/comfy/ SUPERNATURAL thread

next episode's promo
looks like another travelling back from time episode?
anyways, only 6 episodes left this season and with Michael gone and Jack being "me" again, how do you think the plot will go on from here?

welcome ITT:
>deAN memes
>reasonable amyposting
>season 14 discussion
>discussing other seasons
>waifu & best girl discussion
>buffy and angel, also x files if anyone has seen it (and similar genre shows)
>thread blessings for double digit purposes
>comfy things
>supernatural apus

not welcome ITT
>bitching about bumps and thread dying
>destiel worshiping

previous thread from which I copied the OP's post (it's also made by me so it's allowed)

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here's to hoping the thread wll have many dubs, trips, quads and so on.

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>dean I need to check the lore

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also thread regulars, come out of your respective caves and holes

>all connors
>that user who has a gf
>that user who is getting married
>original webm user
>hunanon from budapest
>that other bong user

it's late in yurope, but prime time for burgerland anons to join at least

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gonna continue buffy s03 and post progress here

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>>hunanon from budapest
Thank you for remembering me. Did you know I'm also the Joposter?

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>the lore is pretty clear

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I assumed everyone does jo and amyposting not only 1 user

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LOL This show is still on?

The plot got convoluted seventeen seasons ago

Yeah but I am THE Joposter.

I'm curious, what other boards do you guys visit and what are your go to comfy threads there? For me the comfiest generals are /csg/ on /g/ and /homegrowmen/ on /out/.

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supernatural threads are basically the only threads I visit in this site

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You should branch out more, user. Even thought the vast majority of content on this site is useless garbage, there are a few hidden gems here and there.

I have to wake up at around 5:40 because I have to catch a train in the morning, so I'm going to sleep in a few minutes. (But first I have to brush my teeth.)

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cordelia is still best character

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Hello boys. Just started season 11

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90s fashion is so weird
also, season 3 is so gloomy and depressing compared to pre-losing virginity buffy episodes

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noice, season 11 is the first kino since season 5. episodes 9 & 10 of that season are the highpoint

Why is film so much better aesthetically?

I don't think I could get into that show now. I graduated high school literally 10 years ago. This high school drama shit is way behind me, it would just annoy me. Same thing happened with Teen Wolf which I did get into but I dropped it in season 3 or 4 because it was too cringy and unrelatable for me.

Kind of pissed Dean killed Death for literally no reason but they pulled a pretty nice ace out of their ass with the mark being a lock for this Darkness who I'm now recognising as Amara from the threads. It's been a bit aimless, if comfy, lately so I'm glad to hear it's supposed to pick up.
Still freaked out by Rowena's accent, I feel like I know her personally. And I'm glad they killed of Charlie.

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No gets? We can't have that.
Blessing this thread

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buffy is waifu material, only now noticing

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It's hard to imagine that the Riverdale will have two spinoffs and Arrow has had twenty but Supernatural can't have one even after it's been on air since the 80s.

>Why is film so much better aesthetically?
what do you mean user? buffy is a tv series

He means the analog camera recording on a tape as opposed to the digital camera recording literal 1s and 0s.

Shot on film. I don't mean it's a literal film, I mean film looks better than digital which is why the early seasons look good and the later ones look weird. Same deal with SPN

>And I'm glad they killed of Charlie.

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got it

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They burned her body. She's not coming back. Tell me what's dead stays dead.

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>'fan favourite' coming back
>camel on-set with rowena and jodie recently
no please

lol wtf was that

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No. She's dead, I saw her body burn.

user, I....

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>tfw never get remembered

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it's ok user, you can be the user who wont be remembered

>reasonable amyposting
What's reasonable and what's unreasonable?

Is this show worth it?

Please no incel memes i'm over 6'0 and i got a girlfriend

I hope angel stops being like this soon
he was best character with cordelia, I dont want him ruined

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kek what? how do you associate supernatural with incels? usually people think it's the femcels who watch it because they are the one who go to the conventions

unreasonable is 5+ amyposts in a row with little breathing air for other posts
everything else is acceptable and favoured amyposting

camel being on set could be that the other world charlie is returning, because she hasn't left yet because sam was all like
>noo you are literally our sister you are 2 cool 2 leave xoxo

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>donna jodie and rowena will never bed you while you cuck charlie in the corner.

>anons go nuts having an amy party one night
>i miss it
>new rules
>i'll never get a chance to take part in a SPN amy party now
feels bad

Is that actually Donna on the right? Damn she cleans up nice

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Donna makes my dick VERY LARGE and VERY HARD

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Hey I have that mug.

ok lol

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On inspection it's actually a different but similar mug

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Other Amyposter lurker here

Anons, the thing about posting Amy, is that when it happens, it happens usually as a conversation. I have it by general rule to never spam, so I reply instead.
And as you may have noticed, user...The thread usually goes on once the party ends.

Anyway, not much to say right now, I've just been lurking tonight.
Think I said it on last thread. Gorgon episode wasn't that terrible after all etc etc...

Seems like next episode is filler though.
That's alright too btw... fillers can be comfy.

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did not expect that

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always good to see lurkanons posting, I wonder how many anons read these threads but never post? because there are usually only 15-25 posters, depending on the day

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>There will now be an amypost exactly every fifth post.
OP didn't think that one through

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>tfw I'm FOUR of these

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I didn't watch Ourobourus

was it... good?


it was retarded. michael is dead and jack is now "me" again. all problems solved. the coffin storyline was useless. deAN is saved. All the randos from apocalypse world got killed so need to tie up that plot line. all is fucking fine. time to bring back lucy!!!11!

I'm just seething so hard over that episode

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you're retarded if you think Supernatural cleanly wraps up before the last 3 episodes. Something much worse is obviously going to happen

which Amyposter is currently in season 12?

>Season 10 Episode 4
>Title: Baby
Is this the kino episode I was promised?

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baby is season 11 episode 4 and its top 10 best episodes supernatural has done

Jesus Christ this show is still going

cordelia deserved it more lets be honest she has much better tits although buffy is a cute

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Typo, I meant 11. Looks like kino is back on the menu, boys

That's me

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she was great on Angel

yes and it will go on forever. future technologies dont need real human actors anymore, the digital versions of sam and dean are just as real as jensen and jared

I was into her from the moment of that scene where Xander demands his stupid necklace back and she pretends she had it thrown into her locker but it turns out she was wearing it the whole time

another soul to fuel our thread and show
are you completely dropping the show or just taking a break?
yea a lot of characters develop a lot in the spinoff

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What the fuck is his problem?

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Just taking a break, don't worry. Just got distracted by something else

cool, i hope to see you back in our threads soon. here's your reward

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He'll be back. They always are.

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>don't think I could get into that show now. I graduated high school literally 10 years ago
I watched Buffy when I was 21 and it wasn't that bad. I found it interesting to note however that most fans who watched it while airing tended to love the younger seasons more than the college and post college seasons, whereas I enjoyed the post college seasons right away. I only checked it because I was waiting for Supernatural 8 to start, and I read an interview that Kripke and Singer liked Buffy

I'm always in the threads anyway user, lel
I always have been. I'm just not amyposting the entire time

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oh no I meant to say I look forward to your ongoing commentary while watching

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well i'm not really one to give a play by play anyway, mostly i just say "I liked this season" or "I didn't like this season", so don't expect any in depth reviews of episodes or anything

>so don't expect any in depth reviews of episodes or anything
Cool idea. But here's my counter.

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More like reddit nigger general

No that would be the other +10 captain fungal threads on the catalog

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Did she poopoo in the bathwater?


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someones getting married? when did that happen?

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it was a good scene despite the fact it makes amyposters seethe . I miss the horror elements in supernatural

That's standard shit when any big movie comes out."comfy" threads are made by sneed nigger tourists.

It doesn't make me seethe, just the other Amyposter. I miss when the show was mildly scary too
plus she was just fine at the end anyway so it doesnt matter

let all the salty seasonlets in, we ned their souls for fuel

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Bob Seger is insta kino for Supernatural

Yeah, not seething either.
But Amy is not for lewds and that scene is too violent, when she deserves hugs and kisses instead.

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Was it kino?

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I just started season 3. So saw this episode not too long ago. Good show.

Well that was absolute kino. I feel like I need to look through some old photo albums or something.
It does feel like a logical stopping point for tonight though. If the thread's still up in six hours I'll rejoin, otherwise, see you next time, boys

I thought it was. I haven't seen the last 4 episodes because I won't have anything else to watch if I finish it all up

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op here, going to sleep, will read the thread when i wake up

>He's still to see it for the first time
Season 3 is a good one, user. Despite the writer's strike it really holds up. You've got Bela, Prime Ruby, and Jus in Belo to look forward to and that's just this season.
Enjoy it.

Shut the fuck up faggot

no u

ya i joined the party late but I gotta sleep too. damn DST fucked up my sleep last night

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>Enjoy it.
Thanks. I am so far. Arrow got boring, so I figured try this show. Also started watching 4400.

>No destiel worshiping
I'll do what I want, user.

Well they also said a fan favorite was going to die too.

Im liking Supernatural right now but I don’t mind season 15 being the last

Dean is the biological father of Ben.

Here's to hoping the 666 post will be in this thread.

C'mon 666

;_; missed it

Reminder that Rowena is the hottest waifu on the show. Everyone else is objectively wrong.

facebook scum

juvenile newfaggot

Have sex.

Rude. And the irony is I don't do Facebook. Yea Forums is my only social media.

Just 4 years ago you would never see shit like that on here. You sneed niggers ruined Yea Forums

If all anons here formed a hunting party, how many seconds before we all die a horrible death during a gig?

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go back

dishonest faggot, you definitely came from reddit.

That would be a needlessly large hunting party

Manly tears been around for years, summerchild.

zoomer scum can't defend being the nigger of generations


>Manly tears
has nothing to do with those sms faces the kids post on here these days.

You're the child, little girl.

With trolls like this user itt, I'm leaving.

you sound like a reylo

>Catching up with Supernatural
>On season 14
>Episode 9 ends with Dean possessed by Michael snapping his fingers.
>Episode 10 ends with death revealing to Dean that all possible futures of his death all ends the same with him being killed by Michael and Michael destroying the universe
>except one
This show has gone on for so long that the writers are getting their ideas from capeshit.

what are you gonna do, stop watching?

Death dying makes me sad, it had a based actor


Perfect casting, guy played big dick energy so well that you really believed he was a cosmic tier entity that the toughest players in the game didn't hold a candle to and he did it while eating pork scratchings. Felt like such a slap in the face that anything could kill him, let alone him being sucker punched the way he was.

>I have to wake up at around 5:40
And the thread is still up, nice job, everyone.

He's not dead he's just on vacation, and no one will ever convince me otherwise

It would be pretty funny if he just got pissed off by Dean pulling another fast one that he pulled a God and fucked off and let his kids deal with the mess.

yea, he's basically like, oh your really doing that? well fuck you, fuck this I'm out