Why are ugly people allowed to participate in the entertainment industry? I was watching Hereditary the other day and this kid's face actually made me angry for the entire movie, how can you put this on a screen?
Why are ugly people allowed to participate in the entertainment industry...
>Milly Shapiro
Child actors and performers should be banned, it's exploitation in it's purest form.
It corrupts the child, the family, and the industry.
CGI kids are the wave of the future, you can't kill children in VG. Why? Because it's perverse.
So why is it allowed in media for profit.
There is no answer right now, but think about it.
Absolute pleb
Her tongue clucking and general behavior would seem way more forced and unmemorable if the actor didn't have a deficient physicality
Child actors are bad, you need the ones that can use some of their real life personality/looks to further the role
I thought she was deliberately cast for her appearance.
The demon wanted a male body but was unable to get it with the first child, so the next child was taken (but it happened to be a girl) and subsequently ended up physically and mentally fucked up.
As the demon grows in power (from each inherited body it controls) it transforms the host in wilder and wilder ways.
I found her to be distractingly ugly too. Her hideous appearance worked for the character, but it still didn't make for an enjoyable viewing experience
she was kino in it
Because it's more believable.
>the entire movie
>isn't in the entire movie
We should basically have men preform all roles like in the Shakespearean era. Even animals because we can't exploit THEM...
It's kind of sad that the only movies she'd be in would be horror/thrillers due to her appearance and that's only since she's a kid as well. Feels scummy.
The choice was deliberate to save on makeup effects for when that event in the film happens.
Most normal children look better than that
t. not a pedo, just an observation
>Entire movie
So you didn't even watch it
>not a pedo
why are you on this board?
She was Mathilda on Broadway
Literally me
she's got some sort of genetic disorder. i think she's very cute - looks like an eight or ten year old.
Jesus, nobody's ever visited a Walmart?
>The looks of the actor should be considered over the actor's ability to do the role well
Just fucking delete this board. OP might as well be a 12 year old or a fucking chinese person, or both.