ITT: real life kino thread pt 2

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Find a more kino sports moment

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Argie kino coming through

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The Syrian War has tons of kino shoots.

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looks nothing special, what was the context

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Zidane BTFO by Italians in 2006 World Cup.

Is that a portable oven?

epic fail, blizzard!

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holy shit amazing

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most kino picture of both threads

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Attached: ledouche 8.jpg (916x1222, 288K)

Kys zoomer

Attached: Columbine.jpg (2338x1700, 696K)

More from Syria.

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You can still see the Singer building

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Zidane got a red card in his final game after this foul

Attached: Zidane.jpg (600x434, 40K)

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are you serious
that's the captain of the french team in 2006, they were tied with italy as the game came to a close. then after a spat with an italian player he fucking headbutted the other player in the chest and knocked him over, received a red card, and italy won in pks. the picture shows him leaving the field after being ejected

Zidane headbutted a player in the final of the 2006 World Cup, giving him a red card and ultimately caused his team to lose.

Taylor Swift hiding behind the newspaper

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>bottom left
god i wish that were me

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gas mask equivalent for a stroller

is there more of here?

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those faces are really oscar-worthy lmao

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I almost would say that looks like Detroit, but theres too many buildings still standing

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the fuckings gifs and images that this spawned were gold

I want to go back. Why can't we go back?

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those torches are incredibly beta

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I thought he hated the idea of a female taking over his role. That's why he didn't play anything on the new BSG.

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didn't he eat her ass and then cry later

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guy on the left wondering how he got there

columbine aside, damn. it looked like people were actually friends back then

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>On todays episode of "Is this Seria, or a black neighborhood in LA?"

are you forgetting the amount of losers in that pic who clearly aren't buddied with anyone

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>tie dye senpai alone in the middle with acres of space either side of him

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It was before social media and constant internet access ruined people.

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gamer rage

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They're famous, but I consider this pic to be real life

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*cue the sneed jokes*

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isn't the jaguars guy in here

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Almost every Bundy pic is pure unfiltered kïno

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yeah i realize it's never gonna be perfect, but there's an abundance of people who look stoked to be there. my class photo looked like people who couldn't wait till it was over, and i was a "popular" kid

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>Hey kid, wanna /ss/?
>Whats that mean, lady?

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>Guten tag! I'm Adolph, and welcome to my compound!

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For context: this is Bundy upon being recaptured by police after his first escape from prison. He'd been living in the woods in Colorado for about a week.

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Why was everyone so much better looking back then?

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What was the context for this classic again? So many good faces.

pretty kino
too bad he was a nigger tier gangster

That woman in front of the taxi is a qt3.14

>center of Catholicism
>looks like the most Satanic shit ever constructed
I don't say this often, but..
What did they mean by this?

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Would pay for a bleak Kino in Norilsk

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The guy with the stupid smile flashed his dick and caused massive amounts of roastie butthurt at some hue monkey feminist march.

Attached: feast.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Attached: hello ladies.png (1309x1299, 3.39M)

Guy pulled his dick out in the middle of a feminist rally


>At the same time, MacArthur undermined the imperial mystique when his staff released the famous picture of his first meeting with the Emperor, the impact of which on the Japanese public was electric as the Japanese people for the first time saw the Emperor as a mere man overshadowed by the much taller MacArthur instead of the living god he had always been portrayed as. Up to 1945, the Emperor had been a remote, mysterious figure to his people, rarely seen in public and always silent, whose photographs were always taken from a certain angle to make him look taller and more impressive than he really was. No Japanese photographer would have taken such a photo of the Emperor being overshadowed by MacArthur. The Japanese government immediately banned the photo of the Emperor with MacArthur on the grounds that it damaged the imperial mystique, but MacArthur rescinded the ban and ordered all of the Japanese newspapers to print it. The photo was intended as a message to the Emperor about who was going to be the senior partner in their relationship.[260]

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Iirc it was some sort of female power/feminist manifestation in Brazil and the mad man just went there and got his dick out in front of them.

This is in London. It's called World's End because back in the day the Monarchy considered it to be as far as they were prepared to travel, making it the world's end

Attached: Worlds End Estate.jpg (698x410, 121K)

cringe subhuman turk

Was wondering if there was anymore to it than that, thanks.

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He eats her arse but doesn't cry

Is this a NatGeo documentary about americans in their natural habitat?

>MacArthur rescinded the ban and ordered all of the Japanese newspapers to print it. The photo was intended as a message to the Emperor about who was going to be the senior partner in their relationship.
Based as fuck

How has this not been posted yet?

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>the absolute LENGTH of those shoulders

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>almost zero negroids/spics/mystery meat
how did we fall so much lads

It was posted twice in the last thread

absolutely fucking disgusting and not kino desu

This might be the best photograph ever taken, tell me it won the Pulitzer or something.

They just wanted them holding torches so it could be likened to that photo of marching nazis

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oh bundychu

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is that even any different than before the war?

This pic causes civil wars on /vg/


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not everyone watches your faggy sport


Anyone have the one with putin in front of the grave in high quality?

I think I would've spat at the cup


>before the war?
user, it was a fucking paradise before it.

guy flashed out his dick in front of a feminist protest

Aleppo was a very beautiful and ancient city

>clown world in one image

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Say no more, boomer

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Sir, please calm down

there is a video somewhere

what a weird sign

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user, sometimes things mean what you actually thinks they mean

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does fascism create the most kino aesthetic or did all the movies about nazis make it look more kino than it really is

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Me below the guy in the upper right


Why are those gypsies hanging a little tiger?

Those last two names are the difference between Yea Forums and reddit.

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You get why this is so important and narrative breaking? Besides the fact that it’s one of the most notable people of the twentieth century referencing a movie

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yo this nigga hit the dab lmao

Fascists were obsessed with aesthetics

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BASED braindead amerimutt

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What movie is he referencing?

>I tried, the end...I tried...

Attached: penguin_warrior.webm (640x480, 2.31M)

: )

who is this handsome lad

Even my ex didn't kiss me like that

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For added hilarity, it was a march where many women were either naked or topless

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americans, ie the whores of the jew disgrace everything sacred
this is no news

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Can't drumpf the blumpf


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When you building strength for the White Supremacy rally march

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>Benedict has been openly critical of the show and didn't shy away from his past comments when asked, referring people to the comments he said can be found online. Regarding his character of Starbuck being recast as a female, he said he felt "emasculated."

old man was popping a boner, fucking san fagcisco degenerates

Attached: me on the right.jpg (1280x1600, 409K)

>Do what you must, but know that I have already won.

too bad 5 dancing israelis aren't in the shot

i also am wondering this

Just imagine...

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how is he so perfect ;u;

please stop posting obscene trash user
be considerate to the no fap master race lad :^)

The Dictator, by Charlie Chaplin. The movie that made fun of Hitler. Apparently he was a big Chaplin fan and was pissed when he found out he mocked him in a movie but when he watched it he thought it was funny. Supposedly Eva took this picture. The fact that Hitler watched the very first major Hollywood film to ever mock him and he took it as a joke really goes against the narrative they try to sell that he was such a humorless person. It’s prety fascinating.

I hope not or she will end up like this.

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Just imagine...

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The Catholic Church isn't what it should be current pope is a heretic but he's all for being Liberal and open so he's good

That guy on the left was wondering when would be a good time to wear his Klaus Nomi shoulder pads and he figured the white nationalist gathering would be as good as any.

she is not attractive and is a jewish slave
post best waifu, tulsi

its a shoop newfriend

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keep crying tojo

>This is what America will look like in 2050 and it's BEAUTIFUL

Attached: 1538485516463.jpg (825x540, 60K)

No it's not.

Who's that slut? Is Steve Holmes still doing scenes?

Wow, a bin is on fire. What an amazing event. This truly was a turning point for humanity.

>Meg Griffin
Every time

Attached: 1549599322910.gif (714x536, 1.3M)

photoshop them on one of the buildings desu

Anyone got the picture of Drumpf sitting looking smug with all the angry people around him? That one's pretty kino.

straight back to 1950

Link to the first thread?

middle guy black jacket with yellow trim. nobody wanted to sit close to him

kek that would be epic desu

why cry when i can laugh at your demographics mutt
the time of the samurai is coming

Dead center of the crowd


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Attached: white_privilege.webm (720x1280, 1.83M)

kicks like a girl


God I wish that were me and instead of spitting she was pissing.

Top Gear traveling through the middle east made Syria look like the best country there by far

Attached: life goals.jpg (2918x1915, 935K)

>old man was popping a boner
isn't that guy a famous porn actor with huge dick though


there must be hundreds of those


Less obesity.

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Sackhoff makes my dick feel manly as fuck desu

What about this can white boi

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Where are our two heroes?

The Catholics are actually pagans who worship Baphomet.

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repost but kino

There are no identifying features but I can be almost certain that this was in China. They seem to have a penchant for driving heavy vehicles recklessly.

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i really hope you didn’t take this screenshot user

Top right, the ones making gun fingers

It's striking. Not a single lardass among them. Even Shehulk in the bottom isn't so bad really.

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This is from a charity fundraiser during the campaign. Trump and Hillary both spoke. Trump cracked some jokes that made everyone in the (((globalist))) audience laugh, then they all booed when he touched some nerves.

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top left, spooky

Top left sorry

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Kiev riots were kino

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such a ""tragedy"", at least it gave us kino pics

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In the building the last remain of whiteness,outside the savages. Argentina in a nutshell.

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What am I looking at?

this always terrified me

kek fucking (((globalists))) desu

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Operation Desert Rock

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Good, that is a sure sign you aren't mentally ill

this is fucking Yea Forums you dumb nigger nobody knows anything about whatever video game soap opera bullshit this image represents

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>*Autistic screeching*


Kino thread desu

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orthodox christianity is the only real chirstianity user
everyone knows this

globalist kikes vs the samurai

one of the goats

this is true
liturgy essentially hasn't changed since its founding

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peen station wanna get in her xxbawx

Just not the Russian one

Attached: Conceal, Don't Feel, Don't Let Them Know.jpg (950x534, 112K)

Which one then?

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i don't really mind that tbqh
the thing that sets real chirstianity apart from cuckolics is faggot priests
orthodox priests must have wives

Used to live in Argentina. Directly across the street from beautiful gated communities there was complete and utter abject poverty

Delete this!


that part of the video just after the explosion where you see dozens of little points of light moving away from the inferno and then you realize that those points of light are actually people on fire
pure unalderated kino

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It's so crazy how only 10-12 years after discovering the concept of powered flight we were using it to wage war

why not?
i don't know anything about russian orthodox church but i'm pretty sure it's not very different from other orthodox churches

upper third in the centre, above a dark blonde girl and a beneath a guy doing a hang10

Attached: we did 9.11 lel.jpg (281x266, 20K)

160 people died on a pipeline explosion in mexico
They were stealing gasoline, there were some children too.

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Protestantism is better
It is true faith with all the greed and corruption stripped away

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Dark Souls 4 cover

More like the adults vs the child

>It is true faith with all the greed and corruption stripped away
user, i...

Attached: 1549478826709.jpg (806x543, 127K)

They're only like 6ft off the ground. It's perspective

why the fuck don't they use road flares?
And you want to save the white race but can't be bothered to get at minimum a decent fitting coat, guy on the left?

Attached: flares.jpg (720x405, 43K)

There's also a shoop of this to mimic a frame from The Simpsons

>sport where faking injuries is a strategy

Attached: wew.jpg (251x201, 8K)

>I don't know anything about russian orthodox church
Its full of ex-Communists and is primarily materialistically(Greed and Pride) corrupt, unlike the Catholic church which is primarily morally(Lust and Sloth) corrupt

it's not very adult like to let your children (countrymen) be raped out of existence user

Duelling should return.

I'm not a religion expert, but Russian Christianity has a lot of pagan traditions mixed in it. Maybe it's not "pure" enough for that guy.

>"ahhhh mis ojooooooos"

new thread, i did it last time so one of you do it

Oh fuck

>It is true faith with all the greed and corruption stripped away

that's largely subjective in my opinion
i've seen the same things in greece, serbia and my own country
also there is no ex commie priest friend
priests were killed and suppressed under communism
they are explicitly either nationalist or doing it for money/power

draw a diagram in ms paint to support your claim

all orthodox churches have pagan traditions
it is a part of folklore and tradition and should be preserved


epic last image

>all those human flames running
this is some seriously disturbing shit


I know, its why he is the child there
After all, every european country has a higher percentage of white people than the US, and i'm still not seeing a wall, or wide spreading bans, and the government is shut down......

>trying to outrun the flames while on fire

What a dingus

this picture makes me sad. I hate the modern multiculti social media shit world.


>priests were killed and suppressed under communism
Under Stalin, who himself died in 1953, and someone born in '53 would be 65, which in pension age
>also there is no ex commie priest friend
There are these people known as "informants".
There are these people known as "Nomenklatura" who in 91 suddenly found them selves without a cozy seat under their behinds.
You clearly do not understand how corumpants think or weasel out.
People who found themselves comfortable in Soviet Power Structure would have no problem readusting to serving a "religious" power structure

while i agree with you on the characterization on trump i cannot agree on the eruopean leaders
europe is still largely white despite them not because of them
they are disgusting parasites that would sell their won children if it meant more cheap labor would flow into our countries

Thanks for being helpful.


Because your mind is polluted with anti-art Protestantism

>Under Stalin, who himself died in 1953, and someone born in '53 would be 65, which in pension age
this is irrelevant
the church as an institution has those views
the priests need not have been alive at that point
i don't know what your point is on your second paragraph but from my personal experience priests are not that way in south slavland

Is that RiCh Evans in the blue tiedye shirt?

If they had wanted us dead or replaced then we already wouldn't be here

jew worshipper haha

yeah implying
the european soul is not as pathetic as you think it is
flood our countries and make them majority nonwhite in a year or two and you'll have some people saying very bad (read:antisemetic) things
boil the water slowly like in burgerland and you'll achieve your result without the goyim waking up

The same as I have no idea what you mean by your first 3 sentences.
I am actually surprised you didn't call me out on my bullshit when it was Stalin that actually embraced the Church, and the actual priest killings were even further history.
You have an idealistic view of Russian Orthodox Church, when no institution in Ex-Soviet territory was free from KGB agents and informants swarming them.
After Soviet Union collapsed, many of these people needed a place to go and hide, which ended up being the now officially resurfacing Orthodox church, as it had a lot of holes that needed to be filled and was seen as a very cozy place to get into.
After all many supporters of Soviet System were well trained in learning and reciting the Communist mantra, so changing the book was a easy change to make.
You seem to believe that "Holy" man can not be bullshitters and charlatans, or you believe that Religious structures are immune to power hungry people trying to sneak their way in.

He was not only saving the white race but also quite a few bucks on a tailor.

Ahmed, stop camping on second floor, we will kick you of the server.

60 y/o kid..

This would win the thread if you actually posted the webm