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Other urls found in this thread:



I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.

Come at me.

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Have sex

>still going on about trolls
Trolls won

whaaaat? but what about the want to see score??? it dropped to 27%, clearly people were not interested. how could this happen bros??? :(

Imagine your whole world view revolves around spending money on something just to spite white men. Well, seems like white men are winning.

Whoa.... deja vu

Attached: deja_vu.png (520x325, 98K)

>180mil domestic opening weekend was the prediction right before release
>It's 156mil
>We win!

>yet another captain marvel thread

Legend. Never stop posting this.
>reddit spacing
Go back, tourist.

pero es rojopillado?

Please have sex

LMFAO AT MCUcks. Congratulations at sealing your fate this weekend!

Here's your all-female Avengers, kids. Don't look away...it's your life, now, for the foreseeable future:

>Captain Marvel
>Black Widow
>Scarlet Witch
>Ironheart (count on it)
>She-Hulk (again, count on it)

This blade cuts both ways, Snyder-haters.

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This makes me worried that Episode 9 is also going to do well. I just have no faith in our society anymore.

It may make money but it has 0 cultural footprint.

even the most normie people I know aren't/weren't interested in seeing this.

I was convinced it would be among the worst opening weekends of the MCU.

Is it a fake by the mouse again? Are they fudging the numbers someway?

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Women skipped this movie, incels made it a smashing success because they thought they would be able to look at an irl female if they went.

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You have absolutely no way of knowing is these numbers are real. But Hollywood always tells the truth so you can trust them.

Snyderfags gonna get btfod on both ends by captain marvel and shazam kek
byebye shitskins

It's the SJWs Discord Trap Illuminati that's controlling reality itself to make you angry in order to steal your dick away when you aren't paying attention.

Attached: conspiracy.jpg (1280x720, 512K)

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win....

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>made more in one weekend than Alita has to date in three weeks
>some "boycott", soẏboys

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>Girls get a fun sexy strong man
>Guys get a ugly flat as a board boring generic strong girl

Snyder's moved on, cuck.

So has the MCU...but without you, top kek.

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>when the shills get so lazy that they don't even post text


I believe that Sneed is one of the most complex and realistic characters in animation. Although on the surface he appears to be nothing but a redneck, if you actually watch the show and read between the lines, he is a lot more.

Sneed, and by extension The Simpsons as a whole, is at its core about showing that one group is not always right, and one group is not always wrong. It's not just blind liberal bashing by some angry Texans, or angsty liberal bawwing like Family Guy, it's somewhere in the middle.

Sneed is a man who represents traditional family values. He works a blue-collar job, has an ugly Chuck, and a soil pH he fails to understand. He enjoys selling his seed, feed, and gummy bears.

Because he represents traditional values, he often butts heads with newer, more liberal ideas. Now about half the time, he will have a hard time adjusting, but ultimately realize that it isn't that bad, or is even correct. But the other half of the time, he exposes it for the bullshit it is and tries to save those who have been brainwashed.

And that's the thing, Sneed isn't a racist or homophobe, or even a devout Republican. If that was the point of the show, he would have voted for Bush in that one episode. No, Sneed is a good man who just has a hard time adjusting.

Sneed stands by his family, his friends, and his family values, and this is why he is a good character. He has a hard time understanding his soil pH, like a lot of farmers, but ultimately loves it and eventually seems to accept it for what it is.

When you really get down to it, Sneed is so much more than your average sitcom farmer. Unlike the bumbling Homer, he is a very real man who many people can relate to THEIR farmers. He is the next progression in both mature cartoons and sitcoms, a complex character, not a 1 dimension caricature.

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a LOT of the worst criticisms of Captain Marvel and Brie Larson on this website are actually coming from more mature leftists who look down on this alt-right, women-hating movement but also realize that perpetuating it will validate the rest of you “incels” (not that I believe in that word—it is a voluntary choice to be so shitty and hate-filled) and propel you to continue living sad and intimidated, lonely lives. Enjoy figuring out which of these posts are from SJWs larping as “incels” and which posts are from truly lost miserable anons barking away in their safe space of male privilege. Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it

Di you think basedboys boycotted this movie?

based moving goalposts poster

This guy fucks!


Have sex.

Dude some how fucked up batman and superman, you dcucks are the worst

>Taking hollywood numbers at face value

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Ah. So the numbers are just trolling and not real. Gotcha Disney.

Western society revolves around pleasing women

Men are disposable

No, you didn't. Soẏboy.

>not all soẏboys are MCUcks
>but...ONLY soẏboys are MCUcks


>still thinks he can nitpick Snyder when the SJWs stole their franchise out from under them
>with your blessing
>"I'm not gonna see Captain Marvel!"
>for weeks
>sees it anyway on opening weekend

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Starting out the COPE early, I see

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Found the Estronaut^


you mean like how Yea Forums takes online audience scores at face value

embarassing, tbqh

He's not wrong though. Disney and their sycophants in the media were constantly changing their opening weekend estimates for the box office with the movie.

>Marvel's Normie magnet Episode XVI appears
>It's super effective
>Yea Forums is yet again BTFO

If you ask someone what their favourite movies are and the reasons why they're not gonna say, "It earned x amount of money on its opening weekend!" It's no indicator of a good or impactful movie which Captain Marval was marketed to be. It's just another superficial action flick that'll be forgotten in a few weeks. The fact that people point towards money as the sole reason why a movie is successful really shows the type of people who support and are involved with these movies.

Sneed is the old guy inside the store. those are just 2 random rednecks

It's all bullshit. All of it.

LMAO at your win

> some how fucked up batman amd superman
Yeah there was literally never a bad portrayal of superman or batman before the dceu. Not a one. But some how, Snyder finally did it. You are fucking retarded.

who cares? going back to point at an overly optimistic estimate to try and make it seem like a half billion opening weekend is underperforming just feels like a reach

>laughing all the way to the bank

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even if they win the battle, which they won't, they lost the war
people will never forget all the fuckery

Disney needs to go

>we gonna make $250 million domestically opening weekend
>wait we mean $200 million n-no wait we mean $180 million for real
>$150 million...w-w-we win!

>a-a-actuallly Captain Marvel will need to break 3 billion to break even!

lmaoing@ ur life

i guess when its all you got you've gotta stick with it. godspeed you sweet beautiful retard.

t. onions eating disney cuck who perpetually has bob iger's cock in his ass

Scott Mendelson is a Jewish propagandist

have sex

Will the incel brigade survive a 3rd BTFO when they try to boycott Episode IX and fail?

the fucking box office doesn't matter, we all knew it was going to print money because it's marvel.

What does matter is how people react to it several months from now.

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>"Captain Marvel's going to bomb. Just wait! No one wants this movie! Captain Marvel's going to bomb!"
>Captain Marvel opens to nearly half a billion dollars
>"the fucking box office doesn't matter, we all knew it was going to print money because it's marvel."

The absolute state of you dipshits

Ok... I'm thinking he's had sex

at least wait a few weeks before trying to rewrite history

Spend a few more million to astroturf

>Disney needs to go

>MCUcks confirmed for pay piggies to their Mouse FinDom Brie Larson


Attached: Laughs in Boomer.jpg (413x395, 61K)

>big ol redditspace
FRESH off the boat

disney paid for shills to falseflag on Yea Forums for weeks pretending to be against the movie, then they bribed cinemas to only show captain marvel, then they purchased all the tickets online and every cinema was empty. not to mention that yes they review bombed their own movie, also bribed RT and youtube. just accept it, its the only logical explanation

Just saw a noon showing. Maybe 10 people came in to watch the movie. Disney really must be paying theaters to mark it as sold out.

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Okay, this is epic

These Disney shills will be killed

>strawman argument
>77% drop after its first week
>sets record in film history for the worst drop off of any major movie sequel ever
Oh yeah "record" setting is something IX will do alright.

>Yea Forums is one person
>outrage marketing isn't a thing

getting real sick of this shit

Based and had sex confirmed.

not until you have sex

interesting, im an actual robot virgin telling people to have sex in capeshit threads, so i guess im the opposite, but i dont do it for any political or social reason, i just want to derail said threads because i dislike superhero movies.

Oh yeah tell us how well Solo did again.

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keep making excuses you incels

More than likely they're just doing the usual mouse tactic of buying up all the available screenings.

DCucks are still struggling lol

You should have sex.

this but unironically

Solo did badly because TLJ actually pissed off people who seen it. There is a difference between that and expecting someone not to see something based on that SHE HATES WHITE MEN!!! SJWs TAKING AWAY OUR SHIT!

excuses for what?

what image reply did I reply with a lot of the time?

After you :^)


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What are you waiting for then, go on kill yourself but not before you kill your co-workers. Come on user, do it. Kill them, you don’t like them and you don’t like yourself.

>says the fucking facebook fuckstain

>grown adults using a children's movie as some sort of sociopolitical battleground.


And TLJ did badly despite having TFA as a launch platform to hype it. What is your point? It had a bigger opening at the box office then Captain Marvel did yet by the end of the very first week, friday to friday, it dropped over 76% with ticket sales because people hated it that much and word of mouth killed it.

There is no fucking hype for IX at all.

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>Noone was retarded, it was actually all (((disney shills))) pretending to be retards so people would see the retards and go see a movie to spite them.


>People who don't like your film are automatically trolls

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Normies aren't even aware of any of your tinfoil conspiracies.

Providence RI

Right now

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He was being sarcastic you twat

yeah I'm sure normies aren't aware that RT and YT censored a bunch of opinions at the behest of a giant corporation mhmm

but that is what happened, why is that so hard to believe? and it worked. fucking disney with limitless money could easily come up with something like this

Once the BO fatigue sets in people will realize how shit it is. It'll be like Fagbusters and TLJew no one will fucking buy the BluRays.

Because people really hated a movie they saw, not before release? And it still did really good so even that didn't hurt it as much?

Word of mouth can hurt or help something a bit, but not by a huge margin. BR 2049 had great word of mouth and it still didnt do much. What cannot hurt a movie is neckbeards sperging out for a few months before release, because something something white man.

>seems like white men are winning
They're not the ones profiting off of this, if you know what I mean.

Imagine being an adult human being and writing "articles" about capeshit with 'troll' in the headline. What an embarrassing person to be, having the awareness and information of a 14 year old retard on /pol/. Pathetic.

white american men are the ones watching captain marvel desu. its fucking good goy central over there

>coming from more mature leftists
Lol laggard. How do you think the alt-right, women-hating movement started in the first place. Keep posting and see how it turns out.

Oh I love when faggots call Yea Forums a safe space. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger. Kill all whites. Praise Allah. Hire Women. Make me a sandwich.

>MCUcks more beta than Star Wars fans

Didn't know that was possible.

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Just accept reality and take the L. Mendelchad wins again.

It’s a 0/10 plan actually because all it really does is make people want to kill Disney employees

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This movie is not good. I doubt most viewers enjoyed it

how will Yea Forums ever recover?

>Captain Chadvel outperformed Solo in one weekend

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have sex

>that huge debut
>followed by a huge dropoff

its almost like they bought their own tickets

sounds hot

Who /WatchedApollo11instead/ here?

This sounds fake af. My theater on Friday night wasn't packed. They projected 180 million that somehow on lukewarm reviews jumps to 455 million. When most of North America is still covered in snow? Bull fucking shit Mickey and Iger you lying pieces of shit.

After you :^)

Every time.

It's worldwide

literally says global launch

>trusting Hollywood numbers when so many movies magically turn no profit
Yikes! Also...
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

Disney is buying tickets. Most of these sales are front loaded. Like TLJ you will see a massive, more so than normal, drop off.

The relatively new technique of forcing theaters to show nearly only a Disney film is interesting to say the least. They are using their monopoly very well. Due to it being entertainment and not something like a utility, I doubt much of anything will come of it. Sounds a death knell for non comfy dine in theaters though if Disney products start to become consistently half assed like this movie was.

He will never get tired of winning.

Who cares. They can do an all female avengers, they could make it political and make 100 different female empowerment movies all they want. I'm quitting the MCU after Endgame anyways, I'm getting sick of these movies. This was the plan after I watched Spider-Man Homecoming and it made me realise how the movies will likely be pointless by the time RDJ leaves.

you should really have sex sometimes incel

he based

Fucking checked. Based and redpilled

You first :^)

honestly you should have sex incel

you forgot your original_result.png

You first :^)

Have sex

Based liberal half shaved hair women putting it down. Children are nothing but parasites, so glad we can abort.

>magically turn no profit

That's called capitalism, ho!

The thing is, even if Cap Marvel is a success, she still killed the MCU anyway.

>Iron Man leaving (Pepper Pots too)
>Captain America is leaving
>No more Stan Lee cameos since he's fucking dead
>More characters and heroes leaving that we don't know yet
>Marvel said that they wanted to add more women and LGBT characters

You really think people are going to stay for the nu-MCU that Marvel will produce in 2020 and later? And especially with that brick as new leader?
The MCU was an amazing ride for 10 years, and Marvel said that Endgame would close the MCU as we know it. People are going to watch Endgame, they're going to stay for Spiderman 2 since it's going to tell the aftermath of the entire war, but like I said, after that (in 2020 and later) it's all over.

People are going to come back occasionally for movies such as Guardians 3 and Black Panther 2, but the nu-MCU will crash and burn overall.

>Children are nothing but parasites

Not all women are Ayn Rand.

Attached: ayn-rand-cartoon.jpg (776x901, 276K)

>Guys get a ugly flat as a board boring generic strong girl
I got Mera, I don't give a fuck about Cpt Pancake

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None of that have anything to do with Captain Marvel though. Hopefuly we will get a good finale of an arc with Endgame and just be able to leave it at that.

>none of this changes have anything to do with the Captain Marvel movie

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Yea Forums here
I came here to laugh at you

>The thing is, even if Cap Marvel is a success, she still killed the MCU anyway
so basically the TLJ of the MCU

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Scott Mendelson thinks you're important enough to call out in a mainstream publication.

>Yea Forums

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Black Panther was nominated for an Oscar for Best Movie. Nothing surprises me anymore.
I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear what kind of Mossad level tactics (((they're))) using to push this movie.

Wouldn't surprise me if Disney literally bought millions of Captain Marvel tickets and gave them away just to seem like a success

have sex

>the only marvel film to be release concomitantly both domestically and in China
>a fuckload of pandering to idiots
>released in march aka a month with literally 0 competition
>as a pre-requisite to understand the plot of the ending of a 10-year saga
>almost the same domestic NW as fucking Thor 3
>still manages to lose to all Twilight films when counted for inflation
The absolute state of mouse shills.

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The Last Jedi threw in the trash all the mystery boxes set by Jay Jay and outright killed characters rather than giving them more development. It actively destroyed the continuity.

Captain Marvel introduced more characters, had a lot of world building, it further developed existing characters, and set up the Kree as a future threat, possible for Phase Four.

Kevin Feige and Kathleen Kennedy are polar opposites in regards of franchise building.

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A jew, in Hollywood?

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The MCU was fantastic because it had no Superman type of character in powerlevel. As soon as a big threat such as Thanos showed up, they had to line up every hero they had, and even then, they still lost. That lack of pure power made the stories we saw and loved, these struggles and plans to overcome them built the MCU. With Captain Marvel's powers it's now all meaningless. That's why I said that she killed it.

That movie also created many plotholes and stupid things, Captain America was established as the first Avenger, Thor as the first external threat, Fury's eye loss established as something secret to make us wonder... All wiped and replaced by memes and girl power. I'm done after Endgame personally, and a lot of people will too.




That's literally happening right now.

It's all about optics at this point. Disney will spend themselves into a hole to make Captain Marvel appear successful because having a MCU movie tank this close to Endgame would look good for the Mouse.

I went Alita last night and walked into the 4 or so auditoriums playing CM and they were 80% empty. (((They))) aren't telling the truth about box office numbers.

Have sex.

You haven’t seen anything yet.

Disney will kill people. They will outright murder an early showing to continue the narrative that only heretics don’t like their products. It will happen.

>captain marvel world building
are you mentally damaged ?

Who the fuck is talking about before or after release in the first place, you idiot? The film did terrible, you don't have that kind of snowballing drop and call it a success when TLJ barely did slightly over half of what TFA did and even when you look at its blu-ray sales, it took a fucking year for TLJ to do half the numbers that TFA did in its first six months. Your analogy with Blade Runner is nonsensical, TLJ directly ruined the franchise and the massive downward drop in rentals and ticket sales showed it immediately after its first weekend opening in theaters. Then we saw the continuation of that domino effect with Solo and we're less than 9 months out from Episode IX releasing and still no fucking title and no hype at all for it because Disney is terrified of the implications of having another TLJ for the Star Wars brand.

She's nowhere near current Thor, Strange, Vision, Scarlet Witch. You are reaching so far for that next TLJ high.

>mature leftists

Mature leftists are now called alt-right for fighting for the American working class. And incels are incels generally because they're completely ugly mother fuckers or have a serious mental issue, all you have to do is look at any antifa meeting, the dude in a dress or the chick who's 400lbs ain't getting laid.

It sucked, but just let it go already.

Everyone keeps asking if he's based. Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

Tony is also one of the strongest heroes in the MCU. Fucker shrugged off having a moon amped by the power of the Power Stone from Thanos on him.

>no argument

>antifa meeting

>n-no w-we actually won because asdfhgjklfajy
incels BTFO for all eternity
there's no coming back from this

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>The MCU was an amazing ride for 10 years, and Marvel said that Endgame would close the MCU as we know it

My exact thoughts after watching Captain Marvel today. If this movie is the sign of things to come with MCU 2.0, I'm glad Evans and RDJ are getting out while the getting's good.

Most of these have been varied levels of enjoyable, but both my gf and I thought CM was boring as fuck and that Larson had the charisma of a wet noodle.

Sex. You should have it.

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They are trolling by not wanting you feminist shit.

>the first Avenger

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Hemsworth is still in?

based and redpilled

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Yeah, Thor took a fuckin star to the chest. Low power levels weren't exactly a thing since phase 2.

>we gonna make $250 million domestically opening weekend

>Captain America was established as the first Avenger, Thor as the first external threat, Fury's eye loss established as something secret to make us wonder

Literally none of that changes anything. Captain America is still the first Avenger, Loki was still the first time there was a major invasion, and Fury's eye is literally unimportant.

Disney failed to understand that Star Wars was a legend. A legend built with one movie every decade on average.
Shitting them on a yearly basis like if it was Call of Duty seriously damaged the franchise. That's why Episode 7 printed as much dosh, it was the first one in almost 2 decades. It was new, it was fresh, it was the new coming of Jesus. Episode 9 will be the 5th in 5 years, it's going to be a random space movie.

Marvel confirmed she was the most powerful character of the MCU. That's a fact, sorry dude.

That was thrown out of the window, Cap Marvel now is the first avenger, as she's the one that gave Fury the idea to create a "protector program" that then became the "Avenger program" because "Avenger" was Brie's callsign in the Air Force.

>Disney will spend themselves into a hole

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Captain Marvel is like 50% world building. Try to at least watch the movies you talk about, incel.

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Episode VII came out 10 years after Episode III.

Yeah but the big four are Thor, Iron-Man, Strange, and the Hulk.

Kys you fucking Sargonite.

Black panther made a billion.
A movie with the same marketing formula but for women makes half that.

It's a failure for Disney.

>Marvel confirmed she was the most powerful character of the MCU
If that's the case, what's the point of having the other Avengers in Endgame? Just have her smash Thanos and be done with it.

It built stuff that will potentially be used in Phase 4. The problem is, everyone is going to bail after Endgame.

The thing you have to understand is that those people actually fuck, no matter how horrifying it sounds. Inceldom is a mental state.

Disney will have only failed if the movie fails to break even
Otherwise it's a "well Wonder Woman beat us to it so it's expected, but we still made a lot of money"

Early projections for Captain Marvel were 100 million.

Marvel used the same tactics to artificially inflate Black Panther's ticket sales and give them away to people who couldn't afford them the same as they are doing with Captain Marvel now.

>trolls trolls with fake troll numbers

>Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it
what if i no longer care about "making it"?

So she wasn't an Avenger, they just named the Avengers after a nickname she once had.

>after Endgame
Why does Brie shit talk about RDJ, Evans, Hemsworth, and Olsen? Does she think that's really smart?

The thing is, we currently have no idea of her involvement in Endgame. It's been said that she's the trump card against Thanos, but we don't know if she's going to be a side kick, or a main character to the point of throwing the final punch in Thanos's face.

She might potentially ruin Endgame and 10 years of building. If that's the case, it would be a devastating blow to their agenda as the normie is going to be upset in a way that would be impossible to cover up.

I think we can all agree that Captain Marvel is a triumph.

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Captain Marvel already made 450 million in the opening weekend, even if you go for a small 2x multiplier that's 900 million.

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But Cap was still active way before that. Even going by movies logic so far, Stark was the first that knew about Avengers initiative being a thing. Marvel can say a lot of things for marketing, but so far she didn't do anything that makes her more than middle of the road compared to the others in the cast, so your sperging out about power level that you don't even know and see is unbelievably dumb.

Wasted trips, you are going out of your way making up irrational reasons to hate it.

>a main character to the point of throwing the final punch in Thanos's face
I hope they do this, I really do
I want to see the fanbase melt away

so what?
why would you want to fuck those whales?

adjust it for inflation, brainlet

No they don't. No one is touching any of them, that's why they're angry fat shits who think they can go out and fight the fascist mega chads. Do I need to go find that one video of the Nazi Chad one-punching some antifa faggot who came at him with a baton? The antifa incel (redundant) got put in a fucking coma from brain damage. The only one who came to check on him was some fucking nasty looking tranny with a 5 o'clock shadow.

My bet is that Captain America is gonna die and Tony Stark will start becoming a villain. They still plan on making a new Spider-Man and a new Guardians of the Galaxy which are huge money-makers. Meanwhile Black Panther is a newcomer and he made a billion.

And then they now have the X-Men, Doctor Doom, Galactus, Celestials, and the upcoming Deadpool musical.

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based and sexpilled

>dat pic

Faggot, I'm laughing my ass off at the MCUcks. We DChads always knew they were little soẏboy cucks who wanted to be bossed around by women...now it's confirmed.

No skin in this game, homo. I'm enjoying the asshurt.

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True, but RDJ is the star of that universe. You could argue either way who's second place, but for me it's Evans. Hemsworth is a fine Thor, but I think they've already made it clear that they were banking on Larson to be the face of the MCU after the dust has settled.

Forgot the USA was having hyperinflation already.

Keep telling yourself that.

Given that the cinemascore was an 'A' (even higher than paid shill critics gave it), it's obvious opening weekend was basedboys+insane left watching the movie over and over.

Also the age and gender statistics were interesting here, 60% were 25 or older, and 55% male vs 45% female.

This will have a much harder second weekend drop than TLJ, the 'pay girls to see CM' collections will have dried up, and the university 'free' tickets are gone.

not an argument
shrek 2 literally beat this movie lol

Oh no doubt. If any single person deserves credit as being the "main star" of the MCU and jump-starting its success, its RDJ. I really hope his send off in Endgame is fantastic, he deserves it. But I can't see Larson who lacks charisma (on or off screen), wit, or especially humility like RDJ does pulling it off. Imagine if she keeps up her tirade of ideological crap and Disney decides to replace her like they did the actor who played Rhodey in IM1.

And Shrek 2 was a masterpiece so I don't see why you are asspained about new movies.


It's not "clear", it's official.


>Captain Marvel to succeed Iron Man and Captain America as MCU leader

>Captain Marvel, the superhero set to be played by Brie Larson in a forthcoming film, will be the new face of the MCU.
>The news was confirmed by head honcho Kevin Feige at CineEurope in Barcelona following the release of footage which showed the Oscar-winning Room star in action as the character.
>According to Comicbook.com, Feige explained to gathered exhibitors that she'll be the new leader of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it heads into its fourth phase, succeeding the likes of Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr.) and Captain America (Chris Evans).


Have sex and go to the gym.

>This will have a much harder second weekend drop than TLJ,
I guess Yea Forums will never learn until they're BTFO a fourth time

point is, this movie didn't bomb, it also didn't do amazing either

it was a mediocre film with mediocre reviews

Can't we all just agree on this and stop having 100 threads a minute on Yea Forums about it?

You are being delusional.

And sexless.

Attached: 1548129783620.jpg (635x903, 104K)

>The thing you have to understand is that those people actually fuck, no matter how horrifying it sounds.
Of course, since they will literally let anyone fuck them. However those who actually want to are a desperate few, or so drunk they can hardly stand.

No wonder the US has incels when the average woman looks like that, for fucks sake what the hell happened !?

Hey, John from official Antifa® headquarters here. You are a cuck. I repeat, you are a cuck.

Going to the gym is annoying, also most people end up wasting their money on gym subscriptions and never going, losing weight is more about diet anyway.

>Remembers music that wasn't even created
She's so powerful


>retards spam threads for 2 weeks nonstop about how this movie is gonna fail
>make board essentially unreadable
>get btfo hard
>"hey guys let's just all agree that it did 'okay' and stop making threads, haha XD"

>Ads that appear 20 fucking minutes before the movie starts
"C-c-clearly no one will show up after this point."

>900 million is not great performance

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>what the hell happened !?

It's the sugar industry, they convinced the mutts that fat was causing obesity and instead sold them products with massive amounts of sugar that's the main culprit behind obesity. They are slaves to corporations.

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I am going to imagine you are a smug Astolfo and I am going to mating press your anus.

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undeniably based

Yea Forums wrong about everything all the time

Attached: anifu.gif (500x500, 2.98M)

This is Anita Sarkeesian, at the point when the most people hated her and attacked her she was making hundreds of thousands of dollars.

After a while gamers got bored of her and stopped attacking her, nobody hated her anymore. At that point the people defending her and throwing money at her also lost interest. Now she is a practical nobody, she struggles to make any money at all.

The only reason they liked her and gave her money was to spite people they didn't like her that attacked her, so when they stopped hating the defenders lost interest too.

If you hate something, ignore it completely or they will use your hate to make lots and lots of money. Your hatred is like oxygen to a fire.

Disney are going to keep doing this and keep instigating you to hate on things like this, they will keep making movies they know you hate and talking to you like garbage to make this happen.

At a point you have to understand what you're doing isn't working, intelligent people learn from mistakes.

Attached: anita.jpg (474x474, 30K)

She got really fat.

>>retards spam threads for 2 weeks nonstop
yeah, leftist posted about how great the movie was going to be and right wingers posted about how it's going to flop.
It's bullshit on both sides.

>get btfo hard
not really, the reviews and box office were mediocre

>>"hey guys let's just all agree that it did 'okay' and stop making threads
Yes, why not.
These threads are insane.


what? lol

post the gif of her eating shit

kinda hot, I bet she's actually a huge freak in bed

>yeah, leftist posted about how great the movie was going to be
literally never happened

Imagine being disney and spending 600 million on tickets for your own movie because it can't be allowed to fail

>dude it was BOTH sides
>box office is mediocre I swear guys just wait for the dropoff next weekend
clap clap clap

from all the popcorn shes been eating watching incel freakouts

the answer is they cheated. they had a giant release all at the same time. the interesting part will be next week.

>literally never happened
Just check the archive, holy shit.

Why do you think these same leftists are spamming the fucking board right now? brainlet

>>dude it was BOTH sides
>>box office is mediocre I swear guys just wait for the dropoff next weekend
This is objectively correct.


>unironically defending anita on Yea Forums
Do you want to know how I know you're a tourist?

based deeply embarrassing poster

Anita did nothing wrong.

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>cannot even quote properly

DC stands for Damage Control.

>there are anitafags on Yea Forums
Where are you brain damaged people coming from?

>no argument
>literally just making shit up

where is this 900 mil figure coming from?

user, the last time you told me to check the archive you self-btfo'd and spent like 30 minutes backpeddaling. Maybe learn something from previous experiences once in a while.

Excuse me I am third positionist.

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i wanna downvote this post but its too based

uh, based

>where is this 900 mil figure coming from?

The worldwide opening weekend for Captain Marvel is 455 million. Blockbuster movies often have a multiplier between 2x and 4x, which means that you take the opening weekend and multiply it for the multiplier in order to get how much the money can make by the end of its run.

Movies ussually don't have a multiplier that's lower than 2.3x and Wonder Woman had a 4x multiplier which is some of the highest.

Eat the disc, and then have sex.


>He compares Captain Marvel to Trumph of the Will


How about he just has sex with the disc?

>the last time you told me to check the archive you self-btfo'd and spent like 30 minutes backpeddaling
Look at you lol.
I btfo you last time and btfo you this time.
Were you the same user that got mad that these CM threads WERE NOT coming from /pol/?

How fucking embarrassing for you.
Nobody is falling for your bullshit.
Kill yourself.

>being THIS mad that Cap Marvel didn't fail
It's okay bro, it's all downhill for MCU after Endgame anyway

Attached: the jews fear anita.jpg (576x256, 41K)


that's nice, you still have to adjust for inflation though

>>being THIS mad that Cap Marvel didn't fail
Oh look lol you're backtracking and changing the subject after getting absolutely btfo
have sex

Noooooooooooo it was supposed to bomb Breitbart promised! Someone on twitter posted a picture of an empty theater! Get woke go broke!!!!!!!!!! Disney must have bought all the tickets to fake it that's the only thing that makes sense

>u mad xD

Attached: 1516618409048.jpg (2544x4000, 799K)

overly sexed chad detected,


Problem is most blockbuster movies have large shelf life.

Avengers ran for 22 weeks and had a full year before Iron man 3. Infinity War only ran for 20 weeks. Black Panther is at 25 weeks. The average run time and between time for major MCU films tend to be quite a bit of time before their major drop overshadows the origin film.

Captain Marvel will have direct competition in 5 weeks from Endgame will completely destroy its existence.

That multiplier has a 1 month shelf life because Endgame is the direct outcome of Captain Marvel. Few will watch Captain Marvel after Endgame.

have sex



Because the value of money in 2018 isn't the same as 2019. Adjusted for inflation, Black Panther has actually made LESS than it did on release.

All movies have competition, and a 2x multiplier is pretty low-end and it usually applies to movies that aren't well received and have plenty of competition.

Don't see anything particularly big until Endgame either. And people in places like the USA tend to watch one movie a month anyway.

have sex

Have sex.

>Ctrl+F "have sex"
>18 times

so 200 million on marketing at least with the high profile tv spots.
Maybe another 50 million on buying seats and theaters.. who knows.

No budget listed anywhere.

Probably 150-200 million.

They broke even... after jacking the system with propaganda.

Can't wait till next weekend when they try to shill this turd and it rocks to a fucking crawl.

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>I care about the Rotten Tomatoes scores and box office performances of capeshit


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If your a man that went to see this movie, you will forever be labeled as a cuck. I wish we can brand them with a C on the forehead so their shame can last with them for their life.

You mean more.

Also if you adjust for inflation that also means Marvel movies are cheaper to make since they aren't overinflating their budgets like DC does.

>t. economic illiterate

I'm 28 and I've fucked 7 girls and 4 guys in my life, desu.
Projecting much?

have prep

because taking it in the ass is the only sex you'll ever have discord tranny.

Attached: prep-750.jpg (752x564, 36K)

cope and have sex

have sex

>t. economic illiterate

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>originally projected 100m
>now the 6th largest release EVER
We lost

Have sex.

Anal sex is still sex though.

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gary was so fucking terrible
I wanted a real libertarian to run, not this leftist stoner

They don't have competition from the same character in a sequel film that has been as anticipated as the followup to the #1 largest opener in history.

The only films that will compete directly with CM between now and Endgame is Us which is Jordan Peele's film and will take the socially activist crowd, Shazam who will take the comic crowd, and Hellboy which nobody in their right mind wants.

Captain Marvel has also already lost almost 50% of audience over the weekend. It will likely lose over half Monday and continue to drop 10+% thereafter.

Face it. All signs point to Captain Marvel fizzling and quick.

Apologize, Yea Forums

Well Larson IS a man, so there's that.

Have Sex incel.

Who's "we", user?

I want to have sex with that anime character.

>”The the Jews faked numbers! People couldn’t have possibly watched this film! Jewish tricks?”
Do you have no self awareness?

Libertarianism is a left-wing ideology.

Why is it always jews


>All signs point to Captain Marvel fizzling and quick.

And that would be a 2x multiplier, which means 900 million dollars. And Us is a horror film and so I don't think it really competes with a film for families. And Shazam is not a big blockbuster, it's an attempt at replicating Deadpool success that might not be that successful.


Have sex.

I think the reactionary people who are angry about Captain Marvel know the implications.

>already made back its budget plus change over the first weekend
>will probably hit a billion
>Yea Forums is still gonna call it a flop and failure

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (248x189, 18K)

You're literally ignoring me and saying the same thing over and over and ignoring anything that shows evidence you may be wrong. So continuing this is a waste of time as you will consider nothing but agreement with you.

If more people had sex this wouldn't need a thread or an article

>Only good films make a billion
>Alice in Wonderland
>Fast and Furios

>implying they will pick an attractive actress

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free markets and white nationalism were what america was founded on and is what made it great

You are making predictions based on the potential of competition, yet you don't realize that even under those predictions the movie will end up doing pretty well.

What exactly are you trying to say here? Do you even know it yourself?

>I-It wil surely fail on streaming and home video and that's actually the most profitable part.

>watched it in theatres with my boomer dad
>dad was just happy to see a young blonde in a superhero movie
peak happiness, it wasn't that bad bros

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That's true in regards to white colonialism, but conquering native land to give it to white colonists is not the free markets in action.

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Same here, I'm taking a pass on CM because CM has always been a shit tier character, but Endgame is the end of the series for me unless Marvel releases something on the level of The Dark Knight. Capeshit has gotten so tiring, all that source material and yet everything is the same. At least we got Daredevil out of the capeshit fad.

nobody was interested in seeing a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford long before TLJ assblasted star wars nerds.

>dad was just happy to see a young blonde in a superhero movie

That's the sad thing about all this, young people don't get the appreciate what really matters.

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>but conquering native land to give it to white colonists is not the free markets in action.
It was a voluntary trade desu lmao

either way central banks are evil an must be abolished

This is literally Comicsgate and the alt right incel revolution in a nutshell. Obese misogynistic racist white baby men who think they know what's best despite being complete failures who love in their mom's basement. Captain Marvel could be removed from theaters tomorrow and it would still be profitable. Seething incels can't handle this.

>voluntary trade

Well it's voluntary if you shoot at them and they run for the hills.

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>I form my political opinions on iron maiden songs

There was no native american genocide.

Does it count as profit when you're buying your own tickets?

>posting an (((alt-right))) channel



Also the song is great.


Attached: 1551076559078.jpg (960x640, 477K)

What did she avenge to get the nickname?

>What did she avenge to get the nickname?

That's a mystery.

>>posting an (((alt-right))) channel
I didn't post an """"""""""alt-right"""""""""' channel.
I posted someone who actually looked up the data back then and exposed the story you were force fed in public school.

>Also the song is great.
It's gay and based off a lie.

It's literally an alt-right channel.


Attached: 1497271673659.jpg (225x225, 16K)

>It's literally an alt-right channel.
Alt right is just a label you use in your mind.
It's like a christian calling things sinful.
You won't actually question your own ideology because you refuse to look into things that disagree with it.
Grow up loser.

I just created an account so I could give it a 10/10 and keep incel trolls like you on your toes
