Fucked up Blockbuster employee stories

I see a lot of posts about visiting blockbusters in the past - but I wonder if any past employees have any stories to share. I can start:

>working on a friday night at a BB in Minneapolis (2001?)
>huge rush because work just finished
>manager is on a register as am I. Third employee rotating between signing up members and doing odd jobs. Fourth returning videos and watching shady customers
>suddenly there is a an extremely loud BOOM and everyone drops to the floor
>the long, large windows and emergency exit to the right of the register are imploded. Glass is everywhere.
>manager and I exchange glances. She tries to calm people down, investigate, while I call 911

Turns out a guy, trying to park out front, had a seizure, stomped down hard on the gas, and drove into the building.

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imagine being old enough to actually remember Blockbuster and still be posting here lmao

get off Yea Forums and go sort your life out dude

Not OP but I'm 38 and post here constantly.

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I have a good job and a home. You're wasting your youthful years on the internet. Go outside young (man).

my bro got fired for not checking the neighbor id every single time. dude literally lives across the street.

Kids, house, married, good job I enjoy. It's sorted. Didn't know there was an age limit on an anonymous image board.

How? Obviously not a secret shopper.

Imagine being in your prime pussy hunting years and wasting your time on here. Sad really.

This post reeks of ageism. Television has been around a long time so there is plenty to talk about. You'd think someone like you would be better off on rape cartoons on Yea Forums

>be me
>early 2002
>hanging with my brother and friend
>bored as shit
>the first Halo came out a couple months prior
>light bulb
>all three of us sign up for a BB account at separate times
>after we make accounts we scrounge up extra green xbox cases we had that didn't have covers
>next day we go to a BB on the other side of town
>each of us grab 3 copies each
>cashier asks why we're renting so many copies
>already had an excuse
>"Man we have a dope ass LAN party about to go down"
>excuse worked
>rent the games
>check the game discs
>no barcode stickers
>get into car
>burst into laughter
>laughter continues all the way to an actual game store
>friend goes inside and sells the rented Halo games for $15 a piece
>comes back out in amazement
>next day
>brother sells his for a cool $45 smackaroos
>I don't want to wait so I take mine in and sell them
>cashier remarks about people selling the game
>tell him "Yeah, the game isn't as good as the reviews say and the multiplayer is broken"
>he buys them
>all leave and blow the money on stupid shit
>months later get collection notices in the mail
>immediately toss them
>eventually notices stop coming

I like to think that I helped bring Blockbuster down, warms my heart.

Blockbuster and Hollywood video thought I'd pay them for the games I kept

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My life is past the point of ever being sorted out.

Shit up bitch. You’re here forever

> be me, 2002, working a BB because my psychotic parents rag me to get a job
> its me, Tommy, and Chaz up front
> I was using a TV remote to show Chaz my sweet knife slashing technique, parallel to my forearm like Seagal
> Tommy butts in like he always does and says you're supposed grab the handle and lunge
> some fat bitch walks up with her shit kids and complains
> fucking cow got me fired for using the "F-word in front of her kid"

its all good.
Met a Puerto Rican single-mother after this and then tried to kill myself

The Blockbuster near lake and minnehaha?

What was the last good era?

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Fuck off zoomer facebook poster.

Yep. Although that pic is not it, obviously.

Interesting how the older the user base of Yea Forums gets the less fun and funny the site becomes, not to mention even simple raids like the classic POOLS CLOSED simply don't happen anymore.

And it's not as though the quality of posting has replaced shitlording. So now we have a bunch of average 28-32 aged anons on here posting at the same level as 12 year old newfags. At what point do we agree that the site is dead and offers nothing?

>Television has been around a long time so there is plenty to talk about

Like what another captain marvel audience score thread or more alita battle angel spamming? If you're over 22 on here you're a fucking loser.

you sound sub rhesus monkey tier retarded

plez no bully

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I already have my life sorted out, how bout you retard?

What little was left died after Trump got elected. The price you pay for making “/pol/ colonies”.

You are a zoomed faggot, Facebook tourist, Trump IS the president and the only thing you can do to change that is buy a ticket to the next Marvel movie

>you sound sub rhesus monkey tier retarded
i am

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I smile to myself and think one of the reasons they tanked is because they had no means by which to get back their rentals. What were they going to do? Call the police? Will you into the store? Theoretically you could sell all their goddamn DVDs, I had tapes from 98 in my house until 2006

>>working on a friday night at a BB in New Orleans (1995?)
>huge rush because work just finished
>manager is on a register as am I. Third employee rotating between signing up members and doing odd jobs. Fourth returning videos and watching shady customers
>suddenly there is a an extremely loud BOOM and everyone drops to the floor
>the long, large windows and emergency exit to the right of the register are imploded. Glass is everywhere.
>manager and I exchange glances. She tries to calm people down, investigate, while I call 911
turns out a girl with a major case of foot fungus fell through the roof