Not even a big Kevin Smith but this new cast has got me interested

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Who's that ugly jewess on the right?

Wow, saggy AND small? What a fucking titty failure.

Have sex

I thought the arab girl was holding a large curved knife

Kek, thats his daughter

Have suicide tranny

she's not?

not sure if I pass yet

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is it not?

Since I watched Tusk I got a huge crush on HQ. So bad that everytime I see her I get tears in my eyes from the thought I'll never be with her. It sucks.

those "tits" are the saddest excuse for a chest I've ever seen, and I've seen Maggie Gyllenhaal's tits


finna be slaw: the movie

Kevin Smiths career is a sad one. Clerks was generally brilliant and stuff like Dogma and Chasing Amy were interesting enough. However he hasn't seemed to care about the actual craft of making movies for like 15 years.

I bet he allowed his retarded PC daughter to cast the girl gang.
>towel head
>she's the only white one
Just nuke the world, senpai

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Kevin Smith needs to stop casting his ugly ass daughter in everything

she needs to get work somehow. Can't get a paycheck from advocating for animal rights on instagram

i use to watch kevin smith movies with my brother when we were younger. He was really into movies and is a camera man and was like into that whole 90's indie film movement thing.

Around when smith made cop out, it was like a wave of "oh, yeah, he does suck" just over came me, and i was out

Mournful. She has mournful tits. They’re like two suicide notes stuffed in a glitter bra.

it's called an incest fetish, let the man live

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Those are fucking mud flaps, not tits.

Jesus, it's the female diversity squad..lmao

He should just retire a second time and just live in the podcast room and talk hollywood. It's max comfy. He still does talks but it's either hollywood babylon where he just has high giggles in between Garmin's shit impressions or his youtube shill shows.

I hate that stupid fucking face he makes in every fucking picture. I can't wait to pirate this movie and see how unfunny and diversified it is. His cancerous daughter warped his mind
>posting pictures of himself crying on instagram
his daughter tells him this is okay for a grown man to do
>inb4 toxic masculinity
fuck you too

why does she look like she's the blond guy's daughter?

What an ugly cunt , the girl too

his new face is worse

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You got that Roberta Z'dar look.

Red State was unironically kino.

She is. Looks like a jambiya.

looks like Sikh cultural appreciation to me

The raghead one is going to be named Jihad in the movie. Smith said hes purposefully poking fun at forced diversity in modern film.

classic white trash pre-pancakes
check out tonya harding sex tape for pics