Are you ready for the train wreck?
Only Prestonposter’s are allowed itt. Non Jacobians are not wanted.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Are we gonna get Cleganebowl guys?

i hope he stops his weird little narratives and sticks to complaining about what a bizarre aimless mess the show has become

whats ya favorite theories from preston?
the ones that made you go like "oh sheet"
mine is the lemon tree revelation in braavos. And the truth of the purple wedding

Name a worse moment in GOT
you can't, "bad pussy" doesn't come close

Attached: hodor.png (860x754, 835K)

Yeah it’s confirmed
Sweetrobins in the final season what will he do?

Brienne vs Arya, Arya gets stabbed and walks away and Arya just tells the House of Too Many Faces “lol I’m going home” are all more garbage writing than that one line because they involved a main character

Maario Naharis

Attached: Maario Naharis.jpg (477x318, 52K)

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you got a link?

Bad pussy is bad, but it never bothered me because it was somewhat believeable that the character would say that, so it doesn't ruin my immersion. But...
>Brienne vs Arya, Arya gets stabbed and walks away and Arya just tells the House of Too Many Faces “lol I’m going home”
is 1000 times worse than "bad pussy" because it completely ruins the immersion with the world.

>plot holes

Attached: radmure.png (720x154, 12K)

Based quality meme

the purple wedding vid.
its a rly good vid you can use when u want to BTFO showfags
Basicly littlefingers story to sansa doesnt make any sense, about what happned at the wedding.
also baelish is the stories biggest liar. if he says it so. then its proberly not right

What you mean is that it's confirmed the two will fight. But unless it's a trial by combat in front of spectators then it doesn't count

>season 5 opening
>3 lords murdered with no fanfare and barely any ramifications

Tbh the best part about watching GOT is I get to watch Preston's funny analysis afterward.

Finna boutta start season 7 so I can finally participate in these threads.

Good Preston theories:
>Moon Satellite Dream Telephone
>Euron Kraken Summoning

Stupid Gay Preston Theories:
>Quentyn is still alive

Feel free to add your own

The show botched Braavos and even in the books it isn't great.

In the show I wouldn't know what to expect from the house of black and white as I wouldn't really understand what the fuck was going on, who they were or why Arya was there.

wasn't the season 5 opening the weird flashback with cersei? or was that season 6?

radmure tully

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Bow you shits!

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dude when was the last time we saw this faggot? Is he in season 8?

I'm just glad I'll be getting some closure

> ywn spend your days lounging around a comfy cabin with your daughter/wives

Attached: Craster's Keep.jpg (1972x1262, 134K)

did he actually suck on lysa's titties? imagine how awkward that would be to film hahah

No it's literally been fucking confirmed for years

>The show botched Braavos and even in the books it isn't great.

How is Arya supposed to learn to be an assassin in the books? The books take place over such a shorter span of time than the show. It will make zero sense.


I mean we don’t know the details but they telegraphed it in season seven them put it on the cover of EW

> ywn cuddle your frogfu in your very own crannog

Attached: crannog.jpg (1350x1013, 483K)

Get out.

Google search lead me to fake titties used for the show

That whole thing was still so extra.

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Maester Luigi

Attached: Maester Luigi.jpg (477x419, 151K)

>2,798 days since A Dance with Dragons

Attached: FUCK YOU GRRM.jpg (500x272, 94K)

> ywn hangout with your bannermen quaffing mead around a campfire of driftwood on the beach

Attached: Stormlands.jpg (1280x960, 426K)

question for bookfags

How come the seven don't seem to have any actual power?

R'hllor, the Old Gods, the Drowned God, the Braavosi death god all seem to perform miracles

Hello, fellow frogbro. How are you coping with no Ellie this season?

Attached: age of heroes.png (3658x1698, 2.87M)

>Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!

> wyn stalk deer with your dad on a crisp fall morning

Attached: Wolfswood.jpg (720x1080, 283K)

I will always give this post a (you)

There was originally supposed to be a five year gap. We were supposed to come back to Arya as a teenager, Jon having been Lord Commander for a couple of years, Danaerys having ruled Mereen etc. Then GRRM realized he couldn't do that in a way that made sense, so he wrote Feast and Dance to cover what was supposed to happen in that time period. This includes awkward changes like Arya suddenly seducing a guy while she's still prepubecent.

this actually a pretty common thing people do user


Attached: boar wine boar grace.jpg (300x168, 11K)

>I have written more words on /got/ threads in my life than GRRM has written in the entirety if the book series

Attached: Alexandra_Dowling.jpg (1920x1080, 128K)

> ywn go ice fishing with Stannis

Attached: frozen lake.jpg (3872x2592, 2.07M)

>I have written more words on /got/ threads in my life than GRRM has written in the entirety if the book series


Attached: GRRM1550530488251.gif (700x394, 2.45M)

>Robb got himself, his banner man, his mother, and his cause killed because he didn't want to tap this
Is he the most retarded character in the show?

It was at least theoretically justifiable around s2-s3 when he basically used to write nothing else.
But what happened is that he's still written a lot these last years, just not the book he's supposed to write. That's even more infuriating



But do they then threaten to kill you if you don’t go to the Wall and let your little brother inherit the lordship?

> ywn eat spicy scrambled eggs (with a drop of snake venom) with the Dornishman’s wife

Attached: Dorne.jpg (1366x768, 221K)

It's his story. If he doesn't feel like producing it's his right. Why would you want to force his hand anyway, it'll just fuck with the story

Why did he decide the five year gap didn't make sense? It makes perfect sense. Winter is nearly upon them and they just fought a massive war. Lots of folks would want to sit tight for a few years and raise new troops (need time for the children to grow into fighting men)

>still no leak by a single person of the 10 000 people involved
do they have a personal Gestapo securing this shitshow or what?

>Joe did I ever tell you about how they're using time traveling consciousnesses by bouncing dreams off the moon that's actually a space station and we're actually in a post apocalyptic world

Attached: Preston_Jones.jpg (616x377, 53K)

>Craster is allowed to sacrifice his sons to Others because of shit genes on top of a massive inbreeding coefficient cause it weakens them

>The river lords were fucking with Ned when he was sitting on the Iron Throne, and The Mountain was guilty of those specific crimes.

I thought people have been posting spoilers non-stop because I've been actively avoiding them. Are you telling me all those walls of spoiler texts have just been memes?

Show Robb? Yes, yes he was. And he had it fucking coming, too. Book Robb I felt sorry for. Show Robb deserved it and then some.

Hammer Bronn

Attached: Hammer Bronn.jpg (467x700, 133K)

What caused the red wedding in the books?

He’s probably wrong about half of this.

Too much time. He found himself constantly referencing and having to explain things that happened during that gap. 5 years is a long ass time for characters in that position.

> ywn kidnap a saucy maiden with fire in her hair

Attached: Haunted Forest.jpg (1704x1131, 417K)

it's all memes and fanfiction.

only 1 real spoiler by frikidoctor and thats it

*Attends a wedding in the house of the man he just betrayed in the middle of a war*
I think he wanted to die

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ehhh. I feel like Show Robb is more sympathetic in this regard, the nigga fell in love, what can you do. Book Robb was just kind of being a faggot desu.

He didn't marry the Frey girl because he smashed some highborn chick after a battle and felt to bad to leave it at that, so he married her despite having no feelings for her.

Kinda wish I read the memes now.

Plus he smashes after he finds out both his “brothers” died.

>He betrayed walder to marry a girl he didn't even love
nah Book robb has severe autism

> ywn snack on lemoncakes and honeyed milk (with a drop of sweetsleep) while Sansa reads you a story

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Preston is a R+L=J denier isn't he? lol Does he think Littlefinger is still alive in the show too? I like some of this theories and shit is obviously well researched but listening to his podcast when he talks with that red team review guy is funny. They'll talk about what they'd change and it's a thousand times worse then what the show does with a complete lack of understanding on how TV production works. Still like the guy but sometimes he's dumb as hell.

GRRM aint gonna finish, and it might be for the for the best. We'll get his ending from the show, or at least the broad strokes then we can just figure shit out backwards. You're headcannon will always be better anyway.

>He didn't marry the Frey girl because he smashed some highborn chick after a battle and felt to bad to leave it at that, so he married her despite having no feelings for her.

He spent his entire life watching his mother treat Jon like a worthless peice of shit and didn't want his potential kid to share the same fate. In the end it was all Catelyns fault.

>likes the retarded normie
Oooo yikes!

we already know the ending user, do some soul searching

Good point.

To elaborate, I like the way it went down in the books more. I think it's more thematic for Robb to die for the same honor autism that killed his father. I was just saying that show Robb is a lot more sympathetic because of this change because it's hard to fault him for marrying the person that he truly loves.

Ned should have just said it was Lyanna's bastard cuz she got raped

I disagree. Book Robb was a boy playing in a man's world. And despite his age and inexperience, he was winning. The reason Robb lost was he literally had to deal with betrayal and plotting both within his camp and outside it. He was betrayed by his best friend for starters. His idiot mother didn't help things either. She freed his most valuable hostage, her shit treatment of Jon led to Robb making even more rash decisions, and she told him it was a GREAT FUCKING IDEA TO GIVE ROOSE BOLTON A POSITION OF POWER. GREAT FUCKING JOB TULLY SHIT. Roose used that power to systematically wittle down Robb's forces, so even if Robb won the war, Roose could just sweep right in and finish the Starks off. He had to deal with Tywin's plotting, and let's face it, Tywin is a fucking mastermind at this shit. Then there's the Westerlings sorcery and plotting. Then to top it all off, he goes and pisses off the most temperamental Lord in all of Westeros, who also fields the largest fucking army on the continent. And he did this, again, because of his jealous Tully shit mother. Robb was doomed from the start. He stood no chance, and it's a miracle he did as good as he did in the war. Still, he was a boy playing in a man's world.

alright guys
leaving GRRM alone to his own device is clearly not the way to push him to write the books.
I dont think anoying him and constanly asking him when the book is out is the way to go either.

We got to have attitude that "GRMM is never gonna finish the books" and then fucking show him that.
post on his twitter and blog such lines as >"thank you George, for all the wonderfull stories. I know now you will never finish the series, but ty for trying.
>"its such a shame that you ran out of ideas for your books. but oww well. We will always have the tv serie"

hopefully, this will make him angry and defiant. So he ends up thinking
>fuck those kids doubting me! ill show those fuckers!

Its our last shot!

Attached: 5757.png (2000x1863, 100K)

That shouldn't have been a problem. It's only an issue because he got so goddamn long-winded.

He was also betrayed by his aunt. Nobody expected Lysa not to come to her father's aid.

I was speaking more to the specific agreement with Walder Frey, but yeah, fuck Catelyn tbhfam.


Best Preston theory is how the riverlanders staged the whole war by pretending to get attacked by Lannisters.

Also the Northern ambitions conspiracy isn't his theory but he picked it up and it's bretty good.

The reason he hid the fact that the baby was Lyanna's because Bobby would've bashed it's fucking skull in.

Reminder that the only good trout is a dead trout. Except Radmure, which is why they all hated him.

Attached: Tully Shits.jpg (722x688, 69K)

Robb was a literal genius and prodigy and GRRm being a meritocrat (refer to his other work) made him an unstoppable force. He later realized that having a Gary Sue won't do and forced him into the aforementioned autism that would prove to be his demise.
Such cases.

>Edmure is rotting in the Frey dungeon, forgotten

>getting this angry over capitalization

Pal I guarantee I’ve been on this site longer than you. If you’re gonna piss your pants over it start your own threads no one is going to post in.

better be a tourist than an autist

What was their motivation? Weaken up the realm for the Targs invasion?

Is there a worse fucking house than these fags? Lysa and Catelyn single handedly fucked everyone and everything when you think about it.

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What do you think the state of Westoros be like come 299 AC if Catelyn, Lysa, and Littlefinger had drowned in the river as a children?

Is that what little finger looks like in the books?
Why was he changed so much

Don’t you dare lump based Chadmure in with them.

That's a reductionist view and incorrect one at that

Edmure and his papa are based

Basically, I don't remember who he lists off as the co-conspirators but the most prominent are the Darrys who've been fervent Targaryen-fags since time immemorial.

meant uncle

They are just being salty cuz the Riverlads were the playground for all the other kingdoms. Starting another war to throw the realm into chaos (and themselves with it) would show 'em for sure.

fuck your meme, edmure is a fuck-up, it's in his fish-fag blood.

correct me then

Not him, but large scale conflict still happens when Rhaegar steals Lyanna. It all depends on who Ned marries to say for sure.

All i can say for sure is war will happen when Stannis finds out Robert isn’t the father of Cersei’s kids.

You don't know the half of it user

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It’s not his fault nobody told the Lord of the Riverlands that they were trying to trap Tywin. Fucking retarded on Robb’s part.

Based sweetrobin will marry sansa to ensure the nights of the vale stay to fight after the death of littlefinger, he fucks her nightly eventually giving her many children who grow up hearing stories of their beloved grandmother

Not him.
I think it's disingenuous to imply that George didn't already know exactly what Robb's role was in the story and how his story would end. Also it's more about Robb not being wise enough to play politics as well as battle, thus why Tywin won a war without winning a single battle.

is it talent vs. experience?

King Rob-Omb Baratheon

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it's Kniggets!

but hasn't the riverlands been burned to the ground?

This shit is so cringey now and it's the easiest way to tell who's visiting for the season

This one's my favorite out of all these.

I think you could say that. Robb wasn't able to keep his bannerman (or his mother) under control, if the stakes were lower, he might've lived to learn from these mistakes. But alas, he was young, idealistic, and in a war with Tywin Lannister.

Crashing my fiefdom, with NO survivors

Dornish masterplan is too patched up with coincidences for me to like, but Maester conspiracies ("Dragonless ambitious") are pretty good theories.

And Alliances of iron was a pretty good analysis of the Iron islands.

Illyrio Koopatis

Attached: Illyrio Koopatis.jpg (507x676, 98K)

>thinking he gives a shit about his reputation
>thinking he's actually going to finish the books
>thinking he wont burn all of his GOT notes before he dies
>thinking Winds of Winter will be released within a year of the final season
you're a moron

Those are blood sacrifices
It's generally believed that magic is directly correlated with sacrifice and religion has little to do with it

That's why and how euron is doing euron things in the book

Attached: nofunallowed.png (1634x891, 58K)

>give an alternative theory just for fun

I miss when preston was new. It was so cool watching people sperg out because he disagreed with them. But now he's too popular and accepted.

He was always in a bad position politically. The moment he crowned himself he was fucked. It was an incredibly stupid move.

Just a reminder that both Robb and Jayne were magicked by her mother, Sybell Spicer, who is the granddaughter of Maggy the Frog and was playing the Starks against the Lannisters and visa versa for the benefit of her own house.

It’s the only logical explanation.

Because there is no way a noble family would allow their maiden daughter to be alone with a young man for hours on end, especially when that man had just attacked them, killed their bannermen and captured their castle.

Nor would Robb’s bannermen have allowed anybody from House Westerling to be alone with Robb, especially while acting as a nurse after be’d been wounded.

No, Sybell Spicer gave Robb and Jayne a love potion and then slipped a knock-out potion in the Stark bannermen’s drinks so they wouldn’t interfere and afterward, House Westerling demanded Robb do the honorable thing and marry Jayne (who Sybell had been giving a birth control potion) and then Sybell Spicer contacted Tywin and told him she was wholly “loyal” to House Lannister and would act as Tywin’s spy (but if Robb won, she’d be mother to the Queen of the North and Riverlands).

Attached: Sybell Spicer-Lucy Lawless.jpg (1200x1800, 804K)

I finna watched it last week. It enjoyed it.

>Gets chewed out by Robb even tho he chased the mountain out of the riverlands and stop the reign of terror on your people
>Constantly belittled by your uncle
>Gets imprisoned on wedding night while family and king gets slaughtered
>spends next few years as frey prisoner
>Almost killed as hostage
>Jamie forces him to hand over riverrun
>Put right back in cell after frey/lannister scum take your home
>Still in prison despite niece killing every single one of your captors
Radmure has had the worst time out of all the remaining characters, can't wait till he gets out of prison and leads the defense against Euron and gets revenge on the lannisters. I want him to become a major character this season.

Attached: chadmure.png (1280x720, 443K)

Maester Luigi

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Its a great season, enjoy despite what these faggots on /got/ say

>tfw walder frey
>house is nearly as powerful and important as great houses, but everyone looks down on you for arbitrary reasons
>just want to be bros with hoster tully, he won't even come to your weddings
>kids depend on you to find them matches but nobody will marry them
>robb stark won't even meet with you, sends his mom to tell you that you have to let his big army tromp through your castle and send your men to die in his war
>at least he'll marry your daughter
>get super excited for wedding, be a nice guy and give him your most prized daughter even though you don't have to
>finally starks and tully's will be your friends
>robb stark marries the first slut he meets instead, says he'll give you his dumb fuck uncle though
>the girl's house is ancient, but insignificant - he is outright spitting in your face
>at the wedding he turns into a wolfman and tries to kill you so you defend yourself
>noone believes you
>even your new allies think you're a worthless traitor, only friend is roose bolton because you literally paid him to marry your fat fuck daughter
Being Walder Frey is suffering.

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I won’t believe this until I hear it from George.

How can they deny the Northern Conspiracy? We are told about it in the Davis-Manderly chapter.

>an ardent atheist making any gods real


He had broken bread
It's just another point to neds character flaws in that he raised his kids to believe in honor among men to a fault which later got all his children into complicated problems that they were in over their head with
They turn to what their father taught them but he didn't tell them the true nature of a few men

Plus the walders are just a play on jews so we all knew they would betray but those that are around them don't see the skin shifters for what they are

Walder would be a wet pile of shit no matter what but if robb and the tully's were actually nice to him the red wedding would have never happened.

Theyre are still plenty of autists out there who can’t stand his theories.

I don't like this meme. I think it's cringy and painfully unfunny. What's regrettable is that your incessant autism could've been used to shill a much better meme than this, but you chose something that literally no one finds humorous and thus the second you get tired of posting these reddit-tier images will be the last time they are seen on this board forever.

>all ties to logic thrown out the window
>teleporting around unapologetically
>worse writing than anime
>worse and worse costume design
Did we even watch the same show?

glad this general is back. anyone play the crusader kings mod or the mount&blade one? the only thing that has kept me alive

>Plus the walders are just a play on jews

Attached: download-1.jpg (179x282, 8K)

I played a ck2 game the other day.

>CoK start as Mace Tyrell.
>Joined Stannis’s claim on the first day.
>Quick change Balon Greyjoy
>Take Robb’s offer, attack the Lannisters.
>Observe mode
>Robb wins, Stannis wins the throne for less than a year before he is killed in battle by Jon Conn
>Aegon is held off, Shireen sits the Iron Throne and is wed to Eddie Storm. Live into their sixties and have a litter of kids.
>Rob and Jeyne live comfie in the North and have a litter of kids. Die in their sixties.

Unfortunately the heirs fucked everything up, but man that was a real comfy play through.

My main problems with season 7 were
>Dany's character become the absolute fucking worst one in the show and starting to bring Jon down with her
>Tyrion's character becoming boring
I didn't even mind the whole expedition beyond the wall, I enjoyed it a lot.
>Lannister/dorthraki battle scenes were good
>Kings landing meeting was good
This season was not as bad as some of you fags say it is.

Oh yeah, and Theon gets to sit Casterly Rock for a while. Some Lannister ends up taking it back from them eventually.


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reminder that in the books Varys isn't a eunuch

Attached: varys.jpg (800x800, 115K)

Jon has been a bad character since season 2.

>you will never get a giant naval battle orchestrated by euron to get as many people close enough together for the sole purpose to sacrifice them all in an attempt to summon a kraken or natural disaster to destroy old town so that you can use maester knowledge to continue your dominance and eventual goal of who knows cause you're insane

You never saw him die
He's still alive

Attached: Game of Thrones by Season.png (1374x1051, 19K)

The expedition beyond the wall deserves all the shit it gets, and it is pretty much the climax of the series thus far. It is a fantastic spectacle but it never should have happened.

>Jon has been a bad character since season 2
Cringe and allisterpilled, Jon's character was at his best in season 4 and 5, if you deny this you didn't watch the show.

>ywn watch a dark fantasy series as quality as GoT se1 but all the way through




shit graph

>tfw winter was coming
>tfw "Was it rape?"
>tfw Storytime with Old Nan
>tfw verts and reaction images everywhere
>tfw "Hi Yea Forums, this is Edward Starch"
>tfw you didn't know Dagmer's real identity
>tfw no chain
>tfw it fit
>tfw merlings were everywhere
>tfw CLEGANEBOWL was just one guy and he'd wish you merry CLEGANEBOWLs
>tfw frogfu was just one guy doing a countdown and he never got firsts
>tfw Rickon and Dickon become gay emperors of Essos
>tfw you were haeving problems
>tfw Mummy Dorne
>tfw "Friendly Reminder with Ros"
>tfw /TDQR/
>tfw Talisa was a spy
>tfw Roose finally got loose
>tfw "Promise me, Ned"
>tfw "Was it rape?" Lannister Edition
>tfw Double Daggers
>tfw bad pussy
>tfw Stannis isn't dead guys!
>tfw /got/ was put to the sword

/got/, I dreamed I was old.

Attached: 1520967743160.png (661x953, 101K)

>Jon hasn't been a bad character since season 2
Fucking fixed that for you

Attached: 1551844444027.jpg (750x2956, 448K)

Jon was his best when he was with the Wildlings, cause they are who he truly belongs too.

>Season 1 is the best season
>season 2 is that low
user... i think its time that you leave this general.

Attached: UBWiC1X.jpg (399x388, 24K)

As much as you fags shit on season 7, it did have some kino scenes

Attached: Jamie.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

Daily reminder littlefinger is alive and all plot leaks without him are fake.

The show's been shit since season 2, faggot. There were some moments in season 3, but 2 is where it all went to hell.

A man’s looking forward.

Attached: 3B3FBE42-867F-45A4-A084-DCBD4E41DA01.gif (500x300, 739K)

>Season 2 that low
3 is pretty objectively the worst of the first 4 seasons. I JUST rewatched the show and I was so dumbfounded by how little credit I gave season 2 and how much credit I gave season 3 before my rewatch.

Captain Maario Naharis

Attached: 36B42248-4FA6-473E-A274-DBD3DDC20679.png (477x318, 288K)

Am I supposed to know what this "graph" is supposed to represent other than your butthurt feefees?

Correct opinion: Jon has never been a bad character, season 7 almost made him dany tier

>Jaime Lannister: kinslayer
>Cersei whitewashed even further
>Love with Tysha over Shae is my true love now
>no chain
>no peach
>Renly good Stannis bad because Weiss is still butthurt
>no Lightbringer
>Brienne turned into one dimensional YASS SLAY QUEEN
>no Garland
>Robb falls for the first piece of brown ass he sees which makes no sense
>no Westerlings
>no Westerlings plots
>Robb and Talisa marry under the Seven which makes no sense for either character
>no Roose in Harrenhal
>Papa Tywin shit
>no Weasel Soup
>Arya's stupid use of names which is so dumb they have to make excuses for it in season 3
>Jon's plotline neutered
>removes reasons why he spares Ygritte
>removes Qhorin's talk about how he understands Jon
>only Bran is a warg
>Qhorin just getting Jon to kill him out of nowhere, yelling his plan in front of all the wildlings MAKES PERFECT FUCKING SENSE
>"I'll bet you don't know Dagmer's real identity."
>Qarth plotline a shell of itself
>House of the Undying, one of the most important chapters in the fucking books, just glossed over and made shit
>no Belwas
>no Arstan Whitebeard
This was the point where "FUCK THE BOOKS WE'RE TELLING OUR OWN STORY" happened. But please, enlighten me, faggot, on why it's so good.

>Someone who thinks a show has been bad for 7 years still watches it and participates in the general thread for it
Either your lying to us or you really need to have sex

Based and Baelishpilled


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Season 1 actually is the best season though.

>the Wildlings are at camp, showering Jon with gifts and the songs of their people
>Jon smiles, enjoying this valuable cultural experience
>a cry is heard in the distance
>suddenly, the camera pans to the thundering stampede of a thousand men on horses
>we see Stannis driving the men to fight by cracking a flaming whip
>in the distance, Wildling women and children are burning, the soundtrack a high screaming wail
>"Yes," cries Davos, "R'hllor hungers!"
>Jon looks on, his face grief-stricken
>"Seven save us," Jon whispers, "he's even making the women and children pay the Iron price!"
>...and who are you...

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I remember seeing this stupid copy pasta yesterday and im gonna say the same thing to it

Muh "thing is bad because its not the same as the books" fan is the lowest and worst part of any fandom.

Based trips. Sounds like a happy ending we'll never get, save for the death of Stannyboy.

Imagine if this ended with Jaime throwing the spear, which impales Dany her stomach, then he is roasted by Drogon. Dany dies at the end of the episode in Tyrion's arms.

Imagine the reaction.

You realize that most of us here watch the shitshow just to bitch about it online together? Seriously, shitposting is about the only thing that's gotten me through this mess.

Ronell was the better boy king.

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Then go to fanficton.net instead of watching a movie or TV show based on an existing property, faggot.

Don't you think there is a point when the source material that is swapped out is better than the shit we get in the show?
The Westerling plotline could have been done in the show no problem. It's easy to follow along, and it is ten times better than muh spunky foreigner

All I saw was a generic action hero swinging a sword and being a dumbass.

>>"Yes," cries Davos, "R'hllor hungers!"

fucking kek, best pasta

Based user.

Maybe if the changes weren’t shit then I’d be fine with it.

>because of his jealous Tully shit mother.
What makes it even worse was that she barely even fucking knew Ned when he was supposed to have sired Jon.

George doesn’t give a fuck. You’re wasting your time.

She didn't even like Ned when they got married.

>Stannis and Davos dock at Braavos harbor

>They go to the Iron Bank

>On their way people throw coins at them, yelling “beggar king! beggar king!”

>Stannis tells Davos to pick them up, they need all the help they can get

>Davos kneels in the mud and then Stannis kicks him in his groin

>cut to the IB hall, they talk with a hook-nosed banker

>”Why did you come here, Beggar King?”

>”It is the Iron Bank, is it not? And I have a plenty of people that need to pay the iron price.”

>”You will have to give us something more than death of your enemies”

>Davos goes pale, Stannis claps his hands

>Melisandre enters with a boy with madness in his eyes and runes carved into his face

>”We took him out of the water. I saw in flames that he spent three days there”

>The banker clearly isn’t impressed. “What of it?”

>”It’s no regular boy. It’s the Bronze Royce of house Yohn, a not-so-distant branch of house Baratheon”

>Davos takes Stannis to the side

>”Your grace, in the laws of Gods and Men there’s no one more acursed than a ki-”

>Stannis punches him

>”I have no need of weak and feeble. Do I need to remind you what I did to that miserable bird Renly called Proudwing?”

>the banker is wearing a crimson red cape now

>”R’HOLOR HUNGERS!”, he shouts.

>”R’HOLOR HUNGERS!”, Stannis shouts back.

>”May the many faced god have mercy on us all”, Davos whispers, hiding his face in his hands

>Written for television by D. Weiss and D. Benioff

Allow me to explain: If D&D copied the tv script exactly from the books it would be
>A boring tv show
>The plots would so messy it would be to hard for them to progress with the writing which is exactly what happened with GRRM and the books.

>The Westerling plotline could have been done in the show no problem. It's easy to follow along, and it is ten times better than muh spunky foreigner
Sure but does the westerling plotline matter that much? the point was to set up the red wedding which would happen either way.


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Fucking right? Brandon was literally on his way to marry her when he got killed. Ned married her because that was his duty as second son and to secure the Riverlands armies in the rebellion. And that's all that happened. They married, had the bedding, and Ned was out. Fucking Tully shit.

>>”It is the Iron Bank, is it not? And I have a plenty of people that need to pay the iron price.”
Every fucking time

>Oberyn versus Mountain

>Mountain gains the upper hand

>"first I killed her screaming whelp"

>"then I raped her. LIKE THIS"

>rapes Oberyn

>in the audience Jaime nods in approval

>Tywin smiles and says "looks like he paid the iron price!"

>Mountain finishes

>"also the order to rape and murder Elia and her children was given to me by Stannis Baratheon!"

>cut to black

The show will redeem itself in the last episode when Denearys goes against everyones wishes to not act like her father and actually executes the Dwarf for his treason.

Last shot is her eyes turning red.

my sides are in orbit, post more if you have them.

>and who
>are you

your shit meme is shit

>I want him to become a major character this season.
Off the cuff mention of his death in prison, check em

There a stream anywhere?

i just recently started watching got (finished all episodes yesterday), could you explain this?

>Davos was as close to a smile as Jon had ever seen him.
>"Kneel and swear to the Lord Stannis, The One True King" he said softly "Or you will be knelt."

Absolutely based.

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Love the CK2 mod and both mb mods are good

This is the best one holy shit these are funny


>Night King kills everyone
>Army of the Dead sweep over Westeros, leaving no survivors
>Night King sits on Iron Throne to cement his victory
>pricks himself on barb
>it's one of the Valyrian Steel sword
>"Oh snowballs!"
>all other White Walkers and wights die too because
>a cold wind blows through the empty throne room
>"And who, are you...."

Friendly reminder that Game of Thrones is literally a fanfic and since GRRM will die before finishing the books, Stannis will live forever in canon.

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It doesn’t have to copy the books word for word or even adapt most of the plotlines, but they could at least try to write the characters the way they are in the books. Even if they change something at least make it make sense. Talisa Arya/Tywin, stannis getting fucked by 20 good men, Dorne were all fucking stupid.

It's the content that keeps me going.

>Davos and Shireen are studying over a history book and maps

>Davos has the newest letters sent to Dragonstone with him, so he can carefully read through them when he’s done with his lessons

>”Ser Davos, why do you study so hard? Let’s play!”

>”I’m sorry princess. As your fathers hand I need to fill the gaps in my knowledge as fast as it is possible”

>Suddenly, the doors to the chamber start to burn

>Swords rip through them and turn them into smoldering pieces

>Shireen screams, Davos hugs her and tries to protect her

>Stannis enters in full armor with four armed men beside him

>”Guards! Seize these two.”

>”Why, Your Grace?” Davos tries to protest.

>Stannis takes out a piece of crumpled parchment out of his pouch

>Davos goes pale as he recognizes the letter Shireen helped him write last episode

>”Looks like you were acting behind my back. Looks like you’ve been up to too much reading”

>Stannis unsheathes his sword and slashes every book he can find in the chamber for a straight minute

>His eyes red with fury, he breathes heavily

>”But the writing isn’t yours.”

>He turns to Shireen

>”You raised your hand against your father. I won’t accept such treachery. If you really have so many thing in common with ser Davos, I will give you one more. Give me your hand, child.”

>"No, Your Grace! She had nothing to do with it! It was my mistake, mine! Spare her, and let me pay the iron price!"

>cut to black

>And who

>Shireen screams

>Are you

Petyr Piranha

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your shit meme is even more shit

>after defeating the Wildlings, Stannis meets Jon on top of the Wall

>Stannis: "You're the oathbreaking bastard that killed the Halfhand and copulated with a savage Wildling. You're just like your retarded brother and useless father, a traitor and an oathbreaker. Give me one reason why I shouldn't behead you."

>Jon: "I'm the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch!"

>Stannis: "Davos come here."

>Davos: "Your grace?"

>Stannis pushes Davos off the Wall.

>Stannis: "Melisandre, quickly, get my guards. Lord Snow killed my Onion Knight."

>Presented by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss

Honestly a Giant pack of wolves absolutely COULD take out a Dragon.

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There was a leaked pic of the actors for episode 1 and based chadmure was on it
now apologize

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Wasted quads

>I have no need of weak and feeble.
How do people come up with this shit?

What a surprise, a retard frog poster.

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frey civil war

It's making fun of how butchered Stannis' character is in the show. Show Stannis is a fucking psycho who seems obsessed with the burning people at the stake. In the books he is much more reluctant to burn people and when he does it ways on his psyche much more, just in general he is a more sympathetic person. In the show it often feels like Davos vs Stannis and Melisandre when it should be much more of a tug-of-war with Stannis in the middle.

Atleast someone is optimistic about this situation.

sorry based trout man

It also makes fun of the discontinuity and shotty writing that are often attributed to the later seasons of the show, almost like it has become a parody of itself at times.
"Seven save us," Jon whispers, "he's even making the women and children pay the Iron price!"

Wasted trips

He only burns some traitors and cannibals in the books

>Gilly poured out the chamber pot from the inn, her baby giving a momentary protest at the cold upon it's face

>"Sod off wiv your crying you bloddy git," she hissed "or by the seven I sware I'll strangle ye by me bloddy fookin self."

\She froze as hoofsteps in the distance became louder.

>A man rode into view, his eyes ablaze with evil insanity and his dark hair in tangles. Beside him rode an immaculate woman in red and a crazen hunch of man, his nails and teeth filed into sharp points. Behind him followed a throng of dark-skined rough-looking me, probably sellswords.

>Gilly waited until they were within shouting distance before yelling

>"OI ya bloke, it's fiddy quid for me ta bend oivah and anudder twendy fide fur me bum ya pervy wankeh. Me hole in me face is fiddyteen quid end id costs twendy da get too uv you gits to give it ta me ad once ya bloddy fucks."

>"Do you know not who we are, young harlot?" shouted the man in the lead, "We pay no price, though our enemies seem to pay a price often enough. A price that is, shall we say.... FERROUS!"

>Gilly dropped the chamberpot on the snow in surprise as she made the sign of the seven and hugged her crying bundle tighter.

>"The bloddy Seven save us! It's da Dark Loid of Loit, Stannis Baraveon!"

>The evil man grinned at the mention of his name. "Take whatever food and drink and you can find!" he shouted to his men, "Do with those you find as you will! Save the children for the Glory of R'Holler!"

>"R"Holler Hungers!" cried the horde behind him.

>"My Lord," hissed the hunched man beside Stannis, "I want the girl with the crying babe." He licked his lips. "I wish to see her... layers."

>"So be it, Lord Onion. See that you save the babe for the flame."

>"I always do," said the Onion Lord, his pointed teeth spreading into a wide grin.

Wasted dubs

gotcha, thx
felt sorry for the guy, he was strict but ok, granny pussy made him go insane
at least he went out fighting instead of cucked by some conspiracy
he was sort of fucked after he lost at king's landing, but i dont get why all the iron bank funding drama that should have led to a sudden increase in his power actually led to his defeat

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Sevens save us!


azor hot pie

jaqen's actor was seen at the filming location for season 8 and took pictures with fans
hes coming back boys.

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Comfy west coast beaches. Oregon?

>Promise me, Ned.

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here to reclaim the numbers...
Waluigi Frey

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May the Many Faced God bless you, based user.

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when I was just a show watcher, having not heard of the books, I thought the intro of the show would play more into the series. I thought the giant rings were akin to a dyson sphere and this planet was going to be revealed as a fallen society forced into artificial and deadly seasons

This is now canon

Im just gonna post this every single day to reddit becuase i want to see what normies think of this meme
>inb4 no don't let reddit in on our epic jokes
fuck off

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hahaha you light blind fool!

>mfw thinking of stannis hurting

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Iron Bank are Faceless Men and are behind the WW because they they see them as death incarnate

Thread dead like muh nigga Ned.


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Its not dead yet but this was honestly a top tier /got/ thread.

>few years ago
>one user and I would always talk about how quentyn is alive
>threads would occasionally shit on us but every once in a while someone would pipe in and agree that it could be possible
>preston makes his videos
>now if I say anything about quentyn being alive people make fun of prestons opinions about leather melting

I don't know if prestie was the same user from back then(longshot but I'm still hopeful) but that video destroyed my credibility in /got/

Preston probably posted in /got/. Brian Cogman actually stopped by, too, but we scared him away.

Does anybody have the variant of this with NW and wildlings

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Keks, forgot all about this, god damn she must be fuckin stupid

a fire breath can't destroy a 20m layer of ice
also how come dragons don't run out of fire? even supposing they would exist, they would store some sort of biodiesel in some glans that would realistically run out after a handful of breaths
if it was just magic they didnt need the 2 holes near their mouth from which the burning stuff comes out

The fact that Dany thinks “burnt bones prove nothing” makes me believe that the possibility for Quentyn being alive is there. I wouldn’t call it crazy.

Is Preston’s video on the topic that flimsy though?

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Blessed image


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What's the spoiler then, user?

yeah what the fuck

A merman?

His worst theory is that he believes every man should get circumcised

Do you really think there is a 1% chance this won't happen after the shit tier writing and fan service you've seen in the last few seasons. It may not be in a trial by combat like the theory originally posited. But the Clegane brothers are gonna have a showdown and they are gonna milk the shit out of it.

what's stopping some got legolas from hitting the night king with some dragon glass arrow and finish the battle before it begins?

there are no actual gods in the got universe

it's debatable whether or not magic truly exists in general

Why'd you dislike 2 so much?

Not the one I was looking for but pretty good


I thought Preston went a bit too far when he suggested that Dany is to be a great cleanser, and that she should “nuke the sand niggers with her dragons”.

the guy resurrected 6 times doesn't exist?

You mean Anguy? He's an dead guy now lmao

Whose to say it’s gods doing the work? The others control wights, are they gods? Whose to say Beric and Jon aren’t being controlled by a different force. Beric is described as a fire wight, maybe they are controlled by Quaithe.

>"Yes," cries Davos, "R'hllor hungers!"

This never gets old.

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theres this whole thing where a lot of the magic you see in GoT shares a lot in common with the sci-fi concepts the fat fuck enjoys writing about. the whole thing about resurrection, the shadow baby, controlling fire, etc etc, is all stuff that can be explained by looking at other sci-fi stories.

that user said there is no gods in got books, and probably magic neither
how do you explain resurrections without magic?

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>and probably magic neither

i said its debatable you retard lmao

how can the presence of people coming back from death make magic existence debatable?


You’re retarded if you think fire spells blowing up eagles, glass candles, warging, and resurrections leaves the existence of magic debatable.

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do you mean the Mountain? I dunno if that counts as true resurrection. there's a lot that hinges on what the Mountain truly is after being brought back, is he a puppet or a drone? We don't know the specifics of Qyburn's work on that

I guess it comes down to what is classified as magic if you’re going to argue it. I was kind of fixed in on the gods portion with that post.

I don’t think magic exists beyond telepathy, and whatever the pyromancer’s are working with for what it’s worth.

You’re joking, I wasn’t. He has said that before regarding circumcision and penile cancer.

what happened to anguy? did he die during that lake scene? did i really mis that?

No that’s fucking retarded. The magic in a song of ice and fire is NOT “insufficiently explained science” it’s fucking magic. They have fire spells. They resurrect people by breathing into them. They have fire arms. This isn’t some x files shit, it’s magic. You’re an idiot.

they are all sci-fi concepts. sci-fi doesn't have to be star trek.

i mean this guy
care to explain more with exemples?

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Oh shit really? I must have missed that deeper dorne video.

post the compilation of photos of GRRM with her

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does anybody have the shop of this with the wall and the nights watch REEEEEE

>it's debatable whether or not magic truly exists in general

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>R+L=D & B+A = J

Good Theories:
>The Weirwood throne that Sweet Robin is sitting on is making his sickness worse

That isn’t an explanation. Just because similar things appear in sci fi does not at alllllllll mean that they are not performing magic. It’s magic. It’s not up for debate; GRRM refers to it as sorcery.

GOAT is Maesters/Oldtown started Dance of the Dragons

It made reading Fire and Bloods super enjoyable

Hope dies last. :^)

There is a lot of Magic that exists in Sci-Fi. Especially things like Star Wars and, to a lesser extent, Star Trek.

stuff like wildfire could be said to be unexplained tech
but resurrection?

I wrote this a while back. I have updated it. It's my prediction for the finale.
>Wall destroyed
>White Walker invasion decimates the North, Riverrun, the Eyrie, & the Westerlands
>Heavy defeats on the side of the living such as Davos, Brienne, Melisandre
>Another dead dragon
>Cersei hides at Pyke to "weather the storm"
>Euron encounters army of dead & flees back to the Pyke to hide it out, but a White Walker stowed away on one of his ships & takes out everyone at the Pyke sans Cersei who escapes back to King's Landing
>Running out of Dragonglass weapons
>All major living characters united in stronghold King's Landing for last stan
>Samwell notes that the only other substance to kill Whitewalkers are Valyrian steel
>The Iron Throne, given its age, is theorized to be composed of Valyrian swords
>They destroy the Iron Throne
>Gendry forges new swords with the fire breath of remaining dragon
>Jaime cuts open Cersei, delivering her baby, killing her, & forging Lightbringer
>The Mountain dies before Cleganebowl & is turned into a wight
>Night King breaks through into septum
>Apparently the White Walkers found the location of the group because they are bonded with their brother Sam (Gilly's baby)
>The White Walkers take baby Sam
>Battle ongoing
>The Hound battles & defeats the Mountain as a wight before dying himself
>Jorah dies protecting Jon/Aegon from White Walker strike
>Song of Ice & Fire plays in background
>Last dragon killed
>Jaime defeats the Night King (since, y'know, he's the Kingslayer)
>As the Night King perishes, so do all the White Walkers & Wights

margaery vs daenerys

who wins in a sword duel

All advanced technology appears to be magic to primitives.

Part 2
>All magic gone from the world
>Jon/Aegon marries Daenerys & have three children referred to as dragons so Dany remains "Mother of Dragons" (wolf/dragon)
>Tyrion consummates his marriage to Sansa as he was the only man to respect her (lion/wolf), has only daughters
>Gendry marries Arya (stag/wolf)
>Arya likely dies shortly after childbirth (the Stark direwolf mother died from a stag in her & it mirrors Lyanna's death)
>Bran becomes a tree
>The four major houses represented on the title screen are united through marriage
>Skip to modern time
>Everything that transpired in the series is almost forgotten, only surviving as a legend everybody believes is "just a fairy tale"

Not the user you were originally talking to, but I definitely think there are gods/spirits. The Seven are just new age idols, nothing more, except maybe the Stranger. I think that might be the flipside of Rh'llor. One side is the flame and spark of life, the other ushers in death. The old gods may be little more than spirits, but commanded a great deal of natural sorcery. All speculation of course.


it wasn't the fact that he had a bastard, it was that he kept it around and treated it like his own son instead of sending him off to get fostered somewhere, which is an unusual and insulting move


Ah, yes. Nanobots. Of course they are in ASoIaF, as this is a sci-fi/fantasy series.


GRRM likes to play around with his audience a bit

he's written stories that are exactly what we are describing

It wont be good. Stop the wishful thinking and setting yourself up for dissappointment.

Jon is definitely going to fucking die. I know that much

The gods/old ones are just extremely advanced remnants of rival alien species.

Things could’ve played out better if he went to Dorne and Jaime went to the Riverlands

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Kino ending? The Night King wins and sets up a post apocalyptic sequel series

I cannot believe I missed this thread. Fuck me. I fucking love Preston.

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i gotchu

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Mm, quite. Guess that wraps everything up.

There will be more in the future user, don't you worry.

Pure kino is the last 4 episodes are the Night King and Small Council drawing up peace terms and a truce.

Thats just female lizardbrain base instincts of hating the other children of your man because they are robbing your children of his resources.

Yo thank you from the bottom of my heart my dude

Side note where do you come down in this debate? Is R’hlorr just a nanobot AI

>stuff like wildfire could be said to be unexplained tech
>but resurrection?

My theory is that the “gods” are Valyrians on the remaining moon, which is actually a huge disabled spaceship and furthermore, the Valyrians on Planetos were outcast/stranded there after a civil war between the two groups, which resulted in their spaceship/moon being destroyed (i.e. the story about the moon cracking open and dragons descending from it).

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i don't know but I am 100% certain that the winterfell crypts are ancient fallout shelters

R'hllor is Quaithe, who happens to be an extremely powerful telepath; akin to the Drowned God being Aeron, who is an extremely shit telepath.

well, it's a theory
how do targaryens fit in, with their ability to control dragons?

I still don't understand how cersei has a powerbase at all. This bitch blew up every noble in kings landing, the grand maester and the equivalent of the pope and no one seems to care.

Just to put this into perspective, Mussolini wanted to take out the Vatican and the pope but his advisors made him realize he would be taken down within days if he made any serious move against them.

Go ahead and defend this dumbshit if you want but the fact she got away with it and had more than a few dozen sycophants staying with her is the most unbelievable part of the show. Including ice zombies.

fuck goys I miss these threads a lot

it makes no sense at all, the capital became a religion den and in a day she kills all the priests, the queen and the king misteriously commits suicide, all while blowing up a good portion of the city
how the fuck no one riots

Her only other ally is Euron though.

New thread:

Books explain that Tywin Lannister had arranged for the daughter of one of his sworn nobles to meet Rob Stark with this exact outcome intended

See you in the new thread.

This, it isn't even like she is well liked among the people to begin with. If literally every popular and loved political figure in king's landing just fucking exploded and the only person to point to is Cersei, she wouldn't last 24 hours before the citizens storm the red keep and literally rip her to shreds.

Good thread lads, see ya in the next one.