>movie is called film when it was fully shot on digital

Attached: 1549367868278.webm (656x540, 2.9M)

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Is that rotoscoped?

No, it was hand drawn.

uncanny af

>Movie is called movie when there are no moving pictures, only a linear succession of pictures that simulate movement.

sex with chika

>anime is called anime when it wasn't made by English speakers

so manually rotoscoped?
no it wasn't it was normal rotoscoped they guy said on twitter even

Isn't that what rotoscoping means in the first place? Drawing over live footage?

How to get a gf like her?



wtf i love anime now. that seems nice. is there any super animated anime? with beautifully crafted scenes and some non schoolgirl story? i might get into something like that if it exists

they added this shit during the credits. nigga why. WHY


why can't animeshits draw characters that look original

>beautifully crafted scenes
Yes, most anime movies are really pretty and well animated. There's tons of sci-fi and fantasy stuff.

Attached: evangelion_missile.gif (500x374, 1.59M)

No way, rotoscoped is always obvious because the timing in animation is different and ends up looking off. What they did do is use 3D modeling to do movements, looks really obvious.

Yes, and only brainlets think it's bad or "lesser" then normal animation.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

it was rotoscoped tho

>What they did do is use 3D modeling to do movements, looks really obvious.
Wrong, unless you mean they rotoscoped the 3D model.

It's a television show.

Working!! is a great little series about the effects of unrestrained capitalism on the japanese economy during the 90s.

Attached: Working!!.full.210115.jpg (2904x1772, 961K)

>rotoscoped is always obvious
And that webm isn't?

It's obviously not. You can look up Lord of the rings and it's night and day.

You can see the 3D model made the points of the joints on certain frames.

Whatever it is, it looks like shit.

Just because it's missing several frames of the rotoscoped footage doesn't mean it isn't rotosocoped.

Just watch Akira

Nakayama, the animator, said it was rotoscoped, but there was a process done on the dress whatever that means. So yeah, it was rotoscoped.


And even if it was off a 3d model the model itself was probably mocapped so it's essentially the same thing

Also that webm looks like shit, you can tell it's rotoscoped, the eyes aren't in perspective to the face in many of the frames

Garbage shit for garbage

That movie is entirely about Inami trying to get Takanashi's dick and Souma trying to get Satou's dick.

That anime*
Also it does have some Yea Forums worthy scenes.

Attached: Takanashi loli.gif (500x250, 966K)

But it is. It's just tracing. Just show the original instead, why not.

Why can't real life women be that cute?

why do japs like to portray their women as blue eyed blondes?

If you look at the hair and her skirt and think "3dcg" you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh look. It's all done on paper. Because it's rotoscoped.

Attached: 1550419558071s.jpg (108x125, 4K)

well done retard

Attached: a.jpg (597x1067, 167K)

Kino > Cinematic Experience > Feature > Movie > Flick > Talkie > Dogshit > "Film"

Attached: 1519754858364.jpg (936x1436, 331K)

Attached: 1545883154063.gif (24x20, 27K)

sakura quest is a top comfy series that meets your criteria. redline or the night is short walk on girl for movies.

i love when idiots get triggered so easily

Attached: ebony.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

damn dude you really epic trolled us when you saved that thumbnail

smoke em if u got em

Japan is making a live action of this show.

>implying it was saved

Attached: (b)eter 1.jpg (338x338, 18K)

Kínorama > Cinémagráphique > Kino > Film > Feature > Filmstrip > Print > Newsreel > Motion Picture > High-concept > Picture > Epic > Movie > Talkie > Chiller > Romp > Biopic > Joint > Flick > Condensed dogshit that has been festering in a septic tank for 2 years > Woody Allen

oooOOOOHHHAAWWW FUCK GUYS he was TROLLING US!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

It was either rotoscoped or 3D animated to look like 2D.
Looks weird as hell, like Tarkin’s cgi face.

don´t get too emotional buddy

Attached: 1527850063301.png (187x173, 67K)

I like it when the entire movie is done in that style. Otherwise it just feels out of place like a 3d transformation sequence in an otherwise 2d show.

name of this here anime?

>tfw own this toy

KAGUYA-SAMA: LOVE IS WAR, about 2 highschool students in a battle to force the other one to admit they like each other. main girl to perfect

Gonna check it out. thx user.

But there are plenty of videos out there of weebs trying to explain that there is deeper reason that has nothing to do with "white features" being desirable to them

It could be motion capture. Has that not been considered?

Are you stupid?

Because when they're honest and make everyone a dark eyed brunette it's fucking impossible to tell characters apart.