The Case Against Adnan Syed

New HBO docu series on Adnan Syed. The guy from the Serial podcast. Starts in a few minutes.

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Literally just as autistic and bluepilled as Leaving Neverland. They're desperate because GOT is about to end and they know everyone's going to cancel their HBO subscription as soon as it ends.

>Adnan Syed

>Adnan Sneed

In relevant news:

This is pure defamation. He absolutely did not do it.

So this just seems like a documentary version of the podcast

He didn't do it

He 100% did it

lying gooks

>new boyfriend

fucking WHORE

does this series present him as innocent? I assumed from the title that this provides a counter argument to Serial.


This series is pro-Adnan

Does this series supposedly have new evidence that wasn't on serial or something? I felt like the podcast was overly kind to him and I honestly still came out of it thinking he probably did it.

classic case of blaming the muslim man

Shit are you serious? I was really hoping this would make the innocenters shut up.

lmao what a waste of time and money

Hi Kim.

The terrorist did it

Adnan should have listened to his mom

So Hae got blacked, right? Her new boyfriend was black I bet.

Reminder his friend literally HELPED HIM BURY THE BODY.

Is HBO so out of ideas that they're just remaking podcasts as docudramas now?

i want an asian gf lads

They've been creatively bankrupt for years, but docudramas and podcasts are substantially cheaper to produce than real shows by a large margin. They're afraid to put money into producing anything of merit because they are hemorrhaging subs.

Go to the Philippines

Recently dated a half Flip hapa girl

Absolutely fucking insane, the cunt

Blond haired white boy. Adnans sister tried to blame the murder on him

>Adnan had his phone with him the night of the murder
>Phone pinged a cell tower near Leakin Park where Hae was buried the night of the murder
I know the cell phone tower shit isn't an exact science, but I found this pretty damning.

So the weird guy that randomly found her body in the middle of the forest had his dick hanging out when the cops came? Wtf?


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He was a weird sexual deviant who had been busted streaking in weird places multiple times before


Baltimore is like that. Full of freaks and weirdos.

from what I got from the podcast years ago was

>hey even though he is a muslim, he is just like a regular American like us.

but yeah I think he did it. he had those backwards ass Muslim views about women and killed his ex gf.

I think he was involved but didn't directly kill her.

Stream where?

Fucking retard

I'm watching it right now, it's really bad, not what I was hoping for at all. Just interviews with Rabia and their high school friends with stupid cutesy animations.

He is without any doubt guilty, but it's not just him. His friend and his friend's girlfriend assisted in the killing and cover-up,

It was either him or Jay, this is almost 100% certain. Jay had no reason to kill her and would not have flipped and told the police everything if he had actually done it.

>her black friend had a 7 hour conversation with her new bf and they fucked

Wtf? Why would she agree to be in the documentary and admit that

I wasnt paying that much attention, but didnt she say pretty clearly that she didnt bang him?

What about Jay burying the body with him?

why did the korean girl date a poo
Yea Forums told me they only fuck white boys

What about it?

>people want this guy to be released

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he was an arab chad, they are irresistible to all races of women.

Why the fuck would this random dude kill Hae and then tell the cops and then blame it on his friend?

he was a paki

*runs into the thread breathing heavily*
Adnan Sneed

did his mother fuck up the kerning on adrian?

He did not hit her he did not

Literally don't know what the fuck you're getting at here. I think Adnan did it and Jay definitely helped him move/bury the body.

Based. Maryland Court realizes this faggot is the Muslim OJ. He fucking did it.

Exactly. That's what I mean. There's no way for Adnan to wriggle out of this or blame someone else. There was no benefit or reason for Jay to make up his story


>we’ll be PC by assuming the cube worshipper is innocent
>but we’ll pin it on the black guy

that NPR lady on the podcast was so infuriating

fucking ditz allowing herself to be manipulated, she fell in love with the guy

Oh hi Mark

She got a whiff of an SJW tale from that towelhead Rabia and realized at the end she had been spun so tried to leave it ambiguous

Bitch tried to blame the almost all black jury as virulent Muslim haters. This was before 9-11 by a few years

It’s good this is coming out 5 years after everyone stopped giving a shit

It’s like it’s suddenly OK to frame niggers because mudlsimes are higher on the oppression hierarchy


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>the jew was seduced by the arab

Imagine the smell

I'm in love with Hae

Reminder Jay went to jail for his participation and had no motive to kill Hae.
It was Mudlsime OJ. Duh.


are women actually attracted to this type?

>he probably didn't do it, he seems really nice
The interviewer was a fucking moron, the kid of person that writes to Charles Manson and talks about what a gentle soul he is. Not all murderers are white 40 year old dudes

I keep going back to Jay knowing where the car was and no one, including Adnan, being able to provide an alibi for him. How would Jay know the car's location if not for being involved somehow?

Though maybe Jay thought it'd be best if he just helped confirm the cops' suspicions about Adnan due to him having prior run-ins with the law.


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Right, but Adnan was with him according to the evidence. So if Jay knew so did Adnan. So either Adnan killed the bitch or was an accomplice and either way is chargeable.


>Though maybe Jay thought it'd be best if he just helped confirm the cops' suspicions about Adnan due to him having prior run-ins with the law.
It would just be incredibly risky to tell the cops anything about the murder if he actually did it. You would have to be SO confident you could pin it on someone else convincingly.

>a black guy thinks Baltimore cops will believe hi, about anything
Reminder Jay is black and Baltimore cops kill niggers for sport.

based and sneedpilled

Why do you think Adnan did it?

Reminder that there is literally ZERO conceivable version of events where Adnan wasn't involved in the murder. None. He fucking did it.

Hi, reddit!

why's it still so good though?

but what about jay's timeline
what about the payphone at the bestbuy?

Sarah Koenig was deliberately dishonest and told the story in a misleading way to add suspense/twists etc and make it more compelling. It's pretty well done from a storytelling perspective, but pretty dishonest from a journalistic perspective.

Also she's been unable to make anything decent at all since this story fell in her lap - seasons 2 and 3 are boring as shit.

Keeping the brown man down

Adnan's Syed and Fyed

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It's been a couple years since I listened to serial, but here's the stuff I found the most damning:

1. His phone was definitely in the general area Hae's body was buried the night of the murder based on cell phone tower pings.

2. He never attempted to call Hae or page her or otherwise contact her after she went missing, even though everyone said the two had remained close friends after their break up. He knew she was dead.

3. Jay 100% helped hide her body and her car. He knew too many details not to be involved. Lots of witness put him with Adnan that afternoon/evening. One or both of them definitely killed her and Adnan had the motive, not Jay.

4. Adnan almost definitely asked Hae for a ride after school the day she was killed, and if that actually happened he was one of the last people to see her alive. He later lied about asking her.

hm i wonder why lets have a look at her face aaaA

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>grizzled homicide detectives say for certain that he did it
>some bitch on a podcast talking directly to him claims he didn't

some, yes.

>Also she's been unable to make anything decent at all since this story fell in her lap - seasons 2 and 3 are boring as shit.
I stopped listening to Season 2 halfway through because it was boring even though the guy was living among the Taliban, and I didn't get what Koenig was going for. The guy did it, he admits to it, and he broke procedure.
What was there to say? Season 3 was decent though. There's no shortage of weird as fuck stories in the U.S. though. Surely she could find something good to investigate like kidnappings, interconnected cold cases, or something like that.

if he did it, enough times passed that he should probably be free anyway. its not like hes a serial killer, he was just mad this bitch left him and he was like 17 and stupid. unless you think prison should be about punishment but its still stupid to punish someone for some shit they did over a decade ago as if they're the same person.

Formerly Adnan Chuk

One of the preqs for any kind of early release is showing remorse, and he's maintained his innocence the whole time for whatever reason. If he had been honest about doing it from the beginning he would probably be out by now, yeah.

Kino podcast coming through

serial dropped the ball hard s2 and 3

meanwhile monster podcast s1 and s2 have been excellent. Just wish the zodiac murders were finally solved already.

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Ok, that makes sense. It's likely that the cops focused way too fast on Adnan and still got the right guy. One thing that always stuck in my mind was that Adnan told Sarah Koenig that the drive from the school to Best Buy couldn't be done in a certain amount of time and that it proved he didn't have enough time to kill Hae. So Sarah and her friend did the drive and they made it within the time window with a couple of minutes. I think afterwards her friend said Adnan either did it or he had the shittiest luck in the world.

>for whatever reason

it's because the love of his parents is all he has, they believe he's innocent (or delude themselves into thinking so), without it he has nothing

>I think afterwards her friend said Adnan either did it or he had the shittiest luck in the world.
Yeah, I forget her friend's name (I think shes a producer?) but its pretty clear that she thinks he's guilty, particularly after they go and talk to Jay.

Honor killings

He did it.

Yeah idc if he did it or not, keep that towelhead in a fucking cage where they belong

Yes it portrays him as innocent so there's absolutely no point in watching it. It would have been more interesting if they portrayed him as guilty

Season 2 was one of the biggest sophomore slumps ever.

Theres no point in a documentary existing to prove that a guy in jail for murder committed said murder though.

This faggot did it and only women, black men and plebbitors deny it based on "feelings".

I thought it was implied that the cops told him where the car was at some point. Hope im wrong tho, fuck Adnan, and that dumb bitch Rabia too.

Who later proceeded to shit on them like he should.