What's your favorite movie about aliens and UFOs?

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that one with the jew getting assraped by ayy lmaos

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The VVitch

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is this one just a meme or is there truth to it?

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Under the Skin. Probably one of the best films of the last 20 years (if not more).

yea except for the #metoo ending

How? It's just showing an attempted rape, I didn't notice a narrative.

>goes in the forest
>see man
>man is a rapist
female life is war

Obligatory Incident in Lake County post. I know there are a couple versions. The final scene alone has at least two shot in different ways. Still the scariest movie for me I don't know if any other alien movie comes close but I haven't seen Communion.

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It also shows the guy earlier on in the film being considerate/gentle when he attempts to have sex with her.

Think you're clutching at straws here.

no i think we're not talking about the same guy

We were.

In I'm talking about the guy in the middle of the film who takes her into his house. I worded it poorly.

Alien Horror keeno

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came to post this

Christopher Walkens is Jewish? based Jews

This movie pissed me off by pretending to be real.

The ayy lmaos being amoral sumerians was cool but the "THIS IS REAL GUYS LOOK AT OUR NOT-FAKE ACTORS" was pathetic

should have just been straightforward with its fiction narrative

Snooze fest

I thought it was an interesting attempt to minimize the whole shaky-cam fuckery of the footage film scenes, plus documentaries with dramatic/real footage splicing do exist.

Has anyone seen the banshee chapter? that's some truly atmospheric ayylmao flick

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gave me chills

>tfw no shy ayy lmao bro

I would say hey lil fella come here and look at this and then show him Yea Forums

the Allagash Abductions episode of Unsolved Mysteries

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>Independence Day.
>Battleship (is surprisingly good).

She has a nice ass

Why do you raise that thing so high

I see its appeal but I like to hear about it

Not hers, that was an ass double

The Fourth Kind? It's a very interesting movie, to be honest. As far as movies go, with the whole "Based on a True Story" crap, this movie doesn't desperately try to sell you that crap with scares or twists. This movie just shows you a realistic Documentary of what's happening.


I really love this scene a lot.


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That scene gave me and my girlfriend full on ayy nightmares for a week after we saw it at the movies, doesn't look that amazing now after seeing that awful CGI at the beginning though but holy shit i want to be scared like that again.

Save the Green Planet

I like the part when the actors and actress getting all serious saying their real names to camera

le spooky owl faces: the movie

The hard truth is that anti-gravity technology was discovered by Nazi Germany, either through consistent research or a discovered artifact, and that technology was seized by the US and improved upon.