If he were real, would he be a liberal or a conservative?

If he were real, would he be a liberal or a conservative?

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A Groucho Marxist.

God-tier centrist

Only conservatives would be stupid enough to elect him

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Def a do-tard

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Neither but I know he would be on the bottom half of that chart.

Democrat, because he 'just wants to watch the world burn'.


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This or pretend to side with whichever party needed his services atm

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Man this truely is the dumbest board

He’d be an antifa supporter but also really hates black people

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a gamer

>individualist anarchist

Not even close, Joker is obsessed woth spooks



Did he really become a gamer like us?
That's so cool

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realistically speaking he would probably be a huge SJW and a feminist

He'll be a gamer

but the whole plot of the dark knight is that the Joker really wants to say the N word but Batman stops him

Your post might even be more dumb than the shitposts in this thread

a racist gamer

obviously he would be an independent

its true you faggot. he was a huge commie


He'd be me

neither, anarchist

He'd be nothing. He doesn't care, he just wants to "watch the world burn" and makes excuses for his actions as he goes along. Closes thing would be an anarchist, but not for an actual philosophical belief in it.

He was a fucking anarchist, you absolute idiot. Read a book some time

he believed in wealth redistribution. read the comics. YOU are the brainlet here

He'd be a gamer.

Bit harsh.

That has nothing to do with feminism

imagine being this naive

Shut the fuck up dumb retard


he would be a based apolitical centrist



Wow wow wow why didn't anyone tell me the Joker was fucking BASED?

He'd be a National Capitalist, the new based and redpilled ideology invented by /pol/, where you're edgy enough to ape Nazi aesthetics but too afraid of the word socialism to go the whole way.

He'd be a gamer

Why do Americans always think in binary? God you people are stupid

These memes make me physically sick. Is this a new form of warfare?

>Ledger's Joker being anything but ancap

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Socialist with gamer characteristics