29 years old.
29 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
Damn, can't believe Captain Marvel released 29 years ago.
Why did they get such a tired old hag to be the face of their new movies? Can you imagine what she'll look like in 10 years? Thank god Disney has invested in CG-ing people's faces to be younger.
To be fair, Carol is in her 50s in this scene
remember the hot blonde from 30 rock? this is her now, feel old yet?
This is a better spider man suit than the one we got
300 years old
I know 20 year olds who look like this
the future is cunny
HAHAHAHHA spit my drink out all over my screen and farted at the same time while my dog licked the drink all over my dick which made me cum lol
Captain Menstruation
damn I'm over 50 years old why am I still here?
I want to mating press her
>29 years old.
Wouldn't that make her 52 in infinity war then?
Have dubs
who /Zhezhe/ here?
as your adding 5 to get to 2000
then 19 infact 53 but still.
Wares Furry
Have sex
thanos meet theranos
2 days was 30 years ago
Big fat german fucking head. What's wrong with germs?
>old hug
>sucks at driving
>sucks at physical exercises
>becomes a military pilot becuz flying and shit
my receding hairline is not as bad as hers, and im 10 years older.
>March 8 was 30 years ago
where does the time go bros?
at least she will look her age on all future movies.
She is actually 40.
Her Toe Fungus is 29 years old.
Laugh it up, zoomer. Because barring extinction, one day you're gonna wake up and it's going to be true. And you'll wonder wtf happened, and how you had no idea how much worse things would get back then.
I'm going to kill you
And it's still a flop...
You're not going to do anything. It's a running theme in your life.
Post your mother when that dog was 29, incel.
Have sex.
>300 years old CGI cyborg.
have sex
>implying Bismarck and Luther didn't help civilization grow
translation of the bible and guttenberg made it possible to learn reading for a lot of people
Maybe Rogue will take her powers in Endgame and the X-men will distract thanos for avengers to take his glove.
Cool thanks for sharing Ernst.
polish hands typed this
Lmao cope harder Gerhard
Does this confirm that she only became a militant feminist because she got old
Holy shit, she needs to book a flight to visit Seoul jaw-shaving surgeons pronto
that's brie larson!?
seems right for white women that age like milk
She's probably a Russian rape baby and not full German.
Yep, time is a cruel mistress
I would still fuck and suck her pusy.
How does she have all that basic bitch make-up if she's off fighting aliens in space?
The day of the wall is coming for her
my mother god bless her soooul
>fallopian tube insignia
what did they mean by this?
it's a porn actress of the 90's
OMG gross haha can you imagine like having a dog lick your dick until you cum lol nasty just that long sloppy tongue slurping all over your big throbbing cock haha ew
>my face every time they post it
Put a smile on her, please.
the faster and longer you travel through space the less time goes by for you
in english, einstein
>it takes 20 years to help Skrull people
I was hoping there would be a better explanation as to why she was missing for Avengers 1 & 2
if she spent most of her time in space finding a home for her skrull pals she wouldn't have aged much when she got back on earth
and Infinity War
o rly
Time dilation only applies in a FTL scenario
ok so she had to find a new home for skrulls and one that was really far away from any kree. First, she not only has to find a habitable planet for them but one that is hidden from kree and really far. So she finds one that is really far and takes a long time to reach, not to mention having to stop for supplies and she and her small amount of skrull friends from this movie find and land on a planet. Let's not forget planets they think would work but once they land on it for some reason or another doesn't work which adds more time. Ok once her and her skrull friends from this movie find a home she now has to go all the way back and look for the other remaining skrull that have been scattered, meaning multiple long and far trips back and forth. Not to mention any complications involving kree or any other aliens that give her trouble. The variables you add the longer it all takes and I would not even be surprised if when she met the avengers after 20 some odd years she wasn't even finished with helping them
GotG didn't spend most their life on long trek journies, mostly local galaxy planet hopping.
Why do you guys all of a sudden all hate Brie Larson I still like her...
You just made me realise why I don't like Brie Larson. It's not anything she says or does, not her movies or interviews, bitch just doesn't smile, or when she does, it doesn't look genuine.
but she's the strongest she could have done it in a jiffy
I don't get this criticism she looks like a normal woman at her age. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is the excat same age and looks older
Was better in scott pilgrim then this mess, Jesus Christ!
completely forgot about her, turns out it was for the better
>my age
she looks how I feel
wasn't Charlemagne a g*rman too?
>aged 30 years in 10
Acting, not even once.
Feminism will do that to ya.
She just needs to find some joy in her life.
Avril Lavigne is 6 years older than them.
With the right hair style they could hide her ugly shaped head
>wearing a face on your makeup makes it harder to see your age
>not wearing makeup
Imagine how Brie actually looks.
SJW... and naturally not very attractive
Lots of makeup, but way more naturally attractive than both those people.
These two jobs are the ones that will make you age the most.
Look at Obama, in 8 years he aged like 20 years.
Only ones who don't end up looking old are those who looked old from the start.
Looks 40 or 50
You won't have any drive to smile when you've been dicked by a thousand, 60 year old jews.
You're so jealous I can taste it
She probably became bitter because her singing career failed, what she really wanted to do.
And she probably started hating men after she had to fuck a fuck ton of ugly producers to get her career somewhere.
She found success, but at the cost of her soul.
Comparing studio's glamour photos to something taken out and about as if they're going to be of similar quality.
How many minutes did that take you?
Why the fuck do people keep getting surgeries when they end up looking worse pretty much every single time?
she is not white, she is middle eastern.
women are dumb
Nah, men do this too.
It's a Hollywood thing.
Actors are just deeply insecure.
if you look at other photos of her from 3 years ago (when bikini pic was taken) she looks the same as the image you posted . it's makeup bro, the real enemy
>from decent girl next door type to 40 year old potato head
for what purpose
hollywood men are not real men, they're all sissies. only sissies and whores are actors.
to hide their jewish genetic background, to infiltrate their host nations and destroy them from the inside.
Are you implying others age better?
Blacks are ugly from the start, latinas start balloooning when they are not even adults and the average one is ugly as hell no matter what, and asians without makeup are abominations, to the point where in Korea almost everyone gets plastic surgery due to how ugly they are.
don't you dare say that about AOC
thank you, ma'am
That's a funny excuse "t-they aren't men".
There's retards in all demographics own it up.
the wall for white roasties is 21.
And here come the racemixing shills.
Sorry, but i'm not having a mutt kid.
you got offended cause I called them sissies? are you a faggot? sad
No, it's just funny seeing millennials always try to save face for the demographic that they belong with the no true scotsman falacy.
Alita best girl
That girl looks better as captain marvel
Sorry brie babe, ya couldn't cut it
The fungus controls the body now
> Imagine being this insecure about a Marvel movie, a big brand. You should have no qualms with Alita if CM is truly great.
>the demographic that they belong
ohh, so you're a roastie, and not a millenial one at that, did the wall hurt you much?
with time dilation she may not even be that old but in fact younger
good one lad
No, i'm an actual man, Gen Z.
Unlike you millennial scum who are all numales and whores who think you will save the world through internet shitposts.
The older she got, the more makeup she caked on. Also, she lied about her age when she originally came out.
Nah, she still looks good.
>Gen Z
But it's millennials both men and women, who hit your wall in your 20s because you are all a bunch of unhealthy fatasses who's diet consists entirely of fast food and never excercise.
Most millennials will die in their 40s from cancer due to their garbage lifestyle.
She stopped smiling. WTF happened?
Yeah, i'm so glad I wasn't born a m*llennial, otherwise I would be in my 30s and still stuck in the "ewww girls/boys have cooties" phase which I got over when I was 6.
Not to mention that I don't want my generation to be remembered as the one that ruined all forms of entertainment media and who turned political discussion into pretty much console wars.
you're a fucking cuck
Not men, millennial males, they are not real men, just like how millennial females are not real woman.
You are a subspecies of humans who has no genetic memory and have reverted to a rabid state where you just can't do anything.
You don't have motivations, you don't have ambitions, you are not capable of building families, you don't have anything to live for.
You are barely human.
But 100% of BLACKED's revenue comes from millennial pockets.
you're the one white knighting roasties, you fucking cuck
>white "women"
No, i'm specifying that the ones who are doing badly aren't all men and women, it's you millennials who came out wrong.
A millennial is closer to a robot than a person, except robots tend to have a purpose.
You don't.
Yeah, they should learn how to apply makeup from asians.
you're just projecting and defending roasties
you are the robot, I have the high ground, go suck a bag of dicks or shut the fuck up
Makeup is supposed to make you just look a bit better.
What's the point when it makes you look like an entirely different person?
>You should have no qualms with spaniard girl helping minorities overthrow cisgender white maletrash
Getting bluepilled like retards
> is supposed to make you just look a bit better.
[citation needed]
>y-you are white knighting
Yeah, for all non-millennial people, you know, the ones worth something.
>seething roastie
find a video where the girl in my post does that.
I'm sorry you couldn't handle the truth, the fact that most women are ugly as hell and the difference is their ability to lie to you.
Can't you see how off center it is?
that's not the girl in my post, roastie. here, I found you a no makeup picture of her. seethe more, ugly wh*te bitch.
>find THIS specific girl removing all her makeup
lmao, you won't be able to convince almost any woman of that, because they are all afraid of showing how they truly look, dude.
You can't be this dumb.
but you can find them by googling, Yao.
Thanks for proving me right.
Why the anger, though?
SEETHING asian roastie.
Why are you so insecure?
I don't know whether to laugh at the Yea Forums incels who are obsessed with this girl or the ledditors who are cheering on a shitty movie to try own the aforementioned incels
>two obese neckbeards who have never gotten laid calling each other whores
Has Yea Forums really come down to this?
When did all the self awareness go?
Insecure millennials flooded the place during the 2016 elections.
Since they are all NPC normalfags, they are all walking stereotypes.
That's why now you have the classic white knight, the classic "muh asian girls are pure" weeb, the unironic capeshitters...
This place turned into a shithole when people here started caring about the real world.
Not even once
Most incel thing I've read this week.
You should try to have sex.
>brown eyes
Like looking into a sewer. Unacceptabru.
Black eyes look creepy as fuck.
Why does racemixing always result in disaster?
It's all just a Yea Forums pantomime. Nobody here really cares that much one way or the other but there isn't much else to talk about in terms of current events in cinema right now so people are pretending to pick sides to get (you)s. Just enjoy the show and save the image macros for later use.
I don't know about that, I'm a mutt (black/white) and Chad af
Brown eyes and light hair is a bit odd at times. But brown eyes, dark hair, and fair white skin? God-tier pal.
So, how harsh is that second weekend dropoff gonna be?
I'm betting the high 70s, maybe even low 80s, percentwise.
>blue eyes, dark hair, pale skin
>just enjoy the show
Honestly I'm just glad something about this dumpsterfire of a movie is enjoyable.
years old
I love brown eyed girls, but the majority of the hot ones have enough good judgement to pick a makeup that suits them.
Blue eyeshadow is making them look goddamned terrible.
Her eyes aren't the problem; it's her makeup artist, and to be fair that artist probably hates her guts.
Dude, white women almost hold a monopoly on MILF porn for a reason.
You age fine as long as you take care of yourself and you avoid a stressful life.
Remember the ugly fat blonde from 22 Jump Street?
Feel old yet?
>40 (Dead)
>both hitting the wall harder than a semi truck
>both turbo-SJWs
really makes you think...
Fuck off zoomer. Yea Forums is a millennial website. You are the tourist here.
Russian women typically are hot tho
Her and Keanu Reeves should make a baby. It would be hot until 100 years old.
Makes me wonder.
Maybe SJWs are just ugly people trying to fight a battle they'll never win.
Well, on top of SJWs trying to look ugly for some reason, there's also the fact that one is an actress and another a politician.
The lifestyles of those two makes you age like warm milk.
>trying to look ugly
They don't have to try to look ugly.
They're just too lazy to try to look decent.
These are stupid because you can always tell these girls are mediocre or ugly looking under their makeup. Hot asians with makeup look better.
until the babushka timebomb hits in mid 30s
Although I think Avril is aging fine because she's one of the few celebs who didn't get into acting.
>hot asians
lmao nigger they all look the same, only thing that changes is the size of jaw, tits and ass.
Weird big toe
What happened to her feet is criminal.
It's because she's putting all her weight on it and it's being squashed, making it look fat
Lmao fucking cope, nigger
You didn't fix shit.
It's all about the contrast between the pale skin and black hair.
Plus, blue eyes are the most beautiful.
>2/10 would not bang
I'm 29 too, you bastard. And I paid to see Captain Marvel 29 times, what are you gonna do about it?
I recommend you insert and remove your penis repeatedly from a woman
>"Oh my God... She's more powerful than Iron-Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Dr. Strange, Odin, Dormammu, Scarlet Witch, Thanos, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Shuma-Gorath, Sentry, Ronan the Accuser, Beyonder, Doctor Doom, Beta Ray Bill, The Phoenix, Mephisto, Heimdall, Black Bolt, Loki, Cyclops, Kang the Conqueror, Hercules, Magneto, The Living Tribunal, Howard the Duck, Adam Warlock, Ultron, Mar-Vell, Captain Universe, Professor X, Hate-Monger, High Evolutionary, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, The Spot, Super-Skrull, Groot, Annihilus, Red Hulk, Ghost Rider, Squirrel Girl, Carnage, Swarm, Man-Thing, Frankenstein's Monster, Uatu, Super-Adaptoid, Ego the Living Planet, Devil Dinosaur, Gwenpool, and The Orb all put together."
That tummy is perfect.
if you only knew how bad things really are
I still don't know what her definite powers are besides shooting beams and looking dumb in her costume
Looks like tranny Matt Smith. Kinda funny that Lynchtards have meme'd themselves into liking her.
>having dead black holes for eyes is god tier
Ok """pal"""
Having the writers on her side.
That's the biggest superpower there is.
>Time dilation only applies in a FTL scenario
pick up a physics book brainlet
>tfw I would be pretty without an extremely square jaw and I’ve photoshopped myself like this before a few times
>not even a tranny or Asian
>100% white
>still get fucked generically like this
Asdhfkdvsnsjsk why be God and do this I don’t understand
Probably intentionally left unclear so they can pull something out of their ass for against Thanos, from what I recall the most we got was "I shoot photon beams".
Flopped but still getting a sequel
"You is the most fierce woman I have ever known, even before you could shoot lightening from yo fists."
Word for word, this really happened.
she literally said "You are the most POWERFUL woman I have ever known...", fucking speedwatcher
Says the guy posting anime shit
The absolute butthurt radiating from this image is incredible
success really does inspire jealousy
>Born in california
You stupid?
looks like a foot growing out of her head
Two minutes
Is that the ben franklin speedrunner??
she’s a jewish blockhead
Seolhyun actually has appeared in tv shows like Surival Island without makeup, she's darker though
Also, the fact that you weren't able to see that girl with makeup was ugly as fuck and you needed to see her without it says more about you than her
She has crows feet at 29....
Are you? She is an american with a french canadian father, but some people in this thread pretend she has german ancestry for literally no reason. Probably butthurt frogeaters.
sHe'S nOt fReNcH cAnAdIaN sHe WaS bOrN iN CaLiFoRnIa
too much butter wieners and beer make their faces look bloated.
>lmao just Mary Elizabeth Winstead bro Amber Heard b ro
the unnecessary nosejob she got is what makes her face look weird, now I get it
>Brie Larson a multimillionaire at 29
>I am living with my parents to save for a house at 30
Lmao, they're wearing literal masks.
That's Wilhelm II not Bismarck
My Gf is Finnish and has brown eyes. A bit disappointing as I am a blue eyed Brit.
>ooooo I'm about to show your my titties but YOU CAN'T SEE THEM REALLY, SILLY BOYS
Fuck you slut.
The best part is she looks even worse in HD. Her skin is disgusting.
>anglo women
fixed it for you
Literally no swarthy Italian and Spaniard wants to be a gay blonde faggot
>18 years old
She's good with Lynch because Lynch is an alpha that tells her what to do
big milk
She was so beautiful in Jurassic Park
If you prefer bottom you are low test, women with strong facial features are hot
Exquisite tummy
Jesus Christ, this bitch again.
>Tom Cruise
Cope harder
wh*Tes age like shit
I wanna suckle on them like a newborn
Isn't she half Kree? They age slower or something.
she's not face on to the camera
>literally a closet gay
youre not wrong
What the fuck are you even saying? Are you actually retarded? Have you watched Alita?
are you having a stroke?
Do you suffer from Americanness?
lmao at all these germs on damage control
Go Away, White Roastie.
Come Home, White Man.
> aging boomers jealous of Zoomers
why am i not surprised?
Her hair looks nicer.
>you need CGI to do that
I wouldn't put it past Disney or that production team to use CGI instead of just makeup, but somehow I get the feeling they just used good ol' makeup.
Is this real? What a stupid whore
Gotta hand it to her. Those tits make up for the feet. Will just have to bang with socks on.