See this after leaving the showing of Captain Marvel

>see this after leaving the showing of Captain Marvel
>"So, what did you think?" *slurps*

how do you respond?

Attached: slurps in your path.jpg (659x717, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It was good

y-you too

please unzip your jacket


Attached: Captain Marvel dat ass.jpg (960x834, 94K)

Have sex with me

Not bad

cure your feet

Show me your penis

I find her hands very sexual

She looks really cute here

god i can only imagine what kind of movies you consider bad

Punch her right in the titties

why do Marvel copy DC with literally everything?

Attached: 32434324.jpg (913x1212, 272K)

I love the movie and I love you Brie!

You know, I don't know that many people who can suck themselves.

she looks dead in the eyes

literally an anit-ass, disgusting

I thought it was great. How about we go discuss it over dinner?

Attached: index.jpg (287x175, 7K)

Unleash the tits or i'll forcibly lick your pits.

I'm gonna getcha!

Attached: 1057full-brie-larson.jpg (1057x1057, 74K)

White people have lost all imagination. Just look at the way they talk now and the humor they use. Its like seeing hivemind at its most apparent

Tell her that I brought my dab rig and some girl scout cookies wax and see if she want's to take some dabs

who is this no-name loser?


*unzips penis*. Here, get this.

Attached: 456621.jpg (396x381, 33K)

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

Attached: 1551556910192.jpg (740x1200, 130K)


That kree suit you wore was VERY flattering

>implying I'd have watched it

Attached: 1548670919468.jpg (320x322, 16K)

>Eh, it alright. It not subtle or nuanced. It tasteless and lukewarm. But it alright, it remind me of other film which I like better.

In all seriousness, it wasn't the feminist message that everyone assumed it was going to be. That said, it wasn't the strongest MCU film either. There were a few continuity glitches particularly in regards to the Tesseract.
Nick losing his eye to the cat was bullshit bearing in mind his comment in The Winter Soldier: "The last time I trusted someone I lost an eye".

The final fight at the climax was...bland. It just wasn't entertaining. Carol unlocks her full potential and suddenly all the stakes are gone and it's just ten minutes of effortless punching. There was no struggle, it just felt anticlimactic.

Aside from that, pretty okay film. Nowhere near perfect, but decent enough.

Attached: 7eecb6a50aecda3c9668f747457aff8.jpg (640x466, 111K)

I just wanked to her hands. What am I doing with my life?

say it was better than the last jedi because it'll make her feel good and probably be true

wonder why she didnt run away after i started shooting the theater, then shoot her feet just to be sure

You have a patrician fetish at least.

>It was alright
There's no need to cause a scene.

okay can someone please explain what was the deal with the chip on her neck? the only thing stopping her from going super saiyan was remembering the time she stood up why didnt she take it off in the first place? am i just stupid?

somebody whos movie wont fail lol

Fucking kek

jesus that pic almost made me vomit

>the "i see a white guy and he's probably a rapist" face

I came out of Alita you bitch

Ask her for her phone number

“It was ok”

Attached: Brie-Larson-Feet.jpg (700x700, 38K)

She looks kinda cute when she wears clothes that show no skin

Attached: 1550589144644.jpg (2092x2860, 1.05M)


im in the mood for some propane and propane accessories

Attached: 1550590006321.jpg (990x1465, 309K)

Is the cunnybot broken or something?

Cuter than most of the girls I see working at movie theaters.

Y-you too!

She cute.

It was pretty shit desu

Only one answer possible:

I-I love you, Brie.

avoid all eye contact, especially don't smile and leave

will have a sexual harassment case against you if you don't

Attached: AfUtgZZ.png (821x633, 75K)

Daw, she's adorbs.

Ask her for her phone number


>be at a fast food type thing
>all drinks have straws
>you drink
>someone who is taking photos of you through the whole event takes a photo of you sipping
Seriously, if you're building conspiracy theories over this, you should consider the end.

Is it weird that I find this qt? Like a beautiful girl with a mole on her cheek.

Attached: eat it.jpg (1024x718, 479K)

>white people
You mean Americans

Maybe eating junk food will give her an actual ass.


Pretty fly jump suit though. Wonder if a tailor could tone it down a little.

she's so qt desu

Have sex.

Attached: 1521442846757.jpg (1080x1571, 655K)

She shouldn’t be behind the counter. They always get mad at me when I do it :(

>YouTube changes algorithm

Holy shit is this why my recommendations actually got good overnight?

Only 1 white man? Do white men just not watch capeshit?

>those feet
What went wrong.

Your feet smell.

Attached: disgm.png (459x360, 269K)

That’s because all of the good-looking girls work at clothing stores, restaurants, and if your standards are lower, strip clubs.

That pic. I feel like all of that shit was just the feminist version of “AM I BEING DETAINED?!”

i don't care about Marvel but you ruined my favourite comic book character already in 2010

Attached: 94745f0896cb8c8b7b7753c5b5676aa3.jpg (500x750, 86K)

Brendan Fraser 2.0

That bitch had about as much personality as a wet roll of paper towels. At least the movie version made her kind of a cunt.

May I be the first to say, as someone who has not read the comics,

have sex

its a tranny mtf


Attached: Envy_Adams.png (835x1344, 759K)

Give her some Lamisil.

Attached: captain-fungus-foot.jpg (742x714, 394K)

Fungus feet

holy shit she's fucking insane

I liked Alita better.
Your character is the new Roman Reigns.
I will stop watching these movies if you defeat Thanos with a Superman Punch.

that is so fucking gross

Maybe someone with better photoshop skills can make more of this idea.

Attached: toughactin.jpg (1024x718, 537K)

>Is that soda or did they fix the butter fountain? God I hope they fixed it. Also your movie is shit.

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face. What should i do about him? Ideas?

Someone shop her faggot face onto the dog

Attached: e97.jpg (654x560, 26K)

>Hey those are mine!

in her defense that is onychomycosis which is an absolute bitch to cure even with top tier medicines, it took me years of attempts to get rid of my shit and you can get it randomly even with good hygiene.

>white people
Let me correct that, (((Americans)))

Me on the right

Attached: mmwkl3g.jpg (998x750, 559K)

she's so adorable

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

Fuck you don't randomly get that nasty shit. Mommy lied to your nasty disease ridden ass.

Attached: sketch-1550859705460.png (1200x1642, 826K)

I didnt see Captain Marvel so I dont need to worry.

>white """"""""""ass""""""""""

Attached: 1530542676983.jpg (632x1952, 538K)

>>Half empty theaters

This is what Le Culture Warriors need to believe

Attached: LiveFreeOrCopeHard.png (1195x931, 1003K)

it is estimated that between 10 and 20% of all people literally worldwide have this shit (even in clean western countries), it is extremely common in many environments and you can be exposed without reasonably realizing it faggot. and there is still no guaranteed cure. miss me with the bullshit, I spent years looking into it

Attached: look into it.png (900x500, 205K)

What about it?

Attached: 1550612048446.jpg (1080x1350, 142K)

me on de lef

Attached: 53478463_627408591020090_4262980200645525504_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=e0 (640x960, 57K)

>gets herself in the shot 3 times
Narcissism sure is a common trait for people all about social progress

Wouldn't it be funny if Brie sat next to you and started grating her foot brie right into your popcorn as though it were Parmesan. haha, that would be wild, and then you take a bite of the now cheesy kernels and the flakes of skin get stuck in between your teeth, and she gives a judge mental bitchy stare (i.e, she looks at you normally), so you turn away really fast, and continue eating because you know it is tasty, and as you do so she lets out a cute little giggle, and tells you to enjoy the movie, haha, just think about it for real tho

Is this white male tears she's drinking?


Attached: 53389232_627408457686770_7757073208477483008_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=e2 (780x960, 61K)

Reminder BDH could have been Cpt Marvel instead of Larson...

Attached: 1546534215362.jpg (1365x2048, 538K)

are you retarded?

>I don't want to live in a world where its constantly on me to protect myself.

are you blind?

She's not white

Attached: file.png (506x893, 371K)

Attached: 1537401775927.jpg (387x278, 18K)

It wasn't great, but you made the incels seethe so good job

>why does this seem familiar

Attached: product placement.jpg (816x1200, 126K)

>famous star does an event
>is on all pics
I repeat, are you retarded?


Attached: 1547099489072.png (2048x1111, 1.68M)

every white person claims they are 1/64th native, doesn't mean shit

The beaners in this pic keep saying her ass disappeared or that Thanos snapped his fingers and made her ass go away.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-10 Marvel Studios(1).png (1118x633, 1.03M)

negative ass

Yall look white for me

Attached: 53578863_627408521020097_6352593729882161152_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=44 (960x802, 83K)

Let me slurp your vagina

>every star makes sure multiple pictures of themselves are in the shot
Some sure, but not all

Can you guys stop posting her, you're actually starting to make me like her

Attached: 53877496_627408547686761_8381463661205520384_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=8b (960x738, 77K)

I would have nutted 5 minutes into the film if it'd been BDH


Attached: 54255442_627408577686758_7043863016751759360_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=d9 (640x960, 76K)

Do a 360 and just walk away

yo, it's the same for me too. I'm actually finding her cuter and cuter. It's probably the comfy clothes

I smile at her!

Attached: zqp1jklcidl21.png?width=765&auto=webp&s=3a32c9a4bd0d05789bafabf0e42e44ecfd5aaf03.png (765x767, 595K)

was this at El Capitan?

RACISTU! Storm is supposed to be black

I wish I looked like her facially. Fuck.

I think it's a shame that Thanos snapped away your butt.

Reminds me of my university crush. Very cute hands.

Attached: 1523334402700.jpg (800x614, 64K)

"why would you order so much popcorn if you weren't going to eat any?"

I was just thinking that. She's plain looking but in a cute homely gf way. As if I might actually have a chance with her.

>how do you respond?
have sex

Sorry I can't answer that I'm a white male

is there a shitty cam version of this out yet?

Attached: file.png (192x215, 59K)

Trannies are the worst incels, you know.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-10 Breathtaking .png (968x1058, 757K)

You guys are some niggers. She's fine as fuck.

Post more examples


Attached: 1552085014794.jpg (819x1024, 187K)


Attached: Fred (3).jpg (1280x720, 197K)


How to get a gf like that?

i hate n worders but threadly reminder every white girl with an ass has african ascendency. pure whiteness = zero ass.

Attached: t2rxeu1atgj21.jpg (1080x1080, 178K)

No she's not.
>terrible hair
>no curves
>constant resting bitchface
Seriously, where's the appeal? She's mediocre at best.

Go to the gym.

Attached: 1539498676717.jpg (819x1024, 207K)

who are you? go away

>Looks cute and friendly
>Does something nice for the fans
>Spews regressive bs on twitter
Why does it have to be this way?

Attached: mbsa.jpg (515x281, 66K)

based Mexicans

Thinking about them beans


She used to look so nice.

Attached: 1526620307878.jpg (932x1440, 609K)

She's gorgeous. I love her.

Attached: xdEWLCdwGgcFyaU1qTCWlNK86ydCREF5oCzbvBHQ6ek.jpg (960x720, 101K)

Brie a cute, CUTE! :3

>Does something nice for the fans
It was Marvel-paid PR dumbass. They put it all over the Marvel FB page.

wtf is wrong with her feet!?
it's not shooped!

Brie is a cheese, CHEESE!

No, that's the kind of butt you get from excercising.

Attached: 1546151924334.jpg (1080x1349, 145K)

>"What now, incels"

>Thinking about Sneed. What a feed. S.E.E.D.

wh*te women were a mistake

well to be fair us latinos have an entirely different standard when it comes to the average female butt size.

Attached: image009.jpg (756x945, 96K)

how does reddit eat up this viral marketing shit campaign?

>le robaron las nalgas

Attached: 1550786256269.jpg (620x718, 231K)

that's nice, i guess, if you like cellulite

Oh no no.

Attached: 1546920249596.webm (1004x750, 1.55M)

"Had a great time! I loved you in Free Fire, Brie! Love you!

Movie was good, but your acting was a bit wooden.

Who is this board Tone? Where is Robert?

Attached: pauliegualtieri_1.jpg (407x407, 17K)

Why do you care? I'm a white male, you stupid bitch.

I actually genuinely like her, she's very bubbly in the film.

Attached: FREE-FIRE-BRIE-LARSON.jpg (1776x999, 266K)

It was kinda boring and I had zero emotional investment the whole way through.

how come she couldn't be that fun in the movie

Wait, so Yea Forums likes Brie now? After the months of shitposting?

Attached: 1550030419956.png (200x200, 3K)

Because tentacle rape cat was supposed to be the funny one.


>Loved it, you did great!
>Hold up hand for a high-five before realizing she's got both hands full

I was watching Alita again
Now please step aside, I gotta ask the staff for a poster

>Yea Forums

Are you really surprised? I mean, at least watching the movie afterwards.

As long as we only look at her from the front, and she has close-toed footwear on

I wish she sould have done Marvel-paid PR at my theater

Literally O B S E S S E D

Attached: 1552185152255.jpg (631x952, 313K)

>I wish she sould have done Marvel-paid PR at my theater
You wouldn't even be there to see her. You'd be on Yea Forums


Attached: hmm.png (599x599, 748K)

>tfw she will never take your hand and guide you to the broom closet, then unzip her top and let you suck on her titties, then she sucks your cock and lets you fuck her raw until you cum inside her and become her secret boyfriend

Attached: file.png (640x426, 294K)

scowl at her like I've just seen a turd in the middle of the room stinking up the place and move on

Attached: 1533474335494.png (250x202, 8K)
Brie a cute and perfect!

Call her a cunt

I’d jank off those track pants and give her a spanking desu

*distant panting*

Attached: PicsArt_03-11-01.01.36.jpg (1440x2160, 308K)

What would happen if you raped her in the parking lot? I'm talking bending her over, ripping off those comfy clothes and shoving your cock inside her tight, seizing pusy?

Attached: 1551678040888.png (512x512, 83K)

Name a Marvel female character that deserved a movie instead of Captain Marvel

I left after the trailers.

That's a really high belt level. Is this a Final Fantasy character? Maybe a Guilty Gear one?

why is she so cute bros?


Attached: 1519669793702.jpg (379x374, 18K)

Marvel has no female characters that deserve a movie

Attached: just like us.jpg (974x1855, 318K)

>whereas blacks are original, except for the part where they all follow the same rap culture, commit the same crimes and all blame whitey for their failures.

treating your feet with anti-fungus cream is just the patriarchy keeping you down

>If I say it was good, would you use that antifungal cream I bought for you?

subhuman Yea Forums fags same posting

she'd be pretty upset i reckon

You get tackled before getting anywhere that far and since its a white woman with money you get ventilated if anyone has a gun nearby.

You're just stupid. It was suppressing her power. She could have taken it off at any time, but was, till that point, convinced that she needed to control her emotions and not let loose. It was the physical manifestation of how society and males in particular had treated Carol during her entire life, including her time as a Kree.

A 360 is a circle you moron

>Decent enough

Sure. It's decent to have shit smeared in your face, right? Yeah, it was decent.

turn around brie!

maybe you should reevaluate if she actually believes what you think she believes. I don't understand what is controversial about her views.

hahaposting is now worse than "I'm le depressed and suicidal" reddit zoomer posting, this meme is dead to me now

Miss Marvel

>not casting Rhea Seehorn

lmao what a retarded plot device, wamen are their own worst enemy

because she got sick of men telling her that she should smile more, so she SHOWED THEM by being all serious in CM


Attached: Don't tell me to smile.jpg (960x958, 48K)

The same way chinners do. Yea Forums has been briefull for a whole month

Thanks for share that video, now i can put my dislike.

>implying she would drink one milliliter of peasant sugar poison

She's probably used to being used as a fucktoy.
She works in Hollywood.

Attached: 3a33d8aace814947d794d81293f07a24.gif (964x912, 98K)

The vertical lines of the counter pedestals are precisely parallel with her pants meaning there is no differentiation of her ass whatsoever. Don't humans have irregular shapes? What the fuck!

>Don't tell me to express emotions

C-can you s-sign this p-p-please?

Attached: toe_fungus_cream.jpg (225x358, 31K)

hope she gets her shitfeet together, I kind of want to not dislike her but she says some retarded shit and doesn't seem to understand the inherent problem with it.

"Eh, I've seen better" based on her troubled youth, this one simple line almost certainly leads to me banging her

She looks like a Lego person lmao

fucking gay lmao women dont deserve rights *dabs outta there*

Attached: 1538864660201.png (365x366, 114K)

Attached: oooh.gif (245x240, 499K)

I feel enlightened now.


Why is it we're seeing her in a theatre for the first time after the premier of her film? She acts like she's just a normal woman going to the cineplex but how come there aren't other pictures of her there?

She's just like one of usssss!!!!

Attached: tumblr_pnnzrvwjU61r30p8ao3_500.gif (500x281, 479K)

dubs and Brie Larson has sex with every Yea Forums poster

Why are millennials so fascinated with the concept of making grammatical mistakes on purpose as if it was some form of higher comedy?

maybe he just doesn’t speak english boomer

So, what? You're just gonna let The Mouse's PR campaign get to you? Stop thinking with your dick


Attached: House_Of_pain_-_Jump_Around.mpg.jpg (620x496, 35K)

Nah, that's the same shit as "Drumpf".
Millennial humor at it's finest.

She was helping staff, not just going to watch her own movie

That's a horrible fetish to have




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Attached: 1538009461470.gif (480x368, 1.33M)

relax you autist, just because I find her cute doesn't mean I'm gonna go out and support the mouse

Been on pol too long.

uhhh, so do squats and exercise just not exist in your autistic mind or what

Did Disney launch some damage control PR campaign to show how not-cunt she is? All of these photos look so dishonest

>>"So, what did you think?" *slurps*
I think the dancing monkey should stay in its cage

My ass and thighs used to look like that cycling on a regular basis. It's not roquette sighience.

Based Eric

Marry me pls.

What do Brie Larson's farts smell like?

She was great as Lizzie McGwire

does she own her own kinoplex?

Curry and fried chicken

Your foot game was weak.

I want Robert back. Too many white girls at the theater, giving me my ticket, tearing my stub, giving me my crab legs and handing me a towel in the restroom. Theaters need more di-ver-si-ty.

Rogue, Black Cat, Psylocke.

I was leaving the theater after watching Captain Marvel and I was holding the door open and throwing out my popcorn. I made quick eye contact with this really pretty girl and she seemed to be alone like me so i low key followed her into the parking lot. I'm pretty sure she didnt see me because she had this big fur hood. Anyway while she was fumbling with her keys I casually stuck a paper under her windshield wiper. Just two words in magic marker "Have Sex" i felt so Confident. I think Captain Marvel is going to get me laid.

this doesn't look very aerodynamic

>shoot her feet just to be sure

Attached: 1438322738467.jpg (500x500, 36K)

That post was not worthy of a fuckin kek

Either samefag or newfag either way lurk moar

You have failed us for the last time


is this a metaphor for disney buying their own tickets (again)?

is that the guy who punched richard spencer lol?

Why did you bitch at Fury for beeping his boss when he was in trouble while you did the same thing with the kree and, while it had bigger repercussions, nobody bitched at you?

When will he eat the disc Yea Forumsro's?

Based same fag




Attached: 1471995371434.jpg (832x1216, 186K)

>literally copying real Captain Marvel pose

how will marveldrones ever recover?

>They stole her cheecks xd

>The ass dissapeared along with half of the universe hahahah that thanos is crazy

>Now the progressives will come to say that her body is perfect just as it is when the body that she has isn't that of an atlethic woman, this womant didn't give a shit about doing exercise for her character while chris pratt killed himself in the gym. she simply acused the productors that if they didn't get the paper she would sue them for discrimination


>No mames Thanos screwed her cheeks in a snap

Translation is kinda off but just dropping this here so you can know that beaners are based.

Where's Robert?

I was there and got to meet Brie. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my snack buying, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my popcorn I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen hot dogs in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Captain Marvel, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the hot dogs and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each hot dog and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Attached: captain-fungi.jpg (738x371, 238K)

Stop making light of her autism. Educate yourself before you make such derisive comments.

Based mexibros

Attached: Untitled.jpg (485x416, 110K)

404 Ass Not Found

Stan got popped?

Attached: af13404efd32cb486fae2013e05ac118.png (594x615, 958K)

Peers down

Attached: 252vmrjip2mz.jpg (900x1600, 81K)

So quirky

haha what a hoot! isn't that just c-crazy? who'd willingly wear a bloody pad on their face haha

Attached: haha.jpg (646x595, 42K)

You mean the bootleg Asuka?

Kinda boring like Superman, a superhero with ALL the powers and no limitations, there's no way to create suspense when the audience knows the hero can literally do anything.

It also means Avengers Endgame will be kind of boring because they'll just turn Captain Marvel on Thanos, win, and undo everything with the infinity gauntlet.

This tbqhwy famalams

No ass

This, they be whining bout nuthing.

Stfu u faux intellectual faggot

Attached: 4BDB1243-DD41-408F-A07F-84745B59C0DE.jpg (1057x1057, 121K)

You've never touched ass before, have you?

>She's probably used to being used as a fucktoy
Holly... I want to know the stories

yoooooo what the fuck?

Attached: 1481038083551.jpg (600x632, 34K)

This is just upsetting

Just like Uzbekistan?

Brie looks so cute in her little captain marvel jumpsuit while handing out concession stand treats.


He trusted the cat and lost his eye. Makes sense to me.

Thatll be $8... plus tip ;^)

my nigga

This one never gets old.