ITT: Cancellation Watch

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This show went to complete SJW shit

>went to

wow disco fags must be absolutely seething that fucking family man can create literally the best trek in the past what 20 years?
how embarrassing

Imagine watching a show with a formula that got Star Trek Enterprise cancelled 15 years ago and assuming it won't happen again.

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what if I don't watch DIS or the Orville but I loved the old Star Trek shows?

True Detective hasn’t been renewed has it?

It will be sad if they axe it. It seemed like the show was close to hitting its stride and perhaps making a season that was all good.

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The first season had since decent the Facebook one. S2 was all bortus fucks guys episodes

all the Issac episodes this season were good.

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>S2 was all bortus fucks guys episodes
there was like two episodes about that
and only one was any actual fucking
i think you need to really have a sit down and be honest with yourself about why you are so fascinated with the concept of homosexuality that it is all you can think about on a daily basis

she fucked a ginger
show was cursed

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The rest were just metaphors. The big Kaylon ships? They were anuses, getting DP'ed by Krill and the Union.


>I'm not able to stutter so i have to conclude you understood me

nice job STD shills. this show is great and about as far from sjw as is possible

There were like 3 before I stopped watching. Sorry I believe in basic biology, faggot.

show is legitimately amazing. better trek than current trek

it's not sjw you fools. you wanna see sjw? try watching std or hell, ANY OTHER SHOW RIGHT NOW.

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season 2 was pretty weak, except for the isaac+finn episodes

Finn sucks. Gimme Bortus.

black don't crack

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>season three is twenty 20 minute episodes rather then fifteen hour long ones

damage control

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My only problem with the orville is Seth just cant stop himself from forcing grade school (((humor))) into a show.

Yeah i know le wacky funny peepee poopoo vagoo is his gimmick but toss the weed jokes and shit then the orville becomes almost like a galaxy quest series.

fuck i love galaxy quest

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>4 episodes of non stop homo sex
not surprised in the least

hasn't been cancelled, just hasn't been renewed either

Can't wait for this shitshow to get the axe. S1 was funny and fresh. Had an original formula that they could've milked for years to come. Then for some reason they decided to kill all of the humor for S2 and turn it into a poor imitation of Tard Drek.

selling it to a higher bidder

This is the only clip of this show I've seen and it's just as trite as I imagined

charls killed this show single handed
2 for 2 baybeeee

There's a LOT of context involved in understanding this scene

Season 2 was pretty good, though, with the exception of Home, Deflectors, and the one about astrology. And the 2 parter was phenomenal

>Believing Doomcock's moving the goalpost lies when he's been so wrong on everything

>have female poc
>make her educated physician
>still be single mother
what did seth mean by this?

>you wanna see sjw? try watching std or hell, ANY OTHER SHOW RIGHT NOW.

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gross. let me know if im wrong but that pic is sticky like it came from a trannies supernatural folder..

>show has anti-bigot themed episode

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Her forehead makes her ugly . Not sorry

Isaac+Finn were pure cringe, as they typically involved her bratty kids and "wonderful" parenting techniques.

>hasn't been cancelled, just hasn't been renewed either
It's on the bubble. I predict it will be renewed just because of Seth's goodwill with the network.

Well, yes, if you are going to use SJW buzzwords then you will be called SJW shit.

STD is far more SJW than this

And the breast implants are terrible, too.

you're nuts. get some perspective. this is the least sjw show on tv.

>Got tit surgery, left the mole

>Doesn't even get big tits, and so gets BTFO by her 57 year old co-star