Claims to have a home theater

>claims to have a home theater
>doesn't own one of these bad boys

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Go to European Home Theater
>Poop in the bathroom
>No pair of scissors to cut the toilet paper with

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Damn i should could go for a warm plump DOG

>Claims to be a fine connoisseur of art and taste.
>Still eats meat in the year 2019

plebian doesn't even begin to describe this level of savagery

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I would eat 3 of those right now



>he doest eat his hotdogs on a tortilla

for me, its salsa con queso dog with a pickle on the side

>go to american movies
>no design scissors to cut my shit log
how the fuck am i supposed to end my sesh?

Cringeroni, my man. Stay on seekay.

what are hot dog weiners made of?

benis :)

If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself????

Attached: Harry Caray.png (480x237, 138K)

tendons and bones

that machine plus a mini-fridge with all the condiments and I'd probably die of an exploded stomach

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you dont want to know, its basically boiled slaughterhouse refuse with colorants and flavors

animal ass, lips ears and stuff like that.

sport peppers?
celerey salt?

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ive grown out of hotdogs

>Kosher pickle spear
Do they perform a bris on it?

chicago was a mistake

wait until you see their "pizza"

>no chili
>faggoty vegetables
Yeah, I'm thinking chitown food SUCKS.

Attached: Bens-Chili-Dog_ExtraLarge1000_ID-2050815.jpg (1000x667, 110K)

>sport peppers

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I don't need 50 hotdogs for myself.

Cheese dog is the way to go like pic related but with more cheese. And it has to be cheese wiz(which isn't actually cheese) melted to lava hot.

Of course you need a quality 100% weenier nathans is pretty good. And a nice steamed bun

t. someone who isn't going to die of old age

Attached: cheese.png (904x945, 1.16M)

I wish I could have all of you lads over for a real hot dog. I get my buns and dogs at a local bakery and butcher. All handmade with the finest ingredients. And then I top it with my homemade beef chili, shredded cheese, green onion and a couple jalapenos if you're feeling like something a bit spicy.

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Based and coneypilled


sounds really good

Attached: Food_Hotdogs.png (620x2790, 2.36M)

TJ wins

>Go to European theater
>have to pay .25 euro to use bathroom

Attached: anger.jpg (640x799, 67K)

>claims to have a home theater
>doesn't serve complimentary draft chili & cheese

Attached: yes americans really.jpg (720x1280, 368K)

I lived in North Carolina for over a decade, and I'm sure I had a hot dog there. Not sure if they were ever Carolina-style, but slathering one in coleslaw sounds exactly like the state cuisine.

Thats a lot of so.y!

>go to European toilet
>pay .25 euro to enter
>line of gypsies and arabs waiting outside to occupy the toilet after you're finished

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The French hotdog is absolutely based.

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fuckin' yum

do americans really?...

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>no DC half smoke
Legitimately triggered.
