Predict box office sales

Predict box office sales

Attached: Detective-Pikachu-Movie-Poster.jpg (798x420, 29K)

$80+ million opening weekend.
$750 million worldwide total.
If it had come out a few years ago, it would’ve made more. Kids nowadays prefer shit like Fortnite.

This is being aimed at people in their 20s.

>capeshit and little kid's cartoons are driving hollywood
what is wrong with the west? is this peak decadence?

easily over a billion, boomer parent fans will take their kids to it

Pokemon go has more active users than ever and pulls in $10 million per day in micro transactions. PG rating along with the fact that chinks love Pokemon makes this a guaranteed $1.5 billion.

is anyone ready for some ryan reynolds sarcasm and somewhat annoying voice?

They’re the only things that make money anymore. Blame the audiences, they vote with their money.

$100 Billion

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It’ll cross a billion, easily. The real money is going to come from merchandise and cross-promotions, however.

It's literally going to be the highest grossing film of all time.

Fuck this nigger movie.

Around 1.3 billion

Dude, that’s no way to talk about Psyduck.

$75 million opening weekend (((reported)))

Pokémon is still one of the best selling franchises. This film is gonna make a whole lot of money


125 million, only capeshit will ever be popular, we are in a simulation and its simulating hell.

140M OW
350M DOM
1.05B WW

i never am

Too much

THE best-selling franchise.

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That doesn't necessarily translate to box office success though. Who knows if all the people who went crazy for Pokemon Go will actually watch this movie for example? Detective Pikachu is practically without precedent and it's hard to predict the box office with any kind of certainty. 700M WW is probably the floor, but who can tell how much higher it could go?

>Predict box office sales
This will easily get 1 billion. Look at the list of movies that have made a billion dollars. This easily has more potential than most of them

Nostalgia, Deadpool audiences, weebs, Pokémon Go fans, and children. It’s gonna be a smash hit

Not to mention that they're actually staying faithful to the source material (the "Detective Pikachu" game), while improving on the tone and direction in a way that still fits the nature of the story (ie taking a more noir route).

Making a billion is already a smash hit. Predicting 1.5B and above is frankly ridiculous.

weebs is an echo chamber, they're already hating on it becasue the pokemon look scary

a few millions more than deadpool but no more than 900 mill