everything bad that happened to this man was because he put his trust in a jew. this cannot be denied.
Godfather Part 2 discussion
>"And you give your loyalty to a Jew before your own blood"
Pentangeli was redpilled as fuck. he knew what the fuck was up
the moe greene incident should have wisened michael to never trust them. rare strategic error on his part.
>I TALKED to Barzini
your father did business with hymen wroth
your father respected hyman roth
but your father never trusted hiemon rrrooth
OR his Sicilian messenger boy, Johnny Ola.
>tfw that was no heart attack
did Michael's son have autism? Kay was saying there's something wrong with him and Michael denies it but there's clearly something up with him
jhony olah
probably, but kay was a histrionic cunt who found the negative in everything, so who knows
>never sees his father
>surrounded by silent strangers at all times
>father shows literally zero affection
>vaguely understands his father's business is about murdering people
>hears gunshots one evening
>mother descends into hysteria
>eventually figures out his father murdered his cool uncle
Yeah, sure, it was autism, surely it couldn't have anything to do with his father being a murderous emotionless piece of shit now, would it
you can be weird as fuck and not have asperger or autism.
He never had the makings of a varsity kike
Godfather 1 was vastly superior. Godfather 2 had too much sins the main one being frankies assassination plot. Only bad thing about part 1 was that beating up scene which wasn't as bad as assassination of moe green scene
>cool uncle
Yeah the "cool uncle".
I know it’s messenger boy but nowadays when I hear it I think shabbos goy first
is godfather part 3 worth watching?
>spends time with his nephew
>is nice to him
>teaches him how to fish
Fredo, in the short span of time between Michael "forgiving him" and Neri putting a bullet in his skull, was more of a father figure to Anthony than Michael ever was.
>cool uncle
>implying he’s not the kind of uncle who would try to grab his dick
Only to see how they took a good idea and fucked it up with Michael and Kay’s Tuscan Vacation
its an ok movie.
its like the difference between fucking your favourite celebrity and then some day you just jack off.
its not bad but it doesnt give the same sensations.
the fact that Part 2 was a lesson in the nature of jews and why they should never be trusted makes it the greatest movie of all time
I think in part three Anthony says Fredo was his favorite uncle. Not that he knew Sonny.
>be Fredo
>be banging cocktail waitresses two at a time
>some punk implies you're into children
user, you don't come to Yea Forums and talk about a man like Fredo like THAT!
Once just so you can say you did and appreciate Coppola's declination
Is this series worth watching? Or is it just overhyped because of its age?
It’s amazing, although aside from the flashbacks I would say the second is inferior to the first. It’s still good regardless. Three is a good mafia film, but a poor godfather film.
back to fortnite young one
>I intend to squeeze you
Not for nothin T but if that’s true what’s a guy like that going to the Superman show for?
>plays old mob boss in 1974
>plays old mob boss in 1999
is Dominic Chianese immortal?
>johnny ola
>mob boss
he was the shabbos goy front man for the jews
It goes the only way a sequel to the introspective part 2 could go, it expands into a global political thriller. The climax in the theatre is brilliant from what I can remember. But it feels far more disjointed than the two perfect predecessors.
Well, let's put it this way : if the Superman show is for pedophiles, then why would old man Roth never go there?
Fucked up prostate or into little girls I guess
>feels far more disjointed than part II
Sure sounds promising.
I just finished watching the first. It's really good, although i am surprised by how simple the plot was, it felt a bit amateurish desu. Other than that the cinematography is incredible, every frame looks like a painting, and there is a handful of scenes that are so kino that it's worth watching this long ass movie just for those scenes.
The plot isn’t too simple but not overly complex. I think it’s a perfect balance.
Purely because there are SO many characters that make it all the way to the end
>Muh religion is bad
>muh michael wants good but does bad
>muh family
its pretty simple compared with the extremelly dense part 2.
nope, frankie plot hole was too big to be saved by redpill on jews
>You're pulling out?
What did he mean by this?
there is no plot hole
frankie was supposed to die but the plan fucked up so roth used the situation to take out michael using the senator commitee
I unironically wish I could erase it from my memory. It was pure shit. It's sad to know it was directed by Coppola.
That's not the plot hole.
The actual plot hole is, why would Roth order the Rosato brothers to kill Pentangeli when, for all he knew, Michael himself was going to kill him soon?
Roth wanted Pentangeli dead and i don't think he trusted Michael, he was trying to play him through the whole movie
He did need him as a partner for the Cuban deal, antagonizing him by killing someone Michael wanted to kill wasn't very smart.
Roth didn't know that michael knew that the rosato brothers were backed by roth
the uhhh rosato brothers....
imagine not understanding the central premise of a legendary 50yr old film
plot hole is there whether you like it or not. to bad they didn't make george lucas style fix for dvd
>Muh religion is bad
Look up BCCI, Propaganda Due and Bishop Marcinkus my dude
roth hates michael for killing green
fredo hates michael for inheriting the family business
fredo conspires with roth to assassinate michael
michael suspects roth but needs time to uncover the traitor
michael tells roth frank was responsible, and wishes to continue their business relationship
roth sees through the bluff and orders the rosato bros to stage a failed assassination on frank explicitly implicating michael
in cuba, roth and michael confront each other and end the facade
michael learns of fredo's betrayal and immediately orders his hitman to kill roth
the assassination fails and roth flees internationally
frank turns witness against michael
michael beats the case by invoking cosa nostra, i.e. italian loyalty overcoming jewish subversion
frank kills himself to preserve his family's honor and possessions
michael kills fredo and roth out of principle even though both were weak and no longer a threat
michael wins the game at the expense of losing his family
>roth sees through the bluff and orders the rosato bros to stage a failed assassination on frank explicitly implicating michael
it doesn't make sense and there are a lot of unconfirmed IFs
>fredo conspires with roth to assassinate michael
so you actually think fredo literally was in on the planning to have michael killed and not just used for information? who killed the hitmen?
watch the film again, there's literally a scene where johny ola calls fredo asking for info about the upcoming meeting between frank and rosato
fredo snuck them into the compound and opened the bedroom curtains to give them a shot. he killed them after the botched attempt to cover his tracks
>dumbass fredo killed 2 expert hitmen brought in to kill a mafia boss
bullshit. fredo was an incompetent piece of shit who couldn't handle a gun as evidenced by his piss poor performance when the don got shot in 1
no fucking way
also, it was not a fake assasination on frankie. it got fucked up and roth used the situation to his advantage. just because danny aiello says "michael corleone says hello" or whatever don't mean shit. it was an adlib that was never in the script.
if roth sees through micheals bluff why would he want a failed hit?
>he (((fredo))) killed them after the botched attempt to cover his tracks
that is just far fetched theory. you could also say it was tom who did it, changed his mind later and kept his mouth shut. the movie is built on massive plot hole with 100 possible solutions which may fly for low budget horrors and mysteries but not for a sequel to godfather I
>TOM: If we catch these guys do you think we'll be able to find out who's backing them?
>MICHAEL: That's not the catch -- unless I'm very wrong, they're dead already. They're killed by somebody close to us -- inside. Very, very scared they botched it.
>Fredo's bimbo: Right out my window! I want to get out of here! They're lying there dead!
it's pretty obvious
what don't you get? it's not a plot hole
roth himself don't give a shit about frankie. he's "small potatoes"
the rosato's wanted frankie dead and when they got word that michael didn't give a shit about about frankie dying roth threw them a bone and said "ya sure, kill him i dont give a shit".
just because michael suspected that doesn't mean it's true. it's reasonable for him to say that because after all, the curtains thing was definately an inside job. fredo definately opened the curtains, he didn't know for what reason though. he's stupid.
i tend to believe there were 3 hitmen, and the main guy killed the other 2 to cut loose ends
fredo was not a killer. there is no evidence in any of the movies to support that. in fact, there is evidence to the contrary.
Guy im replying to claims that roth knew michael was bluffing. Assuming that is true, ehy would he orchestrate failed hit?
If he didnt know why would he allow hit in first place?
roth didn't realize how big a deal frankie was. again "small potatoes"
all he knew was that his very important partners in new york (the rosato brothers) wanted desperately to take frankie out. the meeting in miami gave roth the indication that allowing the rosato's to take out frankie wouldn't be a big deal since michael made it seem that he wanted frankie out as well. roth didn't know that michael knew he was pulling the rosato's strings so roth thought that it would never get back to him anyway so who gives a shit.
It feels like a made-for-TV movie. Worst scene is Pacino's autistic attempt at portraying a melodramatic heart attack.
I really wanted to like it, but I couldn't. And this is coming from someone who likes the Star Wars prequels.
>there's literally a scene where johny ola calls fredo asking for info about the upcoming meeting between frank and rosato
so? just because he says that doesn't mean that's what the call is about. the call was to "check fredo's temperature" to see if he was still "on the team". as soon as fredo found out it was a hit, he freaked the fuck out. he didn't realize it was gonna be like that. fredo tell johnny ola never to call him again. fredo is not a killer.
1 is amazing but 2 is even better.
3 is hot garbage unfortunately.
I think the violence is excessive for much of it.
what happened there? why did he do the voice thing?
>Johnny Ola
>(formerly Juanito Hola)
People don’t understand this nowadays.
He was the smaht uncle.
Are you suggesting Frank killed Fat Clemenza?
I honestly like part I more than II. That being said, I just look at part I and II as one, extremely long movie.
I actually don't remember this.
What happened? What jew?
This series is terrible, some of the worst classic films I've watched. Part III, however, changed my entire outlook on cinema. Never had a movie been so moving, so all-encompassing in its depiction of the human experience. Sophia's bad acting somehow made it all more naturalist. Anyone who says III is bad, you can safely dismiss. Sheeple who accept consensus as fact
Hyman Roth. Rewatch it again.
Also happened in 1 as well. He trusted Moe Greene to take care of Fredo. Moe Green than went on to disrespect the family by slapping fredo around in public and he also TALKED to barzini.
They added in the audio later, it didn't get picked up on the original take.
Daily reminder that Godfather II is a great film because protestant Kay Adams correctly speaks truth to Michael Corleone's evil, culturally catholic power. The theme is reiterated in an early scene when senator Pat Geary also tells off Mike. The thing is, this isn't just bluster or a power play. Geary is actually right to think and feel of Mike as he does, and this is made clear throughout the film. Nor does it matter that Kay got an abortion, or that Geary wound up with a dead hooker. They both remain better people than Mike. It's hard not to be a better person than Mike.
Did Michael ever really trust Roth? iirc he suspected Roth was behind the attempt on his life pretty quickly
>kills her innocent unborn child to stick it to her catholic husband
yeah that sounds about right to me. Women are evil.
based anti-Papist
Abortion is worse than anything the mob did in the entire trilogy.
1/10. Replied because I feel bad for you.
what a predictable reply. I'm entirely serious. Your tiny brain can't even welcome the idea that someone might disagree with the majority, can it?
the contrarian opinion doesn't make yours any more valid than the grain you're trying to go against.
that's just it, isn't it? It's either bait, or contrarian, trying to go against the grain. Your brain can't, MUSTN'T contemplate the possibility that I actually liked the movie. It would destroy your entire worldview.
What an idiotic take.
no really, but frankie warned him and he still allowed himself to get in a position where that jew could fuck his shit up
*not really
Even if we allow that abortion is wrong, then as a crime or depravity, it of course doesn't have the transcendent evil of the pure killing of innocents which religionists like this one would like to ascribe to it. Rather, it is merely one murder among many, tops.
So, even taking as given that abortion is wrong, and equivalent to murder (and not some particularly heinous mortal sin, any more than the standard murder at least), what of it? Kay made a rational utility analysis to deny Michael male heirs, who would then be raised to commit/orchestrate multiple murders, as Michael himself has done. After all as Kay knows very well, a man will get sucked into his family's ways even if at first he does not wish to. That is one of the central points of the film, and that is also why this poster is particularly wrong. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. And Kay correctly explicates this.
I guess we should've killed you as a baby so you wouldn't be raised to make stupid posts like that.
But it isn't a stupid post. I am right. Do you know that?
>After all as Kay knows very well, a man will get sucked into his family's ways even if at first he does not wish to.
but it's not true tho, didn't michael's son turn into some faggy musician according to 3?
that's the point, she kept him away from michael so he wouldn't go down that path
Keep pretending Coppola was a half-way decent director - auteur my ass