How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
What did Jeff buy with his paycheck?
The bigger star is normally always paid more.
Most normies went to see it just for Carey. He lierally sells movies on name alone.
I heard he bought a hot seal
Well to be fair, Jim Carry is a prize winning retard, so he really ought to command the big bucks!
He was also the biggest hollywood star at the time.
That's fair. Jim was great in the movie. Jeff Daniels was shit
I'm a bit sleepy and thirsty, thanks for asking user.
Why isn't Jeff trying to backtrace historical injustices for not being #equalpayforequalwork ?
>bigger names make more money
wtf neets rise up!!!! UBI NOW!!!
Sounds like Jeff Daniels should have been names Jeff Jannie
This doesn't make sense. Is Jeff Daniels a woman?
>oh no the biggest star at the time made the most while a literally who made nothing
Makes sense, Jim is approximately 140x funnier than Jeff
well, he had about the same screen time, 50k for this feature is a joke
>reeeee other people have things
holy based
>the state of the replies in this thread
>didn't even make 1% of what Jim made
We need to fix the wage gap.
The highest paid female supermodel makes $50,000,000 a year. The highest paid male supermodel makes $600,000 a year.
I'd be surprised if that was true. 50k for Jeff Daniels? No way imo. He was already a 2 time nominated actor by then and hit it big in a few blockbusters.
Carrey was one of the biggest stars in the world but Daniels would have been paid a movie star caliber salary.
The studio didnt even want Daniels, but the director did. They only allowed them to offer 50k and they assumed Daniels would turn it down, but he didn't.
Carey was originally offered 350k, but the Ace Ventura came out and blew up, so his price skyrocketed.
This is just wrong but the fact is Jim Carrey was a major name and drawcard at the time, he's obviously going to be paid more. Jeff Daniels would have been getting a few points if he was taking such a small upfront salary too.
nice typo
And he happily accepted to be paid that much. Most actors can't even get paying jobs.
Carrey also wanted Daniels because he said if they cast a comedian then he’s going to try to out-funny him so he wanted a serious actor to play off of and it was the right call
Anybody read The Comedy Writer by Peter Farrelly? I liked it a lot
Yeah but Jeff Daniels is a man so no one will give a fuck.