Literally the 6th best starting in history

>literally the 6th best starting in history

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Other urls found in this thread:

Presented without comment.

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I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.

Come at me.

Attached: Batsmile.jpg (929x720, 101K)

>A-ayckshully - - only D-Disney shills ever review bombed it with 1s! They've centered a 6D chess strategy around Yea Forums!

Attached: jabba-the-hutt.webm (480x360, 842K)

Have sex.

this guy FUCKS

Jesus christ I’m so sick of your political shitfling and your box office bullshit and your double irony
Fuck you

cancerous bugman

Stay seething /pol/ subhuman

Disney’s. This is modern marketing. Enjoy more of it to come. You’ll never escape it.

>calling someone who hates /pol/itics /pol/
low iq incel

you incels aren't even trying anymore huh?

For someone who hates /pol/ you sure have no problem co-opting their insults

Why are you pretending it's not MAGA people who literally held this movie up.

Doesn't Yea Forums like alita battle angel? Also stop using sexism as a scapegoat for shit movies.

Everyone co-opts memes from all sides. Remember when /pol/ took the russian bot meme, rebranded it as a Wojak edit (how original) and called it NPC and then proceeded to get at leftists using the NPC meme against them?

It was hilarious

disney paid for shills to falseflag on Yea Forums for weeks pretending to be against the movie, then they bribed cinemas to only show captain marvel, then they purchased all the tickets online and every cinema was empty. not to mention that yes they review bombed their own movie, also bribed RT and youtube. just accept it, its the only logical explanation.

How did we go from NYPA to the media's boogeyman?

i fucking love this guy

We got after the election a shitload of /pol/turds in here that were just ripe for some good ol' outrage marketing

Remember how you liberals whined about slut-shaming for years then adopted virgin-shaming as your primary and sole insult?
Really makes me do a think

Genuine disconnect of one's perspective versus reality.

These meltdown threads are great though.

Keep on reaching. Show those mean old incels you're the best. Disney is fucked. Kek.

Virgin detected.

About having sex for the first time!

incel is not directed at virgins, just at sexually frustrated virgins that can't get laid because of their shitty, hate-filled personalities, that they choose o have by gathering on dark corners of the internet reeing at women

Even most republicans will tell that those people rightfully deserve to be mocked

Alita is a piece of culture like Dante and his Divina Commedia.

Cpt. Fungus is just another corporate saturday night filler

But wait a second weren’t you just saying that the review bombing helped market the movie?

/pol/ is always wrong

He'll just ignore it.


looks like you got btfo by /pol/

>the fatty who masturbates hourly to cartoon prepubescent children has spoken

looks like /pol got BTFO by /pol

Attached: 1552244503110.jpg (1497x1079, 475K)

Would anybody like a piece of brie?

Attached: fungus.jpg (2200x1467, 1.82M)

I'm sorry what's that? Shrek beat your cape shit? Dam you got btfo by /pol/ incels.

If China allowed /pol that foreign gross would be half.

Sorry you onions infused pickled faggots. We won.

Attached: 1551055285206.jpg (280x230, 12K)

this is the only thing incels have kek
getting deperate huh?


Hi Incel!

Attached: ncl.jpg (350x305, 74K)

>muh /pol/
>muh SJWs
>muh magatards
>muh libshits
>muh roasties
>muh incels
Who gives a shit, fuck Disney kikes

hahahha you posted it again!!!

more like >fat-ass

Attached: fatty die in shame.jpg (511x896, 88K)


How desperate are you to get a reaction out of people that you keep making the same fucking thread over and over?
When will you realize that the replies you get from this ironic shitposting don't matter because they only ever come from people who are also ironically shitposting?

Attached: incels never have a nice day.jpg (500x464, 37K)

13 tickets for captian marvel please

you virgins can return to your basements

Attached: GQz6vnK.jpg (2059x1697, 339K)

Take a hike, kike

>say movie will bomb
>it doesn't
>refuse to take the L and try to pretend it bombed when it was the 6th biggest film ever
Holy shit, the amount of cope. This is like Yea Forums saying a game that sold 5 mil copies flopped. I don't even come to this board, I just came to see the reactions you guys had at being wrong, but it seems you're just in full cope mode. I remember similar with Black Panther.

Maybe stop thinking movie goers care about your American Culture War?

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post her ass compared to Tom Holland's

>what's that, virgin? i can't hear over the screaming of the cells in your body yearning for female attention

Attached: everyday an ncel.jpg (722x349, 39K)

Are there people here actually enjoyed CM, or is it just ironic anti-/pol/ shitposting?


Attached: i love alita so much.jpg (527x578, 26K)

Have sex leftist lmao
fucking baby

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I didn't see it, but I wasn't dumb enough to think it would flop.

Come on now, it's aged to perfection!

Attached: ogres are like onions.jpg (700x700, 38K)

>these are the people calling you incels

Attached: 1513701498026.jpg (440x422, 14K)

our whole group gave captain marvel 1 star on rt! Did you do your duty tv too?

we loved the movie
thank god for the no singles policy
seeing sad lonely incels at a happy movie can be sad and lonely in the feels

Attached: DSC_1034.jpg (2048x1365, 266K)

/pol/ retards shit up these boards for almost 2 weeks with threads trying to brigade down audience scores and all around trying to kill any hype for this movie, so it's just satisfying to see them get btfo. havent seen the movie wont see the movie.

Hi Incel!

Attached: good night alt right.jpg (960x960, 84K)

Left can't meme

>own shit tons of money
>make movie
>just show your own money on your own product to fool people into watching it
>if the profit is even 1, pushing your own money each time on the film is worth it
lets be real, all we here are seeing the same guys money. it truly doesnt matter if nobody goes look at the films, we will always be seeing these numbers because its a scam. honesty doesnt align with the jew

/pol/ retards shit up every board, it's nothing new. It's all they are capable of.

That Captain Marvel lost so badly to The Fate of the Furious is the real story.

Have sex.

It's our site, tranny.


*breathes in*

Attached: 02939234.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Anyone who claimed the movie was going to flop was probably just shitposting and anyone who's bragging about the film's success is definitely just shitposting, but they all tell themselves that they're epin troles for getting a a reaction out of people who are only responding ironically. If the movie itself were remarkable in any way, people on Yea Forums might actually talk about the movie instead of just obsessing over box office numbers.
Nice digits.


Case in point.

who is this?

There's literally zero threads on /pol/ about this.
/pol/ never cared
You paid shills are fucking delusional.

>be fat
>be creepy

Attached: 1546415277ee589.jpg (1063x1080, 106K)

People aren’t mad about Brie simply because shes a woman though, they hate her because she’s an obnoxious new age feminist who freely discriminates against an entire group of people and can get away with it.

There's plenty of capeshit loving retarded manchildren here that will clap their chubby handloafs at any shit movie that has superheroes in

>/pol/ never cared

Did a MGTOW hurt you or something?
Why do you rage hard and post about them all the time?

>trusting Hollywood numbers when so many films magically don't make a profit
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

Attached: sketch-1540328431685.png (1277x1200, 1004K)

Only a man who respects women can get an American beauty like me

Attached: 1551454278845.jpg (808x964, 203K)

>There's literally zero threads on /pol/ about this.
there were /pol/ threads about this all week nonce, why are you lying?

>who is this
another qt who would turn you down you hamplanet

Attached: c820ce0eb570859df2e774452e26d3ab.jpg (1170x918, 142K)


Oh nononononohahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It’s astroturfing

Have sex


Hi Incel!

Attached: 1542104936195.jpg (1080x1080, 200K)

She must feel so empty inside

They didn't.
Check the archive. There were hardly any posts about it on /pol/


check the archive, you're literally lying

i was thinking the same about him. they could both do better

girls like right wingers though,
why do you think right wingers are outbreeding leftist beta males?

>the left was "memeing" about russian bots
holy shit were you born yesterday? also the left has no memes other than the recent "incel" and "have sex" which I admit are pretty good

I just meant because of his tiny yellow penis.

>Did a MGTOW hurt you or-

Yes! He walked into the local Whopper Fry and his incredible mass opened an Event Horizon! I nearly lost my Aryan gf!

Attached: 1542105819545.jpg (1080x1080, 77K)

Cause his dick is small right lol
Damn beat me dang it

>and "have sex" which I admit are pretty good
Shaming sexual behavior is hardly funny. It's weak mind shit from losers.

or even this
good thing an incel went his own way

Attached: 1543716569483.jpg (640x800, 130K)

/pol/ has been flooded with YANG GANG spam, not captain marvel threads, stop blaming the bogeyman you faggot

>spends every waking moment of his life literally crying about MGTOW boogeymen on Yea Forums

it really doesn't get any more pathetic than that, you're even more pathetic than MGTOWs

Attached: 1550462100719.png (738x669, 186K)

That’s Disney, /pol/ is shilling yang like others have said

Attached: vVkoPPU.gif (250x250, 992K)

OH NONONONONO HAHAHA We were told it was gonna be the biggest opening ever!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Yeah, that'd be Yang shilling Yang on /pol/.

>/pol/ retards shit up these boards for almost 2 weeks
I just checked the archive
in the past week /pol/ has made 70 threads about captain marvel
almost all of these threads have zero replies or maybe 10 replies
/pol/ is the second fastest board on Yea Forums

compare this to Yea Forums where CM threads get posted every 5 minutes

/pol/ doesn't give a shit, it's literally all in your leftist heads

It is obnoxious, simple, and gets under peoples skin. Its the best left wing spam I have ever seen considering they usually just cry about /pol/ and create "memes" that are 6 paragraphs long

Nice copeypasta.


Attached: nothing more attractive than a fat internet retard right claudia.jpg (490x735, 70K)



Attached: no bully.jpg (186x271, 6K)

Could you make it more obvious that you’re underaged?

>check the archive, you're literally lying
all just from yesterday. i could post more but i've made my point.


holy fucking shit why haven't you killed yourself yet? lmao

Attached: 1515654804726.gif (150x150, 56K)

Because The Rock is unstoppable.
Expect Hobbs & Shaw and Jumanji 3 make over a billion.

Attached: Dwayne-Rock-Johnson-fitness-muscle-866x487.jpg (866x487, 59K)

You're an incel huh

Disney shills WILL be killed.


It’s not political, this is pure corporate marketing. They don’t give a fuck

>incels are real in my mind

lol at this pre-emptive damage control after you realized you were wrong

Disney Incels have brain damage /pol/ doesn't give a shit only you give a shit about captain roastie.

Astroturf more

>the movie flopped in my mind

keeping this btfo for later

Attached: pol2.jpg (635x207, 49K)

Nobody believes you.

wait, did you niggers really think that alita was going to make more than captain marvel


not an argument

lol at this damage control after it took one search on the archive to prove you wrong

imagine spending every waking moment of your pathetic life trying to turn Yea Forums left wing and it only resulted in Yea Forums being more right wing

absolutely pathetic
have sex

actually /pol/ is the fastest board

how can polcels compete?

Attached: 1551207729333.jpg (1000x1414, 84K)

When will you fags stop believing in this retarded notion of equality?

Trying to use social pressure isn’t going to work. The truth is way easier to push.

You’re a loser working for even bigger losers.

>we beat shrek 2 in my mind

only you are dumb enough to think your post proved anything wrong

Incel filter when? This is a million times worse than soiboi ever was

have sex

Incel is convenient though, immediately flags someone as being disingenuous

you're saying this shilling is coming from /pol/ when /pol/ made 10 threads a day about it, most of which barely got any replies

meanwhile threads on Yea Forums get posted every 5 minutes


>reminder that DChads are the MAGA crowd
>not MCUcks
>stupid tranny

Attached: MoS.jpg (300x240, 13K)


kill your co-workers

how did commies become trannies counting the box office receipts of giant monopolies

what happened

Attached: Dp1xtObWwAENxyOffsfsf.jpg (1139x1200, 134K)

I actually enjoy capeshit being part of the Culture Wars, at least we have something to argue about

>Astro turf Yea Forums and blame it on /pol/
>get mad when user proves you wrong
at least when /pol/ blames jews they will post proof along with it.

But that’s the thing, it’s all farce. No one actually gives a shit.

hope the tranny who made that gets gunned down in a chicago robbery

The NPC meme wasn't re-branded from Russian bot stupidity. Holy fuck you're dumb.

i think the anti-disney shittery was posted by the /pol/ crossposting subset of Yea Forums posters, yes

TFW were not Yea Forums who will now have carol posting forever killing the board

>the only marvel film to be release concomitantly both domestically and in China
>a fuckload of pandering to idiots
>released in march aka a month with literally 0 competition
>as a pre-requisite to understand the plot of the ending of a 10-year saga
>almost the same domestic NW as fucking Thor 3
>still manages to lose to all Twilight films when counted for inflation
The absolute state of mouse shills.

If you care about capeshit you already lost

Attached: marvel fan meetup.jpg (960x718, 122K)

>i think the anti-disney shittery was posted by the /pol/ crossposting subset of Yea Forums posters, yes
>they're center right so that means they're automatically from /pol/

imagine being you


/pol/ is having a civil war over yang memes rn

Imagine being so ashamed by the failure of your brigade campaign that you try to blame it on the company you were trying to torpedo and actually expecting anyone to believe it

Leave the lady alone

Attached: 67AAA62B-6010-4203-AECE-A426FA39452D.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

>nyone who claimed the movie was going to flop was probably just shitposting

the coping itt is amazing holy fucking shit
2 months predicting that CM would fail was j-just """shitposting"""

I'm just here to cause you asshurt for shitting up /pol/ with capeshit

Attached: yang12.jpg (387x39, 3K)

Was getting BTFO part of your plan ?
fucking incels

>i think the anti-disney shittery
>anti-disney shittery
anti-disney is the default stance on Yea Forums and Yea Forums


this guy has sex

no you see the incels actually won because BLEEEEEEEERG

Have less sex

you will never pass

This guy Has sex™

It shouldn't have a Yea Forums logo.
This is supposed to be a lefty white knight.

Attached: 1552261569248.jpg (1280x720, 157K)


No, it was intentional. Yea Forums has become a pathetic white knight haven.

Ok... Im thinking hes had sex before

>66 posters
>166 posts

I wish I had billions of dollars like disney so I could shill online.

I saw Captain Marvel today and to celebrate I'm going to have sex.

Attached: 1539142782866.gif (367x219, 523K)




Attached: p90.png (644x800, 15K)

Honestly a lot of people need to hear have sex. Like discourse has gotten too far, if you are making a 2 hour Part 2 of 12 Star Wars critique maybe you should just go fucking have more sex.

People care about this stuff too much. Its just entertainment.


>captain marvel




seething /pol/tardetty detected


It doesn't matter, it's still number one.

She smiles plenty of times in the movie. She even smiles in the trailer. Pretty sad you believed the Breitbart shills telling you otherwise.

never watched the movie, but how is that a bragging right? wait until it surpasses Dark Knight, which is a literal meme of a movie in this board

seething discord tranny

wtf is he talking about

>How is being the sixth highest grossing movie in the opening in the near a century old history of cinema a bragging right?
based retard

Attached: comment_rOAiseEIedgzUKbVoz5WDSW0IY78U0fE.jpg (555x585, 37K)


Wow. Best post.

Attached: Neon+Demon+Red+Carpet+Arrivals+69th+Annual+sL5dGQtO1HGx.jpg (1024x683, 193K)

holy cope


lol the polturd incels on damage control

Attached: kennedy-kressler_270x360.jpg (270x360, 20K)

It literally all seems to be shitposting. I've seen barely any discussion about the film itself

Have sex
With my gf

check the archive, they literally don't care

>for almost 2 weeks with threads trying to brigade down audience scores
>Things that never happened
If the score was bombed it didn't come from Yea Forums or /pol/ it was Youtube. It's always been Youtube

This. Most of Captain Marvels audience was men. Nobody cared that it was starring a woman. They just wanted to see how it tied into Endgame

>a crappy movie does well at the box office
>ensuring that there will be more crappy movies
>this pleases Yea Forums
>Anno Domini 2020-1
>still falling for jew tactics to separate you from your money

Yes, yes, goy, that's it. Go see my movie because politics, not because it's a good movie. Good goy.

>thinking this feminist shit will do well in china
>thinking europeans aren't tired of capeshit's infantile garbage since a long time ago
here's the all time list:
note how only avengers 1 (ONE) is anywhere near the top and all the other capeshit has failed to make a dent. the hype is hollow. big openings, especially when they require pretending that inflation doesn't exist, mean absolutely nothing.

Attached: 1552202796791.gif (350x255, 1.78M)

it would be. if captain marvel had done that.

Nothing ironic about hating /pol/cucks
Yeah, you faggots don't post it on home board, you come raid Yea Forums instead with your garbage to try to """redpills""" us.

I can tell that you're mad

>It flopped in my mind

Funny how Disney movies all go straight to the top of the box office, yet nobody ever sees them. Its almost like Disney buys their own first weekend tickets in bulk. Watch how it drops dramatically over the next month.

Old record industry trick. Doesn't impress me one bit nor make me "seethe"

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cope and seethe

Rent free

>Nobody watches Disney movies
>But they have all this money to buy their own tickets!
What a perfect plan

Attached: 30ee3a00daf7e517e69e4e39b246da82.jpg (500x485, 37K)

Have less sex

how to tell if the imbecile is from /pol:
"Hey, check the archive."

Attached: while u were checking the archive i found a suitor who isn't insane.jpg (768x960, 42K)



Tranny NPC

Attached: IMG_4136.jpg (900x760, 80K)

I'm starting to think you shills actually don't understand how inflation works.

how will incels ever recover
you sad fucks will NEVER live this down

i dont care because one day james cameron will save us from capeshit and bad sequels/reboots/remakes

Attached: ZYet035.jpg (948x1024, 289K)

Even with inflation accounted for, it's one of the best selling Marvel movies, which has a large series of huge sellouts. Acting like a pedant isn't gonna make this any less of a smashing success, sweetie. It's just you coping with reality and embarrassing yourself.

>you faggots don't post it on home board
if /pol/ gave a shit they would be talking about it on their own board first and foremost, but they aren't.

Notice how there are ZERO /pol/ threads claiming to want to "raid" Yea Forums.

Take your medication you schizo.

terminator was proto capeshit desu

Why didn't you count inflation with Alita or Aquaman? I think you're just upset that Marvel keeps winning

Wow you're right, anyone that actually verifies retarded leftist virgin bullshit is from /pol/ lmao

Attached: ghd8e3j467fjf.jpg (2122x1039, 606K)

>it hurts less when every women is a tranny

Attached: 902934.jpg (2592x1728, 589K)

Imagine stan'ing a multi million dollar movie, from a billion dollar franchise, from a trillion dollar company that owns everything. Neoliberal bootlickers are hilarious

You're not fooling anyone, /pol/cuck. You can deflect all you want like the weaselly worm you are, but you got BTFO yet again.

"Black Panther only made money because of Infinity War!" they said. "Blacks see movies more often than women!" they said. "There's no way Captain Marvel will succeed! Women don't go see movies!" they said.

Wrong as always, incels. Wrong as always. The time of women is now. You cannot stop us. Get on the ground and start licking.

Attached: 1533691147861.png (619x1154, 484K)

Not an argument

Based and Jimpilled

What's it like having no frontal lobe? The original Terminator is nothing like today's capeshit

This guy is Chad.

That'll be a yikes from me buddy.

this movie was so bad but the fact that it totally BTFO Yea Forums and /pol/ makes it good

>still coping
are there statistical images you can fall back on to feel better about being a c.u.c.k.boy

Attached: 11849910_873741376054191_1143225156_n.jpg (1079x807, 177K)

terminator 2 has the structure, the pace, the cut of a modern capeshit, it's just better executed with a better plot and actors

I don't watch capeshit. I just get to appreciate it BTFOing /pol/tards. It's the best of both worlds.

Agreed, but you said "terminator" which the poster you're replying to thought meant the first one. The first one is a cool horror movie, not capeshit.

>reee why did normies not listen to use schizoid /pol losers why

Attached: he talks all about women but has never had a gf.jpg (1024x430, 422K)

have sex

Right wingers have more sex though.
Why do you think we are outbreeding you? lol

>no fucking argument
imagine being this fucking angry at the truth
being incredibly angry at me won't change the facts and won't result in you getting a gf incel

Attached: HS.png (1505x177, 58K)

Gosh. You’re right. A marvel movie being propped up by 20 plus movies before it and an all out marketing campaign, managing to barely out perform a movie that was based on vastly unknown source material in a genre that hasn’t been very movie friendly... is definitely a win.

I think some if not most of the activity in Alita threads right now is really shady. Posters are talking very, very differently than in any other threads and I doubt Alita brought new genuine users to this board. Aquaman seems to have been a genuine success with sexually frustrated soccermoms but they're not gonna shitpost here either so I do believe that DC also employs shills here, albeit maybe not as many as Disney.

All this plastic trash sucks. The 2010s have SUCKED for cinema. Mainstream action movies used to sit somewhere between decent entertainment and so cringe it's funny. Then Disney came and created this sanitized quip genre, and DC's tryhard edge is no better. Now what used to be normal action movies are relegated to low budget shit like Taken and its dozen straight to nobody seen it sequels. Bond was ruined by producers turning it into a Jason Bourne clone. Action is dead. Fuck you, Pajeet.

Attached: find the capeshit.png (571x969, 114K)

>leftists calling others c.u.c.k.s.
what is this meme?

the copefather

And it only took them paying off every cinema in the world to only show Captain Marvel for a week straight!

This guy fucks your gf.

have sex


>saying random irrelevant words after you got btfo in the original argument

get a load of this leftist virgin lmao

>reee muh argument
>reee i just spent two months of my fatty life posting women hate threads
>now i realize im just a fat incel loser thats out of touch reee

Attached: images (5).jpg (238x212, 7K)

have sex

post evidence of this happening in even 1 theater

left can't meme is not a meme.

Hi Incel!

Attached: Heterosexual Anal Between Straight Males.jpg (1040x584, 131K)

>>reee muh argument
Yes stupid.
You lost the argument and are now changing the subject to damage control.
Here's the real question, why are you still posting after getting btfo so hard virgin?

>>reee i just spent two months of my fatty life posting women hate threads
Leftists spent 4 fucking years shilling on Yea Forums with the same images and same filenames in an attempt to turn Yea Forums more left wing and it's only turned this board more right wing.
Imagine being this much of an absolute failure.


have sex

Attached: BB708055-D075-4036-BE8D-855E7DEE07FB.jpg (750x144, 25K)

>you lost in my mind
>it's a flop in my mind

The left can't meme.
Hi feces eating leftcel.

have sex

You lost because you couldn't refute anything I said and changed the subject.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet incel?

Attached: 1353378493388.jpg (1141x1455, 275K)

>I have never seen a vagina

Um, sorry sweaty, but that wound where your dick was isn't a vagina.

>he'll never forget his first time

pin this post mods

Attached: 1551933373304.jpg (562x467, 63K)

I mean honestly with how much we've been seeing between review sites being reworked and changed just to appease the film, hundreds of people posting empty theaters on release weekend, and the nonstop lukewarm opinions that even reviewers are giving it, this movie making over $400m doesn't really make much sense.

I'm not denying it of course, just seems strange.

Attached: 1494838189939.jpg (612x716, 313K)

Oh, they will.

/pol/tards have confirmation bias and posted everything that aligned with their beliefs while conveniently ignoring everything that didn't.

solution to the incel problem?


I bet you're the same kind of faggot that thinks even the losing team deserves a trophy. Kill yourself.

>It's only the 6th best opening ever, so it flopped in my mind

have sex.

Attached: 98765678767545.jpg (540x360, 39K)

Have sex leftcel

have sex you fucking loser
>he spends every waking moment of his life being mad at right wingers on a film board

adjusted for inflation?

The ranking on worldwide openings list doesn't mean much because most movies have staggered releases where the movie is released on different weeks for different regions. Captain Marvel opened in all regions simultaneously which will give it a higher worldwide opening.

It really, really seems like that's what's happening here. Who really cares about all these overhyped, crappy movies? There's been like 50 of them. I don't care about this propaganda. I really don't.

are you trying to fake a Yea Forums saved image?

>brother has a huge Marvel-boner and loves anything Marvel
>tells me Captain Marvel was "the weakest Marvel movie he has seen" and was overbearing at times
>tfw he tells me he is still probably going to see it a second time

Attached: IMG_4268.jpg (615x346, 38K)

The movie industry might be one of the most oversaturated entertainment mediums right now I have never seen such stagnation. Who in hollywood is causing this? They are even grabbing anime and video game properties like never before which of course turn out bad because they are not fans and only want to please investor stocks.

Compared to the movie industry the video game industry is flourishing with all sorts of high and low type entries to try out and buy or play and even the small creations gain popularity.

Why are all these Marvel movies the only thing people watch? It's so fucking cancerous.

America used to make better movies than what we make now what happened?

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I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids

All this "have sex" posting (not just here, but everywhere in the mainstream media with the full blessing of the writing and editorial staffing) is doing is educating me that the "arguing with holes" meme isn't a meme, it's actually true and that this is actually how women think when they feel threatened.

It was decent but Brie Larson had very weak acting and it really brought the movie down. But the theater I was in was nearly full and really seemed to like it.


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Violate a cunt-gut.

bad move though Batman. Scores too low get weeded out
you gotta be more subtle with a 4 or a 5

Have sex

he's right though
at least try to come up with a counter

Extremely Based and Hadsexpilled

ITT: schizoid autists and their personal relationship with virginity

It's the McDonalds effect. Shit but people for some reason keep going.

essentially the samefag who got btfo by CM making one half billion dollars


Dam u guys are sum fuckd up nerds . It just a movie lmao


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The movie itself was ok. Good, not great. But unlike all these fucking faggots here, I unironically liked Brie Larson as CM.

have sex

I just created an account so I could give it a 10/10 and keep incel trolls like you on your toes


That sign isn't completely wrong though

how cute

Attached: hqdefault (3).jpg (480x360, 16K)

Literally just have sex

If string CapMar =/= "Like"
then string Response = "Have sex";

you ok dude?

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 35K)

>Half empty theaters
Mine was full tho
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever
Yeah, now you're just being a retard.

Cool, I haven't seen it, nor do I intend to, but it's gratifying to watch Yea Forums get BTFO'd once again.

>incel trolls
Yikes. Lots to unpack here chief. Oof

This. The trailers were a lie. She showed a lot of different expressions throughout the film. At this point, it's just a meme.

>no budget

>complaining about capeshit when action films from 90s and 00s were just as cheesy and brainless



Fixed that for you virgin.

Not until the Infinity War disc is eaten first.



*Ting ting ting*

I haven't been invested in these internet shitflings, but I have something to say about this one.

There are objectively three winners in all of this.

-Disney (They got your money)
-Youtube opinion pushers like Hamburglar (They got clicks whether you like it or not)
-Internet reviewers on twitter (see above)

There's one group who neither won nor lost
-incels (Calling Captain Marvel shit costs zero dollars and maybe a minute of their time)

And there's one loser in this story
You paid twenty dollars plus concessions to see a movie that critics told you was trash to mediocre just to stick it to the previous group just because you got smacked in an internet fight.

Who is the real loser here? When I see these posts, I see the muffled seething of someone who spent actual physical money because they got fucking tilted and dabbed on a week prior.

My fucking
Ass off

Please, no, tell us how your broke ass is the 'winner' in all of this once more.

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Based quads

Literally seething. Prepare your mouth for the Aquaman disc.

>Most of Captain Marvels audience was men.
Lol true, even the press release was filled with white men.

Attached: whitemen.png (800x783, 682K)

Literally butthurt. Prepare your anus for the Infinity War disc.

Why in the fuck aren't all ticket sales reported in inflation adjusted dollars for current year? Better yet: they should be ranked by inflation adjusted dollars / number screens shown. Any other metric is incredibly deceptive.

Is this because (((they))) want to inflate their success?

>the absolute cope
now we pretend polcels never cared
alitafats on suicide watch

>twenty dollars

....the fuck kind of cinema you go to? Even if its a weekend showing I pay $13 tops.

t. francis ford cope-ala

>still seething this hard

Aquaman is the only DCEU film to reach a billion, but the MCU has 6, and soon, will have 7 with Captain Marvel.

If you're going to get a Marvelchad to eat the disc, you better ready your mouth and anus for Justice League, Batman v Superman, Steel (with Shaq), Superman 4, Batman & Robin AND Catwoman. And soon, Aquaman

Based. But also FUCK NIGGERS

I snuck in loser. didn't pay a cent.

the neohags at that table are prolly getting some though

>b-but muh insiders

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Thanks for all posting in this thread. I get to see all the butthurt contained in one location. Never cared about the movie, still don’t, but it’s satisfying as fuck to see fools’ efforts fail.