Knowing this makes re-watching 300 even better!

Knowing this makes re-watching 300 even better!

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spoiler that shit

I thought this was obvious in the film....

>saw 300 when i was like 13 and understood this
>the absolute state of brainlets

>saw 300 when I was like 13 and never thought about that gay shit again

>all that nonsense just to defend a racist director

Guess none of you read the comic, huh? Or "graphic novel" or whatever.

TIL I guess

damn I’m retarded

Spoiler the battle of Thermopylae? Spoiler history. Because thig guy wants it to be a surprise. History.

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wait a minute... are you saying this shit really happened?

get a load of this idiot that cant tell fantasy from reality

How underage do you need to be to be 26

It must have, I saw it happen in Assassin's creed

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Can someone remind me of what happened in the sequel? I remember the first ended with "well if 300 spartans did this, then imagine what we can do with a million!" Then the sequel was just some annoying seductress bitch and a bunch of boats.

Michael Corelone was the real Godfather in the movie Godfather.

The sequel was about the more important battle.
Salamis was the one battle of ancient history that decided the fate of the west

They fought a battle over SALAMI????

Or the 300 movie is based on a comic not the actual historic battle

Who the fuck uses propaganda to make the enemies look stronger than they actually are anyway?
Spartans used propaganda to make themselves look superpowered for... themselves?
You have to be a really brainlet to believe this shit
Or an American
Based Chinks please come save us from this dark age of stupidity

I think meat was really rare and sought after back then. It seems ridiculous now but think of it this way; how long could you go without meat?

Meat was rare 100 years ago
And andf human can go without meat forever, it's called control over your desires fatso
It's what actual humans are capable of doing
Are you a human or an animal?

I'm turning 27 in a month, RETARD
I bet you're feeling fucking embarrassed now

The chinks are even bigger morons than americans.

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Kill yourself faggot scum zoomer scum

Weak attempt to save face, your reputation and standing here are ruined

This thread is full of absolute bottom of the barrel retards. Unlike me of course.

And me

I havent had meat in 2 weeks

Hey, you stupid faggot. Obviously I’m a human if I’m talking on Yea Forums. I’m just trying to give some insight on why the ancient Romans fought over salami.

No fucking shit, idiot

I think the real Godfather was the friends we made along the way.

Eva Green showed her tits once or twice. You forget that.

>implying Frank Miller or Snyder put this much thought into it

wow it's like someone came up with the idea of a narrator that is telling unreliable story, all by themselfs

Hey I'm walkin over here, Godfather!

You can't have an unreliable narrator in film because it's a visual medium and we can see what's happening with our own 2 eyes.

how are you even alive?

People hate The Hobbit for all the goofy shit that happened and didn't understand that it was Bilbo retelling the story.

But there literally is a narrator telling the story, and you are seeing a visual representation of his story, it's very clear on first viewing to anyone with a brain cell that it's an exxagerated tale by one eye

Based retard

this is not why people don't like this shit film

im no expert but im pretty sure the hate is because they tried to make a 200 page book into 3 movies worth of filler

Rice, eggs, pears, tomatoes.

I wonder if it’s just a (((coincidence))) that 300 was released just when the Neocon political machine in Washington was preparing to justify war with based Iran at around 2007? It’s almost like Hollywood likes colluding with the warmongering political elite.

Not me I'm retarded

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>mfe Sparta actually existed

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wtf i hate snyder now!

dude, if you don't get your meatamins you could die

Yes and also the human eye can't see past 30 fps so certain storytelling elements are missing


>this entire thread

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no it didn't
it's a movie you retard.

I saw this on Reddit too. I was gonna post it here but I decided not to.

No, 302 was about the battle of artemesium, where the athenians made a circle with their ships

Nothing of value would be lost

uhhhhh this is 4channel i think you have the wrong webzone