
Good. Disney made the mistake of thinking people would review The Last Jedi honestly and were punished for their gesture of goodwill by lifeless trolls who spammed the reviews. To this day we're still feeling the effects of trolls reviewbombing that great film.

Not today, potatoes. The trolls have been dealt with and Captain Marvel is rocketing to a well deserved success. The box office numbers are like having sex.

Attached: trolls.jpg (1001x644, 166K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based corporations!

Ironic shilling is still shilling



Based Marvel does it again.

Attached: 24552.jpg (510x430, 19K)

Discord tranny

Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins user

Attached: 1552266112770.jpg (1096x1492, 399K)

>Now that they're saying bad things about women, NOW Yea Forums decides WaPo is a trustworthy website


Shut up bitch


Does the quality of the movie even matter anymore? As long as it "beat the trolls" it's all fine?

If the movie had a 100% RT score you'd be claiming they were paid off. Don't pretend for a second that you care about quality.

>Captain Marvel sells like gangbusters.
>Brie Larson's gambit paid off.
>From now on, all movies will need to have a message of "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" to be considered sufficiently "woke"

let the good times roll

She's the best. I knew something good was coming when I saw what she was doing.

have sex

Attached: 1458913374144.jpg (586x429, 40K)

Has Yea Forums ever been BTFO'd so bad in all its history?

It's time for hiro to close this shithole for good

the fire rises, friendo

Attached: 1528763881905.jpg (980x1471, 201K)

Looking into the actual numbers, Disney has more problems with CM than it's weekend box office draw would claim as a success.

Not only was most of the audience male, most of the audience was also outside the target 18-25 demo. They still failed to bring in a female audience like WW, despite the obvious "girl power" marketing campaign, and the movie didn't draw younger people into the franchise.

Also consider that this one of the few movies that opened at nearly all of the foreign box offices on the same weekend as it did domestically. Only Japan is left next weekend.

Marvel, as usual, were strategically smart in their release of the movie, with nothing to really challenge it domestically for the next two weekends, which also happen to be spring break weeks in much of the U.S. That should cushion the weekly dropoff a good bit, but if it doesn't, Disney is going to have to come up with another plan for attracting new audiences than depending on girls getting into superheroes.

>Disney is going to have to come up with another plan for attracting new audiences than depending on girls getting into superheroes.

Something about this strikes me as a little bit sinister.
>Hey we have the most popular and successful movie franchise in the entire world, of all time
Does anybody else find this just a little bit fucked up?

It has like 2 weekends already. Because march the 8th is a holiday worldwide.

But you have a VAGINA!!! If you don't approve of Captain Marvel you are a male misogynist and your vagina grows into a penis.

>discord tranny
>dis ny
> disny

Attached: memed.jpg (300x300, 25K)

Yeah, next week is Captive State and Wonder Park. CM has next weekend secured.

No, keep it open. We must have a permanent reminder of their failure.

It's literally how corporations work. You think Disney is bad about it, look at some of the shit Activision has done over the years.

Attached: 1551891672958.png (441x631, 143K)

What failure? The movie is shit, large amounts of people spending money on it won't change that.

>anyone with anything negative to say is a TROLL positive comments only!!!

I hate this timeline. I mean the movie is fine, it's not shit but it's not great either and anyone who sees it and thinks it's impossible for more than a few people to have a negative review of it is a retard.

>Alyssa Rosenberg

I'm starting to believe /pol/.

I believe /pol/.

I believe /pol/ goes in the garbage, that is.

Jesus Christ the movie included a montage of Carol growing up with a bunch of MEN telling her "HURR YOU CAN'T DO THIS UR A GIRL!" and it's still not good enough for you? What did you want the movie to do, show her fly from the 90s to the present day white house and beat the shit out of Donald Trump?

welcome to growth economics

wtf I hate capitalism now

It's not hard. Nearly every far-left-baiting review is written by one of them. Of course 90% of the people who work in Hollywood is one of them so it's only natural that so many reviewers would be as well.

Yea Forums has been swearing for the last three months that this movie was going to bomb.

That's the most kino poster I've ever seen. What is that, fucking serbian or something?

You realize the review he responded to is negative, right retard?

>CM fails at physical exercise at some military camp
>Boys be: wtf you failed dumb bitch gtfo
>No! Wah! It's your fault!
>scene ends

Not only has Yea Forums been doing it, /pol/ has had nonstop fucking threads about it.

/pol/. The politics board. Is obsessively discussing a children's comic book movie.

Fucking really?

Not Yea Forums, but the whole Yea Forums. That would be beautiful

I mean capitalism is pretty shit. Being better than communism is the only reason we still use it, and even then it is heavily restricted because corporations will only act in the best interests of the people by coincidence.
It would be nice to break up a lot of these big monopolies that have screwed over people, but that probably won't happen so we'll just limp along until we get A.I.'s and adopt techno-feudalism.


Poland is so fucking based it's crazy.

Attached: Based Poland.jpg (960x720, 132K)

have sex

90 percent of /pol/ is bots and paid shills, 5 percent are journalists shitposting so they can screenshot their own posts to use in an article, and the other 5 are us real people /x/ posting about skyking

non retard posters always said it was going to be huge. shit ties "INFINITY WAR" and "ENDGAME"

The /pol/ effect

I think that will happen eventually but it will probably be shut down by some government organization because of the sheer incompetence of this site's moderation allowing some illegal shit to go down here. I mean how many people have we had at this point that literally announced their suicide and nothing was done about it until it was too late.

I think WW2 psychologically destroyed Poland, because so much of their art looks like a cross between H.R. Giger and Beksinski

Attached: Return of the Jedi - Poland.jpg (1436x2048, 443K)

>journalists shitposting so they can screenshot their own posts to use in an article
Ooh, that's a good idea actually. Thanks for that.

>No Nazis or Communists

Eh? What remains then?

No immigrants either

>review The Last Jedi honestly
0/10 is honest

>some illegal shit
some boring illegal shit just doesn't cut it
it needs to be misoginist alt-right incel trolls

Plenty of that here.

Based corporations controlling opinions!

>all caps title that begins with WTF!
>truly garbage video thumbnail

I'm glad Yea Forums lets me see this shit without having to open the video and give it a view.

The fact that these "people" think pathetic clickbait is an effective way to fight Captain Marvel is exactly why they're losing.

Polish posters are all kino.
The direct translation of the title is “Electronic Murderer”.

i dont understand the image. Why is the head of the bald guy in a square and what is the arrow pointing? what is the dot?

to much autismo in that pic. Sorry.

>Electronic Murderer
Now if that isn't cyberpunk as hell I don't know what is.

There was another one by a woman that called it a 2-hour long Nike ad.

>t. Disney shill



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Honestly I think every faggot who’s made a Captain Marvel thread should be rounded up, lined against a wall and machinegunned.

>everything that isn’t positive feedback of something is a troll
>everything that makes Dems look bad is a conspiracy

How are they so good at getting these buzzwords used across the spectrum and only by one side?

Russians hacked the election because Trump is there spy? This isn’t a conspiracy theory?

My friends actually believe trump is a Russian agent and that ‘trolls’ ruined Star Wars.

antisemitism is against board rules

>My friends actually believe trump is a Russian agent and that ‘trolls’ ruined Star Wars.
Good to know even an incel can find sane friends in this political climate. Good for you, man.

Its not this movie that will suffer.

Its the next one.

Last jedi made the money. So did not.

Look out for next movie. It will die if any mention of.sjw shit

Jesus, they should have released the film as Revenge of the Jedi, as Lucas intended

Oh yeah, the next movie is, let's see...

Avengers: Endgame.

Yeah, I'm not particularly worried.

But why? How are the Jedi getting revenge?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
And I do not care about Larson, white men, women and other garbage.
They walked through my film.

>They walked through my film

Well Lucas intended the sixth movie to be the new Jedi order (that being Luke) getting back at the Empire for destroying the previous Jedi order. But Lucas decided to change the title, stating that "The jedi do not seek revenge"

That said, that poster really feels like the Jedi getting revenge. Also, Lucas did keep the title for Episode 3, since the Sith do actively seek revenge.

Have sex, mouse shill


Have some REAL sex, incels.

>Endgame comes out month after Captain Marvel
>makes a bazillion dollars
>Solo comes out 6 months after TLJ

This bitch gettin laid

Attached: tumblr_mcbafvydl51qzkyojo1_1280.jpg (1280x1698, 677K)

I mean I'd say there were a lot of factors that caused Solo to bomb but you can't deny that people do have inconsistent logic about how much is "too much." The same people who say one Star Wars a year is too much are perfectly okay with three to five superhero movies a year. Apparently Star Wars is supposed to be more "special"? Anyway, Captain Marvel is actually being received very well by the audience so even if it's correct that TLJ caused Solo to bomb, there hasn't been anywhere near as much of a backlash towards Captain Marvel. The people who hated TLJ actually had specific criticisms of TLJ whereas the people who hate Captain Marvel haven't even watched it.

Thats /po/ but usually people keep or give their oragamis away

The fuck?