previews start.

I mean my god in one of those pictures the curtains weren’t even open to the screen. That is complete bullshit.

reminds me of the deception behind Hillary rallies

Yes, better to believe all the people who haven't actually gone to see the movie right?
All of these empty theater pics are either fake or taken way early, one of them the screen isn't even on yet, one has a timestamp at :43 when the movie ticket says :30 so they're posting about an empty theater over 45 mins before it even starts, etc. Even this morning the 10 and 10:30 showing were both full and I don't live in a libtard city.

Why so much fucking cope over something so stupid it's a Marvel movie how could anyone believe it's not making money? The movie was OK, entertaining, not great not awful.

>there isn’t a single thing on any of the screens in any of those pictures minus one that has an advertisement on.
You must be a desperate shill or actually blind.

>damage control continues

Why only these pics and noone has thought to take a single pic like this with the movie actually on screen? I call bullshit

>dude my completely idealistic social organization that has never been successful because it only exists in the abstract but it will totally work if we just try it again even though we ourselves have shown the same tyrannical tendencies-such as censorship and dehumanization and intimidation politics-and completely lack self awareness as we dehumanize and censor everyone who points out our stupidity
I’m sure it will discord, I’m sure it will

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Yep better do damage control on their 450$ million open.

Seems more like all you incels are doing damage control just like when this same thing happened for Black Panther.

Exactly. Not a single picture with the movie on. Several of them the projectors aren’t even on. One the screen still has the curtains pulled over the screen!

and yet you’re here. hmmmm

Attached: didn't read lol.gif (446x360, 3.92M)

Um, that's illegal, sweetie.

Was curious how you guys are coping after the massive opening. Was pretty much how I expected.

I didn’t even really like the movie but I knew you guys would be scrambling calling controversies and posting fake pictures of empty theaters. Funny shit.

the incoherent ramblings of your discord remain static regardless of what is happening in the real world

>it's a conspiracy!

Attached: upinflames.png (612x138, 87K)

How come they all dance like that?

jungle beats

Not really a conspiracy when you can see the pictures and the screens have nothing on them.


Maybe you should go back to r/ddit