Prove you mastered your emotions and beat me in a fair fight

>Prove you mastered your emotions and beat me in a fair fight

Am I really supposed to root for this insufferable cunt?

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Other urls found in this thread:

its fucking pogchamp dude imagine how easily she will kill thanos it will be so pogchamp dude

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

Attached: original_result (40).png (512x512, 241K)

Imagine getting btfod by captain fungus in less than 3 days
why are incels so pathetic?

>Yea Forums complains when a tiny woman beats a much bigger and stronger man in hand to hand combat
>Yea Forums complains when a movie shows that a woman can't beat a man his way so she has to do quick thinking and use other advantages to stop him
Of all the things to be angry about with this movie this isn't one of them.

I don't see the problem. Jude Law's character was an idiot, trying to create a pointless, cliche last battle when the film was almost near the end. I'm glad she shot magic laser stuff at him.

It's ok when it's ayy lmao women.

Captain Marvel is a literal child throwing a tantrum because she got beaten and isn't mature enough to handle loss she throws her toys (photon blasts) out of the pram. That's not "fighting the patriarchy" that's being a little faggot.

>whole internet is talking about Cpt Marvel and how mediocre it is
>meanwhile I watched the awesome french adaptation of City Hunter with gf

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have sex

What does having a gf feel like?

>trying to create a pointless, cliche last battle
Trying to finish teaching her what he was at the start of the movie is cliche?

They turned important charater development into a slapstick joke, made a mockery of the villain for nothing more than a cheap "you go girl!" moment and cemented Brie Larsson as the most unlikeable cunt ever to grace a Marvel movie screen.

What an amazing reach.

I don't get why he thought he could take her anyway

There was no character development to be had, it was a dumb superhero film. All villains are mocked in Marvel films anyway, that's why there's so many quips.

What a waste of Jude Law

>Trying to finish teaching her what he was at the start of the movie is cliche?
Yes, that actually is a huge cliche.

>She comes off as barely tolerating everyone.
>Snarks at damn near everyone.
>Shoots thing to prove things.
>Let's Fury do his spy shit just to shoot lasers all over it.
>Kills her starforce buddies with no remorse and cracking jokes.
>Cheats in an honor fight.
wew, what a hero.

Jude Law's character was the one responsible for most of the bad shit Carol went through. If your parents were murdered and you found the killer, you wouldn't give it an honorable duel, you'd knife him

Captain Marvel's action are justified and you just got supremely blown the fuck out by the 6th biggest weekend opening ever

Stay seething incel :^)

Translate this nigger talk

Peter Quill developed as a character, Tony Stark developed as a character, Steve Rogers developed as a character.

They all mocked their villains but they never made them an absolute joke who was 0 threat to anyone.

I know you're too young to remember the second Indiana Jones movie, but you might want to give it a look before you squeeze out this particular shitpost again.


>Steve Rogers developed as a character.
What, in the First Avenger? No he didn't

>Jude Law's character was the one responsible for most of the bad shit Carol went through
You fucking what?

>Saved her from being disected on a US Army operating table
>Gave her a transfusion of his own Kree blood to make her one of them
>Personally taught her everything she knew after losing her memory, including how to fight
>Genuinely cared for her
But he's irredeemably evil for fighting against a bunch of backwoods retards standing in the way of a unified empire? Fuck off.

Pogchamp, from the twitch :pogchamp:
Means "awesome", "surprising"

It was in Raiders not Temple

>I know you're too young to remember the second Indiana Jones movie
It was 1 mini boss at the start of the movie moron, not the main villain

>people who didn't see the Indiana Jones moment coming
How does it feel to be 8 years old?
Sure but just to be clear for anyone who hasn't seen the film: she doesn't kill him. She just sends him back to the Kree planet empty-handed, somehow using her power to kickstart his ship. It wouldn't have made sense to kill him off.

>a british actor playing the bad guy

I miss those days, I'm glad capeshit has been bringing it back recently.

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Instead of a cool fight scene we get Carol easily overcoming the bad guy.

Young girls don't need hard work or discipline. If they follow their gut they will bestowed with superpowers that let them energy blast their way out of any and every difficult situation.

he literally didnt move an inch from when he was a skinny manlet, zero development, none to be detected, nein, not, nada

I could see a man doing that with him too desu

Like having a leech on your wallet

And Lee Pace

>le Indiana Jones moment
Why didn’t he shoot Hitler?

The guy looks like a younger Deniro

Neck yourself tranny

>girl wins through the power of an emotional outburst
Feminists applaud.

Have sex weeb

How many times the hero has chose to fight the villain fairly, leading to an entertaining last fight. I can think of many examples to the point that it's, of course, a known trope. But one example of such a moment is in the Winter Soldier, where none other than Captain America decides to give that french guy a fair fight. Does Captain Marvel lacks such honor? Do women inherently lack that kind of warrior codes? Is it possible for them to even understand the reasoning behind it?

She may have given him a fate worse than death. What do you think would happen when he returns home, tells the supreme intelligence that he failed his mission, let the skrulls escape, “Vers” has become godlike and is capable of destroying an entire space armada and now seeks revenge? He would probably be killed or worse yet they go after his family and friends as punishment. So what captain marvel did was not merciful at all.

tbqh I think she was in the right
the kree were the bad guys and she was fighting to stop their attack, not to prove herself to him
would a cop not arrest a thief who challenges him to a fistfight because "honor" or something?

I didn't get that impression of the Kree. They kept it pretty vague DESU. You can be a white guy and a Kree, blue, brown, etc... even a purple guy with a hammer. Maybe some of them were cruel like that, but surely not all of them.

get better gf's

>Supporting movies you hate so you can meme on Yea Forums
Root for a bullet if you payed money to see this. Fucking memeing faggots.

> Natasha has to work hard to punch way above her weight.
> Wanda tries hard but always fails.

> Carol easily wins with little effort.

I love the message this sends to little girls; hard work doesn't pay off and if you are not given the means you are fucked.

>Tried to kill her
>Erased her memories
>Murdered her mentor
>Lied to her for years
>Only wanted her around for her power
Great stand up guy

If you're emotionally invested in capeshit, the best you can hope for is a hubris arc and fall.

cope by having sex

>all this damage control over a "vocal minority"
Why all the effort?

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but she wasn't beaten and she didn't throw a tantrum. She evaluated and acknowledged her flaws as a thinking being are countered by the resilience of her humanity, which gave her the mental and physical courage to fight back and btfo the supreme intelligence. She had been brainwashed by the Kree, who only know victory and domination, and probably seldom have to deal with loss or defeat. Her humanity gave her the courage, and thus she didn't have shit left to prove.

Peter Quill danced at Ronan at the moment the universe could explode.

Wait so the kree aren't all superpowerful like Captain Marvel? Where do her powers come from then?

>has amnesia from brain torture
>wants to know who she truly is
>"you were already a stunning and brave hero, you see"
>"that's great! i don't have to learn any lessons! i was already perfect"
>zero character development
audience can't connect with shit like that

Women will never understand Honor. It’s a concept they CAN’T understand. Thats why we have these threads about movies women will never understand. Every movie about Honor and Brotherly code is something women just can’t grasp. They hate their best friends when they look better than them or wear the same clothes. Bro’s before ho’s always

This, so much this.

He was trying to control her, not teach her
As much as I don't like this movie, your argument doesn't hold up

The Chad Nicky Larson vs the Virgin Brie Larson

No. They have high endurance and strength and healing powers, but certain ones just got extraordinary powers through whatever. Mar-Vell got his through a Kree minister. In the comics, he's fighting Yon Rog who set up a Psyche Magnitron (basically a wish machine) that can bestow super abilities on mortals. During the fight, the machine was compromised and Carol (being carried to safety by Mar-Vell) attained Mar-Vell's powers from the blast.

In the movie, it's similar, but the machine that explodes harnesses the power of the Space Stone (tesseract) and she gets powers from that. Yon Rogg infuses her DNA with Kree blood to keep up the illusion that she's a born Kree so he and some other fanatics can use her as a personal weapon.

explain why carol needs to respect yonn rogg in any way and why she should give a shit about his approval.

That's an awful backstory for the movie. The comic you get what you pay for, but the movie one is just lazy and confusing writing.

So how come she gained the power instead of dying? Isn’t she human? Or is it because she’s a chosen one like hulk and CA?


For a vast majority of women that is 100% true though. Unless they are born good looking no amount of hard work really changes how their life will turn out.

Not saying it's morally right or wrong, it's just a fact of life.

While uncommon, that is actually something that happens. If you're a beat cop you have a rep to maintain the same as the rest of the thugs. People will remember if you gave the kid a chance or just tazed him.

is the leech at least cute?

I was kind of disappointed as well. But "muh stones" need to be brought into the MCU timeline, so I get it. I can live with it. Just wish we had gotten more of her relationship with Mar-Vell.
In which? In the comics in that moment she wished she was stronger because she wanted to help save Mar-Vell, and the Psyche Magnitron picked up on that wish and thus transfused MV's powers to her. In the movie, who fuckin knows. We've seen the stones do some crazy shit. Right place, right time I guess.

That's actually a huge plot point in End Of Watch

/r/ing the video of that beat cop beating the shit out of this scumbag and when his buddy cop starts reading him his rights he tells him it's ok and to let him go.

did carol ever disprove yonn rogg's point on needing to quell one's emotions to be a good soldier? i don't think she actually addressed yonn rogg's premise, she just kinda blasted him with raw strength. perhaps the filmmakers didn't think that yonn rogg's premise even needed to be addressed but i don't know if i'm legitimately missing a point in which the movie emphatically stated 'my emotions are my power.' maybe the scene against the supreme intelligence.

Translate this flyover state tongue

Fuck off. Not giving the bad guy what they want and fighting "honorably" or whatever is for queers. Plenty to complain about in the movie but quickly snuffing out some nerd that wants a drawn out battle to prove who is the best is patrician. I like her because of this alone.

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So you're saying.. This is a movie MEN WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND?

It is a fair fight, I'm no longer being limited by this lying villain.

Maybe if it didn't come after a montage of CM effortlessly blasting through every obstacle in her path. The finale was the most boring part of the movie, honestly.

im sure most men understand just fine how crazy self-absorbed and narcissistic women are bro

Why would i honor fight someone who had lied and limited my powers.

I've always wanted a Marvel character to go Super Saiyan

You don't know what character devlopment entails, right?

He's a white CIS man. The personification of evil.

Attached: CM saves the MCU from the white man.webm (700x290, 1.91M)

Like warm pillowy mounds of mashed po-ta-toes drenched in gravy

At least Goku trained or whatever. The only thing holding CM back was a tiny chip in her head.

>Stay seething incel :^)
you need to workout your bait-fu
2/10 make me reply

literally most MCU villains
but THIS TIME its because muh feminizms!

>Am I really supposed to root for this insufferable cunt?
No, you weren't supposed to watch this garbage at all.

Surprised this wasn’t played

Oh is 6th winning now? I don't know I still feel like it did pretty bad at 6th.

No, it's for Chads. Fighting and utterly destroying an enemy on their own terms is the most alpha thing possible, while only weak betas with no confidence in themselves try to get a cheap win. Of course, I doubt a tranny can understand.

Look at that ESL.

Sandy coins and bags of sour milk

>stand for something, even if it you don't """character development"""
America doesn't deserve such a hero.

The Kree are cold, inhuman warriors. They tell Vers she must put aside her emotions, a weakness, to be the best version of herself she can be. It is by rejecting this and embracing her humanity, which the Kree cite as weakness, that she manages to overcome the Supreme Intelligence in the mental plane.
>maybe the scene against the supreme intelligence.

Ive been shitting on her the whole time and i just find out she was the ex gf from the scott pilgrim movies. Fuck man why did it turn out like this, why are my boomer days so grim

Heroism is an innately masculine trait. Women don't understand the concept of heroism or being heroic, because they simply aren't neurologically hardwired to.

In nature, women gain nothing form being heroic as their priority lays in giving birth and looking after children, whereas men require heroism in order to fulfil their duties in taking risks, encountering danger and protecting the household.

The suggestion of a female hero, is a contradiction in of itself.

fuck off with your faggot speak

So I didn’t like the movie but with all the ironic shit posting and the box office umbers it looks like I’m in the minority. So... I guess we're all cool with her one punching Thanos? I know these are kids movies but it seems like everyone is hyped to see her in the next movie.

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>one punching thanos
>source: uranus

Dude she’s more powerful than Thor and he almost killed Thanos

Why did Jude Law agree to this shitshow

Thor got his ass beat without a weapon
So sounds like she's going to get her ass beat too

it's like having a child except you can't have sex with it whenever you want

Dood did anyone else notice the star wars music during the space battles? Anyways brie larson is hot I would wife her

sex is safu

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>she absolutely curbstomps the bad guys at the climax with no sense of tension whatsoever
Apparently it's bad when Superman did it in Justass League but good and empowering here.

Like bags of sand

Which makes sense because throughout history heroes never rise to a challenge and prove themselves they just say they're solid and one-shot all remaining problems without a scratch.

>fighting and utterly destroying an enemy on their own terms is the most alpha thing possible
Said no winning side.

god this looks like absolute trash

imagine being so much of a pleb to lick this pandering shit up

the superhero fad needs to die along with their fans

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Imagine an argument that is comprised completely of trite platitudes and appeals to emotion

i did today. still think the movie was bush league

Kill yourself you insufferable underage fag

Is that Jude fucking Law?

Yea Forums is absolutely obsessed with this movie.

These underages

Kek wtf is that stroll of hers? I already knew she couldn't run at least somewhat athletically but turns out she can't even walk like a normal person. Or was it supposed to be "acting smug"?

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You never had a girlfriend you lying shits

I've had a gf for 2 weeks. It sucked

You probably are awful with women

just how new are you?

This just shows what a women will do if she has more power than a man.

You don't.

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just started browsing in 2007, sorry.

why does every zoomer say this? why do continue to embarrass yourselves?

Yot, stop posting.

>Pragmatism is bad
This is war, pansies.

it's worse than anyone imagined, spoilers

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grand finale

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who said that retard?

>gets knocked the fuck out
Fuck anyone who hates this.

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>it's bad when Superman did it
It's bad when his upper lip looks like shit.

>strong womyn needs invincible powers to fight a man
What a pathetic character.
Fuck off back to /com/mblur subhuman fag.

lmao, I bet you got bullied a lot.

She doesn't NEED to fight him. He's trying to bait her and she doesn't fall for it. She finishes the fight because she's done. She destroyed all the bombs and the ship and getting into a punching match with a man that's been controlling and lying to her this whole time in order to use her as a genocidal weapon isn't worth her time in a "fair fight."

>reee don’t make fun of fictional women
I be you think white knighting will get you pussy, it won’t nigger.

Says the fag crying for the loser on the ground.

uncle phil, snap out of it, man

>isn’t worth her time
Women don’t get to decide wha this or isn’t worth their time. >>

Tsk tsk, silly fat feminist. How's that Alita Challenge, sis?

>Like a mix between a Dykekyke video

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Triggers me good. Nice bait

Except she did. She vastly outpowers him, all he had over her was 6 years of brainwashing that she wasn't falling for anymore. She had 0 reason to engage him any further.

>virgin shaming
Shutting on white knighting fags isn’t virgin shaming, shutting on those fags is a time honored tradition. As always women misinterpret simple jokes and are late to the punch.

She already 1 v 1'd him in the space station.
If he tried to fight her with his pistol and'd just blast two holes in him immediately anyway.
So then what, they just fight hand to hand with no powers and he tries to cheat with a knife and then she breaks his wrist?
Or she just beats him into the dirt anyway?
The Indiana Jones thing was fine.

Take black pill. Ugly women can still find love and compassion; most men are left to rot if they don't have money.

you're a fucking genius aren't you

He's the kind of guy who gets upset when someone bodies him in a video game and starts screaming about OP weapons or combos



Don’t worry user I laughed at your satire



>jude law
>full of expression, can tell the type of emotions he's conveying and what kind of dialogue he's liking giving just by looking at him. Subtitles really aren't needed to know what he's getting at.

>just sits there entirely expressionless for the entire exchange. The fact that the camera keeps switching between them is almost pointless since it's not contributing anything to the scene. She is entirely a blank slate.

That's not interesting story telling. Why would you want to watch a story where the main character doesn't seem to have any personal stakes or interest in what's going on? I want to see a character go through hardship and grow. Or at least something. I can't tell what she's thinking. Forget genders, how am I supposed to identify with her as a human being?

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>Indy shoots the swordsman when tired of all the shit going on

Wow look what a WHITE MAN will do

Good point


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(((Jude))) law

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids.

>YouTube changes algorithm
what algorithm did they change?

She proved she mastered her emotions by not falling for his goading.

congrats, its even worse than nigshit

I hate this movie so much I'm giving away cam rips at McDonalds

then he’d be just as bad as Hitler

One of their tricks now is they call up universities who usually have something like a student recreation department.
They get the department to buy a bog roll of tickets and offer the students "free tickets."
So, the commons of the university, funded by students and the government, buys all these tickets that may end up unclaimed by anyone.

It was theorized by some that certain comic books were being made to actually cater to school librarians because the librarians would be in the position to order the books for their schools.

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Why wasn't he blue?

Some Kree are white, or rather pink. He’s not blue in the comics, either.

All kree aren't blue. Korath and Mar-Vell weren't blue either

>comic books were being made to actually cater to school librarians because the librarians would be in the position to order the books for their schools.

So literally the case from Simpsons where Milhouse was sold really crap nerd comics while running comic book store because they appealed to him?

yall in here crying about a movie for girls. come on

I only dimly recall that but I think so, yeah.

How big is Jude Law's part in it?

I was 100% not gonna see it but he's based, so might pirate it when its done.

Unless you grab Brie's ass. Then you're just rubbing an ironing board.

How does "power from the space stone" translate to anything besides space warping and teleportation? Did they at least try to make out that it was opening a portal to some external power source like a star or something? That at least would be a nod to the powers she got when she became Binary.

Also, did they do anything interesting with the Kree's internal blue/pink racial dynamic?

>"fight me hand-to-hand when you know you're not going to win"
That's your end fight, fellas

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Have sex.

>Dude she’s more powerful than Thor and he almost killed Thanos
Who said that? WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?!


The role moved him, TO A BIGGER HOUSE!

I thought was a good touch.

She's probably a lot stronger and still couldn't beat him without her powers. But it would have been stupid for her to hold back or be able to lose, so there was really wasn't much choice for the writers.

Hey Marvel shills, one question. Was Captain Marvel shown working on her powers at any time or were they just given to her and she didn't have to move a finger?
Feels unearned as fuck.
>Can't fly. Suddenly she can. No explaination.
>Her blasts just push people back, they keep comming. Suddenly she can blow up a huge spaceship. No explaination.
>She can fly at airplane speed. Suddenly she can fly faster than light. No explaination.

How is this fuck fest doing at the box office? I literally dont know a single person that was interested in it

it was a nice moment, a lot of capeshit movies end with this shitty moment where the hero has the advantage but it has to reduce to a fist fight because "muh honor" fuck that, energy beam to the face and keep moving. and stop exagerating she only said "i have nothing to prove" works for male or female

Dominating. One of the top 10 biggest opening weekends of all time.

like prison

You actually trust the reporting?

At least in Man of Steel they show Clark and the Kryptonians figuring out their powers.

How many seats went to the people who wanted to see what the fuss was about?
Went to the cinema two days ago to do exactly that. Out of ~250 seats maybe 40 were filled.

>t. Loser

>fuck that, energy beam to the face and keep moving
To what?
The end of the movie?
What's the rush exactly?

People go see it for the politics, and because their favorite movie critic told them it's deep.
Because they've never seen decent media in their life, they have a good enough time, laugh on cue, get elevated by the mediocre soundtrack and do not get bothered by the numerous glaring flaws.

You want a nice moment that's not a cheap sight gag? Have her be the one to disarm him. Have him be the one to charge her in blind, impotent rage. Have him hurting himself on an opponent so far beyond him that all she has to do is stand there, utterly unmoved. Then have her show compassion, guiding him to his ship as a broken man, and telling him to go home.

That's how you deliver a message. Unfortunately, even that middling level of storytelling is beyond the hacks Disney hires.


>you failed the mission and everybody died or enslaved
>my opponent said that if I don't abandon my advantage in battle with him, then I'm not a real man

She had absolutely no reason to fight him. She proved her point and already showed that she was on a completely different level to him.
Are you retards telling me that someone like Tony or even fucking Peter would have dropped all of their weapons and fought a fair fight if asked to? Not even fucking Captain gave Tony a fair fight in Civil War and they were best fucking friends before that movie.

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Went to two showings not because I saw it twice but because the first one was so full I didn’t want to sit in the front row so I traded the tickets for the next showing. I was a good 15 minutes before the previews even started. Went to the next showing even earlier. About 45 minutes earlier. Still only got mediocre seats. By the time the movie started the entire theater was packed. Been like that all weekend according to the person selling tickets.

I’m sure there were empty seats some places but I can say first hand that was not my experience.

That was a first Indiana Jones movie FFS.
And that guy was just a random mook.

And they only did it because Ford was sick that day and couldn't be bothered with a prolonged hand to hand fight.

It would have been worse is she actually fought him though because that would mean she learned absolutely nothing.
I mean there's a shitload wrong with the movie but that scene isn't one of them.

The random swordsman that Indy has no backstory with? Learn to plot and character development, dumbass.

Cap was the underdog in that fight. Severely. It's Tony who's refusing Cap a fair fight, as it's basically impossible for him to give him one. I know it's easy to forget it's his movie what with it essentially being Avengers 2.5 guest-starring Spider-Man and Black Pander, but Tony is the obstacle he's overcoming, not Zemo.

Warm, nice and cuddly. Especially at night.

Im not gana see it, but ill swing by my theare to check how the seating is looking.
RT and IMBD getting caught fucking with the numbers. Something's not right here. It be a hell of a stink if we suddenly found out boxoffice reports couldnt be trusted either

He is in a lot of scenes but honestly he phones it in, you can feel the paycheck in every one of his lines

Samuel Jackson is pretty good in it, he is the only one who looks like actually enjoyed his part, or he is just a great actor

>or he is just a great actor
we we know it isnt that one

It this shitty, flat character with no charm or likeability is supposed to be a role model that all the girls and young women should look up to, then I feel sorry that girls and young women got so fucking scammed.

They unironically deserve a much better superhero.

>"fair fight"
Define it.

Yeah I likes this scene, it was about to be cliche af but then they're like naw this is Captain Marvel, MCU Superman. If she struggled to beat him and has to go toe to toe with Thanos+gauntlet that would've been fucking retarded. Captain Marvel is supposed to be that strong.
Also a nice bit of "fuck your narrative" to a suppsed villian that was was never the real conflict, the conflict was how to unlock her memories and/or powers so she could become superman.

They would if they could. Fair fight doesn't exist in war. Only betamax faggots argue that.

I personally think it’s probably the weakest MCU movie to date. I really like the MCU though so I still give it a 2 1/2 of 5. Plus I don’t want to see Endgame with zero idea what one of the characters is about.

So personally, not my favorite and not even close. But overall the theater seemed to love it. Clapped at the Stan Lee Tribute at the beginning (expected I clapped too), the end of the movie, and end of the post credit scene. Everyone was laughing and seemed pretty pumped throughout. My personal favorite part of the movie was the first end credit scene for sure. The movie was just ok. But the theater was packed there is no denying that.


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That is hardly comparable you mong. The bad guy in raiders was just some random arab that popped up as indy was escaping. He didnt even have a name.

is there a good camrip for this yet? i am not fucking paying for this but threads are everywhere and I simply must know what the fuck is going on.

It's funny because if she had depowered herself and fought him in a fistfight, and won, this shitty board would be crying about le stronk wymen beating a bigger stronger male in physical combat. If Jude Law had gotten superpowers that matched hers and they fought, this board would whine about the movie ending with another stereotypical CGI heavy superpower fist fight like almost every other comic book film. So they went with the trope subversion and had her just shit on him befitting her power level and Yea Forums is STILL shitting its pants. Really goes to show how little credibility this site actually has when it comes to genuine criticism.

This is how you do woman character right.

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>the way to do a woman character right is to have them be background noise while the male MC handles all the big boy work
nope! Mera was fine but she's completely incomparable to Captain Marvel in regards to her role in the film.

congratulations on outing yourselves as retards

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His mother protected him and his father.
She survived in death of ocean for 20 years.
And Mera pretty much helped him during whole movie and saved his life many times.

Pff 4 million tops

>outing yourselves as retards
how so?

Even the way she walks is insufferable.

>6 more movies

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why do """"""""""men"""""""""" pay to watch this?

Its good for your dick, like an 10/10 masturbation
But its worse for everything else
She will suck your time and your wallet, you wont be able to play games and watch your stuff, only things both of you like.
She will be mad at your lifestyle, so you have to adapt your personality's

And many more bad stuff
Yesterday, my gf is mad at me because i sleep all day and doesnt do anything with her, even though i work from 6pm to 6am and she doesnt work

Sometimes, i miss my incel life.
If i was single, next year i would be going to Japan’s olympics, but now, i’m just going to Chile this year.

Unlike DC, marvel's capable of course corrections

>jude law
is that an actual name? Wew ((they)) don't even hide it anymore do they. What is next, Goy Slayer?

>Forget genders, how am I supposed to identify with her as a human being?
strong female characters don't have weaknesses, like human emotions. except for emotions like sadism and arrogance. basically they're full-machismo male characters but without any of the charm that made them likable.

never mind how the whole gender reversal doesn't work at all. having a guy kill a bunch of other guys to get the girl is pretty much how nature plays itself out, and the archetype that men and women alike feel appealing in men.
swapping that to make it a girl killing a bunch of guys for no real reason other than boys are icky is just kind of perverse. like it's the mentality of a prepubescent boy who thinks girls are gross and writes stories about how he beats up those mean girl-bullies who make fun of him at school, except instead of a 9 year old boy writing it it's a 39 year old woman, and then people clap

that's not even a good 9 year old's story

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Frankly, yes. Both men and women prefer women to be strong of character rather than brute force, supportive (not necessarily limited to support"ing"), kind, maternally protective characters rather than physically aggressive, brash, charismatic, masculine.. That's how our species has developed. If you want a female lead character, she can't just co-opt male idealization and be "physically strong and aggressive and charismatic just like one of the guys except vagina grrrrlpower lol." They need to play to what people like and idealize about female characters and females in general.

tl;dr you can't de-sex a character and make it plain and androgynous both in character and appearance and expect it to have wide appeal.

Yea, this movie did well based on merit of being part of the snowballing MCU, but not because of Brie or her character. Had she been a likeable actress in a well-written female role in addition to the infinite advertising budget of the mouse, this movie would have opened to a few hundred million more.

Imagine being beholden to somebody but they'll abandon you when it suits them

>muh joos reeeeee
>doesn't know who jude law is
he's not even jewish you literal zoomer


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imagine having never been in a relationship in your life and getting all your information about women from incel communities and PUA websites designed to keep you insecure for marketing purposes.

imagine SEETHING this much at a children's movie

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It's pretty awesome. When you realize that stupid people deserve to believe and encourage this kinda shit, you know we already won.



>Need to organize entire multi-media sector to protect a film

Who's really seething?

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I live in NYC faggot today I went to a bar with my coworkers where I had to wear the face of a normal and did it with high proficiency
The human mind really boggles me
>consistent amount of men have an experience with women
>you don't
>find a way to justify your experience being more valid than theirs
If people were able to think objectively, the world would be nice

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Honestly, there was no actual challenge for her in this movie. It's just super power that solves all problems, all that "i always overcome all struggles" put into flashbacks doesn't work at all. She feels like she never tasted defeat in her life - that's the trope you usually see in villains?
>Prove you mastered your emotions and beat me in a fair fight
why even bother about being "fair" if she is unfairness personified?

literal autism.


literally no argument

Post pictures of her pisser.

People need to stop using Autism as a verb.

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If it were a man you wouldn't complain

Fine for the first 6 months, then you get tired and wanna move on.

forsen autists huh?

I like the fat one.

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Its almost as cringy as this

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Hella poggers dude


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Nothing is more cringy than this I promise
yes I know you said almost.

That's a lot more enjoyable before all the SJW horseshit today.

>that stroll
That's literally just the first step because she's shifting her weight, you absolute blind faggot

>in your face wamen power gets a pass
>cute small time feminist moments are worse though
you are literally a faggot

PogU post my dude

Actually a lot of heroes like Hercules were tricky cunts who would cheat all the time

This movie was 4/10. The faults lay at Larson's insufferable cunt quip line delivery, snark face, and lack of a proper hero's journey ("lol I was awesome from the start of the movie"). There is no sacrifice for Cap Marvel. She always got what she wanted while laughing and cheering with Glee. Superman lost Krypton and his race, Batman lost his family/humanity.

Women are incapable of comprehending honor.

This movie is only saved by supporting characters and the Marvel Machine. It'll be forgotten.

Out of all the issues with this movie, you consider the hero doing something practical a problem? And why the fuck did you pay to see this anyway?

This sounds false, and full of confirmation bias supported by the most tenuous of evidence

pretty fuckin gay

her only character development was a 30 second flashback of "hurr durr, yurr a gurrl", no training to be better, no working for more, just "COCKPIT!!!!!".

which part of "propaganda" do you not understand?

u got baited nigger

Oops, I said the Sneed part quiet and the Chuck part loud!

oh man that came out? is it really good?

imagine being this triggered by a movie

Tbh Yon-Rogg was a real asshole.

>and all the incels clapped

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>tfw you have sex and she says this

what did she mean guys?

Of course Jason has more female audience, lots of people watched GoT season 1

(((brie larson)))

That scene was good though. Why would you give a dude who took you away for 6 years and brainwashed you a fair fight? That's stupid and can lead to your death. Right after that she drags him by the door and tosses him in his ship. I thought that was pretty funny.

ultra monkaS bro, i kinda pogchamped too though!!! f*ck normies lol!

Women tier thinking

this is actually painful to watch