There goes Baneposting :(

There goes Baneposting :(

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Other urls found in this thread:

made me check faggot

>its real


he didn't fly so good

he didn't live so good

Was it extremely painful?

op should be publicly beheaded

first one to talk gets to stay at his funeral

I remember I actually went to go see one of those Maze Runner movies purely because he was in it and I wanted to see his performance.

>it's real

>implying the death of Aiden Gillen wouldn't turbocharge baneposting into 2096

A lot of loyalty for a hired gun

Why didn't you save him Yea Forums?

You newfags. Everytime someone greentexts it's real that means it's not real. It doesn't fool anyone. Cut it out.

have sex.

nice try fucking faggot you cock loving faggot hahah you love that hot, veiny, hard fucking cock slobbering all over it and kissing the clean fucking cock tip you fucking faggot slapping that hard cock across your face

He died and no one said a word

I shuppose old age is off the table?

>Aidan Gillen will most likely die within your lifetime

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Just checked
Holy fuck this is real :(


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Fake and gay.

you know those really old actors that get posted about dying and it gets barely any attention? Unless they were super mega tier A list, they one day had the same sort of popularity as a guy like Gillen... and his fans are lost, like tears in the brain

Story's fake. Aiden Gillen isn't dying any time soon. He'll be fine.

Fuck you for making me google this.

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I didn't live so good

Why the fuck wouldn't you

Besides, it made me find this, which sounds kinda interesting:

Same. The Death Cure. Enjoyed it more than I should have because he was in it, Alita was in it as well, and it had a pretty great soundtrack.

Like you brought upon to that man. You should quite this site. Stay alive he but if only you claim

Rhonda is hot as fuck. Flair Jr. is a Giant who needs work. Lynch only gets over because the organization skews Irish.

are you having a stroke?

When he actually dies Yea Forums will have a meltdown

based crypticposter, tell me your secrets

why ya talking about wrestling?

It is simple. Fake wrestling is life.


:( well ain't that sad.

rip young an hero

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It had a nice young cast overall. The first was some nice survivor elements as well.


Didn't get a sticky:
>Michael Cimino
>Seijun Suzuki
>Nicolas Roeg
>Jacques Rivette
>Andrzej Wajda
>Andrzej Zulawski
>Vilmos Szigmond
>Etore Scola
>Abbas Kiarostami
>Tobe Hooper
>Dennis Hopper
>Jeanne Moreau
>Lauren Bacall
>Bud Spencer
>Sam Shepard
>Martin Landau
>Anne Wiazemsky
>Juraj Herz
>Milos Forman
>Vittorio Taviani
>Nelson Pereira dos Santos
>Ermanno Olmi
>Shinobu Hashimoto
>Chuckle Brother
>Mike Nichols
>Neil Simon
>Scott Wilson
>Carol Channing
>Albert Finney
>Bruno Ganz
>Stanley Donen
>Bernardo Bertolucci
>John Mahoney
>Don Rickles

Got a sticky:
>Gay nigger from HBO's vampire soap opera
>Mom from some old American sitcom
>Dad from some 80's kid comedy
>Dog from Bush's Baked Beans commercial
>Junkie retard only known for shoving a toy car up his ass
>Junkie retard only known for some faggy normie "musical" show
>Billy Crystal
>George Clooney
>Washed up old fart only famous for a 5 minutes meme role in Kubrick's worst movie
>Midget from Austin Powers
>Old Jew from the Battletoads show
>Logan Paul and KSI
>Some country redneck

for you

The list of names made me think it was going to be a Smee, Maimen and Juan Aviéu thing

Was dying part of the plan?

>tfw he shot himself before falling out of a plane

For you

Wasn't last week Private Pyle? The week before was Shatner and then he posted. He was a good friend.


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Ohhh no no no no no no no ohhh no no no no no no noooo noo

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I'll make sure he doesn't lol

posting before sticky

farewell, you were big guy for us

>implying Yea Forums will outlive him

I killed him

Gr8 b8 m8

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>play the roll of a lifetime in DKR
>realize its all downhill from there
some people just can't cope with that kind of legacy


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Carcetti no

You think it'll be like Ledger and people will whisper about how the role killed him?

now that the dust has settled, what did he mean by this?

Who are you quoting?

>>Gay nigger from HBO's vampire soap opera
Yeah what the fuck was up with that? They didn't even sticky Uncle phil's death either.

Jesus fucking christ, this story gets worse by the minute

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Please get your balls whacked by a golf club

Dumbass. It's shortened "mfw it's real".


Hey I like you user, you're alright, don't go near Aiden Gillen's house this weekend.

>The popular movie star Tom Hardy, known for his roles in Venom or The Dark Knight Rises, was initially supposed to accompany Aidan and fly with him to a "meeting" for an upcoming movie, but missed the flight because he got "caught up in some unplanned personal troubles" or so his manager just called in
Really weird

I have a day put aside in my calendar for when Danny Devito kicks the bucket. I have a soft spot for charming small guys and p. sure that one gonna make me cry

Oh fuck please tell me it was carbon monoxide so I can shop a bane mask on him and bring the meme back.

t. Ahmed

seems like a good age to off yourself. gotta go out on those ages that end in 0

Yeah, they make stickies for threads they know are going to get a ton of activity and are going to be popular. It's not about who you've decided are 'important' - 90% of those are jokes anyway. Whoc ares about Carol Channing.

don't you fucking do that to me fagop

where's your pic then

but what of Harranhal?

What did (((they))) mean by this?

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>implying baneposting will disappear when he dies

if Yea Forums is still around when aiden gillen kicks the bucket, this entire website will be insufferable levels of baneposting not seen since 2011

>it’s real

When this event occurs for real, I expect the 4chins banner to be flown at half mast and all boards to redirect to a grieving thread here so we can pay our respects

Watch this be real one day and the new mods won’t give him a sticky.

Just as Charlemagne carried the torch of Rome, Baneposting has near singlehandedly carried the torch of old Yea Forums through the 2010’s.

i literally burst out laughing

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Got a sticky:
>Peter O'Toole

Fake and gay

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formerly alive

I'm literally shaking

He's great in bluebook + Calvary and the wire yet sucks in everything else.