Honest thoughts?
Honest thoughts?
capeshit but under water, still capeshit
grow up manbaby
They have to copy Marvel to be succesful
kino, shits on all other capeshit, great fun, triggers the mouse
kino, and new favorite Patrick Wilson role
mouse on blast
marlels shaken
very nice
a fun capeshit movie that honestly did way better than anybody would of expected.
also that one take action scene near the start with nicole kidman was pure kino. wish i should see more movies do that
dc kino
marvel shit
amirite boys xD
Film : kino
CG : kino
Cast : kino
Soundtrack : kino
how did it copy marvel? you're just booty blasted your shitty brand has competition for once
Any high-quality webms of the fall of Black Manta?
It was a real blast, dumb, epic and fun.
I know it sounds memeish and it is, but thats pretty much how i feel.
It needed more Amber Heard T&A thou.
Beautiful. Both the mouse and James Cameron dislike it, because WB/DC 1 upped one of their future projects before they even started.
first iron man is okay
not as good as the solo Wonder Woman film
marvel is still better overall. sorry DCuck
Nah, this never betrayed its epic ambition for something shitty like a fight in a parking lot or a Taco Bell namedrop.
This is something Marvel simply gave up at trying, making the stakes count and stop using anti-climaxes as a punchline and a way to avoid being too comicbooky or nerdy.
b-but immigrant song
For some reason they decided to steal that plot line from How to Train Your Dragon 2 where the main character discovers his presumed dead mother living as a hermit on a prehistoric island full of dinosaur/dragon creatures. Even her outfit was kind of the same.
But yeah it was okay. Best DC movie so far. Followed by Wonder Woman.
I have watched this flick probably 10 times now and havent gotten tired of it so it must be good
jellyfish dress
Better than CM, as the Chinese have proven
pretty boring desu
the submarine falseflag was just so god damn dumb
i skipped the last 40 minutes, there was nothing that could redeem the movie at that point
Aquamang is basically what 90% of DC movies should be.
The rest should be Batman gritty edgy shit.
>movie has a few jokes
>i skipped the last 40 minutes
oh it shows
gettin' a boner, and it's not Mera...
there he is
Sure the dialogue and acting was cheesy and lame, hardly any chemistry between the two leads
But God are they nice to look at, and this movie tried original things, the action sequences were so good. It baffles me how a mediocre boring crapfest like captain marvel can have a much better RT score and box office numbers than a movie like this. Goes to show the bias these critics have.
8/10 for me, will watch again for moist amber heard
>Getting a Trench spin-off movie and not a movie about OG Atlantis.
Ok WB.
Better than every MCU movie
A fun campy movie closer to Raimi Spider-Man than anything from the MCU or DCEU. The acting from the leads wasn't great and the plot's nothing special but when it comes to visual effects and production design it was snubbed
>reddit spaced mouse appears
Pure Kino.
Had to turn it off about two thirds in, felt like watching a Hallmark movie.
that's not saying much
I would say IM1 and TWS were on par with Aquachad.
I can't believe that's the shot people use to say Ragnarok had great cinematography. He looks like hes about to fight a pile of unpainted Warhammer figures
>Hallmark movie
and how is that a bad thing?
They crammed as much stuff into this as BvS, but because they didn't try to have 5 starring roles, it actually formed a coherent plot. I legitimately had no faith that they could make a non-retarded Aquaman movie, but they did.
Also, now I kinda want to go rewatch some Stargate Atlantis...
No surprise villain so it's already better than Marvel.
Who should be Dolphin and Aquagirl in Aquaman 2?
I liked it, but some scenes were laughably bad, like the one where they hang out at the Sicilian square
>Not staying for RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE ATLANTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSS or a battle scene greater than anything in The Hobbit, and even rivals LotR battle scenes.
It was a fun movie and the water environments were nice to look at. Didn't try to be anything other than what it was.
Decent. One of the better super hero flicks I've seen. Aquaman and lead lady are both very attractive, would have sex with both. Good action sequences. Corny dialogue, corny sequences ("u kiLLed my FatHeR!!!" Type shit). Overall not bad. Definitely NOT kino though.
Finished it about 20 minutes ago. Which one of you fucking idiots was shilling this every single day? This movie is absolute fucking dogshit. >Cringe writing
>Awfully directed and edited
>No sense of urgency or emotional impact to anything in the movie
>Plotholes every 10 minutes (how does Aquaman know of and want to meet his younger brother if his mother had him and lived in exile ever after?)
>Nonsensical power ranger villain with no motive or backstory or anything resembling a character other than muh revenge
>Every single thing about Atlantis is ridiculous, which would be fine if the movie made up for it in any way by having good or even humorous writing which is the tone the movie tried and failed to go for, but instead because the movie is dogshit you notice each stupid part in more detail
>Heard and Momoa can't act to save their fucking lives, whoever thinks they can carry a movie should be put to sleep (by this movie)
>These shots of Dafoe and the worst acting teen ever put in a movie, what the fuck was this?
I get that this movie shouldn't be taken seriously and I didn't take it seriously while watching, but people who were saying this dogshit was "entertaining" are deluded. This is B-movie levels of a film even for capeshit
This needed a theme like Flash Gordon by Queen.
i actually did watch some of this part
terrible, all of it
nah it was kino
Final fight on the submarine was absolute fucking kino
You literally posted this a couple of weeks ago.
Cope harder Mcuck
Infinity War is 5 times better. Also both Deadpools and Thor Ragnarok are like 2 times better, sweetie.
and dropped
more like Infinity Snore
>how does Aquaman know of and want to meet his younger brother if his mother had him and lived in exile ever after?
turn your brain ON bro
Vulko literally mentions his brother in the scene your pic is from
>no scene where a cute but cheeky baby orca pushes aquaman into his first kiss with aqualady and winks at him afterwards
No I didnt, I still have the tab open for the movie you dickhead. Surprise surprise more than one person on this board thinks the movie is shit
>Nonsensical power ranger villain with no motive or backstory or anything resembling a character other than muh revenge
isn't the comic version of Black Manta literally the same thing though
Thoroughly enjoyable.
lol, wut?
Most of the MCU is just as braindead and boring as this so why on earth would you assume I liked one and not the other, it's all the same shit
Loved it. It's a great superhero movie.
>good adventure movie
>hot Aquaman
>hot Mera
>good feelings
>movie about love, family, friendship
>political message is ok
>Jango Fett
>awesome soundtrack
>awesome battle
>awesome cgi
>gorgeous shots like the Trench
>no more depressing edgy snyder bullshit in the writing
So yeah, I loved it. I left the cinema with a big smile on my face.
>he watched Aquaman on a streaming site
Holy fucking shit
No, you did.
>I still have the tab open for the movie
lol, is this what they teach you in the Disneyshill program?
This but unironically. Where's the scenes of Aquaman going about his daily life when he isn't fighting pirates? Where does he get his beer money? Why is Ocean Master always yelling? This movie needs an extended cut.
Eat the disc
>You have the same opinion as some other random cunt! That means you're the same person!
>No I'm not
>WRONG! I know it for a fact based on pure speculation
Sorry for not shilling this piece of garbage like the rest of you morons. I couldn't give a shit about disney's soulless wankery either, it's either one or the other with you fucking brainless apes, you're as bad as the sad cunts who console war on Yea Forums
>extended cut
It's already too long, would you really watch a 3 hours version of Aquaman?
So what happened with pic related?
Did it got uploaded to Liveleak or Pornhub?
other user here
>a theme going on through the movie that relates directly with Aquaman comics.
All bullshit aside, i think watching Disney movies fucked your brain mang.
i would watch 5 hours of Aquaman
You are way too triggered about this not to be a shill, sorry famu i guess you could watch Captain Marvel to calm you nerves now.
I heard they give you some complementary hormones with your ticket and all.
I think being a retard fucked your brain, since I was mocking you for using the term edgy.
Since when is calling out a bad movie 3 months after it's release shilling? Jesus fucking christ man read what you're typing before you post at least
In what would do you think is retarded to say that Batman movies should be edgy you retarded cuck?
The fuck is wrong with your head, you feminized failure?
Since you wasted these last few weeks shitting on it to deflect heat for your shitty marvelcuck movie of the month.
You spent the last few weeks in Aquaman threads?
I haven't seen an Aquaman thread in the last two weeks let alone bothered to click it and read any of it. You on the other hand apparently to be defending it week after week so who is the shill here you fucking idiot? For the record I won't be watching Captain Toefungus either and as I've said the marvel movies are just as shit as this so you're arguing against nothing
Visuals and color were amazing. Action was decent. Story was bloated and lackluster, but adequate. They need to slim down on the underwater factions. All the rhetoric and attacks are supposed to be against the surface, but the final battle being against another underwater faction is confusing.
>he visits and knows about the culture of Yea Forums
Mega yikes
I've seen it 2 times at the cinema, 1 download.
All the current releases look bad by comparison. My favourite capemovie in like 10 years.
Remux is the only download that will do it justice
I think i got some inferior one. Even the 1080 web-dl or whatever looked awful on my tv.
Especially the CGI. In cinemas it looked great.
It was good fun. Great to watch w/ friends & family.
the 10gb 1080p looks good enough
Okay, I had some smaller file.
I was pissed that one had AC3 when it was advertised as DD5.1
The fight scene against black manta was the most kino fight in years.
Dolphin should be in the Trench movie
I want to tie up Mera and molest her.
Fun movie that I stopped thinking about shortly after. Mera has nice tits though.
It was gr8. Loved the underwater worldbuilding with the different kingdoms and races.
The trench+karpathen horror themes were amazing.
very happy pic here
I want more of it. Gimme more Mera!
>>Awfully directed
James Wan is a real director among capeshit boys
Even by capeshit standards it was shit. No pace. no tension and predictable. Half the cast can't act and the other half seemed unusually disinterested. It was like an American movie for a Chinese audience
I like Patrick Wilson but the script was so bad that he just phoned it in.
>It was like an American movie for a Chinese audience
Thats exactly what is it, and also why it is good
This scene alone made it kino
>Its good because its shit
It's like something a bot would right
Very succinct. Trips confirm dogshit movie
>when the scene looks much better than the concept art
the Chinese have better taste than Americans at the moment
>pitbull starts playing out of nowhere
wtf. This movie was made for brown people
>shill thread
abandon ship lads
>implying that Pitbull is not /ourguy/
>Soundtrack : kino
it was a really good movie and I think the sequel should come sooner but the soundtrack wasn't that good.
i really liked amber heards costume
as a whole it wasn't amazing, but it had very high points, like the track that plays when they roll up to Atlantis
can someone post that img about the differences between snyder atlantis armor vs the new one?
btw, why the sequel appears to have a 2021 2022 date? Isn't it quite a long time?
it was great
they just didn't play it as loud as they should
>not MOMA version
Because theres a spin-off between the first and the second.
And probably because Wan wants to make another small kino before the next one.
It's what you'd expect all superhero movies to be like if you're never seen one: very colourful, loud, action-packed, and very, very dumb in an innocent, childlike way. Ideal movie to make about a useless character like Aquaman.
for me, it's Patrick Wilson
Do you think they intentionally made his CGI shittier? Like the metal chinstrap that would stretch and move with his cheeks when he talked.
All these fucking superhero films are the same, what the fuck is wrong with all of you pretending there's any difference between Marvel or DC they're both complete shit.
Fucking trash
most def. if he didn't look somewhat foolish most people would have been rooting for him the whole time instead of our beloved water boy. that's why they had him do the ridiculous yelling too
Patrick Wilson looked like Julian Sands throughout the movie and it kept throwing me off.
holy shit he did