Every taxpayer able to file a 1040 has been sent to the treasury

Every taxpayer able to file a 1040 has been sent to the treasury.

Attached: Gamling and Theoden.png (1920x804, 1.66M)

Other urls found in this thread:


What is my name, Gambling?

You are our head of household, sire.

Attached: Gambling and Theoden.png (1920x804, 1.86M)

Strangers from high income households, friends of old, you have been summoned here to answer the threat of public funding deficits. Social services and transportation stands upon the brink of destruction. The reduction of deadweight costs do not justify the lost in public services. Every taxpayer is bound to this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the tax levies, Frodo.

Attached: 190308-.jpg (2070x1380, 203K)

taxation is theft
which lotr character shares this view?


Attached: C72C78E6-0F77-453C-938C-13EE94250443.gif (499x499, 1.09M)

They're taking the hobbits to ISRengard!

Well the ents take so long to file their taxes, requesting extension after extension, that they effectively pay nothing.

>they have a cave toll

Attached: descarga.jpg (300x168, 4K)

Looks like duty free refunds are back on the menu boys

Attached: 2BFC1A37-6177-4E65-BCCE-2EDF4F2BE351.jpg (300x168, 5K)

What would the Fellowship be called?

>I come on behalf of one whom I love
>Arwen is buying

Attached: Return-of-the-King-0679.jpg (1920x791, 271K)

>who am I, Gimli?
Why did Theoden keep mistaken this clearly different character for Gimli? Was he still confused from Sauronman's magic?

Tolkien is a hack and only dicklet virgins think otherwise


Attached: 999.jpg (300x208, 10K)

Attached: BUY you fools.png (848x452, 294K)



Attached: debt.png (552x434, 154K)


>havent filed my taxes in almost 5 years
t-thanks for reminding me

The orcs

Attached: 58% germanico.png (291x277, 52K)

Audits! Four Audits, and what's more, out of the Shire-Ehs by your talk. What business brings you to Bree Holdings Inc.?

Attached: 129459fd0.jpg (601x253, 44K)

Sneed’s Feed and Seed
(Formerly Chuck’s)

Pump it up, short the stock
Crash the sector then margin call
Make it bounce and pump it high
Thats when Bilbo Baggins buys!

Attached: maxresdefault-2.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

>Many of these subprime mortgages were my assets... Adjustable rate mortgages I had issued since Thranduil and Balin. Saruman! A CFO should know better!

Attached: treebeard2.jpg (1377x583, 149K)

How did they know what a menu is?

Attached: 1522574805179[1].jpg (339x399, 49K)

It is a gift! A gift to the foes of government. Why not use this crisis? Long has my economic class shed its wealth to support your subsidies. By the income of our people are your households given rebates! Let us use this crisis to enact a fair tax policy that would respect the NAP!

Attached: boromir gift.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

i laughed way too hard at this shit im fucking retarded

Attached: 1552180743246.jpg (720x683, 294K)


>I can avoid being audited if I wish but not to pay taxes entirely, that is a rare gift

Attached: -Aragorn-inThe-Fellowship-of-the-Ring-lord-of-the-rings-2230549-960-404.jpg (960x404, 41K)

And my VAT!

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>they are not for subprime mortgage loans
>what about their capital gains, they don't need those

Attached: orc.png (594x793, 671K)

>Even the smallest claim on depreciation can change the course of future earnings.

Attached: daad6.jpg (3200x2139, 620K)

Junk Jewelry Consolidation™ LLC
A wholly owned subsidiary of the First national Bank of Rivendale

>You may triumph in the trade war for a few years, but against the power that is risen in the East, there is no victory!

Attached: pyre06-1024x425.jpg (1024x425, 69K)

>What's Taxes Precious?
>What's Taxes eh?

Attached: aif30.jpg (620x276, 27K)

You cannot wield it! None of us can! The legislative power is that of Sauron alone, it has no other master.

Attached: afotrcouncil5.jpg (432x422, 29K)



Attached: sam gamgee.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

And what would a consultant know of this matter?

Attached: boromor council.jpg (498x430, 32K)


Attached: image.jpg (592x360, 48K)

He is no mere consultant! He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your deductibles.

>It's true you don't see many dwarf stocks. And in fact, they are so alike in returns and dividends, that they are often mistaken for dwarf bonds.
>And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf stocks, and that profits just spring out of holes in the ground!

Attached: 1237156_1372109802700_full.jpg (321x157, 7K)

>This is no mere consultant! He is Aragorn, the senior vice president at BCG. You owe him your financial success.

Attached: bgc.png (549x606, 228K)

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I am no TurboTax user!

Attached: Eowyn.jpg (850x357, 49K)

>Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You've been summonered here to answer the economic threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of financial destruction. None can escape it. You will form trade blocs, or you you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the presentation, Frodo.

Attached: frodo council.jpg (1817x737, 201K)

What currency can now stand against the combined strength of BitCoin and Ripple?

Attached: Saruman_Palantir.jpg (387x244, 21K)

>still have to file my taxes
Thanks for the reminder, OP.

>these memes are too high brow for me
i hate being a retard

>No bankruptcy for Denethor and Faramir. No long, slow sleep of debt review. We shall jump, like the investors of old. Break that window.

Attached: bgc.png (558x449, 186K)

>Gondor has no board of directors. Gondor needs no board of directors.

Attached: boromir dubious.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Based Agronom Ltd.

A red sun rises...a bubble has burst this night.

Attached: legolas red sun.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

The dow 500 has been weighted, Gondor calls for quantitative easing!

Attached: 9992.png (304x201, 139K)

>Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the board, *CEO*

Attached: bgc.png (461x484, 272K)

>Instead of a Federal Reserve, you would have a free market, not Fiat, but gold-backed and stable as the dawn! vigorous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall invest and profit!

Attached: cOuP3.jpg (950x392, 49K)

>Elrond: Your coffers are empty Aragorn, you need more investors.
>Aragorn: There are none.
>Elrond:There are those who dwell in the mountains...
>*A ghastly wind blows*
>Aragorn: Low-income households...welfare recipients!.... You would call upon them to invest? They believe in nothing, they invest in no one!

Attached: tent.jpg (1375x573, 94K)



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It is my favorite meme.

Where now the bull and the buyer? Where is the flag that was forming?
Where are the sats and the gwei, and the sweet gains flowing?
Where is the rocket on the launchpad, and the bright Moon glowing?
Where is the Eth and the Link and the Bitcoin growing?
They have passed like poo in the streets, like a chink with an exitscam;
The days have gone down here on /biz/ behind the hills into eternal bear market.

Attached: What can Man do against such reckless manipulation.gif (496x209, 1.76M)

im also brainlet
i feel like i could insert financial sounding words into a LotR quote but it wouldn't make any sense

>My dear People
>My dear stockholders and employees and my dear consultants and hedge fund managers, and managers, and accountants, and advisors, and directors, and board members, market analysts, lawyers, supervisors and Chairmen.
>Chairpeople, Also my good venture capitalists that I welcome back at last to Bag End. Today is my one hundred and eleventh Bankruptcy!
>I hope you are all enjoying yourselves as much as I am. I shall not keep you long, I have called you all together for a Purpose. Indeed, for Three Purposes! First of all, to tell you that I am immensely fond of you all, and that eleventy-one bankruptcies is too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable professionals.
>I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I paid less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
>Secondly, to celebrate my bankruptcy. I should say: OUR bankruptcy. For it is, of course, also the bankruptcy of my heir and nephew, Frodo. He comes of age and into his inheritance today. Together we score one hundred and forty-four. Your numbers were chosen to fit this remarkable total: One Gross, if I may use the expression.
>Thirdly and finally, he said, I wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT. I regret to announce that — though, as I said, eleventy-one ventures is far too short a time to spend among you — this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!

Attached: bilbo.jpg (400x275, 13K)

What a great thread I am ready for tomorrow

a 15.7% trading tariff, is this all isengard can muster?

Attached: 1FF63076-52C1-4980-92DF-536CC0700837.jpg (415x233, 15K)

Why does the economy have to be so complicated.
It's literally just:
> I want thing
> Okay, I have thing

Because there are 7 billion people that all want many of the same things but in very slighty different amounts.

Attached: 1486957309893.jpg (323x241, 8K)

>They've seized our assets and frozen our accounts. We've barred the gates but cannot held them for long.. our exchange rate quakes, shorting rumors, shorting rumors in the deep...
>*Flips page*
>We cannot cash out..the Securities and Exchange Commision moves in the dark...we cannot cash out....they are coming.

Attached: gandalfo.jpg (1897x719, 159K)

>You have repossessed many assets and harassed many debtors, Theoden King, and renegotiated the loans afterwards. Can we not take council as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have a debt management plan?

Attached: saruman.jpg (640x268, 38K)


muh sides

Here you go. Start educating yourselves.

>One day our paths will lead us there, and the security guards shall take up the call "The Chief Officers of Gondor Bank & Trust have returned!"

Attached: COO and CEO.jpg (600x500, 87K)

Long Live Galadriel the Prosperous!

>and I paid less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

Attached: Aragorn.png (1440x806, 1.2M)

>I didn't think it would end this way.
>End? No, the profit doesn't end here. Bankruptcy is just another path, one that all companies must take. The grey rain-curtain of this debt rolls back, and all turns to liquid assets, and then you see it.
>What? Gandalf? See what?
>White shores, and beyond, a far mountain country under a favorable tax rate.
>Well, that isn't so bad.
>No. No, it isn't.”

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

This is my all time fave.

Attached: LoTR finance.png (1311x200, 55K)

Attached: Laughing Crying Pepe.jpg (800x679, 105K)

>Boromir: Noo..my place is here at headquarters, not in Rivendell!
>Denethor: Would you deny your own Chairman of the Board!?
>Faramir: If there's need to go Rivendell, send me in his stead.
>Denethor: You? Hah, oh I see. A chance for Faramir, branch manager of Gondor, to show his quality. I think not. I trust this merger only to your brother, the one who will not fail me.

Attached: faramir.jpg (1373x577, 177K)

>eleventy-one bankruptcies is too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable professionals
Why does this sound so horribly true.

You do not pay accountants and lawyers for their company but you can.

>If I make returns....think better of me father.

Attached: faramircaptaingondor.jpg (960x404, 70K)

>Why do the fools buy? Better to liquidate sooner than late. For liquidate we must.

Attached: bgc.png (469x482, 267K)

I only like this meme because at it's core, it's taking the shit out of GRRM

>We wants it. We needs it. Must the precioussss. They stole it from us! Sneaking little auditsesss. Wicked, trickssy, FALSSSE!
>No! Not MAFFter
>Yes, precious. False. They will cheat you, hurt you, lie.
>MAFFter's my friend.
>*tauntingly* You don't have any friends. Nobody likes YOU...
>Not listening. I'm not listening.
>You're a liar and a thief.
>*shakes head* Nope.
>*whimpering* Go away...
>Go away?! Ha-ha-ha-hahahaha!!
>*weeping* I hate you. I hate you!
>Where would you be with me? *gamble gamble* I saved us. It was ME. We survived because of ME!
>*resolutely* Not anymore.
>MAFFter looks after us now. We don't need you.
>Leave now and never come back.
>*louder* Leave now and never come back!
>We... we told him to go away! And away he goes, preciousss!
>*dancing* Gone, gone, gone! Smeagol is free!

Attached: Smeagol.jpg (1280x720, 40K)

>That will depend on the size of your returns.

Attached: bgc.png (425x456, 257K)

Taxposting is sneedposting of LOTR

Last time i payed taxes was in 2004

Attached: Marquis de Sade.jpg (450x299, 22K)

>We've paid federal, yes.
>But what about state taxes?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

He was such a great asshole character

taxpsting requires skill


Somebody give her the damned ring already

it's localized, the literal translation is "flesh held on the earth"

>Gentlemen! We do not cease until the next issuing of the budget surplus.
>But what about a bailout?
>You've already had it.
>We've had one, yes. But what about second bailout?

Attached: what about second bailout.png (614x371, 367K)

God damn it lost


They have a cave troll

>My assets are spent. My line of credit has ended. The bank of Rohan has deserted us. Mr. Theoden's betrayed me. Abandon your positions! Sell, sell for your lives!

Attached: bgc.png (576x487, 281K)

Attached: 745.png (327x316, 188K)

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Attached: LOR-tRotK-DS.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Attached: bggs.png (1399x726, 736K)

>Do you remember the trading floor, Mr. Frodo? It'll be Monday soon. And the opening bell will be struck. And the stocks will be appreciating. And they'll be selling the summer bonds in the lower markets... and buying the first of the startups with cash. Do you remember the feel of dollars?
>No, Sam. I can't recall the touch of bills... nor the sound of coins... nor the sight of profits. I'm... naked in the dark, with nothing, no veil... between me... and the wheel of bankruptcy! I can see him... with my waking eyes!
>Then let us be rid of it... once and for all! Come on, Mr. Frodo. I can't pay your debt for you... but I can lend to you!

Attached: feel.jpg (1280x720, 72K)


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>Nazgul: Give up the quitclaim deed, she-notary.
>Arwen: If you want it, bring all concerned parties to sign it!

Attached: 7e3571ee26778c34f48657bf741ebdc5.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

I love this meme so much

Is this still valid if she's only an authorized notary in Elven land?


Attached: 1507505785834.jpg (682x600, 225K)

It also helps that tolkien's writing gives leeway for changing out words while keeping the flow of dialogue working


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>tfw I just filed my taxes and have to pay 9 thousand ameribucks

Ok boys, i'm done.
Which 3rd world country should I move to?
I'm done paying for niggers gibsmedats.

Mexico doesn't seem so bad right now...

10/10 inspirational poster quote

>No parent should have to bailout their child.

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Attached: LOTR-G-FYF.jpg (960x540, 40K)

>The bonuses...they’re all gone!
>Look! Personal expenses on his company account! He took it!

Attached: 57D55B13-9EDA-44F8-9AAF-B8E95762560B.jpg (240x101, 27K)

What are you 13? Fucking cringe

>i'm looking for someone to share in a venture

Attached: bggs.png (659x497, 354K)

>I think I'm... quite ready for another venture!

Attached: bilbo6.jpg (960x404, 52K)

how did aragorn know what a tax was

user, you cannot flee from your taxes

>Boromir: What is this new devilry?
>*Ominous rumbling and chanting*
>Gandalf: A labour union.. a behemoth of the old world. This foe is beyond any of you.. run!

Attached: balrog.jpg (1909x735, 139K)

>I am a servant of the Invisible Hand, wielder of the Pump that Primes. The Sickle and Hammer will not avail you, Prole of the Internationale. Go back to Soviet Union.

Attached: YOU SHALL NOT PASS.jpg (1280x720, 36K)

Attached: 1552185419481.png (360x749, 82K)

>You cannot tax! I am a servant of the Cayman Islands, wielder of the offshore account! Your dark dividends will not avail you, auditor! Go back to the IRS!

>*knocks Denethor over*

Prepare for bankruptcy!

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

>It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of risk and loss, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the company turn a profit when so much debt had accrued? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this audit. Even a bear market must pass. A new day will come. And when the revenue shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you; that meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of declaring bankruptcy only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something. That there's some profit in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for.

Attached: Sams-Speech-750x430.jpg (750x430, 49K)
