She instantly became my waifu within the first episode of her Netflix show, how did she do it? What’s so appealing about her? Why can’t western women dress and act the way Marie Kondo does?
She instantly became my waifu within the first episode of her Netflix show, how did she do it...
dumb shillposter
no shill, I’m in love with her
I like the way she dresses too. It's very conservative while at the same time you can also tell the body is completely fantastic.
>Why can’t western women dress and act the way Marie Kondo does?
wish i knew, bro. wish i knew.
White women want to be men
be honest, that's all you want
womanlets give birth to manlets
yes, it looks hot despite being conservative
Have sex imcel
She looks like someone you’d actively want to build a family with and have passionate sex every night. You’d happily go to work knowing that at the end of the day she’d welcome you home and dine with you, before going to bed. I’m not even talking /pol/ here, she could have her job, I could cook dinner half the time and shit, I just want a feminine-looking woman who isn’t vulgar and doesn’t pretend to be a man.
Is it too much to ask?
stupid clown.
Have sex.
You have sex
Only people who like here are the Jordan Peterson crowd (as if clean your room is some genius insight) and retarded weebs. All of you go fuck yourselves, I don't want to see another thread about either of them.
I like her techniques and the show made me read about them, but I felt the actual episodes dragged on and that the end results were disappointing. People still had a bunch of junk at the end of the episodes.
i'm 6' 6" think I could offset it? i'd probably break her though...
>tfw coming home every single day to find her there with open arms
and that's a bad thing, right
like, I should feel ashamed and like a piece of shit for wanting that, huh
The important part is starting the process of organizing their lives, I read that when she’s actually doing her job not for tv, it takes between 3 to 10 visits (1 to 3 months usually) that last 3 to 5 hours each. I imagine the netflix show is just like a condensed version that takes place over 3 visits in a month, and it’s up to each person to actually get rid of shit, at the end of the day.
if it’s such an easy concept, why don’t people do it? I’m not a big Peterson fan, but he does have a point when he tells people that they should fix their personal lives before trying to solve the world’s problems, especially at a young age.
I guess the show is for people who struggle with hording, but, I just felt underwhelmed at the results. I mean I started with less shit than any of them ended with. Why do people need all that? How much stuff do you really use?
I felt her message got a little lost.
>”I’m so happy you’re home! Let me set the table!”
I can’t take it
These are people that naturally act like Smaug, so if they only throw away one bag of shit, it’s already a lot.
I think it would have been better to find some people who were ready for a dramatic transformation and to get into some details about how to accomplish that. Maybe inspire people to really change their lives for the better. This is glorified spring cleaning, not adopting minimalism.
I see what you’re saying, most criticism I’ve seen online is about how she doesn’t intervene more often, how she isn’t THAT assertive with clients, at least in the series, but I guess it’a her method coupled with the japanese politeness that prevents that
How do I get this in my life? I need it.
You leave western society, feminism ruined women
Interesting. That's my favorite part of the show! I like that she isn't screaming at anyone. This and Great British Bake Off are probably the best examples of how television can inspire better personalities in us, rather than most of these type of shows that promote being an asshole.
I agree she needs to be more assertive though. But she can do that and still be polite. I think it would just be about selecting more willing parties, people who wanted to learn how to live like she does, and have already realized that their stuff isn't making them happy
Her personality and method really separates her from what we’re used to seeing in western shows like this, where people visit other people’s houses to do shit in it